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Author: eltoro

INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]

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Post time 18-7-2011 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 18-7-2011 22:01





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Post time 18-7-2011 10:28 PM | Show all posts



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Post time 19-7-2011 04:53 PM | Show all posts
Yo Rifa .... F5 milik TNI-AU masih in service kah?

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Post time 19-7-2011 05:16 PM | Show all posts

sori, tak berapa tau,aku org awam. nie tembak peluru machine gun yg besar or tembak bom?

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2011 08:54 PM | Show all posts
sori, tak berapa tau,aku org awam. nie tembak peluru machine gun yg besar or tembak bom?
tuah_r Post at 19-7-2011 17:16

ni tembak bom lah 90 mm

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Post time 20-7-2011 09:15 AM | Show all posts
ni tembak bom lah 90 mm
eltoro Post at 19-7-2011 20:54

   wokey ,tq

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Post time 21-7-2011 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Taufik Kiemas: Indonesia akan Beli Kapal Selam Buatan Korea Selatan

Indonesia is close to picking Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering as the priority negotiating partner for a submarine project worth US$1.08 billion.

A senior government official said Taufik Kiemas, the speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, told Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik on Wednesday morning that Daewoo is virtually certain to get the nod for the project. "There still are some more processes to follow, but the deal will be struck, unless something comes up," the official said.

Once the deal is secured, DSME will sell three 1,200-t 209-class submarines to the Southeast Asian country. It would be Korea's biggest arms export, more than double the value of the $400 million export of T-50 supersonic trainer jets to Indonesia and similar to last year's total arms exports of $1.19 billion.

Daewoo was up against powerhouses like Germany, France and Russia to win the contract.

"The submarine export to Indonesia will pave the way for Korea to securing a market in Southeast Asia, because other Southeast Asian nations such as Malaysia and Thailand are also planning to purchase submarines," the official claimed.

Kiemas is the husband of former Indonesian president Megawati Sukarnoputri. He visited a shipyard at Daewoo headquarters in Okpo on Geoje Island on Tuesday.


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Post time 21-7-2011 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Daewo Penawar Unggul Tender Kapal Selam Indonesia

JAKARTA: Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. menjadi penawar unggulan untuk pembuatan tiga kapal selam yang dipesan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia.

Sumber di pemerintah Korea Selatan (Korsel) mengungkapkan kepada koran Chosun Ibo dan kemudian dikutip Bloomberg pagi ini menyatakan nilai kontrak pembuatan kapal selam tersebut sebesar US$1,08 miliar. Dia mengungkapkan Ketua MPR Taufik Kiemas telah menyampaikan kepada PM Korea Selatan Kim Hwang Sik kalau Daewoo hampir dipastikan mendapatkan proyek ini.

Taufik Kiemas berkunjung ke galangan kapal Daewoo di Okpo, Pulau Geoje pada Selasa. Dalam tender pembuatan kapal selam, Daewoo bersaing dengan Jerman, Prancis, dan Rusia.

Apabila Daewoo dipastikan memenangkan tender tersebut, bisa dipastikan merupakan ekspor senjata terbesar Korea Selatan.

Nilainya melampaui penjualan 16 pesawat jet latih tempur T-50 Golden Eagle ke Indonesia senilai US$400 juta. Nilai kontrak pengadaan kapal selam ini juga hampir setara dengan total ekspor senjata Korea Selatan pada tahun lalu yang mencapai US$1,19 miliar.

Indonesia juga menjalin kerja sama dengan Korsel untuk pengembangan jet tempur Korea Fighter Xperiment (KFX) yang diperkirakan anggaran US$8 miliar. Indonesia mendapat porsi anggaran US$1,6 miliar sehingga berhak atas 20 % dari laba penjualan dan jatah 50 unit pesawat tempur tersebut.

Rencananya, pesawat tempur KFX didesain sebagai pesawat dengan kursi tunggal yang disokong mesin kembar setara kelas General Electric F414 atau Snecma M88 yang digunakan pada F/A-18 E/F Boeing dan Dassault Rafale. Apabila pesawat tempur ini terwujud akan berganti nama menjadi pesawat F-33 . Proyek ini ditargetkan rampung pada 2024 .

Ada tiga tahapan dalam proyek ini yaitu Technical and Development Phase yang akan dimulai akhir Juli 2011 , lalu Engineering Development Phase.(mmh)

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Post time 21-7-2011 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by DavidLee19 at 21-7-2011 21:51

Daewo Penawar Unggul Tender Kapal Selam Indonesia

JAKARTA: Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineeri ...
audryliahepburn Post at 21-7-2011 15:26

Hehehehe ... Corruption is every where in Indonesia ... also in the purchasing of military equipments. I heard that Daewoo will have the problem to supply the submarine if they decline to give some extra funds to the broker... ..

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Post time 22-7-2011 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 709# DavidLee19

    you terlalu berpikir negatif...sesuai program kemandirian industri pertahanan Indonesia , kapal selam nanti akan dibuat 2 di korea 1 di Indonesia ..hanya korea yg sanggub TOT dibandingkan negara lain ....

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Post time 22-7-2011 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Seoul Poised to Export Submarines to Indonesia
21 Juli 2011

Indonesia will likely pick Korea as the preferred bidder for its submarine acquisition program, worth $1.08 billion, industrial sources said Thursday.

“France has been practically eliminated from the race,” an official of Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine (DSME) said, asking for anonymity.

He said once the deal is sealed, Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine will be selling three 1,400-ton submarines to the Southeast Asian country.

The official said the two other bidders, Germany and Russia, were pulled out of the race in March this year for failing to meet the Indonesian Navy’s requirements.

“From April, Indonesia only invited Korea and France to make presentations, automatically disqualifying Germany and Russia” he said.

Son Hyeong-yeong, spokesman of the state-run Defense Acquisition Program Administration, confirmed that Korea has offered to export three submarines to Indonesia.

If Korea wins the bid, two of the submarines will be manufactured here, while the remaining one will be assembled in Indonesia with key components produced in Korea,” he said.

Son, however, denied the media report that Taufik Kiemas, the speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, told Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik Wednesday that DSME is certain to win the project.

“None of the officials and the reporter present at the gathering between Kiemas and Kim heard submarines mentioned in the discussions,” he said.

Son noted that Korea has yet to receive any formal notification from Indonesia concerning its preferred bidder status.

Senior defense officials say the Indonesian and Korean governments are waiting to announce the result until Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin pays a visit to Indonesia in September.

Korea and Indonesia have seen an increase in bilateral defense exchanges since the leaders of the two countries have made motions to jointly develop weapons and boost bilateral trade.

President Lee Myung-bak and his counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed in December last year to seek joint development of weapons and defense technologies, including tanks, submarines and trainer jets.

In May, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) signed a deal to export 16 T-50 jets worth $400 million to Indonesia. Korea's 10th biggest trade partner with their bilateral trade volume estimated at $22.9 billion in 2010.

sumber ... 1/07/113_91320.html

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Post time 22-7-2011 07:20 PM | Show all posts
TNI Dapat Dana Tambahan Alutsista Rp1,3 Triliun

MAGELANG - Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) akan mendapatkan tambahan dana melalui anggaran perubahan 2011 sebesar Rp2,4 triliun, sekitar Rp1,3 triliun di antaranya digunakan untuk pembelian alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista).

Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono di Magelang, Jumat, mengatakan dana sekitar Rp1,3 triliun tersebut akan digunakan untuk pembelian alutsista buatan dalam negeri seperti dari PT Pindad, PT Koja Bahari, dan PT Pal.

"Informasi terakhir yang kami dengar, akan dapat tambahan untuk tahun 2011 sebanyak Rp11 triliun, namun karena keuangan negara belum memungkinkan, kelihatannya hanya akan turun Rp2,4 triliun," ujarnya usai upacara Prasetya Perwira Prajurit Karier TNI Tahun Anggaran 2011 di Lapangan Sapta Marga, Akademi Militer Magelang.

Jumlah perwira yang dilantik pada kesempatan tersebut sebanyak 210 orang, terdiri atas Angkatan Darat 110, Angkatan Laut 43, dan Angkatan Udara 55 orang. Dari jumlah tersebut, 39 di antaranya merupakan perwira perempuan.

Panglima mengatakan, perwira yang baru saja dilantik merupakan prajurit karier lulusan sarjana dan D3. Prajurit karier untuk mengisi jabatan khusus, seperti bidang hukum, dokter dan lainnya.

Ia mengatakan, mulai tahun 2011 lulusan Akmil, AAU dan AAL diberi gelar kesarjanaan yakni sarjana Sains Terapan Pertahanan. Para lulusan setara dengan D4 atau S1.

"Hal ini sudah dirancang sejak awal dan nantinya mereka bisa menempun S2 di universitas pertahanan, dengan demikian kesinambungan ilmu pertahanan akan terus berlangsung dan TNI memiliki ahli-ahli bidang pertahanan," katanya. (gor/ant)

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Post time 22-7-2011 07:23 PM | Show all posts
2 Kapal Perang RI Bertolak Menuju Thailand

KRI Diponegoro-365

KRI Tongkol-813

INILAH.COM, Surabaya - Dua Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) yaitu KRI Diponegoro-365 dan KRI Tongkol-813 bertolak menuju Thailand dari dermaga Fasilitas Pemeliharaan dan Perbaikan (Fasharkan) Mentigi Pulau Bintan Kepri Jumat (21/7/2011).

KRI Diponegoro yang dikomandani Letkol Laut (P) Antonius Widyoutomo dan KRI Tongkol di Komandani Mayor Laut (P) Bimo Adji akan melaksanakan Latihan Bersama(Latma) dengan Angkatan Laut (AL) Negeri Gajah Putih Royal Thailand Navy (RTN).

Kedua kapal perang yang berada di jajaran Koarmatim itu melaksanakan perjalanan Lintas Laut (Linla) dari Tanjung Uban menuju Pangkalan Angkatan Laut RTN yang berada di Sattahip Naval Base Thailand dengan memakan waktu selama kurang lebih dua hari.

"Seluruh prajurit KRI telah menyiapkan fisik dan mental, kemampuan dan profesionalisme sesuai tugas dan tanggung jawab mereka masing-masing dengan berlatih secara rutin sebelum berangkat menuju daerah latihan yang sesungguhnya,"ungkap Letkol Laut (P) Antonius Widyoutomo sebelum bertolak menuju Thailand.

Selain menggemban tugas Latihan Bersama (Latma) kedua KRI tersebut juga membawa misi diplomasi memeperkenalkan beberapa seni dan kebudayaan asli dari Tanah Air yang akan ditampilkan dihadapan para pejabat dari Kedutaan Besar (Dubes) RI di Thailand dan pejabat RTN.

Sebagai wujud dari peningkatan kerja sama bilateral kedua negara yang merupakan bagian dari wilayah regional Asia Tenggara, maka TNI AL dan RTN merasa perlu untuk melaksanakan peningkatan kerja sama di bidang latihan guna meningkatkan profesionalisme kedua Angkatan Laut yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk latihan bersama Sea Garuda 16AB - 11.

Latihan bersama ini merupakan upaya untuk menyamakan persepsi dan tindakan dalam hal penanganan dan tindakan dalam menghadapi kemungkinan ancaman yang mungkin terjadi di wilayah perairan laut negara masing-masing pada umumnya dan di Laut China Selatan pada khususnya.

Latihan itu juga untuk mempererat kerja sama antara TNI AL dan RTN serta meningkatkan ketrampilan profesionalisme maupun kerja sama pada tingkat unsur dalam operasi laut bersama. Selain itu kegiatan tersebut untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan hubungan baik antara kedua negara dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas keamanan regional.

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Post time 22-7-2011 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Taufik Kiemas: Indonesia Akan Beli Kapal Selam Dari Korsel

Indonesia is close to picking Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering as the priority negotiating partner for a submarine project worth US$1.08 billion.

A senior government official said Taufik Kiemas, the speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, told Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik on Wednesday morning that Daewoo is virtually certain to get the nod for the project. "There still are some more processes to follow, but the deal will be struck, unless something comes up," the official said.

Once the deal is secured, DSME will sell three 1,200-t 209-class submarines to the Southeast Asian country. It would be Korea's biggest arms export, more than double the value of the $400 million export of T-50 supersonic trainer jets to Indonesia and similar to last year's total arms exports of $1.19 billion.

Daewoo was up against powerhouses like Germany, France and Russia to win the contract.

"The submarine export to Indonesia will pave the way for Korea to securing a market in Southeast Asia, because other Southeast Asian nations such as Malaysia and Thailand are also planning to purchase submarines," the official claimed.

Kiemas is the husband of former Indonesian president Megawati Sukarnoputri. He visited a shipyard at Daewoo headquarters in Okpo on Geoje Island on Tuesday.

Seoul poised to export submarines to Indonesia

Indonesia will likely pick Korea as the preferred bidder for its submarine acquisition program, worth $1.08 billion, industrial sources said Thursday.

France has been practically eliminated from the race,” an official of Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine (DSME) said, asking for anonymity.

He said once the deal is sealed, Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine will be selling three 1,400-ton submarines to the Southeast Asian country.

The official said the two other bidders, Germany and Russia, were pulled out of the race in March this year for failing to meet the Indonesian Navy’s requirements.

“From April, Indonesia only invited Korea and France to make presentations, automatically disqualifying Germany and Russia” he said.

Son Hyeong-yeong, spokesman of the state-run Defense Acquisition Program Administration, confirmed that Korea has offered to export three submarines to Indonesia.

“If Korea wins the bid, two of the submarines will be manufactured here, while the remaining one will be assembled in Indonesia with key components produced in Korea,” he said.

Son, however, denied the media report that Taufik Kiemas, the speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, told Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik Wednesday that DSME is certain to win the project.

“None of the officials and the reporter present at the gathering between Kiemas and Kim heard submarines mentioned in the discussions,” he said.

Son noted that Korea has yet to receive any formal notification from Indonesia concerning its preferred bidder status.

Senior defense officials say the Indonesian and Korean governments are waiting to announce the result until Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin pays a visit to Indonesia in September.

Korea and Indonesia have seen an increase in bilateral defense exchanges since the leaders of the two countries have made motions to jointly develop weapons and boost bilateral trade.

President Lee Myung-bak and his counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed in December last year to seek joint development of weapons and defense technologies, including tanks, submarines and trainer jets.

In May, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) signed a deal to export 16 T-50 jets worth $400 million to Indonesia. Korea's 10th biggest trade partner with their bilateral trade volume estimated at $22.9 billion in 2010.

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Post time 22-7-2011 07:52 PM | Show all posts
Kemenhan Dorong Industri Kapal Dalam Negeri

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 18:05 WIB | Dibaca 87 kali

Batam (ANTARA News) - Kementerian Pertahanan akan mendorong peningkatan produksi kapal perang dalam negeri sesuai dengan kebijakan pemerintah dan kebutu*an TNI AL sebagai penggunanya.

"Kapal perang produksi dalam negeri besar manfaatnya, kami akan terus mendorong produksi dalam negeri sesuai dengan anggaran yang tersedia," kata Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin di Batam, Kamis.

Menurut dia, di Indonesia ada tiga daerah yang menjadi pusat pembuatan kapal perang TNI AL, yaitu Batam, Surabaya, dan Jakarta.

"Saat ini TNI AL masih membutu*kan tambahan kapal perang untuk memperkuat pertahanan laut Indonesia," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro meresmikan Kapal RI Clurit 40 meter, buatan putera-puteri Indonesia yang akan digunakan untuk mengamankan perairan Indonesia bagian barat, di Batam, 25 April 2011.

Menteri mengatakan KRI Clurit jenis kapal rudal cepat merupakan kebanggaan karena dirancang dan dibangun anak bangsa yang bekerja di PT Palindo Marine, Batam.

Peluncuran KRI Clurit-40, kata dia, merupakan jawaban atas rasa tanggung jawab menjaga laut NKRI yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam yang tinggi.

Apalagi, kata dia, selain memiliki kandungan SDA yang tinggi banyak alur perairan NKRI menjadi alur perdagangan internasional.

"Ini sebagai mile stone menuju kemandirian industri pertahanan," kata Menteri.

Ia mengatakan produksi alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) tidak akan berhenti pada KRC. Pemerintah akan terus melengkapi persenjataan TNI dengan beberapa kapal lain. Selanjutnya, akan dibuat kapal perusak dan kapal selam.

TNI AL, kata Menteri, membutu*kan kapal yang kuat hingga mampu hadir dan mengamankan perairan di laut jauh.

Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono mengatakan TNI AL memesan dua KCR-40, dan berencana memesan 20 lagi kapal dengan jenis yang berbeda.

KCR-40 akan beroperasi di Indonesia bagian barat, disesuaikan dengan kondisi geografis yang dikelilingi pulau-pulau dan selat.

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Post time 22-7-2011 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Taufik Kiemas: Indonesia Akan Beli Kapal Selam Dari Korsel

Indonesia is close to picking Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering as the priority negotiating partner for a submarine project worth US$1.08 billion.

A senior government official said Taufik Kiemas, the speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, told Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik on Wednesday morning that Daewoo is virtually certain to get the nod for the project. "There still are some more processes to follow, but the deal will be struck, unless something comes up," the official said.

Once the deal is secured, DSME will sell three 1,200-t 209-class submarines to the Southeast Asian country. It would be Korea's biggest arms export, more than double the value of the $400 million export of T-50 supersonic trainer jets to Indonesia and similar to last year's total arms exports of $1.19 billion.

Daewoo was up against powerhouses like Germany, France and Russia to win the contract.

"The submarine export to Indonesia will pave the way for Korea to securing a market in Southeast Asia, because other Southeast Asian nations such as Malaysia and Thailand are also planning to purchase submarines," the official claimed.

Kiemas is the husband of former Indonesian president Megawati Sukarnoputri. He visited a shipyard at Daewoo headquarters in Okpo on Geoje Island on Tuesday.

Seoul poised to export submarines to Indonesia

Indonesia will likely pick Korea as the preferred bidder for its submarine acquisition program, worth $1.08 billion, industrial sources said Thursday.

France has been practically eliminated from the race,” an official of Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine (DSME) said, asking for anonymity.

He said once the deal is sealed, Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine will be selling three 1,400-ton submarines to the Southeast Asian country.

The official said the two other bidders, Germany and Russia, were pulled out of the race in March this year for failing to meet the Indonesian Navy’s requirements.

“From April, Indonesia only invited Korea and France to make presentations, automatically disqualifying Germany and Russia” he said.

Son Hyeong-yeong, spokesman of the state-run Defense Acquisition Program Administration, confirmed that Korea has offered to export three submarines to Indonesia.

“If Korea wins the bid, two of the submarines will be manufactured here, while the remaining one will be assembled in Indonesia with key components produced in Korea,” he said.

Son, however, denied the media report that Taufik Kiemas, the speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, told Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik Wednesday that DSME is certain to win the project.

“None of the officials and the reporter present at the gathering between Kiemas and Kim heard submarines mentioned in the discussions,” he said.

Son noted that Korea has yet to receive any formal notification from Indonesia concerning its preferred bidder status.

Senior defense officials say the Indonesian and Korean governments are waiting to announce the result until Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin pays a visit to Indonesia in September.

Korea and Indonesia have seen an increase in bilateral defense exchanges since the leaders of the two countries have made motions to jointly develop weapons and boost bilateral trade.

President Lee Myung-bak and his counterpart Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agreed in December last year to seek joint development of weapons and defense technologies, including tanks, submarines and trainer jets.

In May, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) signed a deal to export 16 T-50 jets worth $400 million to Indonesia. Korea's 10th biggest trade partner with their bilateral trade volume estimated at $22.9 billion in 2010.

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Post time 23-7-2011 09:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 703# robotech

iya masih operasi sekarang,tapi digunakan untuk parade militer,dan untuk patroli sekali-kali

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Post time 25-7-2011 12:20 AM | Show all posts
Yo Rifa .... F5 milik TNI-AU masih in service kah?
robotech Post at 19-7-2011 16:53

in sevice till 2018 by the time its' airframe age end. F5 TNI AU sudah diupgrade dlm proyek "MACAN" sehingga punya kemampuan mendekati F16

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Post time 25-7-2011 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Hehehehe ... Corruption is every where in Indonesia ... also in the purchasing of military equip ...
DavidLee19 Post at 21-7-2011 18:41

and malGaysial is the only holy place that free from corruption?
what about scorpene scandal & c4 for altantuyaa? (and then deports french lawyer)
what about 80 a4 skyhawk  malGaysia purchased but only 39 in TUDM inventories?

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Post time 25-7-2011 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 717# rifa

Sama sperti F-5 milik TUDM .... sekadar untuk recce sahaja ....
Tunggu masa di-retired sama MiG-29N.

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