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Author: matabelalang

★NOKIA N8-00 - 12 MP Symbian^3★

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Post time 4-1-2011 10:03 AM | Show all posts
kalau letak high end sampai 1GHz....harganya pun akan jadik high end gak...
medangmru Post at 3-1-2011 12:26 PM

yup, agreed... moral of the story, memasing ada kelebihan dan kekurangan.. pilihlah phone yang kita nak kelebihannya dan leh terima kekurangannya.. cam membe aku yang pakai galaxy nie, baru sebulan udah berangan nak pakai yang lain coz malas nak cas phone tiap2 hari.. dan dia byk keje luar lagi la susah kalau bateri x berapa tahan lama nie..

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Post time 5-1-2011 08:02 AM | Show all posts
sape penah connect pendrive kat N8 dia. aku try semalam tapi masalahnya semua folder dalam tu dia takleh detect. mungkin dia takleh baca file2 untuk format windows kot

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Post time 5-1-2011 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 584# al-asil

   So Far... Ok je... cucuk pendrive, cucuk mouse, semua berfungsi dengan baik. Semua file image, office, mp3, pdf leh di baca dengan baik. kecuali file .exe.
Mungkin ada banyak file dalam pendrive bro kot. Try bagi masa dia buffer dulu... mungkin dalam masa 1 - 5 minit.

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Post time 6-1-2011 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 585# thexboy82

huhu baru aku perasan, bila aku cucuk pendrive aku tu kat laptop rupa2nya pendrive tu ada virus, abih semua folder dalam tu jadik shortcut:@:@ patutla folder2 tu N8 aku takleh baca

harapnya virus2 tu tak memberi kesan la kat N8 aku

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Post time 8-1-2011 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by thexboy82 at 8-1-2011 19:32

Maksimumkan qualiti sebenar kamera N8 anda...

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Post time 10-1-2011 11:05 PM | Show all posts
Maksimumkan qualiti sebenar kamera N8 anda...
thexboy82 Post at 8-1-2011 15:37

    cam ner nak guna nih.. dah ada org guna ker? cam nak try tapi takut plak

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Post time 12-1-2011 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply 588# miss_mulan77

   Keterangan lanjut ada dalam tu... Baca sebelum instal...
Aku dah cuba... picture jadi lebih detail mcm kamera sebenar (tapi saiz pun jadi besar gak lah). tapi yg penting video HD up dari 25fps ke 30fps.

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Post time 13-1-2011 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Maksimumkan qualiti sebenar kamera N8 anda...
thexboy82 Post at 8-1-2011 15:37

macam gempak je benda nih. tapi nak sign cert tu yang maleh

leceh la proses dia

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Post time 13-1-2011 05:11 PM | Show all posts
sign sert amat senang bro.... pakai  signer.sis leh cr kat mobile9

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Post time 14-1-2011 07:45 PM | Show all posts
A'aaah....mmg tgh guna HP N8 ni....pasal X10 tu ..mambang leh refer kat Topik berkenaan... ...
medangmru Post at 29-12-2010 17:55

    Apa ni med.. malu ai

Mambang.. bagi haku mudah jerk pilih mana jer yg ko berkenan ikut naluri.. kekadang rekemen org tak kena ngan jiwa kita.. mcm nak kawin la.. kena percaya pada pasangan..
Klu dah lama bersama otomatik akan serasi

Nak pilih tipon nie mudah jerk.. tak mcm pilih dslr.. kena tengok member pakai apa sbb sng nak pinjam lens..

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Post time 17-1-2011 11:03 AM | Show all posts
Tapi tu la, nak letak processor laju karang battery lak tak tahan lama.. cam hari tu try test cu ...
limaukasturis Post at 3-1-2011 11:49

maap yer, nak tanya jer.. try main2 tu main pa?main game ker main pa? sori yer x paham sgt pasai phone canggih ni... aku ada cita2 nak tuka n97 aku ke n8 nih.... actually aku x pernah godak2 apa2 pun dlm n97 aku, just msg, tepon ambik gambar n rakam jer.. sekali sekala surf internet.... dah 1 tahun pakai.. pastu jemu n teringin pulak kat n8... dah p usha2 cun jugak.... tgh survey2 kat cni pulak....

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Post time 18-1-2011 05:29 PM | Show all posts
N8 Multiple Mods v4.00 Released (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!)

01. KS Improvement
- Improve on Kinetic Scrolling, now your list will be easier/faster/longer on kinetic scroll (you wil SURE feel the different)

02. UI Improvement - Experiment Mod
- Experiment mods, changed the default FPS from 67FPS to 33FPS and max processing power from 75% to 100%. Need more users experience feedback on it's actual improvement (if it have any)

03. Landscape Dialer
- To enable the phone dialer able to rotate same as others screen (not lock on just potrait mode)

04. Camera Sound Mute
- Enable the camera sound to be mute when warning tone been turn off.

05. Continuous AutoFocus
- You will have an EXTRA option under Video Setting that enable the Continuous AF during video.

For Mods #6,#7,#8, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.

06. Photo/Video (100/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 100/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.

07. Photo/Video (097/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 97/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.

08. Photo/Video (095/30FPS)
- Photo quality change the compression ratio from original 85/75/60 to 95/85/75, video will change from 25FPS to 30FPS and the capture audio quality will change from 128kbps to 256kbps.

09. Photo Gallery Folders
- Photo Gallery Folders excluded lots of folders path, hopefully now it's will only show E:\Images\ & F:\Images\ contents.

10. Music Gallery Folders
- Music Gallery Folders excluded lots of folders path, hopefully now it's will only show E:\Music\, E:\Sounds\, F:\Music\, F:\Sounds\, G:\Music\, G:\Sounds\ contents.

For Mods #11,#12, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.

11. Browser's Cache (D:\)
- Change the default browser cache folder from C: to D: and set the amount to 32MB, actual effects need those HEAVY internet users feedback.

12. Browser's Cache (E:\)
- Change the default browser cache folder from C: to E: and set the amount to 32MB, actual effects need those HEAVY internet users feedback.

For Mods #13,#14,#15, ONLY select 1 option, if multiple options selected the top most option will be use.

13. Startup/Shutdown (C:\Animations)
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in C:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in C:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.

14. Startup/Shutdown (E:\Animations)
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in E:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in E:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.

15. Startup/Shutdown (F:\Animations)
- Redirect the phone to look for the Startup.gif and Startup.mp3 during startup in F:\Animations folder and look for the Shutdown.gif and Shutdown.mp3 during shutdown in F:\Animations folder. If none are found then the phone won't play any startup/shutdown animations at all.

16. Voice Recorder (12H/256kbps/Stereo)
- Set the default Voice Recorder to high quality recording (from 64kbps to 256kbps) and increase the max duration of the recording clip from 60mins to 720mins.

17. Music Player Volumn/Heap Mods (80%/32MB)
- Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods.

18. Context Data Object Maximum Size Mod
- Experiment mods, no significant effect after the mods.

19. Light Sensor Disable
- Totally disable the Light Sensor, LCD will have 100% brightness all the time (will dim ONLY in power safe mode)

20. Haptics Improvement
- Lower the vibration and fine tune level 1/2/3 haptics feedback (not must different as i can tell)

21. Vibration Alert Improvement
- Same goes with haptics mods, can't really feel big different

22. Camera Full Shutdown (RAM)
- Camera apps will fully shutdown once you close the apps (won't remain in the memory), but the N8 have better camera apps as the total shutdown and without only make ~1Mb ram saving (not like what we see in 5800xm as it's camera apps are memory *****)

23. Fast Screen Rotation
- Can feel "a bit" faster but not lighting fast as the delay seem not from the sensor but rather from the UI.

24. FM Transmitter RDS
- The FM Transmitter now send RDS "Nokia N8" and not just "Nokia".

25. Video Call FPS Improvement
- Slightly change the video call setting fps from original min/norm/max of 5/10/15 to 10/15/20. Not tested as not really use video call.

- Disable Messaging, Logs, Contacts, Clock, Calendar Apps from staying in the background after you exit them.

27. Database Max Record Count
- Experimental mod, Increase database from 20 to 50.

28. Default Application Orientation State
- Change default orientation from Landscape to Hardware Sensor.

29. HWRM Process Priority
- Experimental mod, Hardware sensor priority change from background to foreground.

30. Music Player Equalizer
- Add in additional 6 EQ presets, Flat/Speech/Enhance/Treble booster/Bass & Treble/ZigZag

EQ Presets Overview



- Bugfixes for Video gallery scan folder

- Extra EQ presets (lovely effects) :peace:

- Fine tune some of the mods to add stability

- Voice recorder duration changed to max 12 hours recording (can record for whole day event)

- Fast screen rotation mod now only reduce it's sensor timing without changing it's original tilting setting


- Included lots of Symbian S60V5 Cenrep mods


- Included multiple choices during installation

- Clean up most of the code within the cenrep files

- All mods change back to .cre for better performance

For CAF setting below the recommendation of usage:

1. For close up object (10cm~1m) enable the CAF.
2. For normal video capture (>30cm) disable the CAF.

Just download the attachment and sign it with your cert then install. No hacked phone needed!!

Installation steps:

1. Download the attachment.
2. Sign the . sis with your own cert.
3. Run the signed . sis.
4. Select the mods that you like to install.
5. REBOOT the phone.

Uninstall the mods:

1. Use normal uninstall apps method.
2. REBOOT the phone.
3. All will back to original state.

Modify or Re-select the mods:

1. Use normal uninstall apps method.
2. REBOOT the phone.
3. Run the signed . sis.
4. Select the mods that you like to install.
5. REBOOT the phone.

Attachment: (updated to using multiple download sites)


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Post time 18-1-2011 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Klu tak berani nak cuba yang itu boleh cuba yang ini...

New Camera Quality & Sound Mods, please read through before use any of the mods

This mods are modify from hyperX camera mod:

Camera Mod HQ.sis:
1. video 864x480 change 25FPS to 30FPS
2. photo quality: high quality change from 85 to 100
3. photo quality: mid quality change from 75 to 85
4. photo quality: low quality change from 60 to 75
5. photo estimate size update to reflect more accurate file size
6. photo capture profiles update, remove 1152x864 profile from low/mid quality, included 4000x2248 and 4000x3000 profile into low/mid quality.
7. Disable camera focus/shutter sound when silent profile or warning tone off selected

Camera Mod MQ.sis:
1. video 864x480 change 25FPS to 30FPS
2. photo quality: high quality change from 85 to 95
3. photo quality: mid quality change from 75 to 85
4. photo quality: low quality change from 60 to 75
5. photo estimate size update to reflect more accurate file size
6. photo capture profiles update, remove 1152x864 profile from low/mid quality, included 4000x2248 and 4000x3000 profile into low/mid quality.
7. Disable camera focus/shutter sound when silent profile or warning tone off selected

Camera Mod LQ.sis:
1. video 864x480 change 25FPS to 30FPS
2. photo quality: high quality change from 85 to 90
3. photo quality: mid quality change from 75 to 85
4. photo quality: low quality change from 60 to 75
5. photo estimate size update to reflect more accurate file size
6. photo capture profiles update, remove 1152x864 profile from low/mid quality, included 4000x2248 and 4000x3000 profile into low/mid quality.
7. Disable camera focus/shutter sound when silent profile or warning tone off selected

Camera Mod Restore.sis:
1. Will restore back the Original N8 default camera setting.

Installation Steps:
1. Download the attached .zip
2. Extract the zip file
3. Sign the .sis it with your own cert
4. Install and have fun!!  
5. If want to change the level of quality fix, uninstall the previous mods then intall the prefer mods then restart.
6. For restoration, uninstall all the mods then install the "Camera Mod Restore.sis" to restore back the original camera setting.


(Need signup first)



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Post time 19-1-2011 05:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 594# thexboy82

    yang ko bagi nie mmg update dari nokia ke? ataupun 3rd party punya update?

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Post time 19-1-2011 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Ini bukan update... ini lebih kurang mode. Bukan dari Nokia.

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Post time 20-1-2011 07:06 AM | Show all posts
sign sert amat senang bro.... pakai  signer.sis leh cr kat mobile9
thexboy82 Post at 13-1-2011 17:11

bro, aku dah donlod mobile signer, v1.03 punya. yang ni ke

tapi tak reti guna la

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Post time 20-1-2011 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Kena ada cert. and key dulu... keterangan lanjut leh dapatkan di sini

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Post time 23-1-2011 11:52 AM | Show all posts
baru beli n8 di kedai nokia,png=rm1800..
mahal ke?
tp dh beli pun,nk nyesal pun x guna sbb baru je baca review n8 kat sini..

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Post time 23-1-2011 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Reply 600# asliza86

Alah membeli... Menang memakai....

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Post time 23-1-2011 02:58 PM | Show all posts
baru beli n8 di kedai nokia,png=rm1800..
mahal ke?
tp dh beli pun,nk nyesal pun x guna sbb baru je ...
asliza86 Post at 23-1-2011 11:52

apa yg menyesal? spesific sikit pls

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