GPS bole tau accurate position tapi bukan accurate coordinate. aku guna GPS untuk tau waypoint dan bukan coordinate longitude dan latitude.
ILS tu Instrument Landing System. Banyak beza dengan IRS. IRS first position sebelum fly. silap position sesatla. contoh mudah IRS ni macam first position guna compass sebelum pegi masuk hutan. salah baca compass sesat.
untuk coordinate yang accurate a/c guna Inertial Navigation System (INS).
INS ni ada macam2 termasuk track, groundspeed, heading, drift, cross track distance, track error angle, present position, waypoint longitude dan latitude, distance n time to waypoint, wind velocity, desire track dan system status. |
tu la...respect btol...tp peranan kapt tu yg paling penting er...ni nak tanya sikit...dengar kata ada service joy ride kat subang..sapa2 tau?
kyleril Post at 2-7-2009 22:47 
subang, elite flying club subang kot. price tak dapat dipastikan. |
subang, elite flying club subang kot. price tak dapat dipastikan.
achiles Post at 6-7-2009 22:38 
owh..tq..sbb ada info bgtau dlm rm 400-500 skali joyride...kalau ambek yg class mas tue rm500..tp bwak simulator...xsama mcm dok kat dlm kapal masa tgh fly...waaa.aku tringin sgt nak masok cokpit..ada sapa2 kat sini yg boley tlg aku?...ni impian dari kecik nieh.. |
42# achiles
What plane are u flying? People normally align the IRS using coordinate stated at the board at the parking bay . And how do airport get this coordinate? Using GPS. Some airline allowed just guna GPS coordinate stated kat display jer for IRS alignment.
GPS, switch on and there you go, coordinate accurate within few metres dah boleh dapat. IRS kena align dulu, at least 7 minutes and its depending on radio nav signal, VOR/DME . The most accurate one is when u get the ILS signal for the accurate posn. Lets say if you are flying over the atlantic ,tak ada radio aids within 60 NM, accuracy will no longer there. Tambah lagi dengan latitude and drift errors bagai.
Becouse of that la skang ni modern aircraft mostly equipted with GPS, for accuracy.. sebab tu plane dah boleh fly in RNP 10 ,RNP 4 or RVSM area.
GPS untuk cx waypoint and IRS untuk coordinate?
Bukan ker waypoint tu just a coordinate, how come you have to cx it separately? |
42# achiles
INS ngan IRS function dia sama je...
yang bezanye IRS guna laser gyro, INS guna mechanical gyro...
a/c besar skang suma dah pakai IRS, a/c kecik xtau la...
777 pakai ADIRU (IRS + ADC) |
46# marx_drug
INS is purely for navigation jer... as the name said, Navigation System. Dah tak pakai dah skang, planes2 lama jer guna.Seangkatan la dengan LORAN, DECCA .Sejak ada RNAV dan GPS benda2 ni semua dah obselete.
IRS plak, as the name implies, Inertia Reference System, provide Attitude and Heading. Some aircraft call it AHRS. Attitude heading reference system. Benda ni tak provide navigation, cuma selepas alignment, input coordinate kat dia ,baru tau kat mana dia berada, mana north /south dan heading. Untuk Navigation function plak, its requires input dari RNAV ,radio navigation VOR/DME or ILS signal . Kalau tentera darat masa compass march, guna back bearing dari dua datum at least untuk fixed posn dia. In flight the RNAV keep on doing this to keep track its posn. Modern aircraft skang guna GPS untuk fixed posn. So even tho tak dapat VOR signal, the sattelites will pinpoint its posn. Refer to IGNS plak.
Semua input ni masuk ke satu system called Flight Management System,FMS. Pilot manage FMS ni thru Flight Management Computer,FMC.
Kat small computer tu la semasa buat flight preparation,pilot akan tell the FMS kat mana dia berada skang ,buat alignment ,pastu input mana dia nak pergi, ada specific route for each flight. Lepas airborne, since the plane knows where it is all the time, dia akan follow the programmed route. |
mak ai...sungguh complicated skali...alangkah bagusnya kalau ada instrument dpt tunjuk benda2 dia atas...mmg knpirm paham... |
Memang complicated,kena attend ground school baru faham,  sorry about that.
btw yg pilot nampak dah boleh hand on cuma FMC jer, small computer kat consul tu. Yg lain2 tu all in the system. Boeing call it FMC, Airbus panggil FMGS...
kat situ la dia bagi input kat FMS, kat mana dia skang, nak gi mana, route yg mana nak ikut,tinggi mana nak terbang,laju mana nak terbang (cost index). Berapa banyak bawak minyak, berat kapal tu ( depend on number of passengers, cargo and fuel carried). For airbus 340 500/600 kena letak berapa ramai passenger untuk airconditioning demand in the cabin. |
Memang complicated,kena attend ground school baru faham,  sorry about that.
btw yg pilot nampak dan boleh hand on cuma FMC jer, small computer kat consul tu. Yg lain2 tu all in the system. Boeing call it FMC, Airbus panggil FMGS...
kat situ la dia bagi input kat FMS, kat mana dia skang, nak gi mana, route yg mana nak ikut,tinggi mana nak terbang,laju mana nak terbang (cost index). Berapa banyak bawak minyak, berat kapal tu ( depend on number of passengers, cargo and fuel carried). For airbus 340 500/600 kena letak berapa ramai passenger untuk airconditioning demand in the cabin. |
47# kelana36
thanks for the info bro....
yang saya belaja xde complicated sampai camtu pun....
just on the surface jer... |
Memang complicated,kena attend ground school baru faham,  sorry about that.
btw yg pilot nampak dan boleh hand on cuma FMC jer, small computer kat consul tu. Yg lain2 tu all in the system. Boeing call it FMC, Airbus panggil "FMGS"...
kat situ la dia bagi input kat FMS, kat mana dia skang, nak gi mana, route yg mana nak ikut,tinggi mana nak terbang,laju mana nak terbang (cost index). Berapa banyak bawak minyak, berat kapal tu ( depend on number of passengers, cargo and fuel carried). For airbus 340 500/600 kena letak berapa ramai passenger untuk airconditioning demand in the cabin. | kelana36 Post at 7-7-2009 20:00 
Airbus panggil "FMGS"
bukan ke airbus nye tu pgl McDU ke..ape beza benda tu? |
52# alphalfa
MCDU tu stand for Display Unit. or kalau PC ,computer screen .
Dalam Airbus , ada 3 MCDU atau pun screen yg boleh ditukar nak display samada FM 1, FM 2 atau ACARS. Dia tak fixed macam boeing.
Bentuk sama macam FMC ,function pun sama, ada lebih sikit la.
So kalau MCDU tu contohnya capt side, untuk Flight Management mode, so masa tu ia jadi FMGS l, FM 1, copilot side plak FM 2.
MCDU yang ke 3 jadi ACARS. |
klaau letak minyak ..slalu jumlah minyak tu sapa yg decide?..ke letak bg full jer? |
klaau letak minyak ..slalu jumlah minyak tu sapa yg decide?..ke letak bg full jer?
kyleril Post at 8-7-2009 14:46 
Depend on :
1. Minimum fuel required to destination.
Trip fuel, fuel reqd to fly from departure to destination plus extra for holding for
30 mins, plus contingency of 3 percent of trip fuel,plus diversion fuel
to alternate in case cannot land at destination.
2. Maximum take off and landing weight.
Fuel figure come in last, after putting in the cargo and passengger.
Kata lah Max take off weight 100,000 kg. Cargo and passengger dah amik
70,000 kg, so yg tinggal hanya 30,000 kg jer la untuk fuel.
Kalau Maximum landing weight exceeded pun tak boleh gak. Kena kira
how much fuel burned to destination so that tak amik unnecessary extra
3. Weather forecast at destination and alternate.
So finally the Capt will decide how much fuel to take after considering all the above. But skang ni, airline banyak rugi,fuel dah mahal, passenger tak suka tambang naik, selalunya capt take fuel as No 1 above. |
kalau contoh kena divert ke airport lain...kena apply untuk refuel..then pilot akan request...sapa yg approve nanti?..tok refuel? kalau andai kata 45 minit jarak dari alor setar ke klia...then ambek option no one..tup2 aircraft xley nak landing sbb tgh tunggu que..pastu..tiba2 weather xelok masa on the way to klia, so kena divert da skali..pastu tunggu que then abes yg extra fuel tuh...so pilot akan buat desicion mcm mana...slalunya captain akan minta f.o atau dia sendiri akan buat request? |
56# kyleril
Tak payah approval, captain as a commander, sign jer.
Kalau airline senang sebab every airport ada credit fuel,so top up jer.
Kalau kat alor star memang kena amik fuel untuk pegi balik sebab kat sana tak ada fuel. Kalau weather bad,divert ke penang.
Kalau dah divert ,selalunya fuel critical, kalau que panjang, declare emergency, pan or mayday call, gerenti dapat priority to land.
Captain selalunya minta tolong FO untuk dapatkan info macam latest weather, call company etc to help the captain to asses the situation and make decision. |
owh..mcm tu ker...tq for the info.....btw, kat area mana turbulance paling kuat kalau area dlm malaysia ni er?....kalau mcm jumpa awan yg apa er kat screen kaler ungu tuh...mmg kena redah gak @ elak sikit? |
58# kyleril
sorry i am not current about the turbulence area over malaysia. flying all over except malaysia.once a while ada la,tu pun agosa arrival to klia so tak fly to the other side.
as far as i can remember , kat area PK tu jaga2 sikit. banyak kes passenger and cabin crew injured sebab turbulenca kat situ. jangan tunggu magenta (ungu).
merah pun jangan masuk. kalau boleh deviate at least 10 nm lagi bagus. |
owh..ada lagi soalan nieh....kalau mcm kita turunkan flaps masa nak landing...mmg akan ada mcm terlompat sikit kan aircraft tu kan..mcm mana nak minimize "lompatan" aircraft tue?...pilot control@biar je kapal terlompat sikit?...kelana ada manual airbus x?...yg cokpit ja..nak tau semua alat2 kat dlm cokpit...minat sgt nieh.... |
detail betul penerangan..salute jap
aku tak pernah lagi naik fireflyz tapi bila kat Sarawak aku selalu naik fokker50.Seronok gak sebab kita boleh nampak permukaan bukit bukau sungai yg besar2. |
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