Reply #14 abuqaw's post
sebijik cam aku nyer......pas setaon pakai, 2 kipas jek jalan.....pastu aritu, tiga2 kipas mati
utk aku mmg penting la cooler ni, aku pon mmg on selalu laptop (keje mendonlod jek )
kalo run application berat2, and kalo ko pakai laptop selain dari atas meja, cam atas katil etc....lagi penting la pakai cooler nih.....sbb kalo x pakai, mmg haba tak lepas keluar. |
Reply #37 bzzts's post
kat cni aku x jumpe la usb fan ni....pos kat aku satu bleh?  |
pada saya, USB fan tu bukan cool kan laptop....just acting as normal fan jer..
the most hottest part is on the underneath of a laptop...that's why laptop cooler need to be placed underneath it 
another type of laptop cooler is like : EVERCOOL MAGIC NOTEBOOK COOLER

Product details :
 | 昜/size] | PATENT: Taiwan, China, U.S.A., Germany | 昜/size] | World's first Patened NB Air Extracting Fan. It allows faster extraction of the hot air out of a running system, which stabilizes the operation of the NB and prolongs its lifetime. | 昜/size] | Universal Clip for fastening USB power interfaces, Compatible for all major NB brands. | 昜/size] | Weighted only 60g. Compared with other bulky NB cooling pads, it is very suitable for storage, and carry. | 昜/size] | Simple styling, elegant shiny paint finish, and LED light decorations, all enhancing the technological feel of the product. | 昜/size] | Pentacle exterior designs offer a mysterious touch of the product. | 昜/size] | 180-Degree rotate able wind positions and two-speed cooling control allowing you to switch freely for fan speeds and angles. |
http://www.evercool.com.tw/products/nb_ma1.htm |
aku pn bru je pkai cooler ni...coz temp meter asik warning je...
tp kt qatar x jmpe lg la coolermaster...aku pkai cap ayam je tp aluminium gak la...brand zodiac. |
aku pun beli yg cap ayam china mari punya, baru beberapa hari terus bising mcm motor rosak. terus aku buang tak pakai dah, skrg pakai kipas meja jek lagi power hahaha. |
kalau boleh beli yang branded mcm coolermaster.
and preferable yg aluminium punya..
better air flow/heat transfer
yang plastik tu sama gak macam xde.
lebih2 lagi yg aku tengok lat lowyat ada jual rm10 tu. |
Originally posted by pissaladiere at 28-7-2007 01:48 AM 
kat cni aku x jumpe la usb fan ni....pos kat aku satu bleh?
cni tu mana? kat carrefour, tesko pun ada jual neh. |
Masa I beli NB ada bagi satu, tapi tak sampai 1 bulan sudah kong
lepas tu pegi beli 3 fan punya, sekarang tingal 1 fan jalan |
Reply #43 modernopc's post
ok ke kalau pakai bende ni kalau xpakai notebook cooler...mcm nk try jek... |
Reply #37 bzzts's post
waaaahhh aku nak kipas ni..kt kdai pc biase ade jual ke..
bleh kipas muka aku y sntiase hot time wat asgment hehehe..
bape hengget agak2.. |
xsabar nak cari..
[ Last edited by yan_zi at 23-6-2008 12:24 AM ] |
aku baru beli satu yg diperbuat daripada logam. dua kipas. senyap, rm25 saja, cap ayam punya. kalau yg rm15 punya plastik casing cap ayam, bising giler mcm ada kerosakan mekanikal. kesimpulannya beli yg fan besar, casing metal dan build quality bagus. abang aku pakai yg rm99 punya, bih kurang sama jek dgn yg aku punya. |
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