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Post time 23-7-2003 01:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatin at 2003-7-19 16:30:
kalau dalam construction ni, quantity surveyor..atau QS tu apa dia buat...

saya tak reti lagi bidang construction ni, could u elaborate...


QS [Quantity surveyor/juruukur bahan]  ni  acts as a financial consultant utk construction industry, to control costs, manage contractual arrangements and prepare contract documents.
biasanya QS akan works in conjuction with architects, consulting engineers and contractors.

di antara tugas2 rutin seorang QS ialah menyediakan  initial budget bagi sesuatu project dari feasibility stage  hingga anggaran detailed design. After that, preliminary costs studies are done, comparing alternative materials and design in terms of capital, operating, maintenance and depreciation.

[QS kene ade good knowledge of wut lain lain bidang consrtuction is all about:
kene tau baca plan, tau pasal bldg material, kene tau pasal construction..ala ala jake of al trade, master of cost management..hehehehehe]

QS is responsible for monitoring and evaluating designs and advises on contractual arrangements. QS juga akan prepares  tender documents for pricing by contractors n termasuklah bill of quantities [ lupa plak terminologi  in bm]

bila tender dari kontrektor dah submit, QS gak la akan check , siasat  n melapurkan tahap 'kewarasan' or kesesuaian tender submitted..

Lain2 kepentingan QS includes management of cash and valuations for work done, an evaluation of final cost dari kontraktor n advice utk maintenance programmes.

secara kasar..tu saja yg dapat saya jelaskan regarding QS job..
semoga anda dah bleh get a picture of wut a QS is all about
nak lagi detail kene tanya QS aa..

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Post time 23-7-2003 02:04 AM | Show all posts
Aku suka Zaha Hadid (ada satu rekabentuk macam dinding), tapi tak faham camna dia translate lakaran jadi bangunan...

Aku suka urban architecture, in general, sebab ada potential akan terhasil emergant systems, philosophically of course, yang self-regulating. Macam satu social structure in microcosm yang tiba-tiba jadi's more like how individuals are transformed into hive-mind behaviour study...

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Post time 23-7-2003 02:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marquez at 2003-7-23 02:04:
Aku suka Zaha Hadid (ada satu rekabentuk macam dinding), tapi tak faham camna dia translate lakaran jadi bangunan...

Aku suka urban architecture, in general, sebab ada potential akan terhasil em ...

ZAha Hadid - Deconstructivist [dia pompuan tau ]
decons nih ko kene paham cerita disebalik the painting n ape intipati painting tu yg dia zahirkan sebagai building
mende mende tersirat nih..mmg kene baca sebab dorang nih  cam buat experimental arch.
tapi not all ppl leh appreciate decons wurks nih..great to have u to share the passion
mcm dinding? which one eh..Cincinnati's Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art ke?

try baca pasal  her winning entry for The Peak Leisure Club, Hong Kong in 1983, besttt..tapi sayangnyer building tu tak sempat dibina due to pertukaran kerajaan pemerintah HK..

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Post time 23-7-2003 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Kurdurstendamm, Berlin. Aku tak suka sangat The Peak, macam berkecamuk semacam je (aku bukan arkitek jadi respons aku cumalah visual + emotional). Lagi satu aku suka, Mario Botta, dia punya hatchings exquisite!

Baru je check out Santiago, memang interesting...


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Post time 23-7-2003 01:57 PM | Show all posts

okay ..

salam and hi all,
would you all be king enough to tell me abit more about the hanging GArden of babylon?
why is it so special to the these archeologist and the likes...?
any graphics that anyone would share about this?

bless you and thank you.

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fatin This user has been deleted
Post time 23-7-2003 06:46 PM | Show all posts

thanks ... ninoZ

fatin lagi baru dalam construction ni.. uruskan tender and hubungi clients...attend meeting,...... patutlah boss fatin suruh selalu contact QS... gitu kerja dia... now baru fatin faham.... ni ada gak kaitan dengan kerja-kerja electrical engineer kan...ninoZ...

p/s... pun belum tahu sangat baca plan...kalau kena tipu.. nahas haku kena ni...! ninoZ.. ko boleh buat topik ke tentang benda-benda lam construction topic 'mari belajar' kat legally yours tu... tapi ilmiah sikit lah... kira-kira orang laymen cam haku ni dapat faham...atau pelajar bidang ni... haa....dapat pahala gak ko...

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BHAI-SUCI This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-7-2003 07:47 PM | Show all posts
aduh.pening gak bila baca

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Post time 25-7-2003 03:19 PM | Show all posts
i pun suka calatrava punye work...especially bridges
die ni sebenarnya engineer + architect sebab tu la die punye design powerful and structurally correct

in m'sia...ken yeang is quite good...

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Post time 25-7-2003 03:29 PM | Show all posts

alamillo bridge,spain.....designed by calatrava

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Post time 26-7-2003 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatin at 2003-7-23 18:46:
fatin lagi baru dalam construction ni.. uruskan tender and hubungi clients...attend meeting,...... patutlah boss fatin suruh selalu contact QS... gitu kerja dia... now baru fatin faham.... ni ada g ...

akceli kann cik fatin
me dah tak prektis arch. ni
sejak jadi mem beso..hehehehe
but i''l try my best to share wut ever knowledge yg 'leftover' .. ok?
kalau ade ape ape kemusykilan..jgn malu malu nak tanya eh..
kita cuba jawab beramai ramai..
sesi mari belajar? bleh diusahakan
tak gitu encik bhai?

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Post time 26-7-2003 05:31 PM | Show all posts
sajer nak share ngan korang semua...
work by ken yeang...guthrie pavilion...bukit jelutong
some of his work...
menara mesiniaga subang
menara umno penang
BB park
MTDC cyberjaya

guthrie pavilion...
bukit jelutong..shah alam

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Post time 28-7-2003 05:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-7-23 13:57:
salam and hi all,
would you all be king enough to tell me abit more about the hanging GArden of babylon?
why is it so special to the these archeologist and the likes...?
any graphics that ...

a bit of story eh?
here we go..
the hanging garden of babylon
The approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one another tier on tier... On all this, the earth had been piled... and was thickly planted with trees of every kind that, by their great size and other charm, gave pleasure to the beholder... The water machines [raised] the water in great abundance from the river, although no one outside could see it.
                                                                                Diodorus Siculus

tho' the hanging garden of babylon is listed as one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, u  may be surprise to know that the legendary hanging garden might have never existed except in the minds of Greek poets and historians..
worry not tho', the recent success in excavation works by archeologists  gradually proving the existence of the garden n its exact location

The hanging garden of babylon was built on the east bank of the River Euphrates[in the south of Baghdad] circa 604-562 BC under  the ruling of King Nebuchanezzar II.[Mesopotamia civilization reached its ultimate glory during this era] It was built for his wife[or concubine..'un'proven ;)], Amytis, a Median[persia] Princess to remind her of her the mountains n greenary of her homeland...
The Gardens didn't really 'hanging' but were built on terraces which were part of the ziggurat[stepped pyramid] and was irrigated by water lifted up from the Euphrates.

The Hanging Gardens were built on a foundation of arched vaults, and rose to 75 feet. They were waterproofed with bitumen, baked brick n lead to keep the under vaults dry..the terrace structure is covered with dirt deep enough to support large trees ..
Babylon, after all, is in the middle of a desert..water supply was one of  crucial part of the garden .. Traces of wells have been discovered, which suggest that the wheel of buckets technique(like our modern conveyor belt) or Doria was used here to raise the water to the highest point of the terrace.  

here's some rough idea on how the doria work..


The terraced construction, itself elevated by situating the gardens on the summit of a small hill, made the tops of the trees visible above the walls from a considerable distance...which helped to perpetuate an illusive sense of wonder over such "hanging" gardens in midair... The botanical gardens blossomed with fragrant flowers n decoration set among the irrigation ditches. Fruit trees accentuated the rectangular areas of cultivation, themselves overshadowed by palm trees..
Water cascaded down from a reservoir-lake over the vegetation beneath...[the water element is the one that really gave the 'hanging' effect..] The whole construction, is like a mountain

why archeologist so curious bout it?

ingenius system of the water distribution n irrigation ..especially given the desert climate .. n mechanical capabilities of the ancient Babylonians
irrigation was so vital to any empire that located between the Dijla n Furat [Tigris n Euphrates]..there's practically no rainfall in Mesopotamia

remarkable plumbing and water proofing system the foundation of building is kept intact..[building r made of bricks n with the  amount of water needed to keep the vegetation alive..culd as well soften the bricks n bring the building down..]

the fact that the garden have been decriptively described by greek historians n was even mention in some parts of Alexander's soldier story, who reached the land of mesopotamia n saw babylon..
yet no physical proof  exist.. so they gotta do wut they gotta do..dig dig n dig..
u know..the tomb raider stuff..;)
not until  the twentieth century..the mystery slowly revealed [n more to be discovered..]
but no pandora box wuz discovered  tho'..thanx to lara croft hehehehhe

do you know?
the land between the two rivers, Tigris n Euphrates is known as the Cradle of Civilization
the birthplace of the varied civilizations that moved us from prehistory to history..
[mesopotamia is the oldest known civilization]

[ Last edited by ninoZ on 28-7-2003 at 05:36 AM ]

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Post time 30-7-2003 11:18 AM | Show all posts
nix, building apa tu? futuristic nyer, cam dalam filem Star Wars pulak.

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Post time 30-7-2003 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cocklea at 30-7-2003 11:18 AM:
nix, building apa tu? futuristic nyer, cam dalam filem Star Wars pulak.

guthrie pavilion.... kat bukit jelutong .. shah alam...
mmg dia dpt anugerah utk building tu... kalau lalu highway kat situ sure nampaknyer...
bangunan office.... utk guthrie
roof die pakai membrane structure... ssb tu lain sket ...

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Post time 3-8-2003 02:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nix79 at 2003-7-30 11:40 AM:
guthrie pavilion.... kat bukit jelutong .. shah alam...
mmg dia dpt anugerah utk building tu... kalau lalu highway kat situ sure nampaknyer...
bangunan office.... utk guthrie
roof die pakai mem ...

roof dia functional or decorative?

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Post time 3-8-2003 03:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ninoZ at 2003-7-18 03:48 AM:
senibina vernacular bermaksud senibina setempat dan bersifat regionalism
bentuk senibina ini biasanya byk dipengaruhi oleh faktor2 ruang lingkup persekitaran..faktor sejarah, budaya, kekadang keag ...

sesuatu senibina vernacular tu sebenarnya lahir akibat daripada keperluan dan kehendak masyarakat vernacular itu atau ia hidup secara tak sengaja.... satu faktor kebiasaan saja?.

Maksud saya begini... kehendak dan keperluan dua kelompok manusia satu bangsa adalah sama malahi mendiami sesuatu kawasan geografik yang sama. Iklim kawasan itu adalah sama... fungsi rumah tentunya sama. Tetapi mengapa boleh terjadi perbezaan rekabentuk dan fungsi? Kita ambillah sebagai contoh rumah melayu melaka dengan rumah say melayu selangor. semua faktor adalah sama... agama,budaya, iklim dll... yet bentuk rumah berbeza. Melaka dengan beranda terbukanya yang sebenarnya unik. Apa yang menyebabkannya begitu? Keperluan fungsi atau hanya kebiasaan?

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Post time 3-8-2003 03:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Camar at 3-8-2003 02:44 AM:
roof dia functional or decorative?

actually ...the roof is an independent structure, acting as an umbrella to cover the building below...from sun,reduce glare/aircond load...
so it is functional....
roof tu pakai system air inflated membrane cushion connected to a tubular steel...

the pavillion below pakai glass...
so to protect it from the sun.... they use this system...
it's quite expensive actually... dan maintenance cost tinggi..

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Post time 3-8-2003 03:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nix79 at 2003-8-3 03:15 AM:
actually ...the roof is an independent structure, acting as an umbrella to cover the building below...from sun,reduce glare/aircond load...
so it is functional....
roof tu pakai system air inflat ...

what kind of maintenance needed.

will the material used lasts?

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Post time 3-8-2003 04:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Camar at 3-8-2003 03:38 AM:
what kind of maintenance needed.

will the material used lasts?

maintenance needed..

material yg digunakan ialah Laminated PTFE glass fabric ...
utk mengekalkan warna putih fabrik tu... diaorang terpaksa cuci/tukar fabrik tu...
sbb lama kelamaan bila terdedah kpd sun..fabric tu akan jd kekuningan...
and they have to maintain the amount of air dlm cushion tu.. ...
setakat tu sajer yg saya tau.... dpt info nih dari one of the architect yg kerja kat situ....
so... mungkin sesiapa yg lebih tahu... bleh tambah...

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Post time 6-8-2003 09:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Camar at 3-8-2003 03:07 AM:
sesuatu senibina vernacular tu sebenarnya lahir akibat daripada keperluan dan kehendak masyarakat vernacular itu atau ia hidup secara tak sengaja.... satu faktor kebiasaan saja?.

Maksud  ...

encik camar.
saya terangkan secara ringkas eh..

sesebuah rumah Melayu itu terbina hasil dari gabungan pelbagai  ilmu kemahiran n kerja penukang..
pawang- menentukan geomancy sesebuah rumah eg. mana letak tiang seri.. mana orientasinya
tukang rumah - membina rumah from scratch hingga siap
pemotong/pembelah kayu - kekadang tukang rumah n pemotong kayu the same person - mahir tengtang ilmu perkayuan
pengukir- menyempurnakan detailing ukiran sesebuah rumah

so these person..selain dari menurut hukum asas pembinaan rumah..turut mempunyai skill n personal expression tersendiri resulted by faktor geografi or faktor perguruan or sometimes special request by the owner

di pantai timur definately byk dipengaruhi oleh senibina atau material dari siam
cth: senibina rumah dia kelantan..bentuk bumbung, atap singgora
di utara plak..rumahnya on stilt yg tinggi sebab bhg bawah rumah digunakan utk menyimpan padi dan sebagainya [dipengaruhi faktor kegiatan seharian]

di melaka plak..being negeri yg byk pengaruh pedagang asing..bleh dilihat dari detailing pada hiasan tangga, penggunaan courtyard dan bentuk bumbung.. [pernah tak get the feeling certain mesjid kat melaka tu macam bumbung tokong]

secara asasnya..konsep rekabentuk ruang bagi rumah melayu adalah sama
tangga-->anjung-->serambi-->ibu rumah--->dapur
yg membezakan from one negeri to another..keperluan ruang yg needed to be emphasize, material, detailing..dll

n sesebuah rumah melayu juga is an expression of the owner status,
taraf hidup n hartanya,falsafah hidupnya, hubungannya dengan alam, hubungan seorang ahli masyarakat dengan yang lainnya, semuanya bleh dizahirkan melalui rumah yg dimiliki.

tu aje within my rusty knowledge..kene buat revision balik aaa kalau u nak detail explaination ;)

[ Last edited by ninoZ on 6-8-2003 at 09:16 PM ]

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