Originally posted by Mz_tera at 8-11-2004 11:36 AM:
so total around 1500 ke? kena beli kesemuanye sekali bayar ke?
leh beli setiap bulan sket sket? (accutane nih)
itu ludo estimate jer, termasuk blood test skali...termasuk cleanser,cream jerawat..
bukan bayar semua..mampuih la lagu tu. .. doc tu biasanya akan kasi ubat tuh 3 minggu sekali..berapa lama? bergantung kpd individu... |
Kawan liz makan pil ni cantikkkk sgt muka dia. |
Originally posted by Mz_tera at 2004-11-8 08:11 AM:
retin A mane pulak nak dapat? hehehhe
Kat pharmacy ( ask from pharmacist)..keluaran Cilag Ltd....usually yg ice nampak, dia jual dlm bentuk gel or cream..ikut percentage.
I'm using Retin A Cream 0.05% = lebey kurang RM33 for 20g tube.
On and off for the past 3 years. |
okay sesiapa on RETIN A make SURE YOU GUYS ARE NOT planning to have a baby as yet sbb roaccutane according to my doc , kan...the firt 4 months of pregnancy are for FORBIDDEN....
sesiapa juga yg mkn roACCUTANE jgn ada baby lagi sbb is akan mencacatkan bayi so ambil precaution ..INI YOUR DOC ? DERMATOLOGIST ? aka SKIN SPECIALIST kena WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!
nasihat saya jgn GI PHARMACY BILA ASAKIT tolong jumpa DOCTOR amalan perubatan yg baik ialah you gi jumpa DPCTOR then dapatkan PRESCRIPTION PADA DOCTOR and suruh PHARMACIST CHECK ....!!!!
jgn ambil mudah ubat kulittttttttt...ia serious ni and lastly please guna otak and be wise...okay ..yang ni i takut ni sbb sesetengah org Malaysia tak educated pasal health hentam keromo jer.......
Gi jumpa doctorrrrr
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 11-11-2004 at 11:12 PM ] |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 2004-11-9 01:23:
Kat pharmacy ( ask from pharmacist)..keluaran Cilag Ltd....usually yg ice nampak, dia jual dlm bentuk gel or cream..ikut percentage.
I'm using Retin A Cream 0.05% = lebey kurang RM33 for 20g ...
oh is it....just ambil advice doc boleh tak, Ice ? sbb ada seseteangah ubat kulit yg boleh bagi kesan sementara yg for a few months we have to make sure yg kiat tak plan untuk baby ( i am not sure whether you are married ni that's why i post this)
Bless you |
okay Sdr my reply ....
He he.. sorry kalau ada yg tersinggung
tak ader cuma i do not like the tone of the postings seemed to me like someone is being judgmental about something. Generalising a few matters , for me ini mmg tak begitu appropriate.
Bulan puasa ni.. memang le ada yg sensetif sikit. Bukan orang dalam ni le, org di tempat lain maksud i :-).. judgemental or not.. thats what i think it is, relaying too much on Dr opinion pun tak bagus juga.. tok nenek kita dulu tak ada specialist dan belajar sekolah pondok je.. muka licin body maintain walau produce sampai berbelas-belas anak. Bukanlah i suggest anyone here to balik belajar sekolah pondok and produce dozen of kids... but it satu comparison je. Kita untung sebab ada perubatan moden tapi petua orang tua-tua pun banyak manafaatnya juga.
Sometimes looking at this world nowdays, more Dr, More Specialist, More Hospital, More Herbalist etc etc.. health problem makin alarming.. apa lagi yg kurang ya.
ini pandangan Sdr yg saya tak bersetuju dan amat bahaya. sbb?
okay saya bagi the rationales: -
1) Kena jumpa dr untuk meinta pendapat sbebb they re trained to consult and to know which tanda / symptoms / signs yg merbahaya dan signs mana yg tak perlu ambil pusing - minors...
dan mereka diberi kursus yg lengkap untuk tahu semua benda yg perlu tahu . Hopefully. dan boleh jadi satu " gateway " untuk referral untuk khidmat pakar . Mereka based on pengetahuan .. provisional diagnosis dan hypothesis mereka akan dibantu dgn investigation ( yg blood tests tu lah ..)
2) kekadang bahayanya pendapat sdr ialah , apabila seseorg yg tidak mempunyai pengetahuan lengkap ttg pathogenesis ( mechanism of disease) bagaima sesuatu benda berlaku etc.. kita pula yg " dirujuk" oleh kawan atau relatives let it be distant or immediate relatives about somthing related to health problems then we tend to MISLED THEM!!!!!!! ini in medical sociology kita pnaggil " patient laid beliefs) seiapa depa tend to approach bila ada health problems ..of course not the doc but sesiapa dlm family yg depa percaya dan kalau you do not have 5 years training or anything related to health sciences better check your facts!!!!
sbb tu ramai yg ambil ubat kulat , kan? calimed that ubat thsi and that boleh CURE diabetes or hypertension whereas in modern medicine pharmacist or researachers masih terkial kial garu kepala ...ni yg i tak mau ..you know what happened to this patient? they ended up having kidney and renal failures!!!!
so be A RESPONSIBLE ADULT sbb tu i tak keen on / suka sesiapa jer lah yg dok claim this and that...if you guys only knew ..wellitu shj.
i agree on supplement tu kekadang yg sihat tu pun nak vitamins and etc ..hahaha i tersenyum jer ..but itupun kena aware jugak tu..tulah yg herbalist ..etc..hahhahahah . Agreed .
just lead a healthy lifestyle itu shj ..
dan sekiranya kita lebih proactive, the more you gain ( ini sikap org negara maju , they are not PASSIVE patients ..)
you are right about tok nenek kita dulu but don't forget , ada a few things yg kritikal jugak masa dahulu like maternal deaths / kematian ibu ibu ( bakal ibu), tumpah darah/ etc malnutrition and etc yg mengekang kesihatan org dahulu yes agreed on the lifetsyle they are physically fit.
Pasal nak tunggu Dr explain loong strory pada kita mengenai sesuatu permasalahan mungkin di US banyaklah kot.. di Malaysia ni, yg kerajaan ada mentaliti dia sendiri (mentaliti gaji tetap) dan yg swasta pula mentaliti tersendiri.. profit profit profit.. memang ada Dr yg akan spent masa lebih dengan kita.. itu pun ikut keadaan.. kalau diluar sana ada ramai lagi yg menunggu.. atau dia dah keletihan melayan pesakit... harapan tipis le.. mereka pun manusia juga.
bottom line is ? get yourself educated about health esp family health. Know your RIGHTS as patient and DO NOT AFRAID OF ASKING THIS SO CALLED PROFESSIONAL ANY QUEStion, okay?As you were saying , they are human too.
Sekadar memberi pandangan... yang boleh terima.. ambil. Yg tak boleh.. jangan ambil.. tak payah nak hurai panjang lebar.
saya sekadar membaca apa yg tak appropriate saya akan venture my opinion. Yg based on my studies and experience.
FYI, ramai yg sangka i ni akak Anis.. tapi sebenarnya Abg Anis.. Umur 30an.. anak 4..Isteri baru 1.. sekolah sekadar Diploma je.. lulus pun cukup makan.. tapi tok guru i kata, kita belajar selagi hidup.. so segalanya disini dikira sebagai pembelajaran.. saya terima dengan hati terbuka.
Mohon maaf for mistaken you as an AKak . My humble apology.
yes learning is like " from cradle to the grave that sort of thing. TQ"
Salam Aidilfitri... 10 malam akhir jom kita pulun cukup2 di masjid
selamat hari raya . Maaf zahir dan batin. again my humble apology.
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 11-11-2004 at 11:03 PM ] |
Originally posted by mix_chinese at 2004-11-8 13:50:
Kawan liz makan pil ni cantikkkk sgt muka dia.
mmg muka dier cantik akak. tappi kan ade jugak org yg after off the pills well the pimples and the acne will off that's okay muka ade jugak yg berminyak balik ..hahahah...that's me lah sbb tu i still on and off ..with a blood test in my mind sbb i nak monitor jugak my liver function..
selamat hari raya... |
Originally posted by Mz_tera at 2004-11-8 11:36:
so total around 1500 ke? kena beli kesemuanye sekali bayar ke?
leh beli setiap bulan sket sket? (accutane nih)
dear akak,
i think jgn lah opt fot that dulu just go and see the skin specialist and see whta he could do initially to help you, by the sound of it i think tak teruk sangat kot..just go to skin specialist dulu , i prefer g/ment punay sbb mey be deap ni ikut protocol and kalau mampu depa akan recommend ubat yg bagus. tapi ini bergantung pada severity of your acne though..so kalau you ARE ON Ro ACCUTANE jgn get yourself pregnant tau for at least according to my doc first 4 months of pregnancy sbb ia TERATOGENIC - cacatkan baby..
so watch out |
salam...tanya saya?? heheeh
Originally posted by ayu_ludo at 2004-11-6 11:33:
kat atas kedai lampu..kat jalan TAR..ludo dah g situ..n doc kata ludo kena amik 5 bulan..tp amik 3 minggu jer..tp insyaallah..next year (dah kumpul duit dah (rm 1500-student,kalau keje takyah s ...
oh yang dry lips tu well ahahh..kiter kena pakai lip gloss sakit sbb senak cracks kan..berdarah jugak lah takleh gelak buka mulut kena senuym
i leas treatement roaccutane ni kan muka saya jenis yg berminyak lah.so ada minyak balik tapi kan masalah acne tu dah okay ..sbb tu lah doc give me spare jer on and off tapi saya nak jugak gi buat blood test just in case you know...
oh muka berminyak ni lambat tua?
hehe kat mana ni you dapat ni.. ni interesting... |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 11-11-2004 11:16 PM:
oh yang dry lips tu well ahahh..kiter kena pakai lip gloss sakit sbb senak cracks kan..berdarah jugak lah takleh gelak buka mulut kena senuym
i leas treatement roaccutane ni kan muka saya jenis ...
betul..sebab org2 yg muka berminyak lambat berkedut..bukan lambat tua tau.. :cak: ...
ludo nak tanya doc tuh tp kan dia syok sendiri..takde can langsung nak mengeluarkan sebutir perkataan tau :no:
sebab tu nak tanya mbhscf..camana ubat ni, sbb mmg gerenti permanent kan kesan dia(takyah berulang kali amik, once dah abis treatment..dah..tula doc kat TAr tu cakap) ? sbb dia dah tutup oil gland ? betul ker ?..erk... :stp:
abis tuh nape muka mbshcf berminyak balik erk ?
[ Last edited by ayu_ludo on 12-11-2004 at 07:07 AM ] |
dia ni kan kaalu doc tu bercakap cuba tanya ttg keasan org yg ambil sbb my doc bagi statistics dai cakap 40 % mmg oil gland tu tak active lagi dah sbb tugas ubat ni pun nak deactivate your oil glands but dia cakap jugak yg how many percent ntah akan reverse balik berminyak tu. ttg pimples tu welll saya tak alami dah cuma muka berminyak sikit balik tapi tak kisahlah jugak sbb kan just cuci muka mcm selalu ...eh dr awak ader tak recommend the best facial cleanser ??or etc? sbb my doc cakap kan..
jgn guna foundation sbbb dia takut my pores tu blocked cuma dia haa hesaid neutrogina pore ---powder tu
yg cost RM 50 and above..kot kat guardian..pore something ..haa itu dia bagi i pakai |
[quote]Originally posted by mbhcsf at 12-11-2004 12:16 PM:
dia ni kan kaalu doc tu bercakap cuba tanya ttg keasan org yg ambil sbb my doc bagi statistics dai cakap 40 % mmg oil gland tu tak active lagi dah sbb tugas ubat ni pun nak deactivate your oil gla ... [/quote
pasal cleanser..dia tak cakap pape pun..cuma masa ari tu dia ada kasi cleanser dia..tu je la...doc tu macam cakap pun nak cepat2... pk duit je kot... nf: sbb ramai kat clinic dier...
so..mbsch..dah bape bulan amik n...muke tu minyak balik tp kurang banyak tak dari dulu ?
oklah..nak balik kg...seminggu :lol babai..selamat ari rayer...
[ Last edited by ayu_ludo on 12-11-2004 at 07:58 PM ] |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-11-11 10:26 PM:
oh is it....just ambil advice doc boleh tak, Ice ? sbb ada seseteangah ubat kulit yg boleh bagi kesan sementara yg for a few months we have to make sure yg kiat tak plan untuk baby ( i am not ...
No sis, i'm not married.. and yes dah ambil advice doctor..
i'm also on and off Septrin/Bactrin yg dia bagi for the past
2-3 tahun jugak..Started to use retin A pun after being prescribed.
Lately tak jumpa dia dah so beli sendiri dr pharmacy. |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-11-12 12:16 PM:
dia ni kan kaalu doc tu bercakap cuba tanya ttg keasan org yg ambil sbb my doc bagi statistics dai cakap 40 % mmg oil gland tu tak active lagi dah sbb tugas ubat ni pun nak deactivate your oil gla ...
Neutrogena Pore Powder tue yg mana eh? [Kalau ada budget boleh cari :bgrin:] If brand Neutrogena nie i've used the nightime pore clarifying gel (2% salicylic acid)..It helps a little..but does not really make a great impact..anyway ice guna sebelum pi jumpa doctorlah..now tak der lagi.. |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 2004-11-12 23:55:
No sis, i'm not married.. and yes dah ambil advice doctor..
i'm also on and off Septrin/Bactrin yg dia bagi for the past
2-3 tahun jugak..Started to use retin A pun after being prescribed.
ei..sayang ...please jumpa dier untuk review . okay ni nak citer sikit yer, sebaikbaiknya dalam amalan perubatan yer lah mmg taahu you can get it easily from the pharmacist but kalau boleh lah jgn putus consulting dgn doc tu!! jumpa dia buat sebulan sekali ker tanya apa patut you buat...sbb penting doc ;s review so that he /she could monitor.TQ. |
Originally posted by Ice_Q at 2004-11-13 00:08:
Neutrogena Pore Powder tue yg mana eh? [Kalau ada budget boleh cari :bgrin:] If brand Neutrogena nie i've used the nightime pore clarifying gel (2% salicylic acid)..It helps a little..but does ...
kalau you gi Guardian ker aper-aperlah kan lah ... yg dia jual sama dengan product nyer tu...yg ada perkataan FINE FAIRNESS UV COMPACT dia ni tak blocking your pores and dia ni ader SPF ..sbb i disaran guna ni sbb i takleh pakai foundation.
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 13-11-2004 at 12:21 AM ] |
Originally posted by ayu_ludo at 2004-11-12 19:57:
[quote]Originally posted by mbhcsf at 12-11-2004 12:16 PM:
dia ni kan kaalu doc tu bercakap cuba tanya ttg keasan org yg ambil sbb my doc bagi statistics dai cakap 40 % mmg oil gland tu ta ...
yes the oil tapi okay jer tak lah lebih teruk ini pada muka sayalah. rasanya. but anyway we could deal with oil , kan? not acne ..hahah
okay selamat hari raya & maaf atas segalanya |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-11-13 12:18 AM:
ei..sayang ...please jumpa dier untuk review . okay ni nak citer sikit yer, sebaikbaiknya dalam amalan perubatan yer lah mmg taahu you can get it easily from the pharmacist but kalau boleh lah jg ...
Tu yg masalahnyer..:nyorok:..I'm no longer eligible to go there..
dah cukup umur..coz that clinic under my dad punyer opis..
I took bactrin last 3 years..so dia pun prescribe the listed med.
After 2 years naik balik pimple..jumpa dia lagi..under bactrin lagie..
n dia kasi retin lagie..n that's the last time coz kena tegur ngan
org clinic tue abt the eligibility issue..hehehehe..since scars lom clear
like dulu..ice beli sendiri kat pharmacy coz from what i remember..
i need 3 tubes sebelum kulit really scar-free..
Tu lah kisahnyer..bukan tak nak pergi :malu:
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-11-13 12:20 AM:
kalau you gi Guardian ker aper-aperlah kan lah ... yg dia jual sama dengan product nyer tu...yg ada perkataan FINE FAIRNESS UV COMPACT dia ni tak blocking your pores and dia ni ader SPF ..sbb i ...
Oooo...ok ok..compact :ah: Thank you.. |
aah ice ..
boleh ker gi g/ment hospital untuk skin specialist ..sbb i risau gak sbb lah better for review ini kan kalau di UK kan tak digalakkan buat seumpama ni you need to be reviewed ni masalah health system in Malaysia..tak der systematic pengurusan patients kan?
okay gal you try lah cuba mana - mana g/ment hospital pulak ... |
| |