INDONESIA - Defence, Military and Police Issues [Part 3]
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Reply 577# kongker
cuma tahap itu shj wak commentmu...silakan cuba lagi!!! |
Reply d'zeck
cuba baca btol2 post gw...pengirimana batch 1---> designasinya SK/MK sedangkan pen ...
advark Post at 29-9-2010 16:48 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
salah tu wak.
pengeluar sukhoi untuk india dan malaysia
adalah berbeza sama sekali dengan syarikat yg membina shukoi tempe indon.
lebih mudah bercakap dengan tempe daripada bercakap dengan kamu. |
tetapi aneh ya kenapa KS mesia yg klaimnya terbaik aka versi upgrade dari yg punya chile atau in ...
advark Post at 30-9-2010 00:21 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
sepeda motor ato mobil lu (ato kepunyaan bapak lu) enggak pernah rosak ya wak?
sepeda yg simple binaannya aja bisa alami kerusakan mekanikal di sana sini,
inikan pula otak tempemu itu, lagi mudah sekali rusaknya.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
Reply 581# advark
siapa bilang versi terbaik? dari mana sumbernya. pandai puter2 ya? ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Post Last Edit by malberi8 at 30-9-2010 12:41
tetapi aneh ya kenapa KS mesia yg klaimnya terbaik aka versi upgrade dari yg punya chile atau in ...
advark Post at 30-9-2010 12:21 AM ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
su30mkm ni bukanlah versi yg terbaik cuma ianya adalah versi yang lebih baik dari kepunyaan indonesial ....
su3omkm upgrades :
A derivative of the India-Russian MKI,[the MKM is a highly specialized version for Royal Malaysian Air Force
1 - Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC) and canards .
2 - It head-up displays (HUD), navigational forward-looking IR system (NAVFLIR) and Damocles Laser Designation pod (LDP) from Thales Group of France,
3 - MAW-300 missile approach warning sensor (MAWS), RWS-50 RWR and laser warning sensor (LWS) from SAAB AVITRONICS (South Africa)[8]
4 - Russian NIIP N011M BARS PESA radar.
5 - Russian DECM active jammer (SAP518M), UV-30MK CMDS, RWR (L-150-30 Pastel) and IRST (UOMZ OLS-30I), as well as the display processor
6 - Others include Goodrich lights and communications suite from Rohde & Schwarz of Germany.
weaponry purchased for the Su-30MKMs includes:
Air defense weapons:
• Vympel RVV-AE (R-77) medium-range active radar-guided missiles.
• R-73 short-range IR and R-27R1 medium-range semi-active missiles.
Air-to-ground ordnance:
• OFAB 100-120, 25-270 and FAB 500 series of HE munitions.
• KAB 500KR and KAB 1500KR TV-correlated guided bombs.
Other weapons:
• Vympel Kh-29 AGM series missiles: Kh-29T (TV seeker), Kh-29TE (TV seeker/penetration warhead) and Kh-29L (laser seeker) variants.
• Zvezda-Strela Kh-31A (active radar) and Kh-31P (passive radar) anti-radiation weapons.
• Raduga NPO Kh-59ME long-range/TV-guided missile.
As with the Su-30MKI, the Malaysian version of the Su-30MKM retains the 30-mm GsH30-1 cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition |
Post Last Edit by kongker at 30-9-2010 16:32
Reply 582# advark
gw lupa...warga indon mudah singgung..maafin ya.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Post Last Edit by kongker at 30-9-2010 16:37
Reply 587# wongedandotcom2
sayangnya tak ada rudal...ongkosnya abis..utang lagi....kakakaaahhhh![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply 556# advark
kabare wak waras??? udah lama gak kemari...takut ya.....
wakakakakaka...dasar indon masih gak mo ngaku...otak loe di pantat ato di dengkul???
bukan rahasia lagi shukio indon gak ada rudal....
loe paham gak maksud "akan"...berarti masih belom punya....terbukti masih OMPONG!!!!
makin linglung lah ini indon....
TNI AU Akan Beli Rudal Lengkapi Sukhoi Antara - Senin, 27 SeptemberKirim Kirim via YM Cetak
TNI AU Akan Beli Rudal Lengkapi Sukhoi
Makassar (ANTARA) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal Imam Sufaat mengungkapkan TNI AU sedang melakukan perundingan dengan Pemerintah Rusia bagi pengadaan peluru kendali atau misil guna melengkapi pesawat tempur tersebut.
"Kami sedang merundingkan pembelian rudal bagi Sukhoi," kata Kasau kepada pers di Makassar, Senin, usai serah terima tiga pesawat tempur Sukhoi tipe SU-27 SKM dari Pemerintah Rusia.
Imam Sufaat mengatakan, proses pembelian rudal tersebut dilakukan karena produsen pesawat Sukhoi tidak sama dengan produsen rudal.
" embelian rudal ini memang dilakukan dari Rusia," kata Imam Sufaat saat mendampingi Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro.
Imam Sufaat mengatakan, ada hal-hal teknis yang harus dibicarakan dengan pabrik rudal tersebut karena misil tersebut harus sesuai dengan sistem komputer yang ada pada Sukhoi.
Sementara itu, Menhan Purnomo mengatakan, sekali pun Sukhoi tidak dilengkapi dengan rudal, bukan berarti di dalam pesawat itu tidak ada senjata sama sekali. "Kita membeli bom dari Turen," kata Purnomo.
Di Turen, Malang, terdapat pabrik amunisi milik PT Pindad yang mempunyai spesialisasi untuk pembuatan senjata serta amunisi.
Kasau Imam Sufaat menambahkan, pembelian pesawat Sukhoi tersebut satu paket dengan program pemeliharaan dan perawatan.
Ia mengatakan, untuk 2010, TNI AU mendapat anggaran pemeliharaan sebesar Rp1,3 triliun, sementara pada 2008, Mabes TNI AU hanya menerima biaya perawatan dan pemeliharaan sebesar Rp500 juta.
Kasau menjelaskan, penggunaan anggaran perawatan pesawat itu berdasarkan instruksi Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro yang meminta seluruh jajaran TNI AU untuk merawat dan memelihara alat utama sistem senjata mereka secara maksimal.
"Jadi, jangan hanya masalah penyediaan pesawat yang harus dibicarakan, tapi juga masalah pemeliharaan dan perawatan," kata Menhan.
Hadir pada acara tersebut Dubes Indonesia untuk Rusia, Hamid Awaluddin, serta Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Tubagus Hasanuddin yang merupakan mantan sekretaris militer kepresidenan pada era Pemerintahan Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri. |
Reply 587# wongedandotcom2
ya...gue percaya jumlahnya bisa sampe 180....tapi...
tunggu ampe taon 2110....![](http://static.kaskus.us/images/smilies/ngakak.gif) |
Reply 592# kongker
memanglah...indon dari presiden sampai rakyatnya semua badut sarkas....![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply 593# gede-bab
tahun itu pulau jawa udah ilang tenggelam...wkwkwkkk..![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Post Last Edit by gede-bab at 30-9-2010 17:14
Reply 570# advark
Wak mo nanya...
bagaimana pula dengan media INDON yang sering bilang TNI terbaik, Pilot TNI AU punya skill lebih baik...dll...
jadi terbukti yang media indon itu omong kosong ya wak???
![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply 595# kongker
oh iya...pulau jawa bakalan tenggelam paling awal tahun 2012 atau paling lewat 2025...![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
180 biji ye wak indon barter trade ngan apa , pulau bali ? sumatera? |
Post Last Edit by wongedandotcom2 at 30-9-2010 22:09
Indonesia Plans 180 Flankers Plus F-16s
Sep 30, 2010
By Bradley Perrett
BEIJING — Indonesia intends to acquire 180 Sukhoi Flankers and also to buy Lockheed Martin F-16s, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro says, setting out plans for a massive expansion of the Southeast Asian country’s air combat force.
If Indonesia is serious about buying 180 Flankers, then Canberra will almost certainly fund the Royal Australian Air Force’s plan for 100 Lockheed Martin F-35s, says Andrew Davies, an analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Until now, there was a significant chance that Australia would buy fewer F-35s.
The Sukhoi fleet will be built up by 2024, with 18 aircraft in each of 10 squadrons, Purnomo says. F-16s will replace BAE Systems Hawks, the government’s Antara news agency says in a report carrying Purnomo’s statement.
If the country does buy 180 Flankers and if it can operate them efficiently — two big ifs — then it will have transformed an air force that now has negligible combat capability.
Indonesia has been operating its current small force of Flankers, a mix of Su-27s and Su-30s, with poor levels of efficiency and availability. Analysts believe that its nine Northrop F-5s are in worse shape. Eight of 12 F-16As and Bs ordered in the 1980s are grounded.
The delivery of three Flankers this week took the force of that type to 10. The government previously said it would buy an additional six.
“To defend our nation’s sovereignty, we have set a target to procure 180 Sukhoi jet fighters to form 10 squadrons,” Purnomo reportedly says.
Besides Australia, the Indonesian buildup also would cause concerns in Singapore and Malaysia, according to Davies, although Leonard Sebastian, a Singapore-based specialist on Indonesia, thinks that Indonesia’s neighbors, including Australia, will not react too strongly.
The Indonesian air force is “pretty weak on human resources — not just the pilots but also the support personnel,” Sebastian says, doubting that the country could operate the Flanker force efficiently.
There is less doubt that it can buy them, he adds. Indonesia has been enjoying strong mineral prices stoked by Chinese demand. And building up the air force, rather than the army, would accord with the country’s policy of creating armed forces that are more technically advanced and professional.
The minister says the strength of the Indonesian economy is helping the government pay for its arms program.
Davies, who thinks Indonesia eventually will have a large number of Flankers but not as many as 180, points out that countries across Southeast Asia are focusing increasingly on advanced military technology.
Purnomo does not say how many F-16s Indonesia wants, but the country is operating six Hawk 100 trainers and 20 Hawk 200 light attack aircraft. Two years ago the government said it wanted to buy a squadron of F-16s between 2010 and 2014.
Any further F-16s may be secondhand. The defense ministry said in July that the U.S. was offering surplus fighters at low prices.
For imports of new weapons, Indonesia will insist on technology transfer and 40% of production work, Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin says.
Photo: Sukhoi
http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/asd/2010/09/30/03.xml |
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