tu la.. kita spend mahal2 dpt fake... cuti ke semlm u?? hehe
eh xlah hehehe .. bz sikit siapkan keje yg tertangguh nnti nk raya kan, nnti lagi byk tertangguh huhu.
i dh pakai js gemini, bru tau napa best, texture light, x terlalu dry sgt kt bbir, i likeee.. now i know nape org ravingkan sgt litip js ni .. boleh la tmbh koleksi lagi 1 hahaha
ehh xboleh .. kne pilih js or kvd .. tnggu kvd launch sini
kan???? suka gile dgn js ni... i pn ada satu je celebrity skin.. bau dia mcm sarsi..pleasant smell and nice texture... tu la tunggu KVD tp i am still going to get more js collections
korang, korang nak x beli/pakai metallic finish? like skrng ni ..
brand colourpop bru launch pagi tadi, x smpai sejam dh sold out (limited quantity launched)
kylielipkit pun kuar metal finish
jefree star pun akan ikut jejak yg lain.
& ada baca yg pioneer metallic finish ni brand jouer, (x pasti btul ke x) tp disebabkan brand ni org x kenal sgt, slow sikit nk naik. |
yea... mmg nk beli pn... tgh pikir nak beli js ni... jap nk google colorpop nye metalic plak... cepat sgt abisnye
js pun restock, x smpai berapa jam, dh sold out .. haihh. susah jugak nk dptkan ..
aah laa bau sarsi, i bru bukak nk apply, i cm x caya, btul ke bau sarsi ni hahah, slowly kering & dh x bau dah hehe.
hopefully those yg amik pre order ni order je lebih knowing how high demand on the metallic colors kan? i nak sangat js or kylie tu.. masa seller tu bukak pre order.. tabung x penuh.. so terlepas la
i suka zebra, man eater, kween .. hehehe

kween & 3 way tu senang nk match.. suke nyerrrrr!!!
mungkin penjualan utk customer ada hadnye, setiap shade 3pc je .. so seller terpaksa buat cmtu lah agaknya.
cm colourpop pun max per shade 3 je boleh beli
aliceandcloud sempat la secured order dia utk colourpop metallic shade ni .. shade lain de yg dh sold out.
i tnggu review metallic ni cmne .. bru decide cmne hehe.
tu la tunggu review dulu... colorpop texture dia mmg best ke u?
lippie stix-creamy, nk apply senang kt bibir, state matte tp hydrating jugak la. cm mac pnye
ultra matte-longlasting, mkn bnda berminyak pun, still ada lagi lpstick kt bibir, fast drying, kene sapu lip balm before guna, klu chpped lips, seeloknya scrub la dulu. might not suitable kt certain lips. boleh jadi bbir jadi kering sgt.
ultra satin-x try lagi, tp kwn suka dgn finish ni. half matte half satin .. sama mcm ultra matte, x terlalu shining but comfortable kt bibir. ramai prefer ultra satin dr ultra matte.
hurmm seems like lippie stix is my kinda thing... i dah pakai L.A cosmetic.. tp x suka after dia dry kt bibir... so bole la try colorpop next time
tulaaa .. asik sold outtt jeee .. tnggu review lah, pastu bru beli haha. dorg marah gak, colourpop ni cuba la buat international shipping ke. eleh msia ni, sikit2 nak thn brg .. xyah ada pun xpe kot 
alo cian stress .. nk raya mmg cmni, keje suma nk kene cpt hehe.
yup. lippie stix ok .. but lippie stix matteX tu jgn, tu terlalu kering nnt.
**mac tgh free shipping with any purchase hihii.
eh mana u nye mac online purchase tu??? tepek skit packaging dia
aduhhh lupaaaa .. aiyoo meh i tepek 2016 punye

credit to twitter user skinnyondinie
hehe.. baru lepas balik dr beli lipstick mac.. got the same paper bag. sep skit! oh lady mmg cantik gile!! satistified
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki