Reply 639# n23
sorry n23..saya confuse antara entry n23 dan hazel  |
Reply 640# n23
tak sempat la n23, tiga hari kat sana macam tak cukup nak cover semua tempat. I ingatkan you all dah pergi lovina. Kat beach pun tak sempat nak lepak padahal beach dekat hotel je. btw, i sempat g dinner kat jimbaran, cuma cuaca mendung takde sunset, overall, the whole trip was fun... , terlupa pasal earthquake dah..hehe |
Reply 638# solaris
dolphin ada, keluar, berenang manja2 ajer... lompat2 tinggi spalshing tu dorang tak buat lak... mybe sbb thy can feel kot. |
n23, sempat naik batur tak? |
sambung jurnal -
13th oct 2011
12mdnite - after krishna - kesian kat pak nor - plan nak cari hotel kat area kuta, so lepas check in - pak nor bole balik dan we all jalan2 jer utk nite life. pergi matahari - full house - so pak nor ckp takpelah - pergilah nite life - dia tunggu dlm keter - lepas puas happening - bole cari hotel luar kuta yg dkt2 dgn airport - sbb flight pagi besok pukul 8am - so memang kena keluar awal.
12.30am- pegi hardrock - masa tu btry camera dah habis - hu frust ni - so ambik gambar pakai hp jer - masuk kedai merchandise - tshirt2 hardrock kat sini murah - so apa lgi - grablah sorang satu.
mlm tu hard rock tak ramai - and memang 2x besar than KL (tak pernah ke penang so tak tau nak compare to penang). thy have stage tinggi and wide dance floor. meja2 pun jauh2 antara satu sama lain - mcm kat kl ni berselisih bahulah kalau duduk.
masuk2 jer ada waiter (andy) approach us lead to table - andy pernah kerja di hardrock penang - masa tu band tgh take break - dlm gelap2 tu andy offer ambik gambar - bila andy tau our camera out of btry - he even offer help us charge the btry behind the bar counter. My husband ckp kat andy - kena ambik gmbar sbb that nite was my bday - minum air coke, mkn icecream - cost us about 30-40rgt.
band philiphino 7 pcs - 1 cewek - yg lain sumer cowok - all youngster dlm 20an- their performance biasa2 jer tapi sound system verygood. this band akan perform kat penang early next year.
tetiba - the band announce my name suruh naik stage for suprise celebration - hu hu - dahlah stage takde tangga kat depan - dorang letak kerusi jer - nasib baik pakai casual dgn kasut boot.
yg kelakar tu bila dorang suruh make a wish - i pejam mata - wish - JGNLAH ADA ORANG LETUP HARDROCK NI MALAM NI - kalau tidak malu aku keluar nama kat suratkhabar kena letup atas stage - anyway i whisper to them can i celebrate it with my family atas stage - yelah mestilah kita nak ada the loves one with us. so dorang pun terus panggil my husband n children.
my children 18 and 15 - apalagi - seronoklah naik stage dgn crew2 band ni - mlm tu i rasalah satu hardrock cafe bali nyanyikan lagu happ birthday to me - jgn jeles - this is one of unforgetable memory.
the children really enjoy it. bfor balik sempatlah dorang2 ambik gambar with the singer and band. i told them - its only at Bali - A NO NO at kl yer.
3am, we all balik check in kat Ratna hotel - room rate 400idr. comfortlah utk tidur 3-4jam.
14th oct - 8am check out - jln2 kat jln kuta for the last one - heading to domestic airport dan sambung journey ke bandung - anak2 nak spring cleaning their wardrobe.
overall - BALI - looking forward to balik to bali. |
Post Last Edit by hazel23 at 19-10-2011 11:05
Reply 592# Bella75
thanks bella for the update.
thank you so much for attending my very last minute request utk carikan supir and accomodation di bandung. I love the food and the homestay semasa di bandung. nanti hazel citer2 kat thread bandung pulak. Bella buat utk bali juga ker?. |
sambung jurnal -
13th oct 2011
12mdnite - after krishna - kesian kat pak nor - plan nak cari ...
hazel23 Post at 19-10-2011 10:48 
waaahhh hazel, bestnya celebrate birthday kat sana, birthday you 14hb Oct ke, sama pulak tarikh lahir kita ye? |
Reply 647# solaris
oh yer ker.. happy belated bday to you - hope u enjoy ur day - i really enjoyed mine.
mine is 13th actually - kira opening bday kat lovina and ending at Kuta - pagi di tengah laut, dah masuk tgh malam di tengah kuta. |
Reply 648# hazel23
thanks hazel, happy belated birthday to you too, baca ur journal, sounds like you had a great holiday... best... |
Kalau gi Bali dalam 3 hari tak leh cover suma. Lagi pun pulau Bali ni lebih besar dari pulau Langkawi tapi lebih kurang besar dengan Singapore. Paling kurang kena gi dalam 4-5 hari baru selesa. |
ada sesapa yg pegi bali 10-15/11/2011 nie tak? me and my frens, 4 of us tgh mencari hotel lagi nie...pn amik yanto as our supir kat sana nti...1st time nie, rasa excited gak eventhough scary gak dgr virus bird flu and earthquake nie kan...tgh berfikir samada nak proceed tak dgn aktiviti diving kitaorg nie...hmmm....yanto, nti sya pm u utk discuss psl itenerary ye...  |
Kalau gi Bali dalam 3 hari tak leh cover suma. Lagi pun pulau Bali ni lebih besar dari pulau Langka ...
Artemesiaa Post at 19-10-2011 15:33 
rasanya kalau terlalu lama pun nanti boring juga, 4-5 hari tu just nice la kot. |
Reply 654# solaris
ya..tp if 4D3N tu mcm kami gi lepas..actually just 2 full day + 1st day= 1/2 & last day = 1/2if la dpt 3 full day best gak la..1 hari leh lepak je bilik (cari hotel tepi pantai or kat ubud) santai2 & spa.
the rest of the day leh jln2 & soping  |
agree sgt that to cover Bali at least 7 - 8 days.
tapi myself kalau dah masuk 4 hari tu mulahlah dah rasa boring.
next trip bole cover lagi, kali ni nak lebih santai. |
agree sgt that to cover Bali at least 7 - 8 days.
tapi myself kalau dah masuk 4 hari tu mulahlah ...
hazel23 Post at 20-10-2011 09:38 
sama la dgn i, nanti i mula la rasa nak balik rumah, rindu bantal dan katil sendiri..
next trip rasanya nak cuba pergi tempat lain pulak, jauh skit dari indon, nak cari tempat sejuk pula..hehe |
Kalau gi Bali dalam 3 hari tak leh cover suma. Lagi pun pulau Bali ni lebih besar dari pulau Langka ...
Artemesiaa Post at 19-10-2011 15:33 
no darling. Bali tu 3 atau hampir 4 kali lebih besar dari singapore. Singapore & Langkawi tu yang lebih kurang sama besar. |
Reply 645# hazel23
gila happening your birthday sis! hahaha. I was in bali jgk during my birthday this year. tapi just celebrate kat Mang Enking. Tak terpikio la pulak nak singgah HRC lps tu. letih gilos. walaupun schedule tak sepadat yours. hahaha. sgt love mmg your experiences. |
no darling. Bali tu 3 atau hampir 4 kali lebih besar dari singapore. Singapore & Langkawi ...
pittjie Post at 20-10-2011 10:22 
baru i tahu bali tu besar dari singapore, emmm good info pittjie.. |
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