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Author: rambo888

saya mencari koje kat oversea

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 29-8-2007 06:48 PM | Show all posts
eh... hapa borak2 kat sini nih?

nak kerja kat overseas ke apa nih?

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Post time 29-8-2007 06:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #680 Anego's post

korang ni selalu off topik tauuu.... tuhh mod dah marah tu... syuhhh syuhhh

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Post time 29-8-2007 07:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #682 nenektua's post

nenek nih selalu buat wa gelak...

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Post time 29-8-2007 07:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #683 _mzzm_'s post

:geram: :geram:  jangan off topik la mz...
nanti kena potong kredit...

dah la salah orang...sanisah huri dikatakannya normah damanhuri

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Post time 29-8-2007 07:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #684 nenektua's post

.... ...

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 Author| Post time 3-9-2007 10:34 AM | Show all posts
ade sape2 yg da sampai oversea tak nehhh?

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 3-9-2007 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rambo888 at 3-9-2007 12:34 PM
ade sape2 yg da sampai oversea tak nehhh?

dah sampai... tapi tak kerja

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Post time 3-9-2007 01:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #686 rambo888's post

me too me too!! lama dah sampai. hehehe

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Post time 3-9-2007 02:57 PM | Show all posts
kalo ada sesapa yg ada kontek keje kosong as lab technician kat UK especially area north west... tulun le PM aku
lama carik tapi tak dapek2


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Post time 3-9-2007 11:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #689 penmerah's post

Kalau you kat US bolehlah I tolong, but you kat UK .

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Post time 4-9-2007 08:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #690 nhuser's post

errr kalo aku dan somi bersedia pindah US, bole ko tulun tak?


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Post time 4-9-2007 08:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #691 penmerah's post

hang nak tinggai kan aku ka pen ?? sampai ati....  :cry:

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Post time 4-9-2007 09:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #692 _mzzm_'s post

ko tuh lagi la plak
nak pi perancis la... france la (errr sma ker)

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Post time 4-9-2007 09:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #691 penmerah's post

You kerja bidang apa? Kalau in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals insyallah I boleh tolong.

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Post time 4-9-2007 11:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #694 nhuser's post

haa... tulah bidang aku
DNA, plant etc

errr... pada pendapat aku mesia lagi mamu dlm bidang2 biotek nie dari UK (dari segi pemerhatian akulah)
kt mesia... tak susah nak carik keje line nie
tak sempat menganggur, dah org soh keje...
arap2 org UK tak marah pandangan ikhlas aku la

betul ker ko bule tulun?
aku igt nak smbg phd jerk kt UK-last option kalo tak dpt keje kat UK la (sbb somi aku kat UK ni, pasal tuh aku kene pi sana)
tapi kalo takde peluang, aku igt nak pi canada ker ireland ker us ke

kos idup yg tinggi di mesia nie... membuatkan kami nak try idup luar negara

banyak tak dpt menyimpan kalo keje kt US?
UK kan pound.. kalo convert... dpt beribu2 lemon heheehhe

mekacih yek
malam ni aku nak kontek somi.. ajak dok US la

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Post time 4-9-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #693 penmerah's post

ko kena duk balik paper geografi la pen...

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Post time 5-9-2007 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by penmerah at 3-9-2007 10:37 PM
haa... tulah bidang aku
DNA, plant etc

errr... pada pendapat aku mesia lagi mamu dlm bidang2 biotek nie dari UK (dari segi pemerhatian akulah)
kt mesia... tak susah nak carik keje li ...

Penmerah, so sekarang nie you kat mana? My work is more on molecular and cell biology of cancer. Most biotech and Pharmaceutical companies kat sini are more towards finding drugs to cure cancer, diabetes, etc...Bab cancer research aje dah beratus jenis, breast cancer, brain cancer, leukimia (nie aje you boleh split to many different type of blood cancer) , prostate name it. Pendekataan dalam mencipta drugs yang sesuai to inhibit the cancer growth pun ada banyak. Ada companies yang pendekatan through small molecule drugs, ada yang through Heat Shock Protein (HSP), ada yang through anti-angiogenesis, etc....Tu baru cancer, we are not even talking about other illness.

Kalau you nak sambung PhD, better buat in medical biology, pharmacology, drug discovery or yang sewaktu dengannya. Peluang kerja kat US (or even Europe) memang cerah in this field berbanding dnegan plant technology. I'm not sure about plant DNA dan peluang kerja in this field kat sini. I know in M'sia, Gov. lebih emphasis to plant biotechnology compare to others sebab M'sia main product is still agriculture.

Kalau kerja kat US, berapa banyak boleh menyimpan? Bergantung in which state you live in dan of course, cara hidup you. I live in San Diego CA. Kos hidup di CA memang tinggi, but gaji pun lebih tinggi berbanding kalau kerja in other states. Southern States (like Texas, Missouri, Mississippi, Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Virginia) are way cheaper. I pilih San Diego sebab San Diego is one of the 2 biotech hubs in West Coast. Satu lagi is in San Francisco, but cost of living kat SF is way more expensive than SD. Bab salary, fresh graduate with first degree, 0 - 2yrs experience, gaji from USD35000 - USD42000/yr. If you have PhD, selalunya orang yang ada PhD tak terus kerja dengan biotech companies, mereka akan kerja dengan Research Instutute (Gov. funded) as Post Doc for 3 yrs, then baru kerja in biotech companies (to name few bigger biotech companies here: Pfizer, Amgen, J&J, Merck etc..) Kalau you have post doc experience and start kerja kat biotech companies, gaji permulaan is around USD80,000 and will reach six figures less than 3 yrs time.

One thing about working in reseach field here, there is always room to expand your career . You also need to be highly motivated dan always improve yourself from time to time (eventhough people say you are good enough, you still need to push yourself to do better).

Hopefully I answered all your questions and Good Luck!

[ Last edited by  nhuser at 4-9-2007 11:36 AM ]



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Post time 5-9-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #697 nhuser's post

hehehehhehe terima kasih utk explaination yg panjang lebar
mmg menjawab sungguh

masa aku abis grad dulu mmg aku keje area drug discovery molecular approach
tapi start keje gomen ni, aku diberi peluang utk buat plant biotek guna approach lama tissue culture engineering etc
sampai la nie.... dipanggil balik bertugas spesifik utk bidang nie

tapi skill2 molecular nie, pada pendapat aku... sedang nak develop.. asal rajin blajo dan ada otak nak pikir.. troubleshot... mudah jer kot

aku tak tau la kat area manchester tu ape kenenya
payah benor nak jumpa biotek/pharmaseutical company. plant biotek lagilah takyah ckp

figure yg ko kasik kat US tu nampak besar betullah
takut lak tengok

tapi kan.... aku takut nak gamble buat phd dlm bidang molecular nie
mukan ape... ramai colleague aku yg dok extend2 phd/msc diorg sbb tak achieve objective
yg tido kat lab pon ramai

sebenarnya aku nie carik peluang utk cabut dari mesia jerk
kalo somi aku dpt keje kt UK tu ... baguslah
dah soh carik keje kt negara lain... tapi dia masih berharap kt sana sampai tak apply kt negara lain... tensen aku
ajak balik mesia , takmo...

ishhh napelah aku panas jer hari nie....:@
sape yg aku nak marah nie? hehehehhehe

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Post time 5-9-2007 08:27 AM | Show all posts
lagi satu incik nhuser
camne nak dpt permit bekerja kat US?

masa ko dulu... ko pi sana sbg pelancong pastu carik keje ker ko ada kaki kat sana or guna agent or org tuh dtg mesia interview ko

ko ada kawan QS tak?

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Post time 5-9-2007 08:30 AM | Show all posts

Reply #696 _mzzm_'s post

pasai tuh la geog aku dpt C time PMR
pastu aku tak amek dah geog form 4-5 hehhehehe

aku mmg budus geog ler hehhehe

err tak sama ker perancis dan france

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