kira cast citer ni dr yg penting sampai supporting sume mmg terer2...iols igt iols je kagum scene par jin vs naksu...sume pn kagum rupa nyer..besar btl green screen dorang...
isshh..iols nk eletop dada ni tunggu epi 17...dh la ada kuar lak post epi 17 pya iols tetengok kat IG td... mmg xde dlm script la ek..sbb dia pya jatuh tu, mmg mcm jatuh pijak kain sndri tersembam maap asal igt je nk gelak
lg satu yg sume kna nyorok kt sudut green screen sbb dorang patut kuar dr frame tp hujung tu dinding, take x abes lg sbb last kuar ilah park jin, dgn dia2 kna tgk dinding dlu bru cut
tgk BTS dorang, berkalon dgn kain hijau tp nmpk dorang enjoy..jang uk tu mmg bagus kan, muke dia toya je sesuai dgn scene dia...kagun sbb dia muda lg...cian dia rmai ckp muka hero eksotic x bape nk layan sbb hero x sedap, ngeekkk tul...rugi kot citer ni best n dia pun best...
Eh ramai tak layan sbb hero eksotik tak sedap?? Wah silap la sapa yg pikir gitu.
Rugi la hahaha. I rasa he fit perfectly for the role. Ya muka dia bukan tipikal jambu hensem std tp he bring out janguk vibes and sedap aje i tgk . Byk attribute lain yg menyumbang sedap ke tak sedap haha. I ada try tgk solsol, nak buang masa menunggu...dlm tu jaewook mcm tak menyerlah , lain sgt dgn aos. Dalam aos, dgn costume n hairstyle nya..mmg sedap sgt. I wont forget his mullet n ponytails or his slicks wet hair hahaha, everything on point.
ponytail tu ada masa dia xde tmpt nk g masa x lh jd ahli sihir, zaman dia menakal la asyik lari dr cikgu dia...dh official masuk songrim, hilang ponytail dia...
Post time 16-8-2022 03:35 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tiba teringat citer inuyasha. Ada seketul bebola di panggil shikon no tama. It was accidently shattered by kagome (a priestess)..any shards yg jatuh ke tgn demon akan menambahkan kuasa demon tu. But selalunya the demon will be overcome by the jewel evil intent. In canon fiction selalunya la kagome n her ragtag shard hunter group successfully collected all the shard n wished it away.
But some fiction normally made the energy from the shikon no tama to merge with kagome priestess power. So i wonder kot2 la ice stone tu nnt instead of return back to the sky/ or dimusnahkan, the energy merged with buyeon n naksu combined become 1 single entity/ 1 soul?
so reratanya mennyatakan ada signifikan sub plot book of love, warkah cinta tu dengan jade yin yang tu...and element mudeok + naksu + Bu yeon - yg ade darah - jin clan , seolran ...
jung uk ...king star...
i nak tengok sama ada benda ni ade final significances in sealing the ice stones.
Post time 17-8-2022 08:08 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 17-8-2022 08:13 AM
mbhcsf replied at 16-8-2022 10:46 PM
so reratanya mennyatakan ada signifikan sub plot book of love, warkah cinta tu dengan jade yin yang ...
Normally when it happen..kita pun terus teingat..haaa kat epi xx ada ...its a hint rupanya..gitu haha. Byk gila kot every script lines or scenes can be a hint towards how the drama would end.
Contoh masa CP bawa congratulatory drink ke chuwiensoru lepas janguk kalahkan dia, he said
" i am happy Daeho was blessed with a great mage like you, this is something worth celebrating. Drink this and become the best mage that this country has ever seen"
So its like cementing further janguk future who already born with king star, with blessing from the Cp himself. CP is the King, Janguk will be next to him as Gwanju of Cheonbugwan.
Masuk pulak segala mala janji dia dgn janji yg ni could be a plot twist for future hearbreak la kan... it is common dlm resepi kdrama to have sweet moments n in the end it wasnt meant to be, barulah frustration viewer meningkat tahap maksimal.
We already know but still we cannot help ourselves from jumping into the bandwagon n speculating.
Part plg best to speculate ofcos how to conclude mudeok+buyeon + naksu+ ice stone. People has been combing all the lines n scenes to look for clues n connections. Its literally a puzzle game ramai la.yg nak cuba selesai kan. Its fun by the way , they are giving clue here n there, confusing us, tp tak annoying.
Post time 17-8-2022 12:38 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kartieka replied at 17-8-2022 12:18 PM
iols asyik refersh thread ni je kot ada sape2 nk post psl AOS..apa2 la recap ke apa ke, hahahahaha ... i byk betunggu tangga kat ig. Bots2 ni pandai, ada aje feeds pasal aos lalu ..walopon ada yg repeat takpe je. I ada summary pasal janggang. Since dia nak buat entrance next epi kan hahaha
sila2 citer psl jang gang...ntah nape iols still rsa dia ni bkn the culprit walau dr asal rsa ko la punca nyer, sape suh tkr body dgn raja tu n lain2...