Truth.8 posted on 30-7-2014 08:58 PM 
Muslims are not happy
They’re not happy in Gaza
Your comparisons are too general. True, muslims are not happy, but you don't see why they keep complaining, bcos you failed to understand their lands have been taken. If the people suffered in west bank & gaza were Christian majority, i think you would say very differently. however, the christians in palestine are supporting the muslims cause bcos both communities are facing injustice from the zionists. better still, christians and muslims have been living in peace for centuries, only malaysia keeps having religious crisis as long as umno and perkasa exist.
you said there is a problem between muslims and buddhists, a good example is sounthern thai. why is the thai government keeps condemning the southern thai insurgency and terorrism? why doesn't the thai government just declare independence for the southern thai if the so called muslims causing too much problems? bcos all that thai government wants is oil from southern thai and whenever southern thai gets famous for its delicious food, the whole thai nation shamelessly take credits for it but at the same time they despise southern thai muslims.
that's why i said your comparisons are way too general and stereotyping. i've seen good examples of muslims and non muslims living in peace. i've heard it with my own ears about the kelantanese chinese people are comfortable with the local muslims, although the state itself is lacking of leisure industry like cinemas but they still support the muslims bcos they know the state government can give what the federal can't. i've also heard from my indon friend telling me that the muslims and christians in indon can share many things together without having much religious issues.
the problem isn't about muslims or non-muslims, the problem is you only pinpointing the muslims' fault.
Last edited by cmf_Presa1200 on 20-10-2014 05:18 AM
orangbesi posted on 7-8-2014 03:46 PM 
kalau sembang pasal keburukan/kejahatan manusia ni
sampai kiamat pun takkan habis punya
manus ...
hujah yg sgt bernas. ye, mmg xkan abis kalo crite pasal keburukan manusia, lg2 dikaitkan dgn bangsa. mana2 manusia yg rasa bangsa dia lg hebat atau bebas dosa itu namanya hipokrit.
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 19-10-2014 05:12 PM 
No, religion itself won't do anything. The more accurate saying is Muslims failed compared to Budd ...
The core of the religion teaches good values, but followers failed to practice those.
bukan pengikut je yg tak ikut
tapi mereka sendiri yg tak ikut
cakap je lebih............................
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 19-10-2014 05:12 PM 
No, religion itself won't do anything. The more accurate saying is Muslims failed compared to Budd ... The core of the religion teaches good values, but followers failed to practice those.
go and read sura :Surah 5.51 "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends.
is teaches good values??
In Bible Jesus says "love your enemy"
that teaches good moral value
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 19-10-2014 05:27 PM 
kita ambil yg jernih buangkan yg keruh, mmg benar setiap negara ade kelebihan yg tersndiri tp tida ... tp kat sini, masing2 nk mpertahankan hak bangsa sndiri, hanye selesa dgn bangsa sndiri, x kiralah melayu ke cina india ke semua sama shj. nama 1malaysia, tp kita salling tidak mempercayai. org melayu takut cina nk takeover malaysia, org cina pulak takot bangsa mrk diislamkan.
Di Malaysia ada rukun negara....kita patuh pada prinsip tersebut....skr ramai anak2 muda suka pertikai isu ini....suka tak suka...negara ini negara Islam dan kita patuh pada itu lah...cuma saya risau...lebih-lebih kan islam itu di negara ini akan membawa mudarat pada negara ini....contoh...hukum huduh .....itu dah lebih dan ramai tidak suka....
kena ada moderate ...baru negara boleh maju...
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2014 11:23 AM 
go and read sura :Surah 5.51 "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends.
is teaches good values??
In Bible Jesus says "love your enemy"
that teaches good moral value
LOL , there goes 'truth.8' with his selective translation. Dey tambi , the word 'awliyaa' (أَوۡلِيَآءَ‌ۘ) in context of the passage means allies not friends. Do you know the difference between allies and friends. Appears that you don't. Of course , you being clueless as ever.
What do you think of the following bible passage : 2Cor6:14
NIV bible : Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
King James Bible : Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Oops , are you actually talking about your bible? Appears so .... LOL .....
sam1528 posted on 20-10-2014 12:15 PM 
LOL , there goes 'truth.8' with his selective translation. Dey tambi , the word 'awliyaa' (أ ...
the fact sama lah...do not allies ka do not friend.....
as for the verses in Bible....Bible reading peoples do not hijacked plane, plant bomb in body and etc..
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2014 12:40 PM 
the fact sama lah...do not allies ka do not friend.....
as for the verses in Bible....Bible reading peoples do not hijacked plane, plant bomb in body and etc..
Definition of friend (noun)
: a person who you like and enjoy being with
: a person who helps or supports someone or something (such as a cause or charity)
Definition of ally (noun)
noun \ˈa-ˌlī, ə-ˈlī\
: a country that supports and helps another country in a war
the Allies : the nations that fought together against Germany in World War I or World War II
LOL are the two the same? Don't think so ...... you are clueless as ever
Well bible reading people do
(1) order drone attacks on innocents killing thousands
(2) order the illegal invasion of Iraq / Afghanistan killing more than a million innocents
(3) order the atomic bomb to be dropped in WW2 killing more than half a million civilians
In context bible reading people are responsible for more deaths than all the other religions put together. Of course you are clueless about it. What is your comment on 2cor6:14? You know , the bible prohibit christians to be friends with non christians. Typical of 'truth.8' , cannot answer run away. LOL , too bad .... so sad
Last edited by sam1528 on 20-10-2014 04:47 PM
sam1528 posted on 20-10-2014 04:45 PM 
Definition of friend (noun)
Definition of ally (noun)
what is USA or UK doing is justify othewise animals like you will do more evil and blood shed in this world..I hope the FBI will invetigate your IP address as I feel you directly supporting the terrrorism ...
HELLO FBI ....we hve one terrorist here...please read all his contents
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2014 11:23 AM 
go and read sura :Surah 5.51 "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. ...
since sam1528 has given you the answers, i won't elaborate much. however, there's one thing i would like to add, if it is haraam for muslim to be friends with christian, why don't the scholars give such fatwa and ask us to stop befriending non muslims? obviously, the verse has other meaning which has been misintepreted.
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2014 05:55 PM 
what is USA or UK doing is justify othewise animals like you will do more evil and blood shed in this world..I hope the FBI will invetigate your IP address as I feel you directly supporting the terrrorism ...
HELLO FBI ....we hve one terrorist here...please read all his contents
LOL , this is what happen to an exposed clueless person who pretends to know everything (like teaching a Cambridge Graduate - wink wink) but in the end falling over his own feet.
Dey tambi , if you don't know just admit it. You are not arguing but farting thru your mouth. You still cannot respond to the fact
(1) Christians killed more people than all the others put together
(2) The bible in 2cor6:14 prohibits christians being friends with non christians
You do what you do best. You run!!
This is for you , from the CBS news :
In a tale as twisted as the hunt for Osama bin Laden, CBS Evening News has been told that the night before the Sept. 11 terrorists attack, Osama bin Laden was in Pakistan. He was getting medical treatment with the support of the very military that days later pledged its backing for the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan.
"On that night," said a medical worker who wanted her identity protected, "they moved out all the regular staff in the urology department and sent in a secret team to replace them." She said it was treatment for a very special person and "the special team was obviously up to no good."
"They military had him surrounded," said a hospital employee who also wanted his identity masked, "and I saw the mysterious patient helped out of a car. Since that time," he said, "I have seen many pictures of the man. He is the man we know as Osama bin Laden. I also heard two army officers talking to each other. They were saying that Osama bin Laden had to be watched carefully and looked after."
Its about time you just talk about the weather , not politics nor religion .... you are a clueless dimwit ....
Last edited by sam1528 on 20-10-2014 06:45 PM
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2014 11:26 AM 
Di Malaysia ada rukun negara....kita patuh pada prinsip tersebut....skr ramai anak2 muda suka ...
personally speaking, sy tak nmpak hukum hudud tu sbg sesuatu yg boleh memudaratkan. kalo pencuri dan perompak dah takot nk merompak lg sy happy sbb tak yah susah2 nk blanje beribu ringgit nk pasang alarm system bagai.
mungkin u lg suka hidup dlm ketakutan kot...
Truth.8 posted on 20-10-2014 05:55 PM 
what is USA or UK doing is justify othewise animals like you will do more evil and blood shed in t ...
since u can easily say we muslims are all terrorists, i can also say US is the one behind the 911 conspiracy (well, there are tons of videos proved it already).
even if it was done by muslim terrorists, the whole nations of middle east and west bank have to pay for it with innocent lives? u called this justify? what is the difference between US government and muslim terrorists then?
maybe it's the oil that US is interested in, sounds fishy eh?
Last edited by cmf_Presa1200 on 20-10-2014 07:07 PM
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 20-10-2014 06:47 PM 
personally speaking, sy tak nmpak hukum hudud tu sbg sesuatu yg boleh memudaratkan. kalo pencuri d ... personally speaking, sy tak nmpak hukum hudud tu sbg sesuatu yg boleh memudaratkan. kalo pencuri dan perompak dah takot nk merompak lg sy happy sbb tak yah susah2 nk blanje beribu ringgit nk pasang alarm system bagai.
mungkin u lg suka hidup dlm ketakutan kot...
if one cut off hand and later he/she is free to go...how he/she going support his life??
so, in order to implement the hukum huduh...it should be given jail sentence first and provide stern warning that if he/she does that again, than his /her hand will be chop off if arrested again....that will be fair...
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 20-10-2014 06:53 PM 
since u can easily say we muslims are all terrorists, i can also say US is the one behind the 911 ...
that is an absurd and excuses.....we all know the behind 911 ...it was muslims terrorist..
Truth.8 posted on 21-10-2014 01:43 PM 
if one cut off hand and later he/she is free to go...how he/she going support his life??
so, in ...
you're very funny lah my friend. if a criminal knows that his hand will be cut off he shouldn't steal in the first place. poverty can be overcome by zakat, charity, welfare etc and most importantly the person has to work! since you're so concerned about how he's going to support his life, why don't you think of the victim safety? u think nowadays robbers just waltz in and ask for money nicely? u haven't heard on the news, have u?
i believe for mild cases criminals will be fined, only serious cases involve amputation.
Truth.8 posted on 21-10-2014 01:46 PM 
that is an absurd and excuses.....we all know the behind 911 ...it was muslims terrorist..
"we all know the behind 911"?? excuse me, not every American believes this BS ok.
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 21-10-2014 06:57 PM 
you're very funny lah my friend. if a criminal knows that his hand will be cut off he shouldn't st ... you're very funny lah my friend. if a criminal knows that his hand will be cut off he shouldn't steal in the first place. poverty can be overcome by zakat, charity, welfare etc and most importantly the person has to work! since you're so concerned about how he's going to support his life, why don't you think of the victim safety? u think nowadays robbers just waltz in and ask for money nicely? u haven't heard on the news, have u?
some humans are born to be evil ...i have this rich men client stealing my products but this is habbits....in order to over come this habbits...one should be given minor sentence with stern warning that if he/she does this again , hand will be chop off ....
i believe for mild cases criminals will be fined, only serious cases involve amputation. whether serious or not, hukum huduh comes secondarly..
cmf_Presa1200 posted on 21-10-2014 06:59 PM 
"we all know the behind 911"?? excuse me, not every American believes this BS ok. "we all know the behind 911"?? excuse me, not every American believes this BS ok.
without proof it invalid...muslims terrorist beeing doing this for long time...that is the fact
Truth.8 posted on 21-10-2014 08:06 PM 
some humans are born to be evil ...i have this rich men client stealing my products but this is ... whether serious or not, hukum huduh comes secondarly..
in islamic laws, we have hukum ta'zir; means any punishment which is not qualified for hudud laws will be administered according to the judge, rather than from the Quran.
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