Balas #680 akughi\ catat
dekat race ramai la pengunjung tu
apa citer renault skrg?
dah tenggelam dgn kehebatan brawn ke? |
Reply #681 weta_studio's post
aku tak sempat nak follow
sbb byk keje...
mlm td aku tgk engine blok kat 812 |
dia reply balik cam ner alonso take over massa...
fuhhhh power siot...
kat selekok tu...
hehehehehhehhehe |
Ecclestone: Two-tier F1 was 'always a bit stupid'
Bernie Ecclestone appears prepared to take a step towards reconciling the warring factions in Formula One by calling for the abandonment of the two levels of technical freedom proposed by the budget cap rules that the FIA want to see implemented for 2010.
While not suggesting that the ceiling on spending be removed completely, the sport's commercial guru has suggested that the differences in development it fostered should be eradicated, claiming that this would be the obvious olive branch to those teams threatening to leave F1.
Speaking after an emergency meetings between the teams and the sport's hierarchy at Heathrow over the weekend, Ecclestone branded the thought of a two-tier rules system as 'stupid' and claimed that it would be scrapped in an event to keep all ten current teams involved in F1 beyond the end of 2009.
"I think the most important thing that upset everybody, was this two-tier technical system, so I think it has been agreed that we should not have that," he told the BBC, "The two-tier system is out of the window - I always thought that was a bit stupid [and] it was important to get rid of it. There has been an agreement in principle. Everyone will have the same regulations."
Ecclestone added that the teams were 'more or less' agreed on the idea of a budget cap, but had not yet settled on what level expenditure needed to be at. FIA president Max Mosley is adamant that |
Balas #684 ShadowChaser\ catat
bernie punyer budget pun dah di `cap` if ferrari ngan lain2 blah  |
Reply #685 weta_studio's post
tgk ah semua litar kosong nanti, tv rating pun dah tak laku, sponsor semua blah
bernie sebagai pemegang hak komersial memang tak nak rugi, dia kan bisnesman, mosley mengong tu takpe ah , fia bukannya meniaga  |
aku rase mane2 negare
yg terlibat ngan F1 patut
boikot je FIA tu...
kuar dari jadual perlumbaan thn depan |
Balas #686 ShadowChaser\ catat
maybe ada pihak lain yg push dia buat budget caps
fia akan menyesal maybe lepas season 2010 akan ada peraturan baru utk kasi Ferarri masuk balik |
Balas #687 akughi\ catat
dah sah Ferrari takde musim depan
stupid max mosley |
Balas #688 akughi\ catat
susah jugak tu
lgpun peraturan ni cuma melibatkan team yg berlumba bukan kepada litar dinegara masing2 |
Reply #691 weta_studio's post
tu la aku rase pun cam tu gak....
maybe thn 2010 FIA buat rules baru
tuk thn 2011 supaye team yg kuar thn 2010
blh masuk balik... |
Reply #691 weta_studio's post
ferarri, renot, toyolta ngan red bull
dah kompom kuar.... |
Reply #691 weta_studio's post
boleh kalo dapat kerjasama dari
negare2 yg terlibat...
sbb buat rugi je kalo tak de penonton |
mcm kite SIC...
kuar kan aje dari kelender 2010 |
good luck untuk alonso
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: |
semoga alonso berjaya
memperoleh point berharga kat monaco |
heheheheheheh mat skuter td
awal2 lg dah cium dinding |
alonso dok nombor berapa? |
Originally posted by akughi at 22-5-2009 11:52 AM 
mcm kite SIC...
kuar kan aje dari kelender 2010
mana leh wat camtu, semua litar dah sign kontrak dgn bernie, saja-saja kena saman karang
cuma kalu litar tu tak lulus specification baru dibatalkan |
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