contoh: if you leave me now, how deep is your love, wishful thingking (grentperez), mulanya disini (freedom), no more lonely nights (paul mccartney) dan byk lagi
iya, just too much time needed dalam sejuk2 ni
satu ketika dulu, gi baring2 dalam snow dgn my son and his friend; tgk kat langit nmpk 1 red dot in the sky yg move pretty quick to be a satellite (sy biasa tgk satellite) dan definitely not aeroplane lights
dulu, masa duduk condo with my aunt, port tmpt stargazing is the verandah. smpai anak dia yg second bongsu, masa tu toddler, pun salu joined me stargazing kt situ. sampai my aunt tu rajin gak la cuci verandah tu. baring on the bare tile of the verandah, gazing at the night sky, such a peaceful feeling.