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Author: smaj

★SHINee 6th universe★ TAEMIN 1st SOLO - DANGER

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Post time 12-8-2010 10:30 AM | Show all posts
SHINee’s Minho will start dancing for Lucifer performance on Music Core this week!

After three weeks of not dancing alongside the rest of the SHINee members, Minho will finally be doing so this week after completing his recovery from injury!

On August 12th, the day of recording for MBC’s Music Core, Minho will be dancing with the members for their performance Lucifer.

SM Entertainment, through a phone call with Newsen, stated, “Starting from today (12th), Minho will be dancing. You will be able to see all five members perform starting from this week’s Music Core.”

Stay tuned to SHINee’s performance on Music Core which is pre-recorded for broadcast on the 14th.
cr allkpop

finallyy~~~~ stream?

dorg x de dlm mubank esok T_T

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Post time 12-8-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 12-8-2010 10:38

[ENG] 100811 SHINee - Key's Star Call

Cr. JAMJOOsubs

(Eng) 100806 No.1 + Encore

[FANCAM] Key at YHS?

[FANCAM] Jonghyun - SGB


[100810] Yoogeun singing to SHINee's Lucifer


Credits: 西木@MINHOney
Translated by: sirinqueen@JustMinho

100811 UFO Replies

[Fan] If Cho Kyuhyun oppa and Choikang Changmin oppa were in a duel, who will win? Minho oppa who will win?
[Minho] Uh.. Me... ^^ Because I'm the maknae~

[Fan] Minho yah~~~~ I shouted like that ^^
[Minho] Yup~ I answered like that ^^

[Fan] Minho oppa, I'm participating in a soccer competition for Sports Day. What can I do to kick the ball further?
[Minho] Aim at the ball properly, if you kick the ball accurately, the ball will fly very far~ Hehe

[Fan] Minho yah, tell me the way to grow taller... Don't secretly grow taller by yourself! Grow with noona ^^
[Minho] Eat a lot and sleep a lot.

[Fan] [Onew Jonghyun Key Minho Taemin] Everyone is waiting for Ya Haeng Sung, right?
[Minho] Of course! Hehe! You all too right?


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Post time 12-8-2010 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 12-8-2010 16:41

[PREVIEW][100811] SHINee JongHyun + Taemin + Onew @ WW
cr: PuppyJJong  

apekah kite kna bsedia .....

SHINee’s Jonghyun serenades Lee Chae Young

SHINee’s Jonghyun serenaded actress, Lee Chae Young with his killer voice on MBC TV Wonder Woman.

On this particular episode, Lee Chae Young, as well as other women, met with SHINee for an upcoming episode.
While doing a quiz game together, Lee Chae Young answered the firstquestion right. As a prize, she got to be serenaded by Jonghyun, andwon the jealousy of her castmates.
The episode airs on the 13th.

cr: allkpop

me bajet bang long suke kalo yoja canteekkk....kalo mcm jisun noona masa YHN paham la kalo dia tanak
taeminew?? riso lak

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Post time 12-8-2010 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 12-8-2010 21:27
[News] SHINee's Minho Talks About Changmin And Their Relationship 40-45 minutes into the radio interview

Jonghyun: If not, then let me ask you in another way; Minho's closestmember in TVXQ Choikang Changmin said "Our explosive charismatic Minhoah~ your hyung can't sleep right now, so can you sing a song for me?"
Onew: Wait, this is Changmin senior...
Jonghyun: Sorry, Changmin teacher said it. What song would Minho sing for Changmin?
Key: It must be hard
Minho: Honestly, Changmin has been pretty depressed lately...
Jonghyun: Just what did Minho sing to Changmin?
Minho: Changmin-hyung has a song he really likes, but doesn't listen toit often because it's his cellphone ringtone... I'm the one who listensto it more so I sang it to him
Jonghyun: What song is it?
Minho: It's called "Confession of a passionate man". 'It's not likethat, my heart isn't like that, for you, only left with a preparedconfession, if it isn't just my love for you, compared to this, I havemore romantically sweet words in store...'
Jonghyun: That was well sang. We'll clap 3 times, but 'tallest Chang-god'
Everyone: HAHAHA
Jonghyun: So this was for 'tallest Changmin senior'?
Minho: Yes
Jonghyun: 'It's not like that, my heart isn't like that...'
Minho: No, this is just the song I wanted to sing
Onew: The people who are listening to this radio show right now maymisunderstand their relationship. Some people took Minho's back for agirl's, so photos of him and Changmin sitting together were mistook asChangmin's rumored girlfriend. How did you feel when you first heard ofthis?
Minho: Very imposing, that was my first rumor ever
Jonghyun: Your first rumor was with TVXQ's tallest Changmin, and then the song you wanted to sing for him was "Confession"
Minho: At that time, I was attending TVXQ's Yunho senior's MichaelJackson Memorial Concert performance. It was really cold that day, so Istarted talking with Changmin about the weather and such.
Jonghyun: Do you want to send him an audio message?
Minho: Why make an audio message all of a sudden?
Onew: If we let you do it then do it! We're the DJ's
Minho: My first rumor wasn't with a girl, but rather a guy. To me, itis a huge honor. However, because of the rumor, our relationship hasbecome more cautious and demure. I hope it won't be like this later on,because you are my most loved hyung, yet I'm still inadequate to becalled your dongsaeng. I will do my best, and I wish we can continue tomaintain our relationship in the future.

Audio to interview:

Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: [email protected]
Shared by: ape nih....1st scandal ngan hyung dia adeiiiii....forever la scandal tu....

[Eng] 100810 Taemin, Key and Minho Monologue @ Narsha Volume Up


sore bb mmg leh kenal...
keyva? omg...keyva? omg keyva? sore x ble blah memberdeul gelakkan kat dia....smpi key pon nk tgelak....
minhoo ya.....bogoshipoyo~~~

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Post time 12-8-2010 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 13-8-2010 05:38

Upon hearing that designer Andre Kim's passedaway on the 12th, Minho couldn't hide his sadness.
Minho was the mainmale model for Andre Kim's 'World Knowledge Forum Andre Kim Fashionshow' in 2008.
Minho who was only 16 then, became a topic after he wasfavoured and picked by Andre Kim.
On this day, Minho reproached himselfsaying "I regret and feel resentful towards myself for not being ableto give my greetings on usual days." The company representative saidthat Minho was drained from receiving the sad news when he wasattending a schedule at Kangwondo Sokcho.


sian minho ...x smpt jmpa ahjussi tu...wuwuwu~
bila me bca umo 16...muda nyer me pikir tadi...

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Post time 13-8-2010 05:40 AM | Show all posts


Face Analysis of SHINee
It's done by a Korean Student in the Methaphysics division, where shetook SHINee's picture to ask their professor and got this result.
It's reposted by a lot of Korean sites, and the original article is now unknown.

Face Analysis procedure : Jonghyun > Onew (Jin Ki) > Taemin > Minho

(Key's analysis is below)

Jonghyun and SUJU's Donghae can be said to be one of the TOP amongidols in terms of energy. I don't know if i should say this but itmeans that, it's easy to stand up and lasts very long.
There's some sexual desire that can be seen from his face, and he's thetype to be open and when in a relationship, he's the type to last verylong.

After seeing Onew's face, there's no need to say, his "there" is verybig, and it'll also last very long (energy). Even though his characteris very warm, but once he's filled with sexual desire, there's no ideahow he'll be like.

Taemin's not the big kind nor is he the kind that lasts long.
But like Onew, his face is filled with sexual desire. Once he's filled with sexual desire, there's no saying what he'll become.

There's no sexual desire on his face. The professor asked, "Does he like sports?"
Initially, he's already lacking in desire, and he spent it all on sports. And is sorry for his "that part".

(Most importantly, it's Kibum's analysis.)

After staring at Kibum's picture for almost half the day, he said
He shouldn't be a male.
According to the size, He should be right after Onew in terms of energy level.
The professor asked: "Does he like pink?"
After thinking for almost half the day as to what he meant, I answered yes.
The professor said while smiling: "He's really the kind of guy where his actions and face is in sync."
Then he said that Kibum's the Queen-type. Good in sex, character, eating and sleeping.

Please refer to the below notes on their horoscope (8 characters)

In my hand, i held Kibum's photos, where most of them are of during Juliette and RDD promotions period.
I purposely found a few pictures of him without make up for the professor to see.
But the Professor still said that he's the Queen-type.
Said that he's someone who can ride on someone's head; playing. (Can easily control someone and make fun of them?)

Horoscope compatibility: JongKey, OnKey, TaeKey, MinKey - JongKey'sCompatibility in SHINee is the highest! Especially when it comes tocharacter compatibility, they're the Top.

to be continued

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Post time 13-8-2010 05:41 AM | Show all posts
(The title is translated according to the Korean article's style. (On the CP) )

The reason why JongKey's in the number one is because, according to their character horoscope, they're different from the rest.
It might be a little wrong to say this but, if Key's a female, the chances of Key being with Jonghyun is very high.
JongKey is the couple with the highest CP because of their character, which is different from the other kids.
Jonghyun's eye and Key's eye, in terms of face analysis, looks to bevery compatible, even though i don't really understand what he meant.
Truthfully speaking, Key should be with someone taller, so that his body will be healthy.
However, Jonghyun's height is covered by his energy.
That means that Jonghyun's energy level is so strong that there's a lot of surplus.
If it's said that Key has a lot of fortune luck, then Jonghyun has business luck.
There's no problems if he does business, however Jonghyun needs to bear in mind that he can't play stocks.
Anyway, if Jonghyun and Key marries or lives together
Jonghyun will be the breadwinner while Key will be the housewife.
If Key's the stream, then Jonghyun's the.. living thing that's living inside the stream...
Just something that lives in the water
Which says that it's not Jonghyun who controls Key but it's Key that controls Jonghyun.
To explain this, it means that, even though Key's younger than Jonghyun, but his ideas is deeper than Jonghyun's.

If it's said that JongKey's compatibility is the highest, then OnKey'sthe best marriage choice. In marriage compatibility, JongKey lost toOnKey.
Onew has very high perceptions of his female partner, has great powerfortune, and is very strict when it comes to looking for his partner,which means to say that Onew's partner will be someone who's veryoutstanding.
If Key's the stream, then Onew's the rock in the stream.
The stream will hit on the rock non stop, and after prolonged periods of time, the shape will start to change.
If there's no earth shaking problems, the rock will not easily leavethe stream, so OnKey is a CP that will last very long together.
Above, where it's said that the stream will hit on the rock non stop,it isn't to say that the rock will be roded but it says that it'llbecome stronger.
Onew's power fortune is high, Key's money fortune is high, and if bothof them is intent on making money, they'll be New Zaibatsu (AmbitiousRich Men)
If Onew dedicates his life to politics, and if Minho becomes Onew'ssecretary, and if Key's dedicated in being a good wife, Onew will thenhave a good chance to become a Potential President.
Which means to say that Onew has quite a huge Power Fortune, eventhough it's a little out of topic, but it says that it's a huge pitythat Onew's a singer, as he's someone that can do well in a much biggerplace.
The saying where Onew's warm and smooth like a rabbit is correct.
Even though it's different when it comes to bed and society, however, in love and marriage, it'll be very smooth and warm.

If Key's a female, OnKey after marriage, their children will have a great future.


If JongKey's Compatibility, OnKey's Marriage, then TaeKey's romance.
Taemin's weak on the outside but strong on the inside, while Key's a female in and out.
If both of them dates, their surrounding will be filled with pink elements, but it's not marriage.
If Key's chocolate, then Taemin's sweet.
If both of them dates, it'll be very sweet, however it won't be a romance like fire, it'll just be very sweet and long lasting.
However, if chocolate and sweet is eaten for long period of time, it'llcause weariness of each other, thus they have no Marriage luck.
Both of them are very sweet, so even if they aren't lovers, they can also be friends.
They're both the kinds that after a long relationship,they'll never see each other again after they break off.
If it's said that Taemin's filled with ambition, usually someone who'sfilled with ambition would be very ambitious and has huge desire forfood, which implies that he's someone that's represented by fire.
Even though Taemin's face is filled with sexual desire, but accordingto his face analysis, his attitude towards ambition and love'sobsession isn't that great, so during breakups he'll be very cool.
Key will be mentioned below, but it's said that Key's also the type to be very cool during break ups.
Finally, TaeKey's relationship will be very sweet and warm, but when they break up, it'll be very cool and calm.

Even though it's said that Minho's energy isn't that great, but it's not saying that Minho's heartless.
Ancient days, formally introducing the queen in front of the crowd butat the back, there's a concubine which he dotes on a lot and only onher and doesn't share.
Minho's this kind of person, even though his energy level isn't high, he's the most romantic and emotional man in SHINee.
If Key's the stream, then Minho's the willow tree.
For Minho, instead of Key being the stream, he's more like the pond or the river.
Beside the river, there's a willow tree, the scenery is that beautiful, MinKey is this kind of existence.
According to their face analysis, both of their looks in the CP is thebest, it's like when placed anywhere, it'll be like a beautifulscenery.
To summarize it, according to their face, Key needs to be with someone who's tall to be healthy and safe.
MinKey and TaeKey is different in a way, that even after they break up,they'll still meet, and Minho will hold on to Key's hand and never letgo.
Because Minho's just like the Willow tree, soft hearted and emotional.
So Minho's the type that after a break up, he'll cry and be hurt till he falls sick.
Because Minho's pretty lonely, so when he sees someone, he'll want to do his best even until death to be close.
After saying this, it makes me remember that Minho's getting closer to a SUJU sunbae lately.
Amongst MinKey, compared to Key, Minho's the kind that will never let go, he's the CP that will date and break off.

(Professor's opinion: JongKey>OnKey>TaeKey>MinKey)

Talking about Key, the professor has said more than once that he's the Queen-type.
He's someone that can control someone else happily
The professor said that, even when faced with someone who wants to killhim, he'll still be able to think of a way to control that person.
If he's placed in the North Korea Dynasty, and if placed in front ofthe King, he'll also be the vixen(fox) that's able to win his love andcare. (doting)
The professor has been calling Key a vixen(fox) for a certain period of time.
So he's not of a Male type.
And, even if Key's alone (not in a relationship), he'll still be ableto see far in terms of his future and he's very perceptive andquick-witted.
Full of ambition, he's already very ambitious, and yet he has huge fortune.
Thus, he's more compatible with the business-fortune Jonghyun or the Power-Fortune Onew.
Key draws a very clear line between work and private life, in career,even though he's very impatient, but weirdly in Love and Feelings, hemight be a little selfish.
Regardless of work or private, career or love, Key's always a Queen-type.

Queen, Vixen(fox) all can be used to refer to Key.

Cr. Baidu for Chinese trans.
    Eng. Trans. by Alatariel.. nk gelak pon ade hahahahah....
bila part sexual tu wakakaka....

minho aaaaa.....emo tol mung wuwuwuuw~~
dubu kalo masuk politik mesti menang punye hehehehe
jongkey mmg ade kimia dr dulu....
bb...he is cool.

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2010 11:02 AM | Show all posts
changmin depressed?? omo.. luckily ada minho
madus lagu yg minho nyanyi utk chang2 tuh lagu gobaek hot potato eh?

part analysis me baca jap lagi.. pjg wuwu~

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Post time 13-8-2010 11:22 AM | Show all posts
dorg x de dlm mubank esok T_T

nak tnya diorang xder perf kat mubank ke ptg tgk list perf tuk mubank ri ni...ada lak

Music Bank Performance List 100813

** Debut Stage!! **
Nine Muses “No Playboy”

** Comeback Stages!! **
Rainbow “A”
Secret “Madonna”
Jo SungMo “More and More / 점점 더 + I’m Gonna Cheat / 바람필래”

** Today’s Music Bank!! **
Bobby Kim “Loner / 외톨이”
D-NA “No one… anyone / 아무도… 그 누구도”
Flower “Knowing about Love / 사랑은 알아도”
JQT “No Need to Know / 알 거 없잖아”
JooSuk “Pop & Drop”
Seo InKook “Baby / 애기야”
Koyote “Jump Jump Jump”
Teen Top “Crap / 박수”
Gina Choi w. Mario “I’ll Leave So You Live Better / 꺼져 줄게 잘살아”
Infinite “She’s Back”
Homme “I ate well / 밥만 잘 먹더라”
Hwanhee “While Doing / 하다가”
miss A “Bad Girl Good Girl”
Se7en “Better Together”
Son Dambi “Queen”
DJ DOC “I’m This Person / 나 이런 사람이야”
Shinee “Lucifer”
BoA “Hurricane Venus”

Show starts around 17:50 KST.

cr: Kpopflash

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
klu xsilap me.. sbb ada article kata minho wat kambek kat mucore.. kirenye ktorg ingat dorg x perf utk mubank.. *sbb mucore ari sabtu.. mubank jumaat* rupenye mucore dorg pre-record smalam.. pttla dorg kata minho 1st kambek mucore.. btul x madus~

ayat kambek x bley blah haha~

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Post time 13-8-2010 02:21 PM | Show all posts ada extra.....album shinee ver A if sape2 nk pm me ok...

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Post time 13-8-2010 08:04 PM | Show all posts
100812 shinee-lucifer @ MB


*bestnya tgk minho nari sama2...semua nmpk ensem+gojes ngn suit itam td
  tyme encore...minho peluk boa

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Post time 14-8-2010 01:43 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by just_aku at 14-8-2010 01:49

chukhahae minho for ur comeback
me dah letih moyan dlm hpon....kalo la bole kopipes dr hpon tp btapis la kan senang...x yah me nk letih2 taip kekeke
yg pasti tadi masa me tgk...pokes mmg kaw2 pokes kat minho
minho yaaa....wpon part rap mung ade tbabas sket mung nyer lirik me maafkan sbb me tgk mung sgt howt tadi kekeke

{NEWS} Minho is Stricken with Grief Over Andre Kim's Passing

"It feels like we've lost a big world star. It's really sad and it hurts my heart."

Minhofrom the group SHINee was unable to hide his sadness after hearing thenews of designer Andre Kim's (real name Kim Bongnam) death on the 12th.He knew Andre Kim from when he was the main male model for the 2008public World Knowledge Forum Andre Kim Fashion Show'. Minho, who wasonly 16 at the time, was picked as the youngest fashion show model andwas favoured by Andre Kim.

He told his company representativesthis day that "I resent myself and regret not contacting himoccasionally" and blamed himself. Minho was at a broadcast schedule inKangwondo Sokcho when he heard the sad news. His companyrepresentatives said that Minho was devastated.

Andre Kim wasreceiving treatment at the Seoul National University Hospital forcolorectal cancer and pneumonia. He then passed away on the 12th at7:25PM at the age of 75. His wake will be arranged in the funeral hallat Seoul National University Hospital.

Source: Edaily
Translations: kimchi hana @                                                                                                

sedih me tgk minho me nih.....
Andre Kim RIP...

part polok tu me redha....sbb minho makin rapat ngan akak tu...siap mintak blanja makan ari tu.....
dah la pnah selit tweet akak boa.....

madussss yaaaa.....
me declare akak boa tu akak ipar jeeeeee...*bajet nk jaga hbgn sbb dorg sama kampeni*
bajet noona-dgsg je dorg tu....minho x pnah ade noona nih....ade miniks je..noona ngan miniks mane leh sama khenn

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Post time 14-8-2010 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Wonder Woman Cuts

Jonghyun - Nothing Better

Onew - I'll give everything

Jonghyun practicing backhug with SHINee members

Replay, Ring Ding Dong, and one more song I don't know the title ^^;;
I envy her keke..

Onew: Everyone goodnight


me x tgk lagi....tepek je....

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2010 11:41 AM | Show all posts
[Eng] 100810 Taemin's Star Call

BB ape yg mung buat??
me x penah mkn ramyeon camtuh.. nih trase nk test.. BB kata sedap.. minho saje tanak puji BB.. 2min

Minho singing 고백 100810

gigih me convert jd mp3.. wat wakeup alarm me hahaha*skang me gne lucifer*

[Eng] 100810 Taemin, Key and Minho Monologue @ Narsha Volume Up

me gelak gle dgr sore keyva.. klu mung x tulih kat situ mesti me ingat sore minho.. tp minho lagi sedap*biased* me ske part last tuh gyahhhh~ slamat dah me convert hahaha..

After staring at Kibum's picture for almost half the day, he said
He shouldn't be a male.


It might be a little wrong to say this but, if Key's a female, the chances of Key being with Jonghyun is very high.

omo omo.. jongkey!!

If it's said that JongKey's compatibility is the highest, then OnKey'sthe best marriage choice

wpon ada jongkey jodoh kuat ngan onkey~*apa me merapu nih*

If Onew dedicates his life to politics, and if Minho becomes Onew'ssecretary, and if Key's dedicated in being a good wife, Onew will thenhave a good chance to become a Potential President.

motip minho jd secretary.. kang scandal plak hahaha..

Minho's this kind of person, even though his energy level isn't high, he's the most romantic and emotional man in SHINee.

setuju*angguk kepala laju2*

even after they break up,they'll still meet, and Minho will hold on to Key's hand and never letgo

bley byg klu kita gaduh ngan minho madus~

So Minho's the type that after a break up, he'll cry and be hurt till he falls sick.

baca nih x smpi hati nk clash ngan minho~

minho kambek~
mmg byk pokes gle.. wpon rap semput bley dimaafkan.. part ketuk pale mmg jjang!!

madussss yaaaa.....

seperti yg kita bincangkan.. mmg boa jd akak ipar kita jelah~
demi menjaga hati minho.. kang nangis plak dia ble tgk kita x merestui hubungan nuna-dgsg minho tuh*tetibe*

(Eng) 100806 No.1 + Encore

me nmpk minho pas bunge kat BB.. 2min

komen me utk vid yg mung tepek kat page 28.. page 27 me komen nnt eh hehehe~

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Post time 14-8-2010 12:00 PM | Show all posts
2la...akak boa siap mention nma minho lg tyme donghae call kat sukira ri 2...
rapat sgt diorang ni..huhu

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2010 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by smaj at 14-8-2010 13:21

baru tgk SSTP~

cite pasal dubu nangis.. klaka gle~ BB x nangis sbb dia rs happy, nape nk nangis.. pehtu banglong kata "yelah nape nk nangis" dan2 dubu balas kata.. nnt klu shinee mng kita tgk sape yg nangis hahahaha*me tringat ms juliette mng banglong beria nangis kot hahaha*

BB tabah gle.. jarang nangis~

lagu pilihan:

Dubu: your name.. reason: sbb dia buat lirik haha

banglong: Obsession.. reason: sama cam dubu sbb dia buat lirik.. hahaha~

minho: shout out.. reason: sbb dia wat rap dlm nih*me ske gle lagu nih.. x sangka minho pilih lagu nih..* me klaka part yg shindong tnye tajuk lagu ape.. minho kata "ak" dan2 shindong reply "pttla intro lagu ada bunyi "ak" "ak".. siyes me gelak gle part nih hahahaha* dorg nyanyi live lagi.. sukenye me ^^

keyva: electric heart.. me pung ske ngan lagu nih ^^ ske sore BB dlm nih~

BB: Life.. BB ske ballad rupenye~ me pung suke*me suke sume lagu dlm album nih ^^*

minho kalah men kawi-bawi-bo.. me ingat sbb ape.. rupenye wat pose kiyo gyahhhh~
seken time main.. dubu kalah.. ape post ntah dia wat tuh hahaha..
third time main: keyva kalah.. ms nih nmpk BB hepi gle dia mng hahaha~

banglong tgk cite hantu b4 tdo wakaka.. BB mung bley x klu x buat lawak hahaha.. klaka~
keyva plak tkt ngan org yg wat dia terkejut.. 2min salalu wat camtuh hahaha.. keyva x ske bungee jumping*tringat ms yunhanam hahaha keyva nangis wakaka*

part dorg nari lucifer smbil duduk mmg daebak!!
cam klaka pung tp.. gerak tgn dorg sama jee.. best wooo~

sian minho kna teased utk lagu life tuh.. memalu plak haha..
2min mandi sesamaxcited

byk nk komen tp penat nk tulih hehehe.. mmg best ngan klaka gle SSTP nih haha~

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Post time 15-8-2010 05:39 PM | Show all posts
100814 The Muzit (full episode)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 (BTS)
Part 8 (BTS)
Part 9 (BTS)
cr: randy19977@YT

me sedut the whole show pagi tadi....
me bangga giler ngan dorg...sayang minho x de...kalo x bole ler me tau part mane dia amik terutamanya lagu yg byk autotune tu.....dorg nyanyi live best giler....melayang me dengar.....
motip dubu rajin carik camera bagi fansebis pon jjang ngan solo ngan piano tu
masa dorg nyanyi bole lak me terimagine kalo minho ade mesti feeling giler nyanyi lagi2 yg ballad nyer kekeke

Use magic Report

Post time 15-8-2010 05:40 PM | Show all posts
100815 SHINee - Lucifer @ Inkigayo

100815 SHINee Wins Mutizen @ Inkigayo



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Post time 15-8-2010 07:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by farakim88 at 15-8-2010 19:56

chukahae shinee...
suka tgk facial expression diorang tyme MC umum pmnang 2...
chincaa??tp yg xbestnya motip DJ DOC ni asik enteprem nak minta maaf tyme shinee nak wat speech

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