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Post time 31-3-2015 12:41 AM
From the mobile phone
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xXxBoYzZz replied at 30-3-2015 10:22 PM
nk tanye.. mcm mane nk dpt seat utk duduk bersama ye?? tanpa plu tambah wang?? mmg boleh ke??
Check in terus bila dia dah buka. Usually 2 weeks before waktu berangkat. |
bergantung dgn nasib biasanya kalau kami 5 orang 2 orang dapat duduk bersama,
yg lainnya dipisahkan row depan /belakang atau cth kena row ABC yang lain Kena di row DEF,
dulu memang dapat duduk sekali. okey je sebenarnya.
maknenye.. mmg xleh pilih la kan.. nasib la dye nk bagi mne.. so klu time buat check in tu.. kite dah bleh tgk kan dye bg mane..so, klu kite nk ubah tempat yg dye bagi tuh/nk pilih tempt lain then, kne charge la kan.. ok2 tq |
ya betul tu, ini kan satu perniagaan.
Nampaknya begitulah add ons pun akan kena GST |
salam sis n otai2 AA,
nk tnya ..adik lil tersilap beli luggage
patut hhcm-kl bli luggage
tp dia terbeli kl-hcm
bole cncel or kira burn?
alang2 dah beli gunakan je kalau tidak masukkan beg sayang pulak sebab burn.
boleh lenggang kangkung di Klia2 tu....

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Post time 6-4-2015 05:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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lil_sparky replied at 6-4-2015 11:36 AM
salam sis n otai2 AA,
nk tnya ..adik lil tersilap beli luggage
Memang tak leh cancel. So gunakanlah beg allowance supaya melenggang kangkung je masa naik kapal terbang. |
Edited by cikkesom at 7-4-2015 01:02 AM
terpaksa tukar tiket.... |
tak tau sesuai ka soalan ni di sini hehee
ok saya ada beli tiket AA Jogja-Jkt, masa tu tax tak masuk dlm ticket.
so masalahnya, saya tak akan guna tiket tu, coz akan naik train sajok.. dan saya tak mau byr tax tu juga..
soalan: adakah nanti akan memberi masalah, bila balik Malaysia.. (sebab tak byr tax jogja-jkt)
balik Malaysia via Jkt dah beli tiket AA (yg ni tax dah included dlm tiket...(trauma pengalaman kena paw di airport Jkt huhuhu)
terima kasih. |

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Post time 7-4-2015 05:51 PM
From the mobile phone
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suesz replied at 7-4-2015 12:35 PM
tak tau sesuai ka soalan ni di sini hehee
Setahu saya yg tax tu untuk flight keluar dari Indonesia. Kalau domestik takde tax so tak affect flight balik ke KL. |
owen81 replied at 7-4-2015 05:51 PM
Setahu saya yg tax tu untuk flight keluar dari Indonesia. Kalau domestik takde tax so tak affect f ...
Oh..wahh..senang hati baca..thanks.. |
marilah kite pi honeymoon ke Hawaii plak
http://hype.my/newsdesk/airasia- ... nation-by-end-2015/
AirAsia X: Long Haul Flights To Hawaii & “A Europe Destination” By End 2015
Nevermind 2017, it seems that you might be able to score that AirAsia X flight to Hawaii sooner than you had initially expected! The long haul arm of Malaysia’s AirAsia Bhd plans to launch its first US flights in November, with the drop in fuel prices helping revive a push into intercontinental service that the airline curtailed 3 years ago.
For starters, AirAsia X will kick off with 4 weekly flights between Kuala Lumpur and Honolulu on 1st November, according to a regulatory filing published Monday (6th April), with a refueling stop in Osaka. The planned Honolulu flights would be the first direct service between Malaysia and Hawaii.
Also announced by AirAsia Bhd boss Tan Sri Tony Fernandes himself, AirAsia X has plans for a destination in Europe, but he has declined to elaborate further. He did say, however, that “it’s going to be a very sexy route” |
salam sume...saya ada bli tiket kul - jakarta - kul,flight bln ogos ni nti...
ritu saya nk manage my booking tetiba air asia suh bayar airport tax..RM300 ( 4 dewasa , 2 kanak-kanak ),
airport tax tu adalah airport tax yg dikenakan di jakarta nti tapi air asia da minta byr dlu.
skank ni saya pernah baca dlm blog2..epot tax jakarta leh byr masa nak balik msia, tp skank ni air asia suh byr..boleh ke kalu x byr atau cmne? saya 1st time nk g ni.. |
rasanya skrg dh xpyh bayar kat kaunter
masa lil nk p acheh bru2 ni..tgk ada pending payment
anta e form ..depa kata tu airport tax..dh xpyh byr kat kaunter dah.
sapa tau camne nk tgk big points dlm website bigprepaid tu..
puas godak2 dah xjumpe gak..
website baru ni x user friendly la..macam budak2 praktikal je yg buat..
haih... |
Aku nk beli tiket AA. Mase nak buat payment, dah masukkan no debit kad. Tapi dia automatik salect visa n kena cas rm18/way. Aritu ade baca yg forumer byr dgn debit kad n cas cuma rm4.
Mcm mane nk buat ye. Atau sekarang ni debit kad pun kena cas mcm cc gak. |
Edited by azradiza at 10-4-2015 09:12 AM
skang debit card / credit card same jer charge
direct debit baru RM4.24 (include 6% GST)
eehh RM18 one way? dah naik ker? aku book last month masih RM12 one way utk AAX
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