ada... tak ingat ke dia brag pasal dia berlakon dlm satu drama ngan jang dong gun tu adeiiii....
tapi dia jadik penonton jer... scene ada dia tu dlm 1 saat lebih siap pause tu tunjuk kat my omma, tu ledo suju masa omma kemain gelak
annyeong yorobun^^
me ade nk update lg psl MAA nih..kot sesape berminat plak^^ *me ade jugak tepek kat umah chitchat SS*
Annyeong to all Malaysian ELF,
I'm sorry to say that I can't manage to get the zone for all ELF.. because MTV Asia did not reply my email.
But there is a good news to tell you all, My friend told me that if we ELF that got the ticket and want to gather together to support SJ, we can do it.
1st we have to gather ourself before the award start.
So anyone that want to gather with us please put your name down and add my email address to confirm that you are going to gather with us.
click here for more~~>>>>