~ I Know What You Did This Raya.. Aji~ ( hati2 - ada gambo2 brutal )
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Makeupfairy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by serikandi at 31-12-2006 08:10 PM
i think i'm going vegeterian
Ahahahaha I oso terpikir jap cam gitu  |
Makeupfairy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by serikandi at 31-12-2006 08:19 PM
i tau...but the pools of blood remind me of the pain from the sharp knives.
One time I pernah come across an article where they talked about the least torturous to slaughter an animal. And thats cutting the throat area. Tapi the knife mesti tajam lah, kalau tak tajam kira kes aniaya lah to the animal. Since situ ada one of the main blood arteries, the animal will die very fast with the least pain because the loss of blood will make them black out.
Cara-cara sembelih bukan Islam ada yang dasyat-dasyat. According to the article lagi...yang pakai pukul kepala sampai mati or yang pakai electrocute their behind paling torturous to the animals. |
Makeupfairy This user has been deleted
Semalam sambutan Hari Raya Haji lain dari yang lain. Selalunya pegi rumah my parents tapi semalam my side of the family semua bertandang my house. Instead of the usual Raya menu I cook different menu plaks. I masak Pumpkin Soup, Roti Romano Crostini, macaroni and cheese, Nasi Pilaf Asparagus dan Gajus, Ayam panggang Ragu, mix salad, parmesan meat balls dan 2 macam kueh - Lapis Cendol and Talam Cendol. My youngest sister bawak garlic butter yang dia buat sendiri and kek brownies pun dia buat sendiri.
Nanti gambar tampal kat blog ajer lah...nak upload photobucket leceh ler. |
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Makeupfairy This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Browneyes at 31-12-2006 08:34 PM
geng muhammadiyah...
now then i know :hmm:
no wonder masa aku lalu situ ada kasi pamphlet2 Muhammadiyah... |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 31-12-2006 08:40 PM
wow.. raya haji tahun ini best weiiii
sempat masak lontong nona+sambal tumis udang+paru goreng cili+serunding+ayam goreng jintan
alhamdulillah cuaca baik sekali..
pukul 11 pagi gi rumah ad ...
macam2 betul ko makan... ada paru goreng lagik |
Originally posted by iansuryani at 1-1-2007 10:36 AM
kalau rasa kesian ko dah tak boleh makan daging tu tau heheheheheheheheheheh
ala...aku kesian la, aku nengok kambing2 tu cam bila kena seret nak gi semelih, dorang cam tahu lak....cam dorang tak mau ikut.....ada kena seret, kena angkat
tu ah aku sedih that part.... |
Originally posted by holmes at 1-1-2007 10:38 AM
kita masak yg simple2 jerk
yang tu semua lauk cam2 tu ko cakap simple?? : :siok: |
Originally posted by holmes at 1-1-2007 10:52 AM
Slalunya setiap tahun memang ada majlis korban kat Masjid Jame Hassanil Bolkiah...majlis korban tu dari keluarga DiRaja Brunei...
selepas solat sunat Hari Raya...depa g kat satu kawasan kat masj ...
Thanks for sharing this info :tq:
aku suka ah, detail.. |
Holmes I love the pics...lagi takde ke?
aku nak save eh dalam hard drive |
sambung gambo...
so ni ngah keluar2kan isi perut

satu ngah remove fur, satu ngah cut to smaller portions
Originally posted by holmes at 1-1-2007 01:57 PM
Menu semlm...baru siap upload...:bgrin:

Peberet aku ni Holmes |
Originally posted by Makeupfairy at 1-1-2007 04:01 PM
One time I pernah come across an article where they talked about the least torturous to slaughter an animal. And thats cutting the throat area. Tapi the knife mesti tajam lah, kalau tak tajam ...
Aku pernah dengar pasal persembelihan cara Islam dan lain2 cara ambik nyawa.. Ada research dijalankan kat Germany or something..
kalo ikut hukum Islam , paling laju untuk cut the flow of blood to the brains jadi binatang tu tak rasa2 apa or something...in 5 sec or what. |
Originally posted by Makeupfairy at 1-1-2007 04:08 PM
Semalam sambutan Hari Raya Haji lain dari yang lain. Selalunya pegi rumah my parents tapi semalam my side of the family semua bertandang my house. Instead of the usual Raya menu I cook different ...
tersimpul2 lidah aku sebut benda2 ko makan eh peri... |
apa2 pun mesti kena ada makan2 kan...ntah apa menu eh..

nanti sambung.. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 1-1-2007 04:52 PM
now then i know :hmm:
no wonder masa aku lalu situ ada kasi pamphlet2 Muhammadiyah... dorang kan hobi sholat kat stadium.. tanah lapang...
rugi siak tak dapat iktikaf..padahal masjid berlambak... |
puteri81 This user has been deleted
erkkk ngerilah tgk gambar korban tu.... |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 1-1-2007 08:11 PM
dorang kan hobi sholat kat stadium.. tanah lapang...
rugi siak tak dapat iktikaf..padahal masjid berlambak...
tapi pada aku, kalo betul kawasan tu takde mesjid ok la buat kat stadium ke tanah lapang ke..
tapi...sana nye area mesjid banyak pe.. |
Originally posted by puteri81 at 2-1-2007 12:26 AM
erkkk ngerilah tgk gambar korban tu....
put ko tak gi nengok korban eh..gi la |
another shot

ni lak ngah remove bulu kambing tu, nak ambik dekat2 sana ramai orang la...segan lak...
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Category: Negeri & Negara