Originally posted by chicsee at 8-6-2004 10:06 AM:
Betul tu Deaf....:setuju:...
Pat sini, security is too tight. Susah nak enjoy yourself. Kalau gi indoor stadium, kenkadang berdiri pun diorang suruh duduk. Ni Linkin Park punya concert pat P ...
itu aku tak paham, sebab tu kalo konsert kat indoor stadium aku tak gi,..
aku cuma pegi kalo aku tahu takde seats, semua all stand...kalo ada seat, mesti kena duduk regardless apa show pun...
kalo rock concert selalu terbalik, ada seat harga murah, diri pulak harga mahal depan stage....
Kita punya society masih tak tahu adjust bila nak enjoy konsert la..
aku gi Deep PUrple, ada aku enjoy2 , budak2 melayu Harley Davidson ( dorang bouncer ) stare2 kat aku....
siot ah... |
dep, steve vai nak mai 29 July ni. hang tak pi ka? |
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 29-6-2004 11:26 AM:
dep, steve vai nak mai 29 July ni. hang tak pi ka?
Loli, bagus ade ko ni, aku kena tel hubby aku, dia minat si Steve Vai tu. |
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 29-6-2004 11:26 AM:
dep, steve vai nak mai 29 July ni. hang tak pi ka?
pasal pada aku harga tiket " over priced ".
kenapa la lauretta allabon buat kat suntec?
tu hari toto pun sama, buat kat suntec, harga over priced.
ko nengok malmsteen kat expo, dp kat fort canning, harga tiket much more competitive. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 29-6-2004 11:28 AM:
Loli, bagus ade ko ni, aku kena tel hubby aku, dia minat si Steve Vai tu.
dia punya band ni kali ada orang2 famous
billy sheehan Mr Big
Tony MacAlpine.. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 29-6-2004 11:33 AM:
dia punya band ni kali ada orang2 famous
billy sheehan Mr Big
Tony MacAlpine..
yup, dulu sc suka lagu2 si Mr Big, semua2 best |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 29-6-2004 11:33 AM:
dia punya band ni kali ada orang2 famous
billy sheehan Mr Big
Tony MacAlpine..
ari tu aku baca TNP, Joe Satriani pung ada sama.
Laki aku dah sibuk kira off day nak pi..tak ajak aku pungg:agr:
Dep, ober priced ke tiket dia? Dulu Malmsteen $120, yang ni sama kan? ke $150? Mahal aku tak kisah, janji show baik. |
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 29-6-2004 11:55 AM:
ari tu aku baca TNP, Joe Satriani pung ada sama.
Laki aku dah sibuk kira off day nak pi..tak ajak aku pungg:agr:
Dep, ober priced ke tiket dia? Dulu Malmsteen $120, yang ni sama kan? ke ...
biar betik joe satriani ada sama? kat amerika kot...?
dorang G3 punya tour? , malmsteen , satriani , vai buat tour sama2 kot?
aku tak tahu sangat, tapi satriani ni takde la...
tak dengar cerita pun. |
bersempena album baru dorang UNBREAKABLE...
yang aku sangat suka lagu track no 2..."love em or leave em"
ni la dia tourdates dorang untuk Asia...
September, 10 2004 Bangkok Thailand
September, 12 2004 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
September, 14 2004 Jakarta Indonesia
September, 16 2004 Medan Indonesia
September, 20 2004 Tokyo Japan Shibuya Public Hall
September, 22 2004 Nagoya Japan Aichi Kinro Kaikan
September, 23 2004 Osaka Japan Zepp
September, 24 2004 Fukuoka Japan Citizen Hall
September, 26 2004 Tokyo Japan Shibuya Public Hall
FENING!!!!!!! FENING!!!!!!!!! FENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nak gi tak nak, nak gi tak nak... pasal album baru ni best!!! |
wooo dorang punya setlist best la aku nengok, ni 24/7/2004, main kat Granada Sepanyol.
The Granada's show was great!!!! Real good set list:
New generation
Love em or leave em
Bad boys running wild
The Zoo
We'll burn the sky (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, their best performance live!)
Deep and dark
Coast to coast
Tease me, please me
Through my eyes
Drums solo (he's crazy)
Blackout ( no smoky V )
Blood to hot
Matthias solo
Big city nights
Still loving you
Wind of change (Spanish version!!!!!!!, great)
Rock you like a hurricane
When the smoke is going down (very beautiful)
ni lak san sebastian sepanyol 20/7
The set list was:
New Generation
Love 閙 or leave 閙
Bad Boys
The Zoo
We磍l burn the sky (amazing!!!)
Deep and Dark
Coast To Coast
Through my eyes
Remember the good times
Tease me Please Me
Jame磗 drum solo
Blood Too hot
Jabb磗 guitar solo
Big City Nights
Still Loving You
Wind Of Change
Rock you like a hurricane
When The Smoke Is going Down
The band is amazing...Rudolph didn磘 stop for all the show...Klaus singed like in the eighties...and the rest of the Scorpions...icredible!!
AKU NAK PEGI LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mintak2 tiket murah la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 27-7-2004 11:21 PM:
wooo dorang punya setlist best la aku nengok, ni 24/7/2004, main kat Granada Sepanyol.
The Granada's show was great!!!! Real good set list:
New generation
Love em or leave em
Bad boys ...
bnyk lagu2 feveret ku kat dlm yg list tu, cuma ade one take tak silap InTrance, tu is my best of all.
sc pun harap2 tiket2 murahlah...........:music::music::pompom: |
lagi satu fly to the rainbow also i like.;) |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 2004-7-28 12:08 PM:
bnyk lagu2 feveret ku kat dlm yg list tu, cuma ade one take tak silap InTrance, tu is my best of all.
sc pun harap2 tiket2 murahlah...........:music::music::pompom:
yup cik pon suka
time dulu cuma mampu beli kaset jer
dan harapkan lagu kuar kat corong radio........ |
Originally posted by virgomal at 28-7-2004 04:14 PM:
yup cik pon suka
time dulu cuma mampu beli kaset jer
dan harapkan lagu kuar kat corong radio........
weiitttttttt cik mal, okielah sc dedicate lagu ni khas buat cik mal syg dari scorpions, jom nyanyi:music::music:
No One Like You-Scorpions
Girl, it's been a long time that we've been apart
Much too long for a man who needs love
I miss you since I've been away
Babe, it wasn't easy to leave you alone
It's getting harder each time that I go
If I had the choice, I would stay
There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you
Girl, there are really no words strong enough
To describe all my longing for love
I don't want my feelings restrained
Ooh, Babe, I just need you like never before
Just imagine you'd come through this door
You'd take all my sorrow away
There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you
No one like you... |
wei kawan2, search jadi opener untuk scorpions la...
lepas tu korang nengok harga tiket2 dia.... impossible sey....
kalo kat spore mana boleh dapat two big names for the same price..
- Hiburan -
berkongsi pentas Scorpions, Search Oleh Hanisah Selamat

ALAN (tengah) bersama Search bergaya di depan MPV
untuk jualan tiket secara bergerak.
BERBEZA dengan penganjur konsert antarabangsa lain yang lebih gemar membawa penyanyi muda ke negara ini, Star Planet Sdn Bhd punya strategi tersendiri iaitu 憁enerbangkan |
patah tumbuh hilang berganti....
walau lagi 20 jam dari sekarang aku tak dapat nengok Scorpions & Search...
tapi............ 3rd oktober ni..
3rd October 2004
Downtown East
Ticketcharge 62962929
www,ticketcharge.com.sg ( tapi kawan aku bilang website ni belum keluar info ni lagi).
HURRAY!!!!! |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 13-9-2004 07:24:
ada syarahan israk mikraj tak?... aku orang baik baik lah..:pray::pray:
....lermakkkk makcik marybrown nie....kat sini kan thread untuk rockers2...yang lu nak pi carik syarahan israk mikraj kat sini buat pe??:stp::stp:....:bgrin:
...pi try carik kat sini:bgrin: |
Originally posted by blackmore at 13-9-2004 01:32 AM:

[url=http://www.mindseye.com.sg/portal/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=78&Itemid=2][color= ...
oooo bukan amuk je main eh.... Value for money betul.
ada lagi band2 lain , siap ada Battle of the bands punya finals?
Mesti packed la ni macam, Urbankarma ada supporters jugak...
kalo kul 5 start bila nak habis???:stp::stp::stp:
Ko tahu Blackmore...tu hari yang Rockers reunion ada Wings RustyBlade tu semua kan?
start kul 3 tak salah....nak midnite baru habis....
aku pegi minum air kejap kat kedai kopi, terus miss last bas...balik naik teksi ah. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara