ASTHMA: Jenis-jenis nya; triggers nye; klasifikasi attacks
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So, jika u dapat nocturnal cough ie batuk mlm mlm, bila udara sejuk... dan ada wheeze (go to youtube dan dengar apa itu wheezes), dan dapat attacks yang reversible dgn beta agonists, quite likely asthma la tu... so you may need to be on Asthma Preventer and Reliever inhalers.
Update lah apa yg doc u dah buat so fa, ie tests-wise. Chest XRay shows apa?
..and yes, anxiety boleh buat sesak nafasa dan anxiety also can trigger asthma.
Takda chest xray sbb awal2 dr kat ppum cakap bukan asma.
Tq doc ipes!! Very helping. I is no more kompius hehe |
set... walaupun i piki elok je buat cxr masa kena attacks tu
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