The evidences are mounting, muslims just want to be their paedophile idol !
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wkk5159 posted on 19-9-2013 04:08 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
The inbred ustazy wrote;
You dare to pick up the challenge to debate on the theology / doctrine fragility , comparing between Islam and Christianity? You have not answered me , I guess you chicken out .... as usual. I will fire the first salvo
The doctrine of 'trinity' which christians like you insist being monotheism.
- the Father is fully God
- the Son is fully God
- the Holy Spirit is fully God
- the Father , Son , Holy Spirit are 3 different persons or personalities
How many fully Gods do we have? 3 fully Gods or 1 fully God - provide reasons. ~ by sam158.................![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Hey, inbred ustazy, listen here, put your deformed inbred ears close and listen carefuly;
In the eyes of peace loving benign earthlings like me, your beloved vile paedophile aka Mu-Ham-Mad, founder of Islam is nothing more than a reincarnation of Lucifer. And your Allah is merely a pre-Islamic Arab pagan deity hijacked by Mu-Ham-Mad in an attempt to substitute Jehovah God.
Christians all over the world proudly accept the fact that Father = Son = Holy Spirit = GOD !
You have a problem with that ?
Hmm , the last time I checked the Arabic bible , Allah is mentiond being 'the God'. If you now say that Allah is a pagan diety , this means that you blaspheme against your biblical God which automatically makes you an apostate. You are a farce. First you blaspheme against Mary , the mother of your 'man God'. Now you blaspheme against your God. What next?
Ha ha , from you - Father = Son = Holy Spirit? I believe Trinitarian Christians all over the world have a problem with your testament of the Triune God. To educate you per the hypostatic union :
It clearly states that Father <> Son <> Holy Spirit. How in the world you come understand that Father = Son = Holy Spirit? Who or what taught you christianity? Now you blaspheme against your Triune God.
- the Father = fully God
- the Son = fully God
- the Holy Spirit = fully God
How many fully God or fully Gods do we have? You can use your fingers to help you count.
By the way Lucifer is Bishop Lucifer Calaritanus who was a bishop of Cagliari in Sardinia , died ~CE370. Trinitarians Christians like you should thankful to this man as he was a fervent opponent of arianism. Why are you implying him to be the satan or iblees or the devil. Not enough in condemning Mary and your God - you now condemn a christian bishop. When are you going to start condemning your parents? Ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 19-9-2013 06:32 PM
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 07:51 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I just got few ultimatum questions for this inbred to answer;
1. What does below excerpt from wikipedia mean ?
2. Tong Yan Xi or 童养媳, after adoption by the groom's family, was she allowed to marry the son of the adopted family when she was still a minor ? or she only allowed to marry when she grew up ?
3. What is definition of peadophile, does marriage between two grown up adult between two unrelated individuals in a family constitute paedophile ?
If this inbred ustazy can't clarify on this and don't have an answer for this then he is officially;
An inbred or a product between a juvenile daughter and his father.....Oh ! That really make him a product of paedophilic inbreeding,
PAEDOPHILIC INBRED to be exact !.....![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
The point is very simple here. You have something to hide , that is why you don't dare to argue in english. Why so scared?
Now your contention is the term 'grow up'? What does 'grow up' mean? You are trying to twist it to be an adult.
- a child of 6 can be married at 7 as she has 'grown up'
- a prepubescent can be married at puberty as she 'grown up'
Care to explain?
I repeat the explanation provided from the previous thread
- the girl was a 'child bride' , slave / maid
- married at 6
The girl was married at 6 , probably adopted at an earlier age. She was also a slave to the adopted family. Therefore your cherished tradition is pedophilia + child slavery.
It is actually you who do not have an answer therefore try to argue in Chinese and not English.
The begging question is that are you a by product of pedophilia? About time you condemn your ancestors. Yes? Since you have been condemning Mary (the mother of your God) , your own Triune God. Just add your ancestors to your condemnation list.
I repeat the question that you have been avoiding answering : If
- the Father = fully God
- the Son = fully God
- the Holy Spirit = fully God
How many fully God or fully Gods do we have? You can use your fingers to help you count.
Ha ha , this is so easy for me. Let see what hole you want to crawl into to hide
You insist that Prophet Muhammad(saw) marriage to Aishah(ra) , he was a pedophile then you are condemning your biblical God per
- exe16:7-8
- biblical Isaac(40) married and probably consummate his marriage to biblical Rebekah(3)
TQ for condemning your own bible and the biblical God. Ha ha , I dunno how many times you have apostasised from Christianity for condemning the Bible or Mary (the mother of your 'man God') or the christian God.
You can thank me for such .... ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 20-9-2013 09:41 AM
sam1528 posted on 20-9-2013 09:34 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
The point is very simple here. You have something to hide , that is why you don't dare to argue in ...
You are not answering my simple and direct forward question, like my stipulation before you are now officially in this forum ;
An inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
.....![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
I repeat the question that you have been avoiding answering : If
- the Father = fully God
- the Son = fully God
- the Holy Spirit = fully God
How many fully God or fully Gods do we have? You can use your fingers to help you count.
Ha ha , this is so easy for me. Let see what hole you want to crawl into to hide ~ by sam1528.........![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Like i said before my imbecilic inbred ustazy, listen here, put your deformed inbred eyes and ears closer this time and see and listen more carefuly;
In the eyes of peace loving benign earthlings like me, your beloved vile paedophile aka Mu-Ham-Mad, founder of Islam is nothing more than a reincarnation of Lucifer. And your Allah is merely a pre-Islamic Arab pagan deity hijacked by Mu-Ham-Mad in an attempt to substitute Jehovah God.
Christians all over the world proudly accept the fact that Father = Son = Holy Spirit = GOD !
You still have a problem with that ?
By the way Lucifer is Bishop Lucifer Calaritanus who was a bishop of Cagliari in Sardinia , died ~CE370. Trinitarians Christians like you should thankful to this man as he was a fervent opponent of arianism. Why are you implying him to be the satan or iblees or the devil. Not enough in condemning Mary and your God - you now condemn a christian bishop. When are you going to start condemning your parents? Ha ha ~ by sam1528
The imbecilic inbred ustazy still still haha here and haha there......![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Simple subject like Lucifer he also got it wrong, or wait, it's just a poor inbred ustazy's attempt to divert the focus....![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Ultimate Definition of Lucifer
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 11:15 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
You are not answering my simple and direct forward question, like my stipulation before you are now officially in this forum ;
An inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
Hmm, funny. Your so called direct question have been answered and challenged. In the end , you tried to argue on the term 'grow up' not knowing what it entails. You are living in denial. This is just too easy for me.
I repeat my question. Are you a by product of ancestral pedophilia? When are you going to condemn your ancestors?
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 11:21 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Like i said before my imbecilic inbred ustazy, listen here, put your deformed inbred eyes and ears closer this time and see and listen more carefuly;
In the eyes of peace loving benign earthlings like me, your beloved vile paedophile aka Mu-Ham-Mad, founder of Islam is nothing more than a reincarnation of Lucifer. And your Allah is merely a pre-Islamic Arab pagan deity hijacked by Mu-Ham-Mad in an attempt to substitute Jehovah God.
Christians all over the world proudly accept the fact that Father = Son = Holy Spirit = GOD !
You still have a problem with that ?
When you repeat the same argument hoping for a different outcome , it is a sign that you have been cornered and no more ideas on how to respond.
Ooi tambi , where did you learn Father = Son = Holy Spirit? Do you know of the Hypostatic Union of the Triune God where Father <> Son <> Holy Spirit. Appears that I , a muslim , know more than you of Christianity (your religion). You should be embarrassed of yourself.
My question again : If
- the Father = fully God
- the Son = fully God
- the Holy Spirit = fully God
How many fully God or fully Gods do we have? You can use your fingers to help you count.
You still 'die die' argue that Prophet Muhammad(saw) marriage to Aishah(ra) constitutes pedophilia? That means you deny your bible of
- exe16:7-8
- biblical Isaac(40) married and probably consummate the his marriage with biblical Rebekah(3)
In other words you shouting that your biblical God is wrong. Isn't such apostasy from Christianity
Ha ha , do you need your 'man God' to come down and die for you once again? ...... so that you would be saved
Last edited by sam1528 on 20-9-2013 03:21 PM
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 11:31 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
The imbecilic inbred ustazy still still haha here and haha there......![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Simple subject like Lucifer he also got it wrong, or wait, it's just a poor inbred ustazy's attempt to divert the focus....![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Ultimate Definition of Lucifer
Ha ha , such a simpleton argument. This is evidence that you have very little grasp of Christian history. If you don't have the facts , it is embarrassing for your ignorance to be pointed out especially by a muslim. This happen when you try to twist and turn your way thru.
'Lucifer' is in the KJV (or Gay-JV) bible which was a retranslation from the Vulgate (I hope you know what is the Vulgate). The history of it is that the word 'Lucifer' was rendered by Jerome who had a beef with Bishop Lucifer , from the original hebrew word 'haylel' (the literal name of venus).
the true light of our spiritual life. The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yal4l, "to lament"; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Is., i, 14; P.L., XXIV, 161), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel
There is no scriptural source which defines Lucifer being satan.
In all actuality, there is no scriptural source which defines Lucifer as Satan, nor has any description of Satan being an Angel of Light who rebelled against God and was cast out from heaven and changed to the serpent, Satan. The Latin word was added to the Hebrew Text by Jerome in the 4th Century and was in fact the first to ever present the belief that Lucifer was the serpent in the Garden with Adam and Eve. In addition, the reasons for Jeromes misguided and inaccurate translation of Heylel, may be found in his religious politics within the church itself. One of Jeromes main adversaries (satan means adversary) was the Bishop of Cagliari, who was also named Lucifer Calaritanus, who founded the Luciferians. Hoping that the allusion itself was strong enough to condemn the Bishop of Cagliari and his followers as heretics, Jerome hoped to have their ideas and movement abolished. In the 7th Century, Augustine focused on the Vulgate mistranslation and added more to the idea of an angel named Lucifer who rebelled against God because of pride and took down 1/3 of the angels.2,7
All in all , the source of the word 'Lucifer' is from internal church politics and polemics. You like a fish being reeled in 'die die' believe that 'Lucifer' means satan. What kind of a Christian are you? I would say a very ignorant one but try to twist and turn with your extremely shallow knowledge. Are you now scarlet in embarrassment that a muslim knows more about your church history than you?
BTW , per the wiki link you provided :
In this passage Isaiah applies to a king of Babylon the image of the morning star fallen from the sky, an image he is generally believed to have borrowed from a legend in Canaanite mythology.[16]
The pseudepigrapha of pre-Christian Enochic Judaism, the form of Judaism witnessed to in 1 Enoch and 2 Enoch, which enjoyed much popularity during the Second Temple period,[17] gave Satan an expanded role, interpreting Isaiah 14:12-15, with its reference to the morning star, as applicable to him, and presenting him as a fallen angel cast out of heaven.[18] Christian tradition, influenced by this presentation,[18] came to use the Latin word for "morning star", lucifer, as a proper name ("Lucifer") for Satan as Satan was before his fall. As a result, "Lucifer has become a by-word for Satan in the Church and in popular literature",[3] as in Dante Alighieri's Inferno and John Milton's Paradise Lost.[14]
In other words , your beliefs of 'Lucifer' being satan comes from the Canaanite mythology which had influence in the works of Dante Alighieri and John Milton. This means that you are another sheep blindly following other sheeps in the belief of a Canaanite mythology. Ha ha , poor you.
I should start charging you for the education I am giving you.
Last edited by sam1528 on 20-9-2013 03:53 PM
sam1528 posted on 20-9-2013 03:51 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha , such a simpleton argument. This is evidence that you have very little grasp of Christian h ...
Sorry junior....no ! no ! No ! it's the Inbred Ustazy, you are not answering my question, therefore you still are;
As the stipulation imply, you are now officially in this forum ;
An inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 04:06 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Sorry junior....no ! no ! No ! it's the Inbred Ustazy, you are not answering my question, therefore you still are;
As the stipulation imply, you are now officially in this forum ;
An inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
Why are you trying to run away?
Repeating the same but expecting a different result is a sign of craziness. Why are youso scared to go on? Lost your nerve? Now you cannot even explain what 'grow up' entails in the different cultures and at different times.
The begging question :
Are you a by product of your ancestral pedophilia? When are you going to condemn your ancestors?
Last edited by sam1528 on 20-9-2013 05:01 PM
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 04:12 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Quote of the day
Hmm , try changing 'muslims' to 'christians' ..... fits to a tee , yes? Moresoever with you
sam1528 posted on 20-9-2013 04:54 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Why are you trying to run away?
Repeating the same but expecting a different result is a sign o ...
Nobody is running away, imbecilic inbred ustazy....and don't deny it.
Just accept the fact that;
You are truly and genuinely;
An inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !..........![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
wkk5159 posted on 20-9-2013 08:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nobody is running away, imbecilic inbred ustazy....and don't deny it.
Just accept the fact that;
You are truly and genuinely;
An inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !..........![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
A sign of a loser is a like you. Running away from your own argument and a preference for personal insults. That means that I am freely butt kicking you but you have no intelligence to respond. Too bad , so sad for you.
Can you focus on your own argument. Explain what is 'grow up'? A 6 yr sold when become 9 can be considered 'grown up'. What is the context of 'grow up' per the different cultures since time in memorial.
You still run away from the begging question :
Are you a by product of your ancestral pedophilia? When are you going to condemn your ancestors?
A sign of a loser is a like you. Running away from your own argument and a preference for personal insults. That means that I am freely butt kicking you but you have no intelligence to respond. Too bad , so sad for you.~ by sam1528..................![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Since He Pig Headedly Twisting the Point and Evading the My Queries. Therefore Situpulation still remains:
This ustazy is an inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
wkk5159 posted on 21-9-2013 10:38 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Since He Pig Headedly Twisting the Point and Evading the My Queries. Therefore Situpulation still remains:
This ustazy is an inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
All your queries have been answered and your points challenged.
- you don't even know that your own Chinese tradition practiced child marriage + slavery (or pedophilia + child slavery)
- you cannot even explain what does 'grow up' means in different cultures spanning different times
- you accuse Prophet Muhammad(saw) to be a pedophile of his marriage to Aishah(ra) but don't know that it is biblically acceptable
- you don't even know that the source of the term 'lucifer' cames from internal church politics / polemics
- you cannot even count how many fully Gods you worship
- you a so called 'medical professional' think that birth related complication cannot occur in 20+ / 30+ / 40+ women
- you don't know that Mary , the mother of your 'man God' donned the hijab
- you don't even know what is the definition of 'pedophile'
In short you are a farce of a christian. You are embarrassing yourself and other christians .... keep it up .... everyone is laughing at you ... ha ha
Psst ... what do you actually know? Oh yes , running away from your own argument
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-9-2013 12:19 PM
Well, the above just perfectly summarize the true nature of a hardcore deceptive genuine muslim in the person of sam1528....... .
See the similarity with the putrify gabbage ?.........![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
Still Pig Headedly Twisting the Point and Evading My Queries ? Therefore Situpulation still remains:
This ustazy is an inbred between a juvenile daughter and his father.....PAEDOPHILIC INBRED !
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