Senjata-senjata Melayu Yang Digelapkan Dalam Sejarah
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blog sejarah nagara kedah bro, wakakaka...
cheng ho zaman dinasti ming, pastu ching. diorg amalkan dasar pintu tertutup.
sebenarnya lepas ekspidisi cheng ho, tiada lagi ekspidisi lepas cheng ho mati. sebab lepas tu ming juga amalkan dasar pintu tertutup. |
tipikal sgt blog sampah cmgitu.at last melayu lah nk dinaekkannya.wakakkaka
aku naik cemuih tengok budak2 melayu cm sampah kt ward ortho penuih dgn mat2 rempit kapla retak, kaki hancuq, pungkoq k ...
nanat87 Post at 22-1-2010 10:03 
Kenapa kau tak bangsatkan aje budak2 Melayu yang kau kata sampah tu jam-jam tu jugak depan-depan?Ke tak berani? |
dinasti ming kalau tak silap tamat tahun 1644 lepas diguling oleh dinasti ching |
35# capiloton
betul betul aku setuju .  |
blog sejarah nagara kedah bro, wakakaka...
cheng ho zaman dinasti ming, pastu ching. diorg amalkan dasar pintu tertutup.
sebenarnya lepas ekspidisi cheng ho, tiada lagi ekspidisi lepas cheng ho ...
AadiGoth Post at 22-1-2010 15:05 
Kalau blog sejarahnegarakedah tu memang ada sikit musykil lah,bukan sikit tapi banyak.Bukan kata semua tak betul tapi fakta dia banyak bercampur baur antara yang betul dengan yang 'syok sendiri'.Tapi cuba ambil intipati dia sajalah.Antara intipati dia yang boleh dikaji dan difikirkan adalah tentang negara siam/thai yang didakwa pada asalnya Islam beserta dengan raja2 Siam yang juga dikatakan Islam sebelum dijajah dan dijarah oleh orang2 dari selatan China(kemudiannya menggelar diri mrk sbg org thai) yang didesak oleh kuasa2 bangsa yang lebih kuat di utara.Tak semestinya benar.Rasanya cara paling baik adalah dengan mengkaji sejarah Thai yang bukan ditulis oleh sumber Thai sendiri tapi dari sumber2 lain seperti Myanmar,Kemboja,Patani,China,Arab dan Barat. |
Kenapa kau tak bangsatkan aje budak2 Melayu yang kau kata sampah tu jam-jam tu jugak depan-depan?Ke tak berani?
rempo Post at 22-1-2010 15:27 
of course i do but in "courteously" cynical way |
Kalau blog sejarahnegarakedah tu memang ada sikit musykil lah,bukan sikit tapi banyak.Bukan kata semua tak betul tapi fakta dia banyak bercampur baur antara yang betul dengan yang 'syok sendiri'.Tap ...
rempo Post at 22-1-2010 15:42 
yg aku tahu sejarah thailand dulu memang ade 2 bangsa majoriti.. kawasan utara monopoli orang siam, kawasan selatan orang melayu.. tpi akhirnya kerajaan siam berjaya menakluk kawasan selatan iaitu kawasan kerajaan melayu. |
Bedil merujuk kepada semua jenis senjata api Melayu daripada yang kecil seperti pemuras sehingga kepada meriam agung.
Orang-orang Melayu telah pun mengetahui ilmu bedil hasil dari hubungan dengan pedagang China, India dan juga Timur Tengah. Orang-orang Islam yang mengerjakan haji sudah pastinya terdedah kepada senjata api orang-orang Turki dan India. Pengetahuan mengenai senjata api ini bukan sahaja mengenai penggunaannya tetapi turut merangkumi mengenai cara membuatnya.
Bukti mengenai kemahiran orang-orang Melayu menghasilkan senjata api diakui berdasarkan surat orang Portugis yang menyatakan terdapat lebih 8,000 meriam pelbagai laras digunakan ketika mempertahankan Melaka pada 1511.
Antara jenis-jenis bedil yang digunakan oleh orang-orang Melayu adalah :-
Pemuras / Istinggar / Tarkul / Senapang lantak / Karga / Ekor lotong
Sri Patani (Patani) / Sri Nagara (Patani) / Mahalela (Patani) / Nang Liu-Liu (Patani) / Sri Negeri (Patani) / Lada Sicupak (Aceh) / Meriam Kampung Sungai Pinang (Kelantan) / Meriam Istana Balai Besar (Kelantan) / Badak Berendam (Kedah) / Katak Puru (Kedah) / Penggawa (Selangor) / Kota Lukut (Negeri Sembilan) / Lela / Rentaka / Lela Rambang / Tahan /
Kesultanan Melaka
The arms which they ordinarily use in warfare are the sword, shield, lance, bows and arrows, and blow-pipes with poisoned darts. At the present day, in consequence of intercourse with us, they use muskets and ordnance.
The sword, a blade measuring 5 palms in length, is called Padan (Pedang) among them: like the Turkish sword, it has a single edge. The dagger, called Cris (Keris) a blade measuring 2 palms in length, is made of fine steel; it bears a deadly poison; the sheath is of wood., the hilt is of animals' horn, or of rare stone, or of gold and precious gems.
The steel is treated in such a way that every injury is followed by immediate death when the wound draws blood. Iron, being constituted of earthy material, and of a substance which is more malleable than other metals (as Aristotle notes Aleteorologica ch. 6. in 4 Meteorelogica, chapter 6) yields a large quantity of rust and dross. So the natives soak the iron in water and in muddy pools for some time: they then treat it in the fire, refining it till the iron is clean and pure - a method mentioned by Pliny in Book 34 chapter 14.
Then, after polishing the blade of steel, they smear it with a poison so deadly that death soon ensues after any injury which draws blood, wherever inflicted.
So these Malayos (Melayu) use much poison on all their weapons, especially the points of arrows, whether made of iron or wood, or the teeth of animals or fish, or of "nyboes " ('nibong').
Their bows are larger than the bows of Persia.
The lance called "azagaya " is 10 palms in length: these lances are much used as missiles.
There are other lances, as much as 25 palms long: besides a great number of " soligues " made of " nyboes '' and used as missiles.
Their artillery, as a rule, is not heavy: formerly they used mortars and swivel-guns made of various metals: to-day they employ larger pieces, and battery-cannon, besides many kinds of fire-arms, including small arms and arquebuses. Regarding the employment of artillery amongst the, Malayos, we know that on the conquest of Malaca in the year 1511, Affonco de Alboquerque captured much small artillery, esmerils, falconets, and medium-sized sakers: these could not have come from Mecca (Mekah) in Arabia where they use larger pieces of the second order, such as battery-cannon: probably these came from Pegu and Syam, where they had an establishment for casting smaller artillery, of the first order, and a foundry for every other kind of metal-work; this thev had learnt from the Attayos (Ayutthaya) and the Chinas (Ming Dynasty), who first introduced artillery, which was invented after the rebellions against the Empire of Attay or Cattay.
- Godinho de Eredia -
The Ottoman Military Academy in Aceh
Understandably much of the focus on the Ottoman Empire is on its clash with Western Europe. There is at least one aspect of Ottoman military power that reached out into wider Asia, the Ottoman Military Academy in Aceh on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra in what is now Indonesia. From what I understand this was the only Ottoman Military Academy established outside of the empire's confines. It was part of a broader military assistance program that was focused on blunting Portuguese expansion into Southeast Asia.
There is an excellent source on the web that outlines the genesis and growth of the Ottoman-Acehnese diplomatic relationship using Turkish sources. It noted the first diplomatic contact from the Sultan of Aceh to the Ottoman Empire as occurring in 1547 but that there were no Turkish sources to expand on it. There was some debate also as to whether it was later, 1562 but that argument is unlikely to be settled unless new evidence is discovered. In addition, the well known historian of Southeast Asia, Anthony Reid, implied that the relationship may have existed since the 1520s. Both sources agreed that it was possible that the first Ottoman military assistance to Aceh was in the late 1530s when sailors from the Ottoman Fleet that had fought at Diu in India continued down to Aceh to help the Acehnese fight the Bataks and Portuguese.
Aceh's first confirmed diplomatic approach to the Ottoman Empire was in 1566 when the Sultan of Aceh, Alaaddin Riayet Shah al-Kahhar (r 1537-71) sent a letter dated 7 January 1566 with an ambassador to the Ottoman Emperor, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. This letter referred to Ottoman cannoneers who had arrived safely in Aceh and appealed for more assistance. The death of Suleiman that year and a rebellion in Yeman delayed and then downscaled the assistance that the Ottomans eventually sent in 1568 or 1569, possibly more cannons and experts to make them locally in Aceh. It should be noted that the original plans by the Ottomans were substantial including at least 15 galleys carrying artisans skilled in ship building and siege warfare.
Aceh made good use of the cannon makers and established a local foundry, turning out some very large cannons. There were two very large cannons that still existed in Aceh into the late 1800s according to a Turkish visitor. They were only taken when the Dutch occupied Aceh and this is potentially borne out by the picture below.

The fact that the Sultan of Aceh could write a letter such as mentioned above and receive the assistance that he did showed the importance of Aceh's trade, mainly pepper, with the Ottomans and also an already existing relationship of some depth. The Ottomans no doubt felt well disposed to assisting the Acehnese as that aid would make life hard for the Portuguese. Interestingly the historian Michael Charney in his book stated that the Turks were looking for allies in the Indian Ocean to prevent the Portuguese from outflanking the Ottomans.
The Ottoman Academy
Turning now to the military academy, there was agreement amongst the sources that such an academy existed in Aceh, although there was little detail. The academy was called Askari Bayt Al-Mugaddas (Sacred Military Academy), although according to an Indonesian sourcethe name was changed to become Askar Baitul Maqdis, since that was closer to the Acehnese pronunciation. It was not clear what subjects were taught nor how long the teaching period was. At least one student was female, Kumala Hayati, who later went on to lead the Acehnese fleet against the Portuguese in Melaka (Malacca). The attacks on Melaka, although unsuccessful are attributed to the knowledge imparted by this academy, as well as the broader Islamic network that Aceh was a part of. Reid stated that at least one attack on Melaka was assisted by the forces of four Indian Muslim sultans. The dearth of information was frustrating but the fact that this academy existed demonstrated an important role for Aceh in the strategy of the Ottoman Empire.
The academy, the cannons and the planned dispatch of the Ottoman Fleet clearly showed that Aceh was part of the Ottoman's efforts to balance Portuguese expansion. The relationship did wane later and was revitalised as Aceh faced the threat of Dutch colonialism but by that stage Turkey was the sick man of Europe and the Ottoman splendors were becoming memories. Nevertheless, it was an interesting relationship that highlighted that western colonialism was just one strand of the dynamics in Southeast Asia. It may also have helped to improve the military capabilities of the Acehnese Sultanate and hence the surrounding lands just as Western colonialism began.
Sources : http://www.ari.nus.edu.sg/docs%5 ... mailhakkigoksoy.pdf
Terimakasih pada tuan tanah kerana berkongsi artikel menarik, tapi malangnya saya keliru dgn istilah 'melayu' disini. Melayu itu terlalu luas. |
Post Last Edit by capiloton at 23-1-2010 23:15
terima kasih sebab berkongsi info hangpc2..
kalau ada lagi info2 yg berkaitan tentang senjata2 api lama dan dokumen/surat yg ada kaitan antara empayar melayu Islam dulu dgn khilafah uthmaniyah (ottoman empire), silakan copy paste dalam thread ni.. 
betoi tu prof jinggo, istilah melayu itu luas..
sejarah bangsa melayu adalah panjang beribu tahun..
melalui perjalanan yg panjang dan luas..
empayar melayu dulu bertaburan hampir seluruh dunia..
ada journal bertarikh tahun 1898..
dari seorang scholar mat salleh membuat kajian antara bangsa melayu dan mayan..
dia buat kajian dari segi perbandingan bahasa...
di dapati ada banyak persamaan bahasa antara melayu dan maya..
hasil dari thesis ni ada 2 kesimpulan..
sama ada suku maya di central america ini adalah bangsa MELAYU, atau..
bahasa melayu telah meluas penggunaannya satu dunia !
link kat sini..
berkenaan suku maya atau mayan ni.. boleh goggle atau wiki..
ada kaitan dgn fenomena 2012... mayan calendar..
antara bukti artifak, keris emas purba ada di temui di jepun..
keris purba ni juga ada di temui di russia...
sumer org tau keris itu adalah identiti orang melayu..
so apa makna nya semua ni? |
Post Last Edit by capiloton at 23-1-2010 22:38
57# capiloton
ni bukti artifak yg aku cakap tu..
untuk bacaan lanjut, boleh masuk link di bawah.. credit kepada sang tawal sakranta..

Misteri melayu : Keris dan Piramid di dasar lautan Okinawa
Tajuk : Keris dan Piramid di dasar lautan Okinawa.
Artikel Oleh : Sangtawal Sakranta.
Sebenarnya sudah lama dunia tahu berkaitan dengan penemuan sebilah keris purba disebuah kuil purba “Enkakuji Temple”di dasar lautan Pulau Okinawa Jepun. Dunia juga sudah lama tahu tentang penemuan sebuah piramid di dasar lautan Okinawa. Sudah sekian lama juga dunia tahu gambar ukiran keris telah diabadikan di dinding candi borobudur yang diberi nama Kujang itu!
Cuba lihat laporan akhbar The Star bertarikh 26.6.2003 di bawah berkaitan keris purba tersebut yang ditemui di Okinawa , Jepun itu :
[The star : By : Devid rajah, OKINAWA: An ancient blade of a keris found recently at the royal Enkakuji Temple grounds near the 15th century Shurijo Castle might unravel the ties the Malay world had with these southwestern islands of Japan. As the war-ravaged Enkakuji Temple was being restored, construction workers stumbled upon a protruding porcelain pot handle at a spot where offerings were made to the gods. The ensuing archaeological dig unearthed nine other items, including the wavy blade of a keris, foreign to this part of the world.
The blade measuring 22.1cm from the tip to hilt was found without the handle and sheath, as the wooden parts had been destroyed. According to the Okinawa Prefecture Archaeological Centre officials the blade was found buried along with other items, including a clay plate with carvings of a dragon shaped boat, a glazed pot, a gold-plated door hinge and a metal door skirting. The castle restoration work started in 1989 and the Shurijo Park was opened to public in 1992 while restoration work at the temple is still ongoing.
Prof Dr Kurayoshi Takara a historian from the University of The Ryukyus said the discovery had not been publicised much and is unknown to people outside Okinawa and Japan. He believes the discovery of the blade of a keris would spark international interest among historians and archaeologists to determine its origin. “I personally believe it could have been from Malacca because the Ryukyus Kingdom had started trading with Malacca in the 15th century,” said Prof Takara, who has been to Malaysia and Malacca to carry out research on the ancient ties the Kingdom of Ryukyus had with Southeast Asian kingdoms.
From historical records, Prof Takara said, the Ryukyus had started trading with Siam (Thailand), between 1425 and 1570, Malacca (1463-1511), Patani (Southern Thailand) (1490-1543) and several other areas in Indonesia (Palembang, Java and Sumatra) and Cambodia. “Record salso indicate Ryukyuan junks went to Malacca every year for 49 years and carried out trade with local merchants, Arabs and Indians.
“They would bring gold, silver, copper, tin, and Chinese ceramic from mainland Japan and China and trade them for ivory and wine,” he said,adding that there were also correspondence between the rulers of Malacca and Ryuyukus. Malacca was also known for its high quality wine (believed to be nipah wine), but later years Ryukyuans started buying it from Thailand when Malacca stopped making it. ] |
Dalam buku teks sejarah lama kat rumah aku dulu...kat bab pasal kejatuhan Melaka ada dinyatakan yang rekod Portugis sendiri kata mereka ada menawan berpucuk2 meriam.
Pasal senjata api macam blunderbuss dan flintlock musket tu even Portugis tak menyeluruh penggunaannya. Kalau tak salah aku masa kurun ke-14 dan -15, senjata api bukan standard issue macam M-16 sekarang (sorang satu)
Sebut pasal kejatuhan Melaka, kita kena ingat, bukan hari ni Portugis sampai, esok Melaka tumbang. Sebulan lebih sikit baru Portugis dapat tawan. Itu pun satu ketika panglima bawah Albuquerque mintak patah balik ke Goa dulu. |
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