Pembunuh sebenar mati di festival muzik FMFA bukan sebab dadah rupanya
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Konsert kat Malaysia tahun ni pun sendu ja
Yang best pun Edd Sheeran,The Script hapa tu jah pun
Nak yang kebaboom pi Singapore or Australia ja |
Edited by elle_april at 1-6-2015 01:07 PM
He said those who died tested positive for ecstasy or MDMA, but it was much lower than the average recreational level of 0.1 to 0.25 microgram per millilitre. The six, who died after the concert at the Bukit Jalil Stadium on March 15 last year were Kamal Zekry Kamal Basha, 22; Victor Wong E Hern, 26; Sabreena Kamaruddin, 21; M. Suresh, 28; Syazana Sohaime, 23; and Nor Faizza Mohd Wazir, 27.
I was surprised because when I came in, the impression created from the police announcement was that they had taken large doses of drugs.
“Even the clinicians at the trauma centre were under the impression that these people were heavily intoxicated with drugs and were treating them for overdose instead heatstroke.
bila yang bawak patience memandai2 lepas tu mislead pihak hospital. Nak salahkan hospital pun tak boleh because at that instance itu sahaja sumber info....
sis ini bukan isu dadah tapi isunya adalah kepanasan rujuk balik apa doc tu cakap ea. yang menjadi tanda tanya selama ini ada saje konsert2 negara ni tapi ada ke kes kematian serupa ni?
kita ada juga pihak berkuasa yang beri lesen dan spesifikasi untuk lesen tu.
tapi kalau melibatkan kematian penganjur boleh lepas tangan ke?
mmg haus penganjur konsert di tanah air ini.
bawa retis mostly sendu2 jah.
yg paling mahal iols penah jumpe kt festival,sebotol rm5.
bertabah je la tgk harga.huhu~~
tak semua rasanye gitu.iols ade pegi a few festivals, iols bwk masuk air mineral,diorang ok je.
but i agreed,some of the event management,diorang x bg bwk masuk.
He said those who died tested positive for ecstasy or MDMA, but it was much lower than the average recreational level of 0.1 to 0.25 microgram per millilitre. sikit jah.. not even the main cause.
urbanscape tahun before sigur rose tu iols pergi. yg sigur rose datang tu dah tak relevan mahalnya. kalau tak tiap2 tahun pergi urbanscape
apa pun...mati kat konsert tarak cun daaa...
banyak can masuk nuraka jahanam.
kasi malu famili lagi.
pasal keselamatan mmg event organizer dah sediakan, ada medic, emergency centre, siap ada pegawai AADK merata2 tau. kalau nak masuk gate pun dorang akan check tapi u cant control anything beyond that. |
Heatstroke pung aku nak salah organizer jgk la sbb tak mememikirkan keselesaa. Pengunjung..pikir nak ramaikan majlis je... |
ohyeke.. konsert iols pergi selama ni mmg tak bagi lepas bawak air dr luar. kalau music festival confirm2 mmg tak boleh bawak masuk air dr luar punya
rm10 mampu la. hang kalau stay dari petang sampai malam rasa nak tak spend rm100 10 botol utk mineral botol kecik? cekik darah kot
http://www.thestar.com.my/News/N ... dark-all-this-time/
KUALA LUMPUR: The organisers of last year’s Future Music Festival Asia (FMFA) concert said they had been kept in the dark over the cause of deaths of six people at the event.
Livescape Group chief executive officer Muhammad Iqbal Ameer said all information about the deaths had been through verbal communication with the police and requests to see toxicology reports of the victims were denied.
“We were pretty much left in the dark. Until now, we have yet to know the contents of the investigation and toxicology reports.
“We are very surprised by the pathologist’s revelations. For more than a year, we’ve been led to believe that the deaths were due to drug overdose,” he said when commenting on University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) forensic pathology department head Prof Dr K. Nadesan’s statement that it was heatstroke and not drugs, which killed the six.
Muhammad Iqbal said the perception that drugs caused the deaths had impacted the FMFA brand globally and on a larger scale, the events industry in Malaysia.
He said Livescape had heeded police warnings and cancelled the third and final day of the festival on March 15 last year after the six youths died and 22 others were arrested for drug possession at Stadium Bukit Jalil, the festival venue.
Muhammad Iqbal said Livescape was not disputing the call made by the police in the interest of public safety.
“But I believe what all event organisers want is better transparency and for the authorities to see the economic benefits of these events we are organising and to work together with us to ensure safe events.
“With how things are going now, no one wins. Will the fans be able to see another music festival take place in Malaysia?
“Could huge financial losses to other event organisers due to last-minute cancellations or objections be avoided?
“And more importantly, could lives have been saved if transparent and accurate information was released in the first place?” he asked.
When asked if Livescape was considering legal action, he said his company only wanted “answers and the truth”.
Muhammad Iqbal also clarified that the event had sufficient measures in place to keep concert goers healthy and hydrated, refuting Dr Nadesan’s comment that there was lack of access to water during the festival.
He said the festival had adhered to an international event organising standard under the Code of Practice and Event Management Guide, adding that the organiser also had 34 paramedics, seven ambulances and an onsite emergency trauma centre. |
@elle_april , i think i mistakenly replied to wrong post. sorry darling!
n yes,ade yg blh bwk masuk.
babydoll replied at 1-6-2015 01:19 PM
gitula nampaknye..nt kte nk g festival, mohon mia bawak stok lebih sket..tenkiu mia
Mia bw pil perancang jelah...buleyh??? Bhahahahaha.... |
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