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Author: tobby

Syria..Apa yang berlaku sebenarnya???

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 01:23 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 01:28 AM | Show all posts
kemarahan Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

Presiden Kesatuan Ulama' Islam SeDunia, Prof. Dr.Yusuf Al-Qardhawi membidas dua pihak yang bersekongkol dengan rejim Syria iaitu Iran dan Hizbullah. Lebih mengejutkan, beliau sendiri tidak lagi memanggil Hizbullah tetapi "Hizbul Lata" sambil meminta seluruh umat Islam berkumpul dalam 'parit yang satu' bagi menentang dua sekutu Syria ini. Seruan beliau ini dinyatakan dalam ucapan menyokong Revolusi Syria yang diadakan di Kesatuan Wartawan Mesir. Jelas beliau, "Kewajipan bagi semua untuk menentang Iran dan Hizbu Lata (Hizbullah), seluruh negara Arab perlu bersatu menentang kedua-duanya."

Kepada rakyat Syria, ini ucapan beliau:

"Kalian bukan keseorangan tetapi Mesir bersama Syria, Libya bersama Syria, Tunisia bersama Syria, Morocco dan Jordan serta seluruh orang yang mulia dan merdeka di dunia ini bersama Syria. Wahai rakyat Syria, berjalanlah kalian di jalan kamu, berpeganglah dengan kebenaran kamu. Saya berpesan kepada kalian agar jangan sesekali berpecah-belah, jadilah tangan yang satu."

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 01:32 AM | Show all posts

Lagi bukti penglibatan Iran membantu rejim Syria didedahkan dalam beberapa halaman berita yang dipetik pada 10 Februari 2012:

(TAJUK) BBC: Iran Menghantar 15 Ribu Tentera dari Pengawal Revolusi ke Syria

Penghantaran tentera ini dibuat atas permintaan pihak berkuasa Syria bagi memerangi kebangkitan rakyat.

Persoalan: Inikah Negara Islam ala-Syiah yang diasaskan oleh Khomeni? Sekali lagi umat Islam ditipu.Hentikan pemujaan terhadap Iran.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 01:44 AM | Show all posts
mereka hidup bermewah2 di atas darah & keringat rakyat syria..


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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 01:51 AM | Show all posts
shopping sprees of Syrian First Lady
Asmaa al-Assad’s spending habits and knack for European luxury goods
Amidst national crisis costing thousands of lives, Asma spent tens of thousands of pounds on diamond jewelry, chandelier lighting and Christian Louboutin shoes and Chanel dresses.

"I am absolutely clueless when it comes to fine jewellery,’ the 36-year old said in an email while waiting for a custom-made delivery of gold, onyx and diamond-encrusted necklaces from Paris.


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Post time 15-4-2012 09:28 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 10:57

pasai pa kemarahan yang sama tak di perlihatkan pada pemimpin arab saudi yang bermazhab sunni yang menolong amerika untuk membunuh ramai umat Islam di merata negara ? Pasai pa tak kata celaka kat Raja Arab Saudi dan putra-putra rajanya yang mengamalkan cara hidup paling mewah di dunia mengalahkan ratu elizabeth lagi ? Celaka hanya kat assad dan isterinya aje ? ( Aku percaya kata celaka kat sapa pun tak elok dan tak wajar untuk di buat )

Yang aku tengok pengkalan tentera amerika tak dak kat iran atau kat syria,  tapi ada kat arab saudi , malah serangan ke atas umat islam di pakistan, afghanistan dan iraq datangnya dari pengkalan tentera yang bertapak di arab saudi .

Adakah setelah jatuhnya hosni mubarak dan muammar gadafi maka sekarang dah bebas sebebas-bebasnya mesir dan libya?  Atau dua negara tu masih di bawah cengkaman kerajaan puppet yang tunduk pada kehendak Amerika ?

Dan kalau jatuhnya kerajaan Syria dan Iran maka siapakah yang akan bermaharaja lela di negara2 tu kelak kalau bukan Amerika dan Israel dan kerajaan puppet yang mereka bakal letakkan di situ nanti ?

BTW , aku bukan penyokong syiah, aku mazhab ASWJ . Dan segala pertanyaan aku ni hanya untuk melebarkan ruang lingkup perbincangan agar ia tak hanya jadi thread memaki pemimpin syiah aje ... sedangkan pemimpin2 sunni dan syiah sama hebat membunuh dan berkompromi dengan pembunuh ....

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Post time 15-4-2012 09:46 AM | Show all posts
kemarahan Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

tobby Post at 15-4-2012 01:28

Apabila kerajaan Arab Saudi menjemput tentera Amerika dan tentera bersekutu melakukan serangan dan pengeboman besar-besaran di Iraq selepas Saddam Hussein menyerang kuwait, yang menyebabkan beratus ribu rakyat iraq terkorban termasuk wanita , orang tua dan kanak2 , ada Yusuf Qardawi meluahkan kemarahan yang sama pada pemimpin Arab Saudi  ?

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Post time 15-4-2012 09:50 AM | Show all posts
baru tauu.. ape yg sbnrnye berlaku di Syria
Thanx for sharing

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Post time 15-4-2012 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Ketua Persatuan Ulama' Sunni di Iraq, Dr. Haris Suleiman Ad-Dhori:

Sepanjang tahun 2003 hingga 2006, lebih 100,000 penganut Islam Sunni di negara Iraq dibunuh oleh militia Syiah yang diketuai oleh pelampau Syiah Moqtada As-Sodr.

Beliau yang juga Anggota Jawatankuasa Kesatuan Ulama' Islam Sedunia turut mengingatkan seluruh umat Islam pembunuhan masyarakat Sunni yang berterusan dan serangan terhadap masjid-masjid milik Sunni menyaksikan penguasaan sepenuhnya Syiah ke atas Iraq selepas diserang oleh tentera Amerika dan sekutunya pada tahun 2003.

Di zaman pemerintahan Saddam Husein (beliau seorang Sunni tetapi berfahaman sekular), para penganut Syiah dilayan sebagai "golongan kelas kedua".

Serangan tentera Amerika dan sekutunya pada tahun 2003 yang menyaksikan Saddam digulingkan telah membawa sinar dan harapan baru kepada penduduk Syiah yang menjadikan tanah Karbala dan Najaf sebagai tanah suci mereka.

Tidak hairan ketika serangan Amerika dan sekutunya, penganut Syiah telah memberikan kerjasama penuh kepada musuh Islam tersebut demi menjatuhkan rejim Saddam.tobby Post at 15-4-2012 01:08

Aikkk, pasai pa tak sebut pun kerjasama penuh yang diberikan oleh pemimpin Arab Saudi dan Kuwait pada tentera bersekutu ? Tup tup penganut syiah plak yang timbul ? Macam mana bentuk kerjasama penuh yang penganut syiah berikan pada Amerika dan tentera bersekutu tu , boleh elaborate tak ?

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Post time 15-4-2012 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 10:36

So apa jadi kat Iraq sesudah kejatuhan saddam hussein ? Keluar mulut rimau masuk plak mulut boya ? La ni adakah penduduk Iraq selesa dan bebas berada dalam mulut boya ittew ?   Ke mana perginya segala profit minyak negara tu la ni  ? Aku tengok macam ethiopia aje Iraq la ni , tandus segala-galanya...   . So rakyat Syria pun tentu seronok jadi macam rakyat Iraq nanti kan .

Sebelum ni pun Saddam Hussein di katakan pembunuh rakyatnya gak lah pun siap tunjuk mayat2 berbungkus dengan kubur besar tengah dok gali ..... macam apa yang pemimpin syria kena lani la .... serupa aje .... tapi Alhamdulillah Saddam Hussein sebelum nak mati boleh mengucap pun dia, malah dua kali dia ulang mengucap sebelum dia di gantung .... Hmm, bergelar pembunuh yang di kutuk seluruh dunia sebagai kejam tak mau2 tapi boleh mengucap ketika menghadapi kematian  ?

Dia cukup anti ngan Amerika dan Israel dan dia sesekali tak tunduk pada tekanan mereka malah bertindak memerangi mereka segenap usaha dia , ketika dia dipenjarakan pastinya dia dihina sehina-hinanya seperti mana yang menimpa banduan2 guatanamo bay .... dia di hapuskan oleh tentera bersekutu dengan dia di tuduh macam-macamlah agar seluruh dunia membencinya, tapi Tuhan lebih mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang dia dah buat ketika hidupnya yang menyebabkan dia dapat mengucap sebelum kematiannya .

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Post time 15-4-2012 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 11:25
mereka hidup bermewah2 di atas darah & keringat rakyat syria..

tobby Post at 15-4-2012 01:44

Whuisss sepupu raja saudi lagi canggih kemewahannya ... private megajet bertaraf SUPERJUMBO youuuu dengan 60 juta harga untuk cat daun emasnya aje.... itu kat cat aje tu   campur semua2 jadi beratus juta untuk satu jet aje , kalah donald trump ! Takat assad dan isteri dok senyum dalam flight depan meja kayu gitu tak boleh celen la raja saudi dan kaum kerabatnya punya pemborosan !

Gambar2 kat bawah ni untuk jet yang harga 80 juta ajeeee .... so macam duit syiling aje la nilainya yang kecik tu berbanding dengan apa yang di pesan oleh sepupu raja saudi tu ! Oh dear , itu baru sepupu raja dah spend gila babis gitu ... kalau raja tu sendiri ?? Ayoyo tak tau nak cakap maaa

Business jets
Friday, 15/04/2012, 03:03:25 AM                 
How the one per cent fly: Inside $80 million customized Boeing business jet
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                         If you have a spare $80million lying around you might be in the market for a new Boeing jet unveiled this week in Shanghai, China.                    

Boeing flaunted its high-tech customised 737 at the Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition.

Earlier this month, the aviation giant delivered this modified 737, similar to the one on show in China, to a private businessman in the United States - and it is the customer's second private Boeing jet.

The customized Boeing 737 jet was sold to an undisclosed U.S. businessman earlier this month

The 737 Boeing Business Jet can carry up to 19 passengers and boasts a luxury interior

The high life: Boeing's customised 737 can be yours for the modest fee of $80million

The 737 retails for a mere $57million. But interior remodeling, done by an independent company and ranging between $20 and $25 million typically push total costs for the Boeing 737 to around $80million.

The plane can carry up to 19 passengers and flies 5,600 nautical miles at Mach 0.80, or roughly 12 hours of nonstop flight, before it needs refueling.

A conference room features connectivity for smartphones and computers, and a high-definition video system boasts surround-sound audio.

The jet sleeps up to eight people and features a large bedroom with king-sized bed and a private toilet.

The plane also includes a smaller bedroom with divans that convert into beds.
And the jet's kitchen features convection and microwave ovens, a refrigerator, wine cooler and trash compactor.

The jet's kitchen has convection and microwave ovens, a refrigirator, wine cooler and trash compactor

The jet sleeps up to eight people and features a large bedroom

All aboard: This Deer Jet, unveiled last October, provides a similar level of luxury

But the $80 million spent on the 737 is pocket change compared to the whopping amount a Saudi billionaire prince forked over for his private jet.

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud took private jet ownership to an astonishing level in 2009 when he purchased an Airbus A380 for private use.

The Saudi prince, a cousin of the Saudi king, will have spent an estimated $500 million before the customized jet is finally handed over to him later this year.

The Worcestershire, England-based firm Design Q is in charge of customizing the superjumbo's interior.

The Airbus A360 normally seats up to 600 travelers, but Prince al-Waleed bin Talal has other plans for his jet, including a $60 million gold leaf pain job, a marble-paneled dining room, and a lounge room for up to 25 aides.

The megajet will also feature a movie theater with leather seats, a gym, and several bedrooms, and a Turkish bath for four.

The plane's personal stateroom includes a private bathroom with shower, like that on a Deer Jet pictured right

By comparison Donald Trump's puny Boeing 757 cost only $100 million and seats 43 passengers.

Trump's jet features gold faucets and seat belts, suede-covered ceilings and Waterford crystal lamps.

The 757 also boasts a spacious bedroom with private bathroom, a huge flat-screen television and electric shades.

And the aircraft's chairs are embroidered with the Trump family crest, of course.

The Donald bought the 757 in 2010 from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.


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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 11:25 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 11:30 AM | Show all posts
moga umat islam bangkit membela mereka yg teraniaya di syria. Amin.


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Post time 15-4-2012 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 11:54

Ada satu pertanyaan , kalau kerajaan syria jahat sangat pasai pa berjuta pelarian dari iraq pi ke syria untuk cari tempat perlindungan kat negara tu , dan kerajaan assad tak pernah perambat berjuta depa tu pun dari negaranya ?


It is estimated that 2 million Iraqis have fled their homeland, the vast majority of them seeking refuge in Syria and Jordan. Another 1.9 million Iraqis have been reduced to the status of displaced persons inside the country.
In sum, fully 15 percent of the country’s population has been driven from their homes. The United Nations Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that between 40,000 and 50,000 more Iraqis are being displaced every week, many of them forced to sleep in tents or out in the open with no means of support.
“We left Baghdad because the situation is very difficult. We were threatened with death and they took our houses and also our shops,” a man who recently came with his family to Syria told UNHCR. “You see what the situation is there—just destruction and death.”
The United States, which unleashed this destruction and death, has since 2003 admitted only 701 Iraqi refugees. Syria is currently hosting some 1.2 million. Washington has sought to obscure this massive refugee crisis—let alone take any responsibility for it—because it is such a damning indictment of the social catastrophe it has created in Iraq.

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Pengebumian beramai2 di Taftanaz Syria 5/4/2012

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Post time 15-4-2012 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 12:00

kerajaan yang sanggup terima hampir 1.2 juta pelarian iraq memang jahat sungguh kan, ish kalau dia nak bunuh orang sesangat pasai pa la dia tak bunuh pelarian2 iraq tu terlebih dulu ? Pasai pa laa dia tak bomkan pelarian tu semua bagi mampus semua ? Tapi dia sanggup bagi pulak depa pi kat negara dia cari tempat perlindungan yang buat menyemak aje negara dia kan kan kan ... (baca secara sarkastik noooo   )

So selepas kerajaan assad jatuh nanti maka kerajaan puppet amerika kang akan buat apa kat berjuta pelarian tu ? Bom bagi mampus semua ?

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:02 PM | Show all posts
konflik berdarah Syria, anjuran akademi penyelidikan dewan ulama Pas Pusat pd 25 mac yg lepas

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 12:21

     Iraqi Refugees Complicate Syria's Position
by Dahr Jamail

DAMASCUS - Syria's decision to accept Iraqi refugees streaming into the country has brought the government of President Bashar Assad more power within Syria and the region, but at significant cost.
The ministry of interior in Syria estimates the total number of Iraqi refugees to be around 1.5 million.
The Syrian government has maintained an "open door" policy toward Iraqi refugees, unlike neighboring Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, who have been far less welcoming.
This appears to have earned Assad renewed political power within his country. That position, topping his strong stance against U.S. policy in Iraq, has won him support in the wider Arab world as well.
The new support seems to be holding so far despite the negative aspects of the refugee crisis, such as homelessness, inflation, unemployment, and a huge shift in the social dynamics in the country.
"The Syrian government is becoming more powerful because they are helping the Iraqis by allowing them refuge here in a way that other countries did not," Hassan Maho, a 33-year-old jeweler, told IPS. "Politically, the government of Bashar Assad now has more power than these other countries in the region."
Mazen, a 31-year-old trader in downtown Damascus, believes Syria has gained from a failed U.S. policy in Iraq. "The American policy in Iraq is making Syria more powerful," he told IPS. "Doesn't the whole world see this?"
The Bush administration pressure on Bashar Assad, accusing him of supporting terrorism in Iraq, has in fact only "strengthened Syria's political hand in the region," Mazen said.
In 2003 the Bush administration brought in the Syrian Accountability Act, which was passed by Congress, and has been renewed every year since 2004. The act outlaws commerce between the U.S. and Syria.
The Bush administration has recalled its ambassador to Syria, and marginalized Syria's emissary in Washington. U.S. officials continue to say Damascus is supporting Iraqi insurgents.
Members of the Bush administration also regularly accuse Syria of interference in Lebanese affairs.
But Peter Harling, Damascus representative of the International Crisis Group, said the Syrian government is unlikely to be aiding insurgents in Iraq.
"They [the Syrian government] have absolutely no interest in fueling violence in Iraq, because it is now threatening them," he told IPS. "You might still have informal networks facilitating border crossings for militants, but the countries' leaders feel extremely concerned with the situation in Iraq and do not wish to do anything to increase the violence and chaos there."
Harling believes that any political gains for the Syrian government have likely been outweighed by their negative consequences.
"Politically, it [the U.S. occupation of Iraq] could have had a positive effect [for Syria] because one could argue that it is now easier for the Syrian government to justify postponing democratic reform," Harling said. "But simultaneously, the growing civil war in Iraq has become such a threat to Syria, and the costs are so high that it is quite possible they've negated any benefits for the Syrian government."
He added that "Syria is in a precarious situation because of the American occupation of Iraq, and it is probably safe to say that Syrian officials are all too aware of this."
Many Syrians, however, have a different perspective.
"The government here dealt with the refugee crisis in a very good way," Mahmoud Omeri, who owns a communication business in the capital city, told IPS. "When the government accepted the Iraqis here with an open door policy they increased the pressure on the Americans, because it showed the world the Syrian government cares more about the Iraqis than do the Americans."
Kaldoon Safi, a business owner in downtown Damascus, said the Syrian government had made refuge easier for fleeing Iraqis in order to gain support for their own political position in the region. "This way they have become more powerful in the Middle East at this time."
(Inter Press Service)

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Post time 15-4-2012 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 15-4-2012 12:26

So pemimpin syria yang suka berbuat baik pada berjuta refugee nih dan berpendirian anti kerajaan amerika telah menjadi semakin kuat dari segi politik yang menyebabkan ramai orang arab di timur tengah yang suka padanya, yang menyebabkan Amerika dan sekutunya termasuk pemimpin negara2 arab yang lain melihatnya sebagai ancaman pada kuasa politik mereka lah so ia perlu di jatuhkan .....

Itu yang kalut semua dok fokus untuk menjatuhkannya la ni tu .... sedangkan pemimpin arab saudi yang tolong pemimpin amerika buat onar kat pakistan dan afghanistan yang menyebabkan ramai orang awam di sana terbunuh oleh bom dari drone2 tapi pelikkan kerana tak dak sapa nak lancarkan jihad pun kat pemimpin arab saudi ittew ...

awat tak buat ceramah kat masjid untuk lancarkan perang jihad kat pemimpin arab saudi ? Dah berapa lama pembunuhan kat afghanistan dan pakistan berlangsung pasai pa ceramah nak lancar jihad kat raja saudi masih tak kedengaran gak ?

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2012 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by tobby at 15-4-2012 12:27


Pihak Tentera Syiria adalah diharamkan daripada membunuh rakyat. Mereka juga WAJIB untuk tidak mentaati sebarang arahan untuk mengakibatkan kematian rakyat. Bagi pihak keselamatan Syria yang pernah membunuh rakyat perlu ingat bahawa setiap pembunuhan akan dipertanggungjawakan. Pintu taubat sentiasa terbuka. Mereka harus ingat sebuah cerita (hadith sahih) tentang seorang pembunuh yang bertaubat kepada Allah swt selepas membunuh 99 orang dan menginsafi serta berazam tidak lagi melakukan pembunuhan. Adalah lebih baik dibunuh kerana tidak mematuhi arahan untuk membunuh! Seseorang yang mati kerana syahid adalah lebih baik daripada seseroang yang membunuh dan natihajnya ialah NERAKA!

Kami memfatwakan bahawa adalah HARAM berkhidmat dalam bentuk apa jua kedudukan terhadap Pihak Tentera Syiria buat sementara waktu. Adalah suatu tangungjawap untuk memisahkan diri daripada Pihak Tentera bahkan kalian mesti menentang tindakan mereka!

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