~LFC~ enche IM or abg BOB sile buat open house kat rumah baru....
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Reply #639 darwisyadli's post
wei momok... ko join reading la lagi mulia dari libepul tu...
blackburn pong ok gak..ex champion  |
Benitez wants control of Liverpool transfers

Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez remains determined to hold onto power at Anfield ahead of his planned meeting with the club's American owners, George Gillett and Tom Hicks.
The Times says the manager is not willing to let the club dilute his power or relax their spending in the transfer market, which he maintains is not comparable to that of Manchester United, who visit Anfield on Sunday. Benitez is expected to apologise for his part in the "misunderstanding" that led him to criticise Hicks and Gillett for their supposed lack of knowledge about transfer matters but, while a conciliatory approach should stabilise his regime for the immediate future, the Spaniard's position remains precarious in the longer term because of his differences with the board. Benitez is eager to stay on, but some of the noises emanating from Anfield are disconcerting, with the tension likely to be fuelled by the Spaniard's reminder yesterday that his summer spending - which Hicks viewed as an act of benevolence on his part - did not come near to that of United, the Barclays Premier League champions. |
Aikk...sepi je sume dkt2 game tuntas neh...xde perang saraf ke? |
Reply #643 tanabe2287's post
nk perang saraf pe nabe..benda dh confirm..
bekas penyandang juara tu...ko ingat senang2 ke nk kalahkan...
kita target seri dh la...
xyah kut cup2 "besar" ni...kita amik CL lg dh la nabe...  |
Reply #626 conan's post
comel2 gmbr ni conan...
kalau aku mod..dh lama aku bg 17 juta kredit kt ko...
pastu ko leh sedekah2 kt geng2 CI n LP yg dok gaduh pasal kredit...  |
Reply #626 conan's post
gerard xde ke conan....aku dh teliti..mcm xde je...ke dia dok kemas umah lg...  |

Dua dua jambuu .... eww.. |
Reply #649 Brader_Jon's post
tp jambu lg yg pakai baju petak tu...
tp jambu batu la...  |
Ramai pminat LFC dlm diam neh, im!
dlm dorang duk kutuk, maki, nyumpah..tp dlm ati dorang perghhh...minat abess..silap2 kalah kita im! |
Reply #648 imdudic's post
mmg takdek.. tatau die pi maner...  |
Reply #658 Pak_Jen's post
pakjen esok ko pakai baju depan gambor liberpul belakang gambor setan ke?  |
Balas #659 conan\ catat
eh apa plak nak ada gambar setan..fully liverpool punya baju la..dari atas smpai bawah...
tak kuasa aku nak pakai..  |
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