Reply #35 my-alja's post
Kenapa I pilih Aussie, esp. Perth. Senang je jawapan tu. Husband I mmg asal dari sini. Org Perth sejati.  |
Reply #37 nour2001's post
Mcm Nour education wise tak leh nak compare lah sbb I tak tau. So public school kat sini I tak tau sgt.
Both of my anak2 sekolah di Islamic School. Feesnye boleh katakan tak mahal sgt lah compare ngan private school yg lain. Standard tu kira oklah. Kalau you nak survey sekolah islamic ni boleh gi kat website ni.
Australian Islamic College - ni sekolah my anak2.
Al Hidayah Islamic School
Langford Islamic College
So far yg terbesar kat Perth ialah Australian Islamic College sbb dia ada 3 cawangan. 2 kat south of the river and 1 kat north of the river. River tu Swan river.
Dulu ada satu lagi college. Ladies Islamic College. Tapi kena tutup sbb pengetua/director/owner sekolah tu pi hantarduit allowance sekolah ke Pakistan ke apa. So ditutup sbb2 tu. |
Tentang rental lak, skrg ni kat Perth tgh ada krisis kekurangan rumah utk di sewa. Apa lagi lah sesapa yg ada rumah utk disewa, harganye pun dinaikkan. Tambah pulak interest rate lak naik. Bukan tu saja. walaupun kita mampu nak bayar sewa rumah, kkdg kita kena berlumba2 menyewa that particular house. So kiranye may the best win. Bukan nye bermakna first come, first serve.
Kat kawasan tinggal I skrg ni sewa rumah bermula dari $350 a week utk 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sampai lah ke $600 a week untuk rumah yg 'eksekutif' sikit.
Boleh refer kat sini
www.reiwa.com.au |
Reply #20 zba_planet's post
zba....boleh tolong bagi detail for monthly espenses tak?
berapa anggaran u spend for utilities, car ,groceries, halal meat...etc. hihihi...i rasa gaji kat nz cam kecik aje kann...average dlm 5k-6k aje... |
oppss...satu lagi zba...kalo medical service cemana?...kena ada insurance? |
amboii..nak berhijrah ke... |
Originally posted by mallanhead at 21-4-2008 03:04 PM 
You tak tgk kat sini. Kkdg mmg melampau. Unlike kat Msia, kat sini system welfare dia mmg best. Kalau kat Msia, kita tak kerja, mmg tak de lah gomen nak bagi duit ke apa. Kat sini lain. Mcm2 ...
Di UK pun system welfare pun memang tip top.Tak payah kerja pun tak apa because weekly dapat elaun from Goverment.
Kebanyakkan orang dari pakistan and india datang ke sini tak payah kerja pun still can survive sebab everything claim under welfare kesian orang bayar tax. |
Reply #45 my-alja's post
nak kira monthly tuh tak rberapa reti la.
ni for weekly.
mcm rumah i for 2bdrm $300 include water power(mmg i cari rumah yg murah sbb nak saving heheh)
kalau ikut rumah i yang lama...$400 3bdrm.. xcludng water n power..(biasanye water every 3moth $3++ dan electric $ 150 ..tapi kalau winter mahal sikit)
car.. i beli 2ndhand estima $6000.. beli lumsum...
groceries selalu abis around $50 dah termasuk ngan halal meat... (untuk i ngan hubby je)coz anak still baby..
gaji kt nz x byk..
macam medical plk i tak tau.. coz i pg clinic + bersalin semuanye free.. |
Reply #49 zba_planet's post
thanks zba....
pssttt...mahalnya bill air tu ...3 mths, dlm 3 ratus lebih? |
Reply #50 my-alja's post
itu la..tapt tgk jugak kalau area town ade setenga tempan water free.. |
Originally posted by zba_planet at 30-4-2008 08:44 AM 
itu la..tapt tgk jugak kalau area town ade setenga tempan water free..
oo ya ka....dah berapa lama kat nz?...
i baru tahu...residents NZ boleh masuk uni kat OZ as residents gak, tak dikira cam international students....bagus gaklah
zba..u pernah naik motorhome kat situ?.... |
money wise....oz tinggi drp nz
location.....oz lagi save cost drp nz
cost of living....oz lagi murah dr nz
nature beauty....NZ lagi best dr oz
education...oz lagi best, rasanya
tax...oz lagi tinggi dr nz
tapiiii.....2-2 nie sgt jauh dr US |
idok la lama bru dkt 4 tahun... eh iye ke??? iye kot.. akkekek .. kalu citizen ye.. kalao gi oz blh dpt sama mcm oz citizen kot...kalau permnent residnt tak... |
Reply #49 zba_planet's post
Kat sini medical consultation free, major operation long waiting list. Beranak pun free. For citizen n PR gomen bagi $5K bila kita beranak. Tapi dgr ura2 kerajaan labour baru ni nak ubah sikit, bagi mean tested. So sapa2 income tinggi, boleh jadi tak dpt. Dulu sapa2 citizen n PR pun boleh dpt.
Ubat lak, kalau kena beli ubat boleh pilih brand yg dr. suggested or generic or cheaper brand. Setengah2 org ada Health card or some special card boleh dpt discount. Yang ni I tak tau sbb I tak de card dia.
Weekly grocery kat sini makin lama makin naik. Masa I pindah sini 2.5 years ago, $50 dah dpt penuh trolley. Skrg ni makin lama makin berkurangan. Minyak kereta asyik naik turun, naik turun. Turun tak banyak, tapi naik banyak. Interest rate boleh kata kan every month pun naik.  |
sesapa boleh tolong lagi....
OZ dan NZ ada EPF skim...compulsory ke cam m'sia, berapa rate?....
thanks |
Reply #55 mallanhead's post
menakutkan jugak tgk rate gaji dgn oz nie kan mallan...dgn tax dia, memng mengcengkam ....
berapa u spend groceries sekarang nie?....seingat i dulu masa kat UK, dlm |
Reply #57 my-alja's post
Sorry tak nmpk soalan ni. My grocery mingguan dlm $100-200. Tgk samada i rancak ke supermarket atau tidak. I ni supermarket junkie. Suka ronda2 dan beli segala yg dlm dlm supermarket. My fav barangan ialah benda2 mencuci dapur n bilik air, samada sabun, scrub atau bleach. Selalunye I cari yg mesra alam.
Hari ni ada article menarik keluar dlm newspaper.
The best paid job? It's not what you think
By John Masanauskas June 05, 2008 01:07am
* Engineers working in the mining industry are top earners
* Florists, fast food workers, cooks are among lowest paid
* Negotiate: How to ask for a pay rise
ENGINEERING managers in their late 30s are the nation's best-paid workers.
The managers are earning average annual salaries of $136,700, more than general managers and financial dealers.
Others earning big money include anaesthetists, surgeons, MPs and dentists, a survey shows.
By contrast, florists are doing it tough on an average $493 a week, as are pharmacy sales assistants ($518), fast food cooks ($520) and livestock farmers ($523).
The survey, What Jobs Pay, is based on ABS data collated by labour analyst Rodney Stinson.
The figures show average pre-tax earnings, including overtime and allowances.
Mr Stinson said the top job of engineering manager was a new classification linked to construction and mining.
"This has come out of the blue," he said.
"A decade ago, the only mining employees in the top 10 were young geologists and geophysicists, who were putting in very long hours in the field."
Mr Stinson said the incomes of medical and legal professionals tended to be underestimated due to tax minimisation options open to the self-employed.
"Also, with regard to the best-paid occupations, their averages are considered to be lower than might be expected because of the income cut-off (of $2000-plus a week) for the highest-earning Census and survey respondents," he said.
Mr Stinson said the growth of the security industry showed that people with very basic qualifications could command high wages.
For example, security "consultants" get an average $1813 a week, more than electrical engineers and school principals.
Mr Stinson said the ABS data under-estimated the pay for jobs such as hairdressing ($555) and flower-selling ($493).
" eople in these jobs are obviously not telling the truth. The figures are unbelievable," he said.
Mr Stinson said cash payments not declared by employees were a big factor.
Highest earners: engineering manager ($2562), general manager ($2276), research and development manager ($2172), financial dealer ($1976), anaesthetist ($1957), mining engineer ($1955), surgeon ($1953), legislator ($1950), psychiatrist ($1909), internal medicine specialist ($1897).
Lowest earners: florist ($493), pharmacy sales assistant ($518), fast food cook ($520), livestock farmer ($523), cafe worker ($523), cook ($539), waiter ($541), mixed crop and livestock farmer ($543), checkout operator, office cashier ($546), sewing machinist ($554).
So kalau your husband dlm bidang engineering, cepat2 lah dtg sini.  |
helo .
ada tak sesiape yg habis je belajr di NZ trus bkerja si sana .? |
Reply #59 Sasbadi's post
kalo abis blaja sana leh apply open work permit for 6 months rasanya...try cek wesite immigration NZ |
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Category: Negeri & Negara