Originally posted by dvpro at 20-11-2008 10:17 AM 
Memang tak jauh sangat tapi kalau time high season, dengar cerita jenuh jugak beratur utk feri. Pastu naik feri 2 kali, selalunya dari turun feri pertama nak ke feri kedua, diorang akan berlu ...
ooo menarik gak koh lanta tu..
kat sana mkn halal senang gak ke? or memang muslin island cam phi phi?
aza..jom risik2 koh lanta lak..hehehehe get ready dulu info..dpt tiket free we terjah! :pompom: :pompom: |
Originally posted by n23 at 20-11-2008 12:59 PM 
ooo menarik gak koh lanta tu..
kat sana mkn halal senang gak ke? or memang muslin island cam phi phi?
aza..jom risik2 koh lanta lak..hehehehe get ready dulu info..dpt tiket free we terjah!; ...
Koh Lanta mmg perkampungan nelayan Islam jugak, tp macam biasa locals duduk kat kampung2 aje la.
Tapi banding dgn Ao Nang, Lanta ni laidback sikit. |
Originally posted by dvpro at 20-11-2008 01:31 PM 
Koh Lanta mmg perkampungan nelayan Islam jugak, tp macam biasa locals duduk kat kampung2 aje la.
Tapi banding dgn Ao Nang, Lanta ni laidback sikit.
oo ok la tu sounds good.. |
aku baru booked tiket utk ke krabi next monday.. tapi hotel belum lagi?? any recommendation? prefer area Ao Nang tuh.. |
Reply #748 thylord's post
Aku cadang kau guna internet booking yg boleh buat instant confirmation or at least within 24hrs. Selalunya diorang dah ada room allocation siap2. Sebab aku tak rekemen walk-in saja sebab sekarang ni kira High Season, mesti rate dia mahal banding thru agent, online or otherwise.
Try www.atsiam.com or www.sawadee.com. Lain2 mungkin yg lain boleh rekemen.
Anyway, brp budget per room/night? |
Reply #749 dvpro's post
budget kalau boleh below RM200 per room sbb ticket pun dah mahal.. last minute arrangement  |
alaa tak yah susah2.. kt krabi town byk guesthouse.. price range rm45/nite (ran room) n rm60/nite (aircond)
im going to krabi too ahad ni 23-29nov!! dh tak sabar2 nih nk pegi huhuhu....
anyway, for more info, try to look at krabitours.com (ask-patty)...sgt2 helpful n reliable.. |
u try check website krabitours.com (askpatty)..
sgt2 full of info n reliable too...
i suggest, kalu tak kesah, dok je kt guesthouse kt krabitown.. belambak2 guesthousenye...
murah2 plak tu rm45-60 per nite.. tp, u tak leh nk carik guesthouse2 ni kt net, u carik kt website ni, email to ms patty, she will help u out... |
Reply #750 thylord's post
mendap??  |
Reply #753 dvpro's post
thanks a lot for the info...  |
mendap jap hampeh tul..hmm thylord if ko pegi duk kat karbi town..memang murah tapi..if nak ke aonang kena naik teksi/tuk tuk.. if byk aktiviti kat aonang..better stay aonang..senang..the main attraction..
u may ask Patty..she very nice..n23 pun ada berurusan ngan dia.
kat krabi town tu..near jetty ada byk gerai mkn muslim waktu mlm..
but nothg much to see kat town ni..just small town je
siang hari tak pasti coz i duk atas laut je hehe (island trips) |
n23 dah paste ni kat belakang..anyway.. can refer here utk cari2 hotel area aonang beach tu..
masa pegi ari tu n23 stayed at Aonang Beach Resort..betul2 opposite aonang beach.
Originally posted by elbandito at 20-11-2008 10:48 AM 
low season tuh agak2 bulan brapa?
bln 2 tu tak seswai la ek? huhu.. |
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