buapakperut posted on 13-11-2014 05:14 PM 
yes,this is the keyword we looking for...Cloud...
Explanation :
Pic 1 : on cloud nine elated; very happy
Pic 2 : Dropbox is cloud storage service that enables users to store files on remote cloud servers and the ability to share files within a synchronized format.
Pic 3: Nebula
(Astronomy) astronomy a diffuse cloud of particles and gases (mainly hydrogen) that is visible either as a hazy patchof light (either an emission or a reflection nebula) or an irregular dark region against a brighter background (darknebula).
Pic 4 : Chemistry experiment showing a clear solution turns cloudy…huhu...
tahniah... tiada hadiah mampu diberi, hanya sebuah senyuman sebagai ganti...

cc: momod @Eva_yy_Ellin @NaylaArisha 
Last edited by Ella_mujigae on 13-11-2014 05:41 PM