Merged: All About Hotels and Apartments At Port Dickson
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kt PD ade seafood yg best x?
2 mggu lg nk p sana |
Klu nak g PD better stay kat mayang sari..
nice sandy beach, big swimming pool..
sebelah corus
dekat ngan PD town..
berminat???  |
Reply #643 rodet08's post
pm saya bole tak
berminat ! |
Originally posted by eddysha9 at 30-3-2009 15:58 
pm saya bole tak
berminat !
check PM yer.. TQ.
Balas #632 vvisitor\ catat
vvsitor, sy nak book for this weekend boley? nak bawak family jenjalan la.. nanti pm ye.. |
Balas #633 fadzssha\ catat
fadzssha, nak cakap cocobay to best.. I like it... famili kita memang di sana tiap tiap minggu lepas tu ada lah peluang nak buat sikit business dengan condo condo kami... very quiet, swimming pool cantik, air clean.. not far from the beach.. minggu lepas kami baru jumpa aktiviti baru... going up Tanjung Tuan to the lighthouse.. I recommend that you go before 8am, it is a nice walk, but sweaty juga good exercise... lepas tu makan lah 2 atau 3 roti canais... and then go back to the condo for a nice swim... well if you are interested...
my blogs:- http://cocobayresort.wordpress.com
call me, pm me if interested...
vvisitor. |
Balas #647 vvisitor\ catat
i tak boleh baca p.m la.. x tau pesal apa.. nanti i sms u ye.. |
vvisitor, i dah sms u tapi x jawab la... |
Balas #650 tigger\ catat
Tigger, minta maaf atas sms, sebab tengah meeting, tapi I dah pun respond kepada tigger... thanks...
vvisitor |
Balas #650 tigger\ catat
Ada masalah with the page, dah banyak reply tapi still the same postt... tolong......  |
rodet pm aku berapa harga untuk esok (khamis-sabtu) kat mayang sari and jenis2 bilik/apt yang ada..tq |
just comeback from PD. Stay @ cocobays. Nice apt.
I recommend u all stay sana if u prefer area yg sunyi ada 2 swimming pool
kalo nak buat barbeque pun bole. onwner pun ok. kemudahan yg disediakan owner mmg memuaskan.
to owner VVISITOR, next time boler stay sana lg... |
Balas #655 azirahh\ catat
Cik Azirahh, Terima kasih kesudian cik Puan duduk di Cocobay Resort dan Apartment kami... we are also happy that Cik Puan boleh recommend kat kawan kawan... You and your family are most welcome to come back and stay... next time kita buat BBQ....
For all that is interested for CocoBay, layari lah blog kami:-
Cuti Sekolah around the corner ke?
Terima Kasih,
vvisitor. |
dah PM yer...  |
Originally posted by aziszai at 16-4-2009 10:51 
dah PM yer...
Tak dapat pun...cuba try sekali lg.... |
aku dah booking kat glory beach resort....... tunggu masa jer nak pegi 1/5 nih..:pompom: :pompom: yahooooooooooo... |
belakang glory tu ko tgk ada lagend water chalet...
yg chalet atas air tu... cantikk...
cuma airnya je kotor... |
Reply #660 rienafaiz's post
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