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Author: ciklalat


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Post time 25-10-2005 03:38 PM | Show all posts


:-) Nak citer my experience interview hari nih, but before that, I would like to thank all the previous forumers who have been kind enough to share their experiences, at least, with the tips given, you know what to prepare, how to face the interviewers and what to expect. Thus, I decided to share the same for the benefits of other ppl after me.... all with the good intentions!

Right, the best thing about my batch of PAC Intengah last 26 september is, we all keep in touch with each other and pray that we all should meet again for the next stage, of which, we all did, most of us... However, today, we were all so tensed in the morning, we only managed to say hi and smile, everyone was trying hard to conserve their energy for the interview. I was number 3, there were so many rooms and for PTD alone, i think they were more than 5 rooms for the interview.

alamak! nak solat ah... hehehehe kasi saspens sket... nanti kita sambung... ok~

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Post time 25-10-2005 04:16 PM | Show all posts

Sambung citer...

ok... sorry yer... sambung balik

ok... hmm... forgot to inform you all that i was interviewed at Putrajaya, parcel c7 tingkat 6. The hall was huge, the room was many so, each of us were assigned to different rooms. hmm... come to think of it, i was told, they interviewed 30 people per day,aahh... it was then just 3 rooms for PTD and 10 person for each assigned room.

Ok, u r not interested about the detail, let's go to the questions:-
1. What is salary now
2. why do u want to be a ptd
3. many government servants are leaving the public sector and going to private, why do u want to come in
4. if u were to be a ptd, which department would you like to be posted.... here i told them that i want to be at Intan, then they asked me, why intan, intan stands for what and what does intan do...
5. then, i was asked, why wouldnt u consider foreign services? do u know what foreign services do and why are you not interested to be at foreign services...
6. let's say u r at intan and a student ask you what is budget, how would you answer?... heheh, i didnt really know what was the answer, but i told them that, simply put, budget is making balance what you get and what you spend so that you wont over spend and you know the allocation of what you are going to spend and how much you can save.
7. then i was asked, where do u get the money? ... i told them hugely from taxes, here, I honestly terribly nervous because I really did not look into economy and especially budget 2006, so i was worried they would ask me more about budget 2006. I think they could see me grasping for air.... hehehehe
8. then, i was asked, ok, tell us, 3 departments that collects money... geez.. here, i was  losing it that i was stucked at inland revenue and could not think of the other two departments, i was terribly nervous that i told them, i was sorry and I could not think of the departments. stupid me... how could i went blank for such easy questions.  The panel even hinted me about the latest issue of one DG... the thing is, i remember the case, but i forgot the department and it was really a disaster. The panel asked me how could i not know of the case, and i told them that I read about it, but didnt give much concern because it was settled and i was more interested on other current issues.
9. what are other current issues that you follow...
10. what was your preparation and what questions do u expect to be asked? i told them that i didnt have any expectation and my preparation was more on what i read from the internet and whatever small general knowledge that i have
11. what do you think of the southern thailand crisis
12. if you were to be posted to foreign services, what would you do?
13. do u think a woman can take a diplomat tasks?
14. what do u think we should do with the 131 refugees from the southern thailand

itu lah sahaja seksaan ku utk hari ini.. ntah lah... looking at the questions, for me, it was quite tough as i didnt prepare myself for such questions. i thought, they would ask me a lot about intan as that is where i want to be.. .but nope! they have their own minds...

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Post time 25-10-2005 04:29 PM | Show all posts
wah makin ramai yang join the forum...yang going to the iview, gud luck to all of u!!!!!! ^_^
those keep trying to get the iview, also all the best to u!!!!
akak serendipity, gud things to share!! hehe

tgh blur ni, dah start keje menimbun! aiyaks.

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Post time 25-10-2005 04:56 PM | Show all posts
:-( hmm... rasanyer cam takder harapan jek.... sedey nyer...

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Post time 26-10-2005 12:42 PM | Show all posts
saye baru kat sini
selame nih tgk jer korang discuss..teringin gak nak reply..
today baru register..
saye pegi gak PAC arituh kat INTENGAH
tp tak dpt la...sedih tu mmg la takpe..maybe takde rezki lagi kot..
saye skang nih keje jadik PTD kontrak
maybe 2+1 kot..tatau la lagik camne
tp kitorang mmg buat keje PTD 100% la...
kalo gaji tuh diorang byr ikut N41
kurang sket la dr PTD
ade gak saye bace post yang diorang nak amik lg PTD kontrak
tak sangke lak diorang amik lg...

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Post time 26-10-2005 01:25 PM | Show all posts
diorg mmg nk ambik ramai PTD..sbb tu terpksa ambik kontrak utk isi kekosongan PTD tu...kwn aku pun ada jg yg dpt call JPA offer PTD kontrak smlm...dia tya pndpt aku.
so, aku pn x tau nk ckp cmner cos dia mmg dh keje permanent kat private sector. gaji lbh tggi...cumanya kalau betul2 minat nk jd PTD better accept offer tu..cos kalau dpt lg ke level interview PTD...peluang nk msk ke permanent tu lebh cerah sbb ketua jabatan tmpt dia keje kontrak tu msti bg surat sokongan...

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Post time 26-10-2005 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Potpouri at 26-10-2005 01:25 PM
diorg mmg nk ambik ramai PTD..sbb tu terpksa ambik kontrak utk isi kekosongan PTD tu...kwn aku pun ada jg yg dpt call JPA offer PTD kontrak smlm...dia tya pndpt aku.
so, aku pn x tau nk ckp cmner  ...

potpouri...ptd kontrak takde nye speciality untuk dpt jwtn ptd tetap
mmg chance tu same jer..tak kire la ptd kontrak atau sesape yg baru nak apply ptd
ade akak kat tempat keje saye skang ni ptd kontrak gak
tp dah 3 kali sampai i/ tak dapat2 gak jd tetap
erm..rezeki masing2 kot..

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Post time 26-10-2005 04:53 PM | Show all posts
ntahlaa...itu ikut kata my fren yg dh jd PTD. Katanya intake dia mmg ramai PTD kontrak yg berjaya interview...dia tipu aku kot..haha. logically, if sumbody dh in the govt, for sure dh tau byk tntg selok belok govt nie, itulaa soalan yg byk ditya dlm interview PTD.. tntg kerajaan n jabatan2 smua..advantage laa bg depa..wallahualam...

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Post time 27-10-2005 06:23 AM | Show all posts


hmm... masa i pegi interview hari tuh, ramai gak govt. servant yang non-ptd came for the interview. Tapi derang cakap, takder beza between govt. servant n private individuals nyer interview. It's like, kalau derang nih attached to a certain kementrian, dia takkan ditanya about the kementrian itself, tapi, derang tanya pasal benda2 lain... tapi, masa hari tuh, ada sorang cikgu attend interview ptd. Bila kitaorang discuss balik soklan, soklan yang ditanya kat dia, sama jek ngan soklan yang ditanya pada orang lain, so, depends lah, kalau kita tau, kita tau, kalau kita tak tau, memang tak tau lah jawabnyer....

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putera9 This user has been deleted
Post time 27-10-2005 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum forumers sumer...........

Alhamdulillah, putera went thru' my interview yesterday n it was tough!! Though im expecting killer n m ind blowing questions but suprisingly i wasn't being asked much about that. Instead, they all asked me more about my current job and the pros n cons to shift from my current job to PTD. And the debate went around for about 15 minutes just about this matter......(huhuhuhhu)

K lar, lets start from beginning lar............senang citer ye dak?
Putera smp ke SUKNS dlm kol 7.30, pehtu campur tolak meraban2 carik bilik interview smp lar dlm kol 7.45 gitu. ada lar 3 kerat baru sampai. heheheh, kire awal lar tuh.then candidates start coming in. altogether ada 12 org. Panel plaks, ada 2 org jer. sowang tu pangkat datuk dr putrajaya sowang lagi tu puan, mgkn dr SUKNS. Pehtu biler dok borak2 dgn candidates tu baru ler tau yg rerupernye kebanyakan yg datang tu sumer dapat bye.......mksudnye diowang xlps interview bulan 5 aritu then diowang terus dpt call utk attend interview yg kali ni. untungnyeeee diowang. dpt 2nd chance. yg btl2 first time kt dalam tu seingat putera, ada lar 3 org tmasuk putera.......amek giliran, susun2 sijil, kuarkan ic n my turn was da fifth.......sedang elok lar tu kan? dok tengah2......

During the interview.....................
questions asked by the panel (Dato')
1. tell us about urself (in english)..........citer lar, melalut2 bla bla black sheeeepppppp..........
2. biler tibe bab keje.....panel tanya pasal gaji, pehtu dia ckp nape nk benti n amek ptd, keje cam awk ni xbesh ke?
jawab lar abeh2an, time ni mmg panel kaw2 nk bg down seolah2 xbg putera keje ptd n retain keje sekrg. tensen pn ada gak. mcm2 lar kitowang dok debat psl ni.......tu yg smp lebey 15 minit kt situ je....(dlm BI plak tuh, huhuhuhuhuhhu)
3.. National Broadband Policy- Ni berkait dgn keje putera so ley jawab lar sualan ni.......(BI gak)
4. then dia tanya plak, ok lar, sbbkn awk btl2 nk jd PTD, sy bg sualan basic kt awk, sebutkn 3 jentera pentadbiran Malaysia
(guess what? tetiba je putera blank, huhuu...pueh pk aper dia, jwb2 sumer salah.........last2 dgn muke tak malunye putera selamba je minta panel tu bg hint, hahahahah..........giler brani minta hint!!, panel tu bgtau lar, jentera pentadbiran.........terus tingat, yg 3 tuh, eksekutif, legislatif n kehakiman, sbb putera ingat 3 tu sbg sistem pentadbiran malaysia, bukan jentera....tu yg konpius about term being asked tuh!!)
5. pehtu dia tanya pendapat ttg pengasingan kuasa (bley ar jwb ni0
6. pendapat mengapa jentera kehakiman seharusnye independent? (bley lar jwb ni, sbb pendapat kan??)
7. pehtu ttg sistem penggiliran raja2 melayu........bley lar gak jawab
8. Yg Dipertuan Agung skrg ni yg keberapa........?? hehehhehe......kantoi xtau!!!!
questions asked by the panel (Puan)
1. Citerkan serba sedikit ttg involvement awak sewaktu di sekolah dan di Universiti? (BM)
Haper gi, criter lar abeh2san..........sumer citer abeh, seb baek tak soh citer masa tadika n sek ren........

Tu jer pon sualan yg putera ditanya sepanjg interview, no current issues, no government policies whatsoever......
xtau lar, yg lelaen tu bkn maen gi kena tanya, macam2 sualan. cam wisau gak.......ntah2 xlepas tak? huhuhuhuu sedeynye.....

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Post time 27-10-2005 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Potpouri at 26-10-2005 04:53 PM
ntahlaa...itu ikut kata my fren yg dh jd PTD. Katanya intake dia mmg ramai PTD kontrak yg berjaya interview...dia tipu aku kot..haha. logically, if sumbody dh in the govt, for sure dh tau byk tntg  ...

aku pun tatau nak kasi komen camne. atas rezki masing2 la jugak kot. sbb last intake ptd pun ramai je bekas ptd kontrak. ade la dalam 30 orang aku rasa. tapi based on cite xperience  dia orang, bukan skali dua jugak la dia orang apply for ptd permanent. ade yang berkali2 sampai dah naik muak hafal dasar2 kerajaan for d iview. ada yg dah naik turun pac kat intan berkali-kali.  ade pulak yg skali mintak terus dapat. so macam tu la, atas rezki masing2. kalo bos ko tu jenis yg memang supportive abih, maybe chances lagik tinggi utk direcommendkan kot. dengan syarat, ko akan ditarik semula posting di tmpt asal ko jadik ptd kontrak la. well ,atas rezki masing2. ^_^

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Post time 27-10-2005 09:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by putera9 at 27-10-2005 08:55 AM
Assalamualaikum forumers sumer...........

Alhamdulillah, putera went thru' my interview yesterday n it was tough!! Though im expecting killer n m ind blowing questions but suprisingly i wasn't b ...

congratsss sbb dah slamat iview ^_^ bleh la rasa lega skit kan. ok la tu putera. soalannya not bad. lucky u coz tak kena soalan current issue hehe. tapi mmg betul kan, dlm kita duk prepare utk the worst question, soalan2 cikai pun dah tak terjawap. heheheh. macam aku aritu tetiba blur bila dia tanye 5 kuasa besar pbb. ahaks. tapi nampaknya dia orang ni mmg suka la tanye soalan pasal pro & cons current job dgn ptd . yang lelain boleh la  prepare the best answer u can give. anyway gud luck waiting for the result ok. njoy ur raye guys!

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putera9 This user has been deleted
Post time 27-10-2005 09:20 AM | Show all posts
thanks la th3 3ndless......

well, its a relief lar cam yg ko ckp tu, let bygone be bygone....cume kdg2 kiter prepare bagai nk rak, yg kuar cikai2 pn ley blur.huhuhuhu.......tu yg sedey tuh. anyway, all da hard works n efforts are now over, what's left is prayers n hope. andaikater ada rezki ada lar......andaikater bukan rezki putera, redha jer lah keje kt sini.......huhuhuhu

to those yg bakal gi interview, amek2 lar iktibar dr kami ni.......hehehehe. Now can enjoy my rayer....layan meriam buluh n meriam batang paip.......Yihhhhaaaaaaaaaa...............

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kancilbirucute This user has been deleted
Post time 28-10-2005 10:46 AM | Show all posts
my interview experience kemarin 27/10 was a nightmare.....smpai hari ni kebengongan masih terasa kena tembak smpai aku cuma mampu tersenyum...rasa mcm all the preparation was not good enough or was not preparing me for dis magnitude of mental torture...mmg terer panel ni main psiko smpai blh terblank n ilang ingatan tuuuuuu......some info frm d panel, smua yg di interview 1000 over n nak ambk dlm 300 over sooooo chances dari 4 org yg kena is going to b lucky very lucky successfully appointed to become PTD...
yg dah p interview...... :pray: hard...really....really hard plus GOOD LUCK!!!
n yg akan di interview expect the unexpected n prepared for the worst plus dun forget watever happen always SMILE gosok gigi bg putih berseri - lemang, ketupat, rendang, dodol, biskut2 smua bg clear .......ALL THE BEST!!!!!!

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putera9 This user has been deleted
Post time 28-10-2005 11:05 AM | Show all posts
stuju ngan kancilbiru........

tekanan perasaan lps interview tu mmg masih terasa smp lar arini.......
hahaha, punyer lar teruk kena psycho-war........smp mengigau2 dlm tdo!!! Ley sebut rukunegara tuh masa titun, gilos poyoronos btol penangan interview PTD ni

pada yg blom gi interview n tgh sibuk wat preparation......
jgn dok prepare ngaji buku Malaysia kiter tu jer.......
bajar2 ar ilmu menangani stress tahap tertinggi......kalau perlu bertapa kt gua, pegi lar......
trust me, when u are in the interview room and being bombarded by the fierce and furious panels with such a tough questions, my god, u'll sweat like hell!!!! and all the memories got curropted!!! cam pc kena format siyot!!! BLANK

Byk2 lar wat persiapan rohani, bace doa penerang hati, doa lembut hati dan segala doa2 yg ada.........

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Post time 28-10-2005 05:25 PM | Show all posts
hmm... bukan nak takutkan orang... tapi even for me, attending PTD's many stages of interview's process...  I would say that this is the toughest post that i have ever applied. Patutlah sapa yang dah jadik ptd rasa bangga gilers.... sebab dapat lepas pac pun dah rasa cam bangga... kan? bangga pada diri sendiri lah... bukan pada orang lain... sebab tuh lah rasa cam tak nak lepaskan peluang jadik PTD kalau dah dapat... hmm... nak lepas dari ptd unggul yang 10 hari tuh... seksa jugak sebenarnyer...

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kancilbirucute This user has been deleted
Post time 29-10-2005 10:41 AM | Show all posts
yeah bukan nak menakutkan tapi nak menyediakan secara mental....pakai kot dalam bilik beraircond pn, peluh mencurah2 hu hu hu
khas buat yg tak kna interview lg, selain preparation dr segi ilmu...mental preparation paling penting (jgn makan ketupat, rendang, lemang byk sgt).......tenang menjawab soklan2 dan teratur butir bicara will make a very good impression to d panel
only yg terunggul n terhebat will b very lucky to b appointed as PTDians to serve d country :pray: ALL THE BEST n GOOD LUCK!!!

to all :

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wjn5144 This user has been deleted
Post time 29-10-2005 01:43 PM | Show all posts
btulla kancil biru n putera,

i was comma for days after d intvw, now, macam kengkawan lain gak,
kene panggil 2nd time but mine lepas raya.

back to my exp for d 1st time intvw,
soklan memang kaw2 punye la.. it was mental drilling session.
among Qs dia tanye;
total kementerian
central agencies
layman statement of wat is MSC

x ingat sangat la ape soklan basic cam nape nak jadik ptd la, hape la
tu sume ade..

so pd kengkawan yg nak g tuh, good luck, yg dah g, yg tinggal doa..


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klakla This user has been deleted
Post time 31-10-2005 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Potpouri at 26-10-2005 01:25 PM
diorg mmg nk ambik ramai PTD..sbb tu terpksa ambik kontrak utk isi kekosongan PTD tu...kwn aku pun ada jg yg dpt call JPA offer PTD kontrak smlm...dia tya pndpt aku.
so, aku pn x tau nk ckp cmner  ...

Suruh di ateruskan kerja skrg. Jgn terima PTD kontrak kecuali di atak ada kerja. Peluang nak jadi PTD sama je samada pernah kontrak atau tidak.

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Post time 1-11-2005 07:43 AM | Show all posts
konfuse aku dibuatnya oleh engkorang nie.. N41 tu serasa aku Pegawai Tadbir aje bukannya PTD.

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