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Author: dexa

Adakah Hukuman Yang Dikenakan Pada Pelajar Bermasalah Terlalu Keras

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2007 05:58 PM | Show all posts

fact remains that -

one BIG question -

is this kind of punishment gonna make a different
in the disciplinary at this school??

will the students start throwing their sanitary pads
into the dustbin that been provided to them since
3 YEARS ago -  after been punished to squat in the pond??

i doubt it
i doubt it very much that those can teach the kids
to be cleaned and to aware that throwing the sanitary
pad in the toilet bowl is a no no -

ohhhh yea -  they  DO KNOW  that they shouldnt throw
those pad into the toilet bowl --
but why they did it though??
well --  few reasons -
-  they didnt think that it is 'too bad' to throw it as
long as they are not gonna be caught

- if they didnt do it, some other students will do it anyway -
after all - all are girls -  who would know who is the really culprit

- it is not their  house -- if it is getting clogged - school can always
get the plumber to fix it

- not a biggie though - throwing a sanitary pad in the toilet
bowl is not the end of the world -   


truth is - those students didnt have any civic morale
and didnt have sense in their immature mind that
what they did will cost lots of money (it is not their money)
and will make it difficult to use the toilet once it is clogged
(well there're few other toilets still okay)  --
and most importantly -  even if they will be punished
for the deeds   it is not gonna be a  stiffed penalty --

what? to expel just cuz throwing the sanitary pad into
the toilet bowl --? asked them --   dun be ridiculous -
it is a small matter.. (to them)

AS long as they think it is a small matter -  they are going
to keep throwing it -- and no one can stop them but themselves and
their conscious mind that it is wrong and against the rules -

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2007 07:24 PM | Show all posts
School head suspended for allegedly slapping 22 pupils

KOTA KINABALU: A primary school principal here was suspended with full pay for two months following complaints that she slapped 22 Year Four pupils for failing to turn in their homework.

Deputy Education Minister Datuk Noh Omar said the suspension of the SK Gayang headmistress in Tuaran was to facilitate a probe into the July 18 incident.

揟he Education Department will investigate before deciding whether any further action would be taken,

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Post time 23-7-2007 07:27 PM | Show all posts
aku x puas hati kes rendaman tu...
pada pendapat aku...hukuman itu wajar dikenakan...amat wajar sekali. Untuk mendidik pelajar supaya berdisiplin dan tidak membuat kesalahan serupa berulang. Memang nampak tidak adil sebab rendam semua sekali tp yg bersalah buang tuala wanita dlm tandas sorang cikgu tu buat decision yg bijak. Alah bukan mati pun kena rendam..lainla masuk lintah dlm vagina ka...Manja sangat bebudak sekang ni..x payah pi sekolah kerajaan la kalu manja sangat....masukla private school tidak pun upah cikgu sendiri.

Aku kat zaman sekolah dulu pun biasa jer kena benda macam ni. Kalu ada kesalahan kat satu blok tu..satu blok kena hukum. Dlm maksud tersirat...ia mengajar pelajar2 bersatu padu...dan berikrar utk memastikan benda yg sama tidak berulang. Nampak macam tidaklah sekejam mana...setakat lari keliling blok 10 pusingan kejam???? bukan sok terjun lombong pun....

ni lah kerja mendidik...bukan senang nak mendidik aku sokong cikgu 10000%

aku x paham kenapa byk ibu bapa nak manjakan anak2 depa nih....rotan sikit mengadu..padahal anak punya la krook....geramnya aku....sebab tu la remaja sekang rosak akhlak....ibu bapa manjakan sangat...bila dah rosak anak..nak disalahkang cikgu pulak...:@ :@ :@



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 Author| Post time 23-7-2007 07:40 PM | Show all posts
Discipline students but don't abuse them, say authorities
By : Jeeva Arulampalam

KUALA LUMPUR: Teachers who mete out inhumane punishment were yesterday described as a disgrace to the profession.

Two teachers

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Post time 23-7-2007 08:34 PM | Show all posts
kementerian- pertahankan guru2 ANDA..mereka yg perlu di utamakan..

guru-guru- sabar dan tenang mengajar.. yg penting  lahirkan rakyat malaysia yg berguna..

ibubapa-jgn cepat salahkan sekolah/guru2, itu tanda anak anda masi di ambil perhatian..

media-sebarkan ttg kemulian guru..kerna guru telah mengajar anda..l



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Post time 23-7-2007 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Budak2 zaman skrg mmg manja & besar kepala. Parent zaman skrg jentik anak pun tak sanggup... ikutkan sgt kehendak anak2... dlm Islam pun diharuskan pukul anak2 kalo degil (utk tujuan mendidik)...

Zaman aku dulu perkara biasa je cikgu rotan guna bulu ayam, & pembaris kuning yg panjang semeter tu... tangan sampai birat2 kena sebat... sbb kes lupa buat keja skolah... takde pun aku balik umah mengadu kat parent.

Tak pasal2 profesion guru dipandang rendah... patutnya parent harus berterimakasih kat guru sbb tolong diaorg didik anak2 tu. Ni baru kena tampar sket, baru kena sebat skt dah sibuk2 nak saman... sibuk2 panggil TV3 & surat khabar semua... canang satu negara.. dah anak tu nakal & bengap... kalo tak nakal takde la cikgu tu tak pasal2 pukul...



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Post time 23-7-2007 08:48 PM | Show all posts
budak sekarang lembik tak leh di jentik....

agaknya kalau hukuman waktu aku sekolah dulu cam sebat kalau balik hostel lambat... sure masuk sok khabar sekarang... hmmm

dulu waktu perhimpunan kena sebab tu... satu sekolah tgk kita kena sebat... tapi mak bapak waktu tu still cakap... BAGUS CIKGU BUAT CAMTU... atleast anak kita akan belajar menepati masa.... alhamdulillah sekarang nie aku jenis yg mementingkan masa... dan selalu menepati masa...

banyak lagi hukuman waktu aku belajar dulu mak bapak dedulu semua tak kisah...

kena berembun sampai ke subuh... sebab bising tgh malam...
kena pancut air bomba kul 2 pagi sebab kes pukul budak... (kes sorang pun tak mengaku)

pendek kata... saper masuk vokay dia tau ler camner tegas nie cikgu cikgu nie dulu ekekek

[ Last edited by  kipas_y2k at 23-7-2007 08:49 PM ]

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Post time 24-7-2007 08:48 AM | Show all posts
tak keras manapun hukuman itu; setakat berendam kat kolam macam tu nak bandingkan dengan mereka yg clogkan tandas tu aku rasa patut bagi lagi hukuman yg keras lagi

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Post time 24-7-2007 09:07 AM | Show all posts
betul dak2 sekarang ni lembik n ibu bapa terlalu nak melindungi anak derang.pukul sikit dah bising satu malaysia...terjah sikit dah sibuk satu malaysia.....apa anak tak hilang rasa hormat pada cikgu...rasa mcm nak letak cctv setiap kelas n sekolah jer....biar ibu bapa nampak camner perlakuan anak derang kurang ajar atau tak time sekolah.....

time zmn2 haku dulu..relaks jer setakat kn cubit,rotan,cuci tandas n berdiri tgh panas......takdelah nak ngadu SANA-SINI..pun.....beza tul zmn sekarang nih.....

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Post time 24-7-2007 09:44 AM | Show all posts
mmg patut la kene rendam sume skali .. wpun bukan sumer yg buat...
coz lain kali .. kalo ade sorang yg buat... yg lain boleh warning suh dia jgn buat ..

ntah nyer diorg neh .. aku dulu time darjah 6, math salah satu soalan kene
rotan kat tangan, kalo soalan senang kene rotan 2 kali ...
tak report pun kat mak bapak aku ... kesan nye.. time darjah 6 tuh la
every month aku score math A .. sbb aku neh lembap math sikit.. average C aje aku dapat ... hehehe
takut punyer pasal .. hari2 study .. respect la haku kat cekgu haku tuh ..

pada aku hukuman biar la munasabah , bagi pengajaran , dan budak tuh pun learn something.. kalo takat hukuman yg membuta tuli, just nak bagi budak tuh berapi aje dan medan cekgu tunjuk kuasa ....tak gune jugak ...

lagi satu, kalo bab bab hina,maki bodoh,tak guna tuh , aku rase tuh melampau,
kecuali kalo cekgu tuh mmg dah kate dia mmg jenis ckp kasar.

cekgu dgn murid patut jd member, mmg gempak la.



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Post time 24-7-2007 10:05 AM | Show all posts
Guru besar tampar pelajar digantung kerja dua bulanOleh SHARILFUDDIN SAARI

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Post time 24-7-2007 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Memang wujud spesies guru yang baran tak bertempat tapi sikit sangat jumlahnya.  Tak payahlah media nak besarkan isu ni macam nak salahkan guru je, sama-samalah biar balance.  

Kebanyakannya pukul/marah sebab untuk mengajar takde sebab sebab lain.  Parents dan murid  kalau tak hormat guru ,
anggap diaorang macam musuh mana ilmu nak masuk,tak berkat.  

Zaman dulu guru terutamanya kat kampung , sangat2 dihormati sampai pencen walaupun guru tu garang giler kat sekolah.  Hasilnya murid2 tu dah jadi orang berjaya.  Setakat kena lempang, pukul dgn pembaris panjang, rotan, keliling padang, cuci toilet , dah biasa.  Cuma parents masa tu tak pernah buat hal !!!.

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Post time 24-7-2007 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 23-7-2007 07:24 PM
In Kota Baru, state PAS secretary Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan defended the action of the school's warden, Wee Yim Pien.

He said Wee made the right decision as it was a deterrent punishment to ensure the students did not litter anymore.

He said the public should not feel offended as the punishment was supposed to fit the crime or offence.

PAS jugak yang defend guru..

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Post time 24-7-2007 12:03 PM | Show all posts
Mak sedara aku yang jadi cikgu sekolah menengah cakap. Skang ni guru2 kat sekolah dia malas nak amik tau masalah murid2 nih. Ko tak nak buat keje skolah ke... ko nak ponteng ke... ko punyer passal... asyik2 cikgu jer yang kena.... jenih tak makan saman punyer budak2

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Post time 24-7-2007 12:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #54 dang_oniey's post

Jadi..halal ka gaji yg diambil tu?.

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Post time 24-7-2007 12:14 PM | Show all posts
guru patut mengajar ja
tak perlu mendidik..
mengajar pelajaran subjek yang diajar aje..
hal buku sekolah kita tanda macam biasa cume tang yang tak buat tu lantak depa lah..
tang tak bawak buku teks/tulis tu pun lantak depa..
janji kita waktu mengajar kita mengajar, lesson plan buat..
untuk mendisiplinkan budak bukan core bisnes kita
untuk adapt nilai2 murni pada murid yang makan saman bukan pada murid yang tak makan saman

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2007 06:59 PM | Show all posts
Sack warden, says former D-G

KUALA LUMPUR: The teacher who punished 200 female students by forcing them to squat in a pond should be sacked immediately.

Tan Sri Murad Mohd Nor urges teachers to be rational

Former education director-general Tan Sri Murad Mohd Nor, who made the call, said the teacher had no right to mete out such a punishment. As a hostel warden, she should have protected the students and acted as a substitute parent to them.

"The parents entrusted her to protect their children. Instead, the children were abused for an offence they may not have committed."

He said if the students were proven guilty, only the headmaster and disciplinary teacher could punish them and the punishment should not be excessive.

It was reported that the teacher had ordered the schoolgirls to squat in the murky pond inside the SMK Bawang Assan compound for an hour last Wednesday because one of them had thrown a used sanitary pad into a toilet bowl.

Murad urged teachers to be rational when disciplining students. "We are in an educational institution, not a prison. Therefore, teachers are bound by regulations when meting out punishments."

He also advised teachers to adopt the correct approach when dealing with indiscipline among students. "If we educate the students in a violent way, the students will be violent," he said.

In Kuching, the district education officer had been told to conduct a domestic inquiry to decide on the fate of the teacher embroiled in the controversy. The district education officer has until the end of the week to probe the matter.

"I want the district education officer to handle this matter and I only want the decision of that inquiry," said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Noh Omar.

Those with complaints can call the ministry抯 hotline at 1-800-884774; fax 03-2096 2130 or send an email to [email protected]


everyone is free to give his or her opinion -
but whether it is agreed or not - that's not a question -
the question should be - will this punishment make a different
and can change the attitude of those students to be more
responsible person?

will sack warden solve the problem?
will squat into the pond solve the problem?
whilst we are so high and up giving our opinion -
the sanitary pads are clogged up the toilet bowl in school
and at the hospital in Kedah --

[ Last edited by  dexa at 24-7-2007 07:47 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2007 07:46 PM | Show all posts

few friends were discussing about this hukuman yang warden kenakan itu:

Zack: How can the warden of the boarding school in Sibu force about 200 of her
girls to squat in a fish pond for about an hour in pouring rain on Wednesday last
week? It's cruel, lah....

Dtec: If one of the girls were my daughter i would sue the school. Definite.

Zack: And all because of the girls left her used sanitary pad in the toilet bowl. And
because of that, it is public "punishment" for all..

Dtec: She must have assembled all the girls before her and asked them.  She became
angry when no one owned up...

Dex: You think she scolded and berated them? I know some teachers would..

Dtec: If she had done that she would certainly wonder why the girls suddenly became
interested in their own toes..

Tira: I think you fellows are being unfair to the warden. You don't know the facts
and you are saying all kinds of things about her.  Take it easy lah.. After all Education
Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin has already said that a 'thorough investigation' is being

Zack: Ah, Cikgu,.. you are being kind. What investigation are you talking about? What is
there to investigate why the warden punished the pupils that way?

Maybe the pupils put out their tongues when the warden asked them who did it.

Zack: Maybe they responded by shouting bad words at her.. Or showed her dirty signs? Or
showed her belligerent signs?

Tira: Maybe they did all that.. And so angry was she that she said "to the pond with you".
Is that it? Is that what you guys are suggesting? Please lah...  be reasonable..

Dex: Ok.. Ok..  Let's be serious.  Somehow that warden's reaction when she was told of the
pad must have frightened the girls.  This, of course, only made the guilty one more frightened
than ever to own up, even if she had intended to earlier.. Anyway, she shouldn't have
done that in the first place..

Dtec: Of course, she shouldn't..  People seem to think everything can be flushed away down
the toilet bowl.  I wonder whether the girils are constantly reminded not to flush down
their pads or whatever else down the toilet bowl.  Or are special bins provided in the
toilets for such things to be disposed of?

Zack: The warden must have been very angry.  Angry, perhaps, because this has happened
before and it still continues to happen.  And she lost her temper when no one owned up.
In the warden's view that person should not go unpunished.  And since she didnt know
who the person was, all the girls had to be punished so that in the process the guilty
one was punished.  What do you think, Cikgu?

Tira: I think the warden was hasty.  She could have first shortlisted the suspects to
just those who were using pads... And then she could have interviewed those shortlisted
one by one in the privacy of her office..  If she is lucky - and clever - the guilty one would
own up...  If not there are all osrts of other ways of handling such things..

I agree, Cikgu..  Punishing all so that the guilty one is punished is not the way.. Also
I think group punishment is wrong..  Even if it is also to impress on all that dropping pads
in the toilet bowl is a no-no at all times..

Tira: During my days as a teacher, I always reminded myself that if I had to punish a pupil,
then I must punish him but in doing so, I must never humiliate him or make him suffer
shame in front of his friends and the other pupils.  Punishment must serve to correct
him, not humiliate him..

The warden could have been more creative.. Like you said, Cikgu, there are ways..
She could have asked those using pads to enter a closet one by one and to grab hold of
the bottom of a bag or something which had earlier sprayed with a perfume or colour
solution.. Tell them before hand that the bag would emit a silent yelp when grabbed by
the guilty one..  The guilty one might not grap and so her hand would have no smell or
colour when she comes out of the closet..

You think this will work?  This is the 21st Century, you know..?

Dex: It just might...  Maybe in KL, no lah...   But in rural school it just might..
Anyway what I am saying is that the warden should have been more imaginative
and creative ..


well hope u guys enjoy reading it but as well understanding about correction
gone wrong...  and in this case - about the warden and her 200 students -



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Post time 24-7-2007 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 24-7-2007 06:59 PM

Alaaaa.................miker pung haper kurang nya???
Nak jumper Persatuan Pelajar kat PUO pung takmo.
Cakap jer mcm bagus......................
Konon nya menyebelahi students.

Hello........sedor skit diri tu dah tuer.
Pergi dok mesjid ler mcm Tan Tin Tun tuer terkutuk tu.

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Post time 24-7-2007 09:04 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Anak_Nogori at 24-7-2007 10:05 AM
Guru besar tampar pelajar digantung kerja dua bulanOleh SHARILFUDDIN SAARI

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