Hajjah kena game dengan sepohon kayu daunnya rimbun
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hahah marilah..kita bleh beradu dengan tenang..biarlah dorang ni nak meghoyan..i nak copy paste susah sini..takpe biar dorang hadap tgk sdrik ig tah tah..kita x bgtau pun dia dah tgk dulu dah..hahah..hadappppp sangat dorang ni..kata nyampah la apa..x paham..
Dia tulis camni uols.. malas ai nak screenshot.. ai kopi paste je lah 
fattahamiz "In tough times, the road ahead looks impossible. You just need to have faith that it will take you where you are destined to be".
I have been silent for days, its not because i don't care. In fact, i do care too much to react to anything. Takut kalau kita salah cakap, people will twist and exaggerate out words. Ikhlas dari hati, i appreciate all the positiveness, and i will forgive and forget the negative ones. As a normal human being like others, it is not up to us to judge or menghukum sesiapa. For me, i have a firm belief that we should put our foremost faith in Allah SWT because only He knows what's in the heart. Some words that people say do affect me, tapi saya takkan membiarkan percakapan orang menjatuhkan diri saya atau Lofa. 😊 Its sad when people talk about her when she is an inspiring friend to me, she had taught me alot about becoming a good person and a better muslim, and i will forever be indebted to her presence in my life. I love my fans so much, and i appreciate it that they care. Tapi kita kena fikir before we say anything about others, we might never know that the words could hurt them. I am grateful for the life i have now, and there are things that are meant to be kept personal. Its not fair to judge about anyone's past because we don't live there anymore. Last but not least, Allah SWT had written the provision for every soul on this earth, including whom we marry. #doayangbaikbaik
kneesuck replied at 17-12-2016 10:49 PM
ceh...simpan konon...kalau x bijak tu mmg x bijak sampai bebila pun..
kalau bijak..sikit sebnayak ...
Iols tak suke riak. Takpela org tak nmpk iols bijak. Iols tak heran.
Dah hepi letew abam tahtah dah buat karangan . Senang je karats ni cool down kan.haha.
Ha bagus la gi tdo la. Before tu jgn lupa solat Isyak kalau blom solat. |
nampaknya warga bodgos sudah kene games..
sepohon kayu, daunnya rimbun, lebat bunganya serta buahnya,
walaupun hidup seribu tahun, kalo mengumpat tiada gunanyaaa..
walaupun hidup seribu tahun, kalo mengumpat tiada gunanyaaa..
selamat malam warga bodgos |
Edited by mesmerize at 17-12-2016 10:57 PM
apa yg team tu nak gembira sangat? bukan ayat2 dia tu fatah suruh fans dia jaga bahasa n bagi space ie jangan sibuk hal personal depa ka? 
rupanya heols tulis panjang2 fans tetap tak paham rupanya 
walaopon iols x suka lopak berlakon n mgacara gn slang dia yg  ...
tp iols tetap nk doakan dia kawen n bercinta gn lelaki yg baik n setaraf dgn dia...lelaki yg rajin bkerja n mcari duit seperti lopak
bukan dgn lelaki mcm patah kayu kayan yg suka mengambil kesempatan |
Edited by EhhEtonLahh at 17-12-2016 11:01 PM
hadek2 ni sume daftar *porem semata2 nak bekap si patah kah???? gigih..... |
mesmerize replied at 17-12-2016 10:51 PM
Dia tulis camni uols.. malas ai nak screenshot.. ai kopi paste je lah
fattahamiz "In tough ...
Kenapa iols rasa mcm bukan pattah sndiri yg tulis bahasa london mcmni ek? |
kemain korg bergasak dlm ni hatta sherry pon ikut bergasak sambil nyanyi sepohon kayu . aku ingat dulu2 ja ade perang mcm ni masa zaman nd dgn fs. |
dia la yg tulis tu. broken english n campur2 bm 
aku x penah tau pun sape fattah sepohon kayu ni..
mase shmp baru aku kenal..
aku tgk fattah ni sejenis yg gigih & rajin jugak.. tak la mengharap lofa..
so jgn ckp la fattah gunakan lofa ke ape..
berdedai daftar baru semata2 nk bekap lopatah. gile ah. very impressive |
tadi dorang deting sambil karang ayat..
korang nak speku ape lagi? x abis2..
kekekekee 
cikperiukkera replied at 17-12-2016 10:01 PM
Harusla desperate chuolssss...rakan2 dewi remaja lain mcm anzalna,ramona,syatilla semua dh berlaki ...
Patutla... tapi kenala sedar gakla kita takkan dpat semua.. dia ada kelebihan jugak.. empayar tudung dia tu .... bisnes dia juta2 jugak... org lain xde gtu... |
kakasotong replied at 17-12-2016 11:03 PM
Senang jerk kalo gitu nak gula gulakan karatz pengamin lopatah. Kluar ayat berjela2 sikit bermadah ...
Hahaha. Kan.. Karangan patah tu mcm general je. Takde terangkan pon psl lopa kna game tu. Tapi karats sgt la berpuas hati.. Biaq la depa hepi uols kesian dah brpe malam tak boleh tdo risaukan idola masing2. Mlm ni depa tdo nyenyak la sekali mimpi yg indah |
harisanis replied at 17-12-2016 10:56 PM
walaopon iols x suka lopak berlakon n mgacara gn slang dia yg ...
tp iols tetap nk doakan dia ...
Khen lofa deserves someone better than patah the sepohon kayu. Dah la menumpang glemer lopa. Lopa tu patut sedar dah skrg bila terkena sampai mcm ni skali (kena tipu dek patah). Bila dah buat sekali, xmustahil lps ni dia akan buat lg.
Tp lopa tu pn mcm sesuatu gak. Birah semacam, thats why mcm dia pn sama geli dok menggatal dgn patah. Yg gatal birah2 bergesel ni la yg karatz pengamin suka. Pandang main2 mata berzina mata xpe karatz restu 
Mengumpat mengata lopatah je yg karatz xrestu. Berdosa katenye. Dosa mengumpat. Main mata xpe xberdosa. Sweetttt katenye deyols ade bunga2 cinta  |
LofaxFattah replied at 17-12-2016 10:54 PM
nampaknya warga bodgos sudah kene games..
sepohon kayu, daunnya rimbun, lebat bunganya serta buah ...
Ok beratur kite nyanyi nasyid ramai..uols jd solo ye |
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