~LFC~ enche IM or abg BOB sile buat open house kat rumah baru....
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Reply #600 conan's post
setakat defender masill neh ape arr sgt..
senyum dek defender reading jer toreh neh.. |
gicks... ko dtg bwak kambeng abg bob ke??  |
Reply #601 gicks79's post
defender tu jugak yg kene hetrik toreh dulu  |

the reds rulezz... |
Meet the Referee
Mark Halsey of Bolton will referee his third Liverpool Premiership match of the season as we face Manchester United at Anfield.
This will be his biggest Liverpool game of his career since he first took charge of one of our games just over seven years ago.
Mark was sensored by the Premier League after an article by him appeared in the Bolton Wanderers v Liverpool match last season were he wished a victory for the home team back in October. He was taken off his Premiership match the following weekend as a punishment.
This season he was awarded the Community Shield at Wembley as Manchester United defeated Chelsea on penalties.
Mark is one of our luckier officials, with only one defeat in the last 15 games with him in the middle. We are also unbeaten at Anfield under Mark with 10 wins and 3 draws since his first game at Anfield against Rotherham United in 2001.
This will be his third time in charge of Manchester United, but the first time in the Premiership this season. His last United match saw Coventry City come away from Old Trafford 2-0 winners in the Carling Cup. |
Berlatih nyanyi dulu..ahad ni aku nak nyanyi ramai2 ngan geng2 YNWA kat Nashmir..
When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
There's a golden sky,
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown..
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone.......
You'll never walk alone.
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone.......
You'll never walk alone.
Reply #604 tuan_hakim's post
kiut nye.................  |
Reply #607 Pak_Jen's post
owh pak jen tgk kat nashmir ke, nanti i gi skodeng..pak jen paling ensem ker?  |
Balas #609 MzDiNa\ catat
layan mapley la nanti..tapi takoott gak.sbb geng liberpul ramai..kena booo la haku.. kat ostalia takde nashmir ke?  |
Reply #606 conan's post
fuhh nasib baik bukan Rob Styles..  |
nampak gaya ramai pundit/sport writer predict pool menang ahad nehh.. Konpom menanng dah nih.. |
Reply #611 thylord's post
walaupun Colinna sekalipun..haku tetap takoot..  |
Reply #613 Pak_Jen's post
main kat jamban mmg patut takut..  |
Reply #612 thylord's post
kepala botak ko la.. tadi kat espn sume kata setan menang... skettt jekk..  |
Reply #615 conan's post
espn specially shebby x leh pakai..  |
Reply #616 thylord's post
heheh... kalo aku kata aku kompiden liberpul leh menang.. sekali rafa kasik line up mcm lawan reading itu hari.. tarak buleh jalan jugak  |
Reply #610 Pak_Jen's post
ni dah balik ipoh..nanti saya skodeng pak jen
abg thylord, even macca predict liverpool kalah ngan mu  |
Reply #618 MzDiNa's post
minggu lepas sume pakat dok kata kamek menang 2-1 ngan reading  |
Reply #619 conan's post
espn pundits semua tak leh pakai  |
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