Reply #740 mycos79's post
aku pon wat sumer bnda depan komputer...
tp xde la smpai cmtu.. |
Reply #744 mycos79's post
byk giler stok coke dia.. |
Reply #748 mycos79's post
meja dia la tuh..dv pon ada.. |
Reply #730 adie82's post
Torrent not found...
The torrent you requested (id: 2624116) does not exist in our database.
This could mean that:
The torrent was old, and automatically removed by our system. This happens if no torrent activity is recorded for a while.
The torrent was removed by one of our moderators, for example because we received complaints from users.
We received a copyright takedown request, and removed the torrent in compliance with our copyright policy. |
teruja mende nye? dah la link torrent, kalo rapidshare ok le.
dah tu, torrent not found plak tu... hampeh...
Reply #753 bzzts's post
ala kalo donlod torrent tu seminit xsmpai..
kecik jer bese gmbr2 neh..
maria ozawa dh kena copyright..xleh wat apa.. |
Balas #751 bzzts\ catat
baru jer aku nak pasang stimmix.....line torrent pulak buat hal...ozawa |
kalo gambar, car kat galeri dia je... |
Reply #755 mycos79's post
nak pasang ke, dah pasang ni? konpius lak aku... |
Balas #757 bzzts\ catat
nak pasang... |
Reply #756 bzzts's post
ko fan dia ..
bleh la.. |
Reply #758 mycos79's post
teruja sungguh dia neh.. |
| |