Sah tiada lagi perayaan christmas di Brunei
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Sambutan hari ibu dan hari bapa di Brunei pula macam mana? |
mbhcsf replied at 9-1-2015 08:45 AM
article itu secara jelas menegur perbuatan segelintir umat Islam yg meniru sembrono benda yang pe ...
I left speechless. You really need to go check your brain off. 911 anyone? |
Edited by True-X at 9-1-2015 09:43 AM
Aku rase org islam je yg takut ngan santa clause..padahal org kristian yg sambut xmas..ianya lebih kepada jamuan makan sesama family dan kawan2...
Ade lg ke yg pecaya santa clause tuh wujud? |
kesian...org2 kristan kena migrate dh... |
santa clause tu lebih kepada adat ataupun agama? bagaimana santa ni wujud dalam krismas? kenapa setiap kali krismas ada pokok ala konifer tu>?
Christian tertekan |
Laki aku salu ckp.org brunei ni terkongkong d negara sendiri.keluar je negara dorang.dia la raja segala.minum.rokok.karoke etc efc.kesiaaan dorangg.negara dah bgs...
Aku ada gak dulu2 intai2 gambo putri2 soltan brunei..pakai tudung utk acara rasmi jah.selebih nye hmmmm |
kerajaan dia tu tak confident dgn cara mereka nak buat rakyat dia org tu pegang teguh kat agama mereka tu. |
sbb dah laksanakan hukum hudud..ada kaitan kah?? |
ehem ehem..perhubungan apakah
tetiba je... haha
lucky plaza tu yg ramai pinoy duk lepak kan..
hurmmm... dah macam ajaran islam ni terlampau lemah sampai kena enforce law macam tu pulak. dan dia sendiri pun... alahai.... |
hamdalah...syukor brunei ban Krismas...dah nyaris2 nak masuk kristian tadi dah...tapi berkat keprihatinan Tuanku Bolkiah berjaya juga selamatkan akidah aku...
pasni minta tuanku haramkan sambutan tahun baru Masihi, termasuk tidak bercuti pada satu Januari sbb kalendar masihi ni ciptaan ketua ugama Katolik yakni Pope....jadi hamba yg hina dina lagi lemah aqidah mudah goyah imannya terkeliru sama ada nak follow masihi atau kalender hijiri... |
kalau kat brunei takda perayaan xmas org brunei yg dtg ke miri or Labuan.limbang mcmana? tak terpesong ke? |
majoriti org brunei agama ape?? |
ummah kristian zaman Nabi Muhammad yang dok dibawah pemerintahan Nabi Muhammad ada sambut krismas tak? pastu pakai baju santa sambil jerit ho ho ho
Isele telah tertegak? Ereb pon masih benarkan perayaan krismas utk penganut ugama samawi ini.ummah mulayu pulak yg terlebih dos nya |
JUST IN: MoRA issues statement on Christmas celebrations in Brunei
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Press release from the Ministry of Religious Affairs:
Referring to recent reports in the local media regarding visits carried out by the Religious Enforcement Division under the Syariah Affairs Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs to several business premises, restaurants and eateries owned by both Muslims and non-Muslims in the Brunei-Muara District which publicly displayed Christmas decorations such as Santa Claus figures, Christmas trees, banners displaying Christmas greetings, and sales personnel dressed like Santa Claus.
Muslims should be careful not to follow celebrations such as these that are not in any way related to Islam, for it is feared that this could lead to tasyabbuh (imitation) and could unknowingly damage the aqidah (faith) of Muslims.
Muslims are prohibited from imitating the customs and practices of other religions that are related to matters of aqidah (faith). In a hadith narrated by Ibnu Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them”.
For example, in conjunction with Christmas celebrations, Muslim children, teenagers and adults can be seen wearing hats or clothes that resemble Santa Claus. Actions such as these can amount to an offence under Section 207 (1) of the Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013, that is performing or practicing a ceremony or act contrary to Hukum Syara’.
Meanwhile, believers of other religions that live under the rule of an Islamic country – according to Islam – may practice their religion or celebrate their religious festivities among their community, with the condition that the celebrations are not disclosed or displayed publicly to Muslims. This is stated in the Fatwa of the State Mufti of Brunei Darussalam (Siri 03/2005).
The act of publicly displaying festivities of religions other than Islam can be seen as propagation of religions other than Islam, and it can amount to an offence under Section 209 (1) of the Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013, that is propagating religion other than religion of Islam to a Muslim.
The Religious Enforcement Division under the Syariah Affairs Department has taken several measures as an effort to enforce the provisions under Section 207, 209, 210, 211, 212 and 213 under the Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013. Among the measures are giving advice, providing guidance and calling to comply with the Syariah Penal Code Order, 2013. These enforcement measures are also intended to control the act of celebrating Christmas excessively and openly, which could damage the aqidah (faith) of the Muslim community. Alhamdulillah, a majority of business owners and entrepreneurs have given positive responses and full cooperation in this matter.
The measures taken by the Religious Enforcement Division of the Syariah Affairs Department does not ban Christians from celebrating Christmas at their places of worship, within their community and in their homes.
Brunei Darussalam is an Islamic country and Negara Zikir that upholds the Melayu Islam Beraja (Malay Islamic Monarchy) philosophy, and respects the rights of non-Muslims to practice their religion, as provided under the Constitution of Brunei Darussalam. Religious freedom rights for non-Muslims are practiced with peace and harmony, and also subject to other laws.
*MORA - Ministry Of Religious Affair
Mek....dalam agama kristian..menyambut kerismas...perlu ada santa klos? atau ia sekadar adat? ummah keristian kat arab pon sambut kerismas ala2 santa klos ke?
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