tapi adie82 cakap dier boleh patching sims 2 guna DVD yang x ori.. |
Reply #579 meijien1's post
kat pc.com.my
expansion RM78
yang basic+nightlife RM139. edisi deluxe. saya pakai ori untuk apart. life je. yang lain pirate. so far tak de konflik. ok je
awak dapat tak pm saya? saya dah pos semalam pakai pos ekspres. harap2 sampai hari ni |
Reply #580 DaoMing_Si's post
puasa makan mcd sebulan, boleh le beli |
Reply #581 edy137's post
aku dah install komplete EXP pack n add on.... |
Reply #585 adie82's post
adie, bila mau paste ur best sims + house? teringin nak tengok
mesti gempak |
Reply #584 meijien1's post
untuk meijien & semua...
copy from ea website
Maxis recommends updating your video drivers before installing. To update your video drivers, follow these instructions:
1. Determine what video card you have. Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in dxdiag and hit OK. The DirectX diagnostic tool should open. Under the Display tab, you should see the name of your video card and the manufacturer. For example, Name: Nvidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra, Manufacturer: Nvidia.
2. Go to the manufacturer of your video card's website to download the latest drivers. Follow the links to download the latest video card drivers.
Here are some common manufacturers websites:
3. Once you've downloaded the drivers, open the folder where you saved the download and open the file. Follow the installation instructions in the installer to install the updated driver. |
tq...... |
adie82,... please terangkan skit macamana nak install patching satu persatu macam yang pernah ko buat dulu tuhh.. |
Reply #586 sakura_san's post
aku tak main sims ni.. adik je yang layan.....
kekadang main la jugak tapi tak der la sampai berejam-rejam! |
Reply #590 edy137's post
macam yang aku cerita kat page belakang la.....
aku kompius la korang buat tak jadi... aku dah 3 PC install ok jer step tu... |
Reply #588 sakura_san's post
saya dah install da..setakat semalam main 1 hour x stuck lg....so nak try lg la main next time lama sikit...ok tak hehehhe...
tq... |
apartment life
korang nak tanya sket
camna nak jumpa good witch tu ha.. aku cari kat comunnity2 lot tak jumpa2. balik2 jumpa si frances evil witch tu aje
arr lagi satu nak tanya kalau kita add on stuff macam ikea etc tu akan effect kat save games kita tak?
[ Last edited by bedah_kg_pisang at 29-10-2008 08:44 AM ] |
Reply #594 bedah_kg_pisang's post
witch tu random rasanya sebab saya kekadang jumpa good witch, kekadang evil witch. tak tentu jugak.
tak suka evil witch. habis hujang ribut petir dia buat kat kedai sims saya :@
stuff pack kalau install tak de effect negatif. semua stuff akan ada automatik kat direktori. tapi kalau uninstall balik, game yang dah save tu akan effect kalau stuff tu dah tak ada. mungkin fail akan corrupt. huhu... paling nightmare |
Reply #597 bedah_kg_pisang's post
saya restart main lepas install AL hari tu. nanti nak buat satu famili witch. kira keturunan witch macam citer the charmed |
Reply #598 sakura_san's post
lawak pulak tengok zombie tu.
tadi ada terbaca kat forum sims. kita leh main jadi witch jahat @ baik tru cordial family. |
Originally posted by sakura_san at 21-10-2008 04:04 PM
hot date bukan kat sims 1 ke?
kalau nak install untuk pirate, memang tak pernah jadi. hari tu install patch free time ok je. lepas tu nak main kena masuk cd original. bila uninstall, abis sem ...
aku nye sume install pirate...freetime, open for business ngan university.....so far takde masalh lagi....kalu tak mau rabak jugak nak bli cd ori |
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