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Author: annehuda

koleksi hantu antarabangsa....

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Post time 3-3-2011 09:33 PM | Show all posts
aku just nak tanya...

ade x org kite yg duduk kat luar negara.. kene kaco ngn antu kat sane.. ape ...
Nocturna Post at 3-3-2011 21:02

few months back ada forumer story dia kat ostolia kena kacau dgn jin pompuan tua yg keseorangan (kesejinnan?). siap gambo rumah yg dia sewa dgn pokok besar belakang rumah dia.

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Post time 3-3-2011 09:39 PM | Show all posts
few months back ada forumer story dia kat ostolia kena kacau dgn jin pompuan tua yg keseorangan (k ...
saden Post at 3-3-2011 21:33


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Post time 3-3-2011 11:27 PM | Show all posts
Best thread ni. Keep it up! Seronok baca kisah hantu yg seram2 dari seluruh dunia.

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 Author| Post time 5-3-2011 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by annehuda at 5-3-2011 21:20

hantu scotland, shellycoat

In Scottish and Northern English[1] folklore, a shellycoat is a type of bogeyman that haunts rivers and streams. The name comes from the coat of shells these creatures are said to wear, which rattle upon movement. Shellycoats are considered to be relatively harmless; they may mislead wanderers, particularly those they think are trespassing upon the creature's territory, but without malice.[2] A common tactic of a shellycoat would be to cry out as if drowning and then laugh at the distracted victim.

Many places on the coast of Scotland have names that reference the shellycoat. Supposedly, shellycoats are particularly fond of the area around the river Hermitage, in Liddesdale.


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 Author| Post time 5-3-2011 09:27 PM | Show all posts
korg penah tgk jeepers creepers? actually jeepers tu diinspirasikan dari hantu legend english, spring heeled jack

Spring Heeled Jack (also Springheel Jack, Spring-heel Jack, etc.) is a character from English folklore said to have existed during the Victorian era and able to jump extraordinarily high. The first claimed sighting of Spring Heeled Jack that is known occurred in 1837.[1] Later alleged sightings were reported all over England, from London up to Sheffield and Liverpool, but they were especially prevalent in suburban London and later in the Midlands and Scotland.[2]

Many theories have been proposed to ascertain the nature and identity of Spring Heeled Jack. The urban legend of Spring Heeled Jack gained immense popularity in its time due to the tales of his bizarre appearance and ability to make extraordinary leaps, to the point where he became the topic of several works of fiction.

Spring Heeled Jack was described by people claiming to have seen him as having a terrifying and frightful appearance, with diabolical physiognomy, clawed hands, and eyes that "resembled red balls of fire". One report claimed that, beneath a black cloak, he wore a helmet and a tight-fitting white garment like an "oilskin". Many stories also mention a "Devil-like" aspect. Spring Heeled Jack was said to be tall and thin, with the appearance of a gentleman, and capable of making great leaps. Several reports mention that he could breathe out blue and white flames and that he wore sharp metallic claws at his fingertips. At least two people claimed that he was able to speak comprehensible English.

yg famousnye spring heeled jack ni circa 1830-40 ni selalu muncul di england smpi kuar paper.  jadi bleh dikatakan banyak dokumen yg membuktikan kewujudan makhluk ni...

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Post time 7-3-2011 09:22 AM | Show all posts
nice info, TT
ada lagi satu versi bloody mary tu, kalau kita berdiri depan cermin sambil dua2 tangan didepakan. pastu chant "bloody mary i killed your baby" tiga kali. nanti tiba2 kita dapat rasa cam ada baby diletakkan dalam tangan

satu lagi TT, urban legend pasal hanako-san kat jepun. hanako-san ni kononnya budak darjah lima kot yang bunuh diri dalam toilet. pastu dia pun menghantui toilet tu. kononnya bole nampak reflection dia berdarah2 dalam cermin

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Post time 7-3-2011 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Myrtle Mengerang

Nama keluarga Myrtle tidak diketahui. Beliau adalah hantu seorang pelajar sihir berdarah Muggle. Myrtle terbunuh lima puluh tahun sebelum peristiwa yang sama menggemparkan Hogwarts sekali lagi. Ditunjukkan yang Myrtle sering dibuli ketika di sekolah, yang menyebabkan dia sering kelihatan murung dan berada di tandas perempuan aras dua untuk menangis. Kebetulan, pintu masuk Bilik Rahsia berada di bilik air yang sama. Pada satu ketika, Myrtle bersembunyi untuk mengelak dari Olive Hornby, rakan yang selalu mengusiknya, Bilik itu terbuka dan basilisk Tom Riddle menjelma menyebabkan Myrtle terkorban.

Selepas mati, Myrtle menghantui Olive ke mana saja dia pergi. Olive kemudiannya membuat aduan kepada Kementerian Sihir, yang mengarahkan Myrtle kembali ke Hogwarts. Sejak itu, Myrtle sering berada di tandas itu.

Tidak seperti hantu Hogwarts lain, Myrtle tidak berapa bersosial, sangat terasa apabila dikatakan yang dia telah mati (dan hampir semua perkara sekali). Dia amat murung, mengerang (dia mengatakan yang dia sering memikirkan tentang kematian sepanjang masa) dan marah terhadap apa sahaja perkara yang dirasakannya boleh membawa kepada penghinaanya (walaupun bukan itu yang orang lain fikirkan). Erangan dan keluhannya menyebabkan masalah perpaipan dan pembentungan di tandas itu. Myrtle kadang-kala sering berada di paip bengkok berbentuk U dan kadang-kala dipam ke tasik dengan segala kotoran tandas di dalamnya.

Kepentingan watak Myrtle dalam Harry Potter dan Bilik Rahsia adalah membantu Harry Potter, Ron Weasley dan Hermione Granger mengetahui tentangraksasa di dalam Bilik Rahsia.

Myrtle juga membantu Harry dalam tugasan kedua Kejohanan Ahli Sihir Trio, in Harry Potter dalam Piala Api. Myrtle juga yang memberitahu Harry bagaimana menyelesaikan teka-teki dari telur emas yang diperolehinya dalam tugasan pertama, dengan membuka telur itu di dalam air.

Myrtle yang jelas minat dengan Harry, iaiatu orang yang satu-satunya dijemput berkongsi dengan tandasnya jika terbunuh.

Dalam Harry Potter dengan Putera Berdarah Kacukan, dia muncul dan berbaik dengan Draco Malfoy yang risau dengan tugas yang diberikan Lord Voldemort.

ya ampoonnnn.


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Post time 7-3-2011 12:58 PM | Show all posts
cina pun ade hantu gak. tp hantu ni rasanye plg famous dan dikenali ramai kot. hantu pokok pisang at ...
annehuda Post at 26-2-2011 12:14

ini mcm citer hantu pokok pisang dalam "Sini ada hantu jer"...

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2011 01:31 PM | Show all posts
ini mcm citer hantu pokok pisang dalam "Sini ada hantu jer"...
zafira Post at 7-3-2011 12:58

    memang pun...hehehe

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Post time 7-3-2011 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Myrtle Mengerang

Nama keluarga Myrtle tidak diketahui. Beliau adalah hantu seorang pelaj ...
kroit92 Post at 7-3-2011 09:40

gugel translet kah??huhuhu

menariknya cerita2 hantu antarabangsa ni.. ai likeee..

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Post time 14-3-2011 07:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 47# kroit92

hantu sir nick ngan baron bdarah xde ke.. hantu ravenclaw.. dan byk lg hantu di hogwarts..

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2011 03:50 PM | Show all posts
dah lama plak tak update thread ni


In Hindu folklore, the vetala is an evil spirit who haunts cemeteries and takes demonic possession of corpses. They make their displeasure known by troubling humans. They can drive people mad, kill children, and cause miscarriages, but also guard villages.

They are hostile spirits of the dead trapped in the 'twilight zone' between life and afterlife. These creatures can be repelled by the chanting of holy mantras. One can free them from their ghostly existence by performing their funerary rites. Being unaffected by the laws of space and time, they have an uncanny knowledge about the past, present, and future and a deep insight into human nature. Therefore many sorcerers seek to capture them and turn them into slaves.

A sorcerer once asked King Vikramaditya to capture a vetala who lived in a tree that stood in the middle of a cremation ground. The only way to do that was by keeping silent.

Every time Vikramaditya caught the vetala, the vetala would enchant the king with a story that would end with a question. No matter how hard he tried, Vikramaditya would not be able to resist answering the question. This would enable the vetala to escape and return to his tree. The stories of the vetala have been compiled in the book Baital Pachisi.

There is also a strong Vetala cult in the Konkan region, under the names of Betal, Vetal, etc. Since Shri Betal is said to be the brother of Shri Shantadurga. Therefore, wherever a temple of Shantadurga is, there will be a temple dedicated in honour of Shri Betal either within the temple complex of Shri Shantadurga or somewhere in the sylvan surroundings.. It seems, however, that the relation between the literary Vetala and this demigod's is feeble at best. There is a Shree Betal temple ( बेताळ ) in Amona, Goa. Vetal is the worshipper (or sevak) of Kala Bhairava and is the head of all spirits and ghouls and vampires and all kinds of pisachas. He has another form which is a more potent and fiery form, that of Agni Vetal who is the sevak of none other than Kalika. Lord Agnivetal has flames on his head and controls fire. He is also known as Agya Vetal. Agnivetal is used by Tantriks to perform evil black magic on people. But it isn't Lord Agnivetal's fault because the Tantriks misuse the powers given to them on propitiating Agnivetal(rather his Daityas which are at his feet-they are the ones who accept the blood sacrifices).

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2011 03:54 PM | Show all posts
The Churel is the revenant of a woman who dies when bearing a child or has somehow broke some religious taboos when dying.

The basic form of the churrel is sometimes described as having reversed feet and no mouth. According to another description, she has long, pendant breasts, sharp long teeth, unkempt hair, and a black tongue. But she can appear as a beautiful young woman who seduces young men and keeps them enthralled, draining them of their vitality, until they prematurely become grey-haired old men. She preys mainly upon her relatives. The ways to prevent or get rid of a churrel include:

->Piercing the thumb and fore-fingers of the corpse with nails.
->Binding the the toes of the corpse together with an iron ring.
->Breaking the legs of the corpse above the ankles.
->Burying the corpse the corpse face downwards.
->Burying the corpse in a special place such as one near the house which was always in shadow at high noon.
->Fixing an iron nail at each of the four corners of the burial site.
->Placing millet or mustard seeds, or thorns or iron nails, in the grave itself and/or on the ground above the grave.  
->Placing millet or mustard seeds on the road between the grave and her former home.
->Placing millet or mustard seeds, or thorns or iron nails on the thresholds of her former home.The practices involving millet or mustard seeds had to do with notion that the revenant became pre-occupied with counting these. The same practices and belief here concerning seeds and such occurs in Eastern Europe and, at least to some degree, in many other parts of the world.
->Ritual offerings and rites of exorcism performed at the site of the grave
->Sometimes the corpse was cremated. But then a ball of thread is burned with it in belief that the woman's spirit will be so occupied with unwinding the ball that she will forget the gripe she has with her relatives.

ni hantu dari india...kalau korg baca balik ritual-ritual tu, aku rasa mcm penah baca dan penah diamalkan oleh org melayu dulu-dulu bila ada perempuan mati bersalin...

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2011 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Tiyanak (phillipines)

The Tiyanak (also Tianak or Tianac) is a creature which, in Philippine mythology, imitates the form of a child. It usually takes the form of a newborn baby and cries like one in the jungle to attract unwary travelers. Once it is picked up by the victim, it reverts to its true form and attacks the victim.[1] Aside from slashing victims, the tianak also delights in leading travelers astray,[2] or in kidnapping children.[3]

While various legends have slightly different versions of the "true" form of the tiyanak, the stories all agree on its ability to mimic an infant, with its ability to imitate an infant's cries the most powerful tool for luring victims into its trap.[2] In some legends, the Tiyanak may take the form of a specific child.[4]

In its true form, there are varying differences of the tiyanak:

In one version, it retains the general shape of a baby but then forms sharp claws and fangs to attack its kind-hearted victim.[1]
In another, it shares certain similarities with dwarfs and is similarly associated with the earth. In this version, the "true" form of the tiyanak is that of a little old man with wrinkled skin, a long beard and mustache, a flat nose and eyes the size of peseta coins. The same story says that a tiyanak is relatively immobile because its right leg is much shorter than the other. This deformity forces it to move by leaping rather than walking, making it difficult to hunt or stalk victims, but its ability to mimic an infant's cry compensates for this disadvantage.[2]
In yet another story it is seen supernaturally flying through the forest (still in the form of a baby) [5] and in a legend from the island of Mindoro it transforms into a black bird before flying away [4]
In another version from Pampanga, the tiyanak are described as small, nut-brown people who don't walk on the ground but rather float on air. They have large noses, wide mouths, large fierce eyes and sharp voices.[3]
Various countermeasures are used against the tianak. Those that were led astray by the creature's cries can break the enchantment by turning their clothes inside out. The tianak finds the method humorous enough to let go of the traveler and go back to the jungles. Loud noises such as a New Year's celebration is enough to drive the tianak away from the vicinity.[2] Aswang repellents like garlic and the rosary can also drive the tianak away.[1]


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2011 04:03 PM | Show all posts
manananggal (Phillipines)

The Manananggal is a vampire who can separate her upper torso from her lower body in order to fly in the night with huge bat-like wings to prey on unsuspecting, pregnant women in their homes, using an elongated proboscis-like tongue to reach their unborn fetus.[2] The Manananggal has some similarities to the Penanggalan of Malay legend, a floating female head with trailing entrails.[3] Beliefs in the origin of manananggals vary. One story says that heredity or contamination by physical or supernatural means can turn someone into a manananggal. For example, contaminating someone's meal with an old manananggal's saliva or human flesh can pass it on.[4]

In some ways the manananggal resembles the tik-tik, a type of aswang that takes the form of a black bird which makes a "tik-tik-tik" sound. It has a long proboscis that reaches through the roof and sucks the fetus inside the womb of pregnant women.[5] The tik-tik may be related to the Indonesian Kuntilanak, a vampire bird that makes a "ke-ke-ke" sound as it flies.[6]


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2011 04:08 PM | Show all posts

A Gjenganger (Norwegian: Gjenganger/Attergangar Danish: Genganger Swedish: Gengångare) is the term for a revenant, the spirit or ghost of a deceased from the grave, in Scandinavian folklore.

A gjenganger could have several reasons to return from the afterlife. Murdered people could seldom sleep peacefully in their graves. The same went for their murderers. People who had committed suicide often came back as gjengangere, because Christian tradition held that "self-killers" were fit neither for heaven nor hell.(yg ni sebijik mcm kepercayaan org melayu. org mati bunuh diri tak diterima bumi?) At other times, people came back from the grave because they had left something undone. Most often they needed someone to help them do this, before they could finally be at peace.
(yg ni plot drama ghost whisperer )

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