shioknya nak tengok citer ni.... |
heh. of course, me and my i-so-love-James-McAvoy girlfriend will wanna see this 
can't wait to see the direction of Timur as well. I love Nightwatch and Daywatch. They're just superb.
[ Last edited by raeshad at 23-6-2008 04:40 PM ] |
thursday niteh cerita ni start rasanya -
not sure if akan buat preview tomolo night (wednesday nite)
apa2 hal pun.. memang akan book thursday nite ni -
very looking forward to this movie - |
James' Six Pack is real 
James McAvoy: My Six Pack is Real!
Mon, 23 June 2008 at 7:55 pm

You get treated roughly by Angelina Jolie in this movie, but at least you got to kiss her.Yes, we have a big old snog. It was memorable for its awkwardness. Itwas our first day, and it was like, 慔ey, how you doing? Are you allright? Yeah? |
yess dah booking utk besok ... x sabar nak tgk ...  |
mmg nak nengok citer ni pasal ada Angie and Morgan Freeman! |
dah booked tomolo nite...
tak sabar rasanya...
nanti kita leh compare review kat sini -
kadang2 kan.. cerita bukan main best masa gazette
tapi bila main - tetiba macam kambing..
tapi harap2 la wanted ni best
biar worth it la rm9 tu gs - |
Originally posted by nadia_amirra at 25-6-2008 10:33 AM 
yess dah booking utk besok ... x sabar nak tgk ...
nadia tengok kat mana? -- |
Kissing Angelina Jolie
Posted on 25-Jun-2008

What you see is what you get!
There's a scene in the action-packed movie, Wanted, where lead actor James McAvoy walks around shirtless, proudly showing off his six-pack abs. Though the movie is heavy on special effects, James wants everyone to know that the taut abdomen is not computer generated.
"(The six-pack abs) were not a special effect," the Scottish actor said. "It is a results of spending lots of time in the gym, which is very dull and vomit-inducing. And it wasn't my idea of a great time."
In Wanted, James plays a meek office worker who becomes a super assassin when he is asked to join a secret society called The Fraternity. And his mentor in the movie is none other than Angelina Jolie. While the idea of kissing Ange might thrill many actors, for McAvoy it was just work.
"It was fine," he told Galaxie in an interview in Los Angeles. "It was one of those things you have to do. When you are making movies, it is another part of the day to tell you the truth."
Wanted opens in cinemas on June 26. For more on James McAvoy, get a copy of the July 1st issue of Galaxie. |
weh apsal susah sangat nak booking online gsc neh...
takkan suma full kot...
hampeh tol |
sapa dah tgk kasilah review sikit kat sini...hehehe

tapi bila tgk hero neh teringat 100% sesuai jadi hobbit , bilbo utk next film |
Reply #54 dollah_mufc's post
Apa lagi Dollah, cepatlah cita.....

Reply #53 mayutaka's post
aku dah tengok!!!!!
muahahahaha best siot...
twist dia best....memang tak sangka plot gitu
aku ingat cita nih just another action movie...
rerupanyaaaa best gila..
aku nak review...tapi nanti mesti terspoil
kang korang tak excited cam aku
hahahahha |
Reply #55 dollah_mufc's post
muka pon ala2 geng2 frodo gitu
tapi tetiba last2 tuh perut dia berketak2...
padahal mula2 memang tak perasan pon |
Hehe..aku dah tgk
Cite ni mmg mantap cam comic die gak >>
cam ade elemen action movie john woo ngn mental state cam Fight Club lak aku tgk..hehe
aku kc 4.5/5 star  |
best giler.. mmg best giler.. angelina jolie mmg superb !! stunt dia agak kreatif..wpun kurang logic.. keta buruk leh kejar keretapi n tembus keretapi.... n lelaki leh lari n pecahkan cermin n lompat sejauh 20 meter..
[ Last edited by wanitacomot at 26-6-2008 10:56 PM ] |
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