Originally posted by amanda_shamira at 8-5-2007 10:30 PM
u kat mana? Germany ke Holand?
by the way, avatar tu gambar sendiri 4 tahun lepas ke?....
Adehhhhhhhhhhh sakit perut wa ketawa ... mentang |
[quote]Originally posted by NadiaMurad75 at 10-5-2007 04:07 AM
Adehhhhhhhhhhh sakit perut wa ketawa ... mentang |
Reply #45 amanda_shamira's post
Haku baru tersedar dari mimpi ... nak baca balik postings nih |
Originally posted by cauliflower at 9-5-2007 10:35 PM
cauli kat Germany 
and gambar tu bukan cauli ler heheh
max dok kt Germany ekk?
i kat Denmark ler cauli...nanti plan gak nak gi German...jejalan...bley la u jadik tourist guide ek? |
Reply #44 NadiaMurad75's post
tu lah psal kak nad
cauli pun dh gelak nie
mentang2 la kite kate muke kita 4tahun lepas lain kan
btw...cauli kt german ni kjap jer...
xkenal tmpat pun lg...
and scandinavian countries tu susah sket nk smpai kot...
sbb agak jauh from my place(kassel)
tp still nk menyibuk kt thread org
tp mmg angan2 nk pergi scandinavian countries tu...sbb blum penah smpai lg!
nk pegi sgt copenhagen, stockhols etc etc tu
kt copenhagen nk tgk patung mermaid duduk atas batu tu (eh kt copenhagen ke bende tu
(sbb kat uni cauli dlue ade similar patung kt fountain besar
mmg uni kitorg ade connection ngn denmark) |
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Reply #51 maxcavaleraf's post
Aiyak, i thought kebab malaysia adalah kebab yg paling tak sedap |
Originally posted by NadiaMurad75 at 11-5-2007 05:44 AM
Aiyak, i thought kebab malaysia adalah kebab yg paling tak sedap
ye ke?....hehehehehe....sedap kot....tanya amanda...dia ckp sedap....hehehehehe |
Reply #53 maxcavaleraf's post
Habaq sket brand apa, buleh hamba habaq kat my sis, sbb dia try cari yg sesedap kat sini, tarak jumpa larrr ... kat mana dia cari pun haku tak tawww |
Originally posted by NadiaMurad75 at 11-5-2007 05:53 AM
Habaq sket brand apa, buleh hamba habaq kat my sis, sbb dia try cari yg sesedap kat sini, tarak jumpa larrr ... kat mana dia cari pun haku tak tawww
erkkk....errrrr....camne nih ek....errrr....amanda....tolong jawab....huhuhu
awat hang tak tido lagik nih Nad?...buat susu anak ka? |
Selain dari ikea, what other cheap stor you have in your country of residence?
over here, we have two cheap stor selling furniture including Ikea. the other is called r鷐fatalagerin.
yg jual food and stuff, we have B髇us, Kr髇an, Europres and one more saya lupa namanya. |
Originally posted by Tillingtan at 11-5-2007 06:40 AM
Selain dari ikea, what other cheap stor you have in your country of residence?
over here, we have two cheap stor selling furniture including Ikea. the other is called r鷐fatalagerin.
yg jua ...
cheap store jual furniture aku tak sure....cheap store jual basikal ada la...hehehe
jual makanan biasa aku gi Fakta or Netto....nak best sket gi Fortex....nih pon nak kena gi Fortex nih...beli shaver rambut....rambut dah panjang...nak kena botak balik. gi saloon cam mahal jer.... |
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