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Author: zy

Beza Sikh dan Hindu

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Post time 23-10-2009 05:52 PM | Show all posts
tumpang baca

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Post time 6-12-2009 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Setengah orang kata dia muslim sebab Guru Nanak Pergi ke Mekah,Setangah Kata dia murtad.setengah kata dia Hindu..

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Post time 7-12-2009 08:23 AM | Show all posts
Setengah orang kata dia muslim sebab Guru Nanak Pergi ke Mekah,Setangah Kata dia murtad.setengah kata dia Hindu..
mhdsafwanindera Post at 6-12-2009 15:29

Going to Mecca doesn't make anyone holier. Just look at Mahathir Muhammad ... a perfect example. :re:

And Guru Nanak is not a Hindu. He had rejected Hindusm and its core beliefs and created his own beliefs which the Sikhs follows today. That belief is based on Islam (during 15th and 16th century) which has nothing to do with Hindusm. Which is why Sikhs themselves separate themselves from Hindus even here in Malaysia.

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Post time 29-5-2010 06:46 PM | Show all posts
selamat petang semua

semasa aku kecil dulu, ramai kawan saya berbangsa singh dan berugama sikh. pernah saya diberitahu oleh family kawan saya berbangsa singh ni bahawa agama sikh adalah asalnya dari islam juga. masa tu aku kecil lagi takat sekolah rendah. so tak amik port sangat.

hari ni aku terbaca pulak kat thread ni mengatakan sikh dan islam is related. teringat semula masa kecik dulu.

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Post time 31-5-2010 08:59 AM | Show all posts
selamat petang semua

semasa aku kecil dulu, ramai kawan saya berbangsa singh dan berugama sikh. p ...
Saat Post at 29-5-2010 18:46

Pada kurun ke 11 dan 12, di India, orang2 Islam dr Afghanistan sudah masuk ke India dan menakluki kebanyakaan kawasan utara India (termasuk Punjab - sebab utama kenapa Pakistan dan Afghanistan ira2 sangat mengatakan kawasan itu adalah milik mereka). Banyak orang2 Punjab dipaksa masuk dlm Islam, mengakibatkan banyak yg tak puas hati.

Utk menentang orang2 Islam, pemimpin agama dikalangan orang Punjab telah muncul dan beliau mengunakan sebahagian dr agama Islam sbg basic utk Sikhism. Itulah permulaan agama Sikhism pada kurun ke 12/13.

Perbezaan utama antara Hinduism dan Sikhism adalah :

1. Orang2 Sikh tidak menyembah/menpercayai akan dewa2 spt penganut agama Hindu.
2. Orang2 Sikh tidak menpercayai akan Karma dan Moksha.
3. Orang2 Sikh tidak menpercayai akan penjelmaan semula (reincarnation).
4. Orang2 Sikh menganggap Guru mereka seakan Nabi Muhammad dlm Islam.

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Post time 1-6-2010 01:00 AM | Show all posts
jadi ada benarnya juga kata kata parents kawan singh saya dulu ye.... walau bagaimana pun agama sikh dan Islam kini telah jauh berbeza.

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Post time 10-7-2010 10:52 AM | Show all posts
salam sejahtera

kamu duk mengata agama sikh ni ego sikit kan tettiba org sikh masuk bod ni? apa dia kata, hehehhe

dulu time aku pernah kerja di rawang, pernah naik komuter di rawang. kat depan stesen komuter tuh mula2 aku ingat masjid, then aku tengok cam pelik sikit masjid ni, kubah ada tapi tak ada lambang bulan bintang, then baru aku nampak papan tanda dia. oooooo bukan mesjid rupanya tapi rumah ibadah agama sikh.
aku terpikir, ishhhhhhhhh sebijik macam masjid.


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Post time 12-7-2010 08:26 AM | Show all posts
salam sejahtera

kamu duk mengata agama sikh ni ego sikit kan tettiba org sikh masuk bod ni? apa d ...
sitihawa Post at 10-7-2010 10:52

Bukan agama dia yg egoistic tetapi penganutnya yg ego (banyak, bukan sikit).

Penganut agama Sikh tidak bergaul dgn kaum2 lain (terutamanya kaum Hindu yg mereka pandang rendah - kerana menyembah berhala, sama spt orang Islam). Penganut2 agama Sikh juga disarankan tidak berkahwin dgn kaum lain (di luar masyarakat mereka). Nama "Singh" bermakna "Singa" dan "Kaur" bermakna "Puteri" - digunakan utk mengambarkan pertapa beraninya mereka (lelaki) dan pertapa mulianya kaum wanita mereka kalau dibandingkan dgn lelaki dan perempuan kaum lain. Ada beberapa lagi contoh akan keegoan mereka, tetapi cukuplah sekadar ini.

Lantak lah apa mereka nak kata. Yg jadi kenyataan adalah - mereka memang egoistic.

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Post time 12-7-2010 02:27 PM | Show all posts
kaum sikh kan ramai yg jadi doktor, yang meniaga kain2 gulatis, euro moda, maya tuh sikh ke bukan?
itu yang besar2 lah, tapi dulu2 pernah gak kita jumpa orang yg kerja jaga /guard tu dari kaum singh, ada lagi ke singh nak jadi jaga zaman ni?

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Post time 14-7-2010 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Saya rasa saudara dan saudari tidak memahami secara mendalam agama orang lain..sebenarnya...setiapa agama mempunyai kebaikan masing-masing...dan juga kelemahan masing-masing...Sikhism menyedut kebaikan semua agama...Hinduism,Islam dan sebagainya dan menjadikan suatu agama yang baru...supaya dapat menjadi yang terbaik...faham?

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Post time 14-7-2010 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Saya rasa saudara dan saudari tidak memahami secara mendalam agama orang lain..sebenarnya...setiapa  ...
kirhmuru Post at 14-7-2010 13:37

Hmph ... adakah kau mengaku yg Islam kau itu bukan yg terbaik di dunia? Fikir baik2 sebelum menjawab, saya tahu kamu akan murtad nanti. :re:

Sikhism wujud kerana desakan agama Islam ke atas orang2 India Utara. Orang2 Moghul Islam, utk lebih kurang 500 tahun menyerang orang2 India utara dgn peperangan physical dan mental. Utk mengatasi serangan ini, orang2 India Utara yg tidak mahu menerima agama Islam, merekacipta agama mereka sendiri, dgn menjadikan "Guru" mereka setara dgn Muhammad. Jadi tak payahlah nak "sugar-coat"kan hakikat yg sebenarnya.

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Post time 16-7-2010 05:39 PM | Show all posts
If thats the case, then the people would have converted instead of creating a new religion. The risk is higher than converting. 'Desakan' is not the reason of the existence of Sikhism. The fast is that Sikhism born due to the misinterpretation of god and life by people.

study a religion on the fact of what the religion teaches and not how you feel its people practices it.

p/s : online forums are usually read by various people and groups so plz use facts before posting and not personal/emotional sentiments.

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Post time 19-7-2010 08:46 AM | Show all posts
If thats the case, then the people would have converted instead of creating a new religion. The risk ...
fireblade Post at 16-7-2010 17:39

Sikhism is born because Muslims were pointing swords at other people's neck and forcing people who do not believe in Islam to convert to Islam. You may say "forcing people" is not the way of Islam but Muslims do not care about that kind of things. Muslims then and now believe that if they could convert people in any way possible, then it is good. And if they died trying to spread Islam, then it is even better.

"Personal Choice" is not in Islamic vocubulary and beliefs like Sikhism, Bahai and so many more are born because people do not accept Islam (but still force upon them).

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Post time 19-7-2010 01:57 PM | Show all posts
take some effort to learn about the history of Sikhism and Guru Nanak and you'll have the facts you need. The oppression did happen by Muslim rulers in India but that's not the reason for forming a new religion. Infact Guru Nanak did not officially launched a new religion but he lived and traveled to correct the wrong beliefs of people and that is how Sikhism started.

The surname Singh and Kaur is given to abolish the caste system where everyone is seen as equal. These surnames were once only used by the rich, upper caste and the maharaja's. What is ego about this ?

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Post time 19-7-2010 02:20 PM | Show all posts
take some effort to learn about the history of Sikhism and Guru Nanak and you'll have the facts you  ...
fireblade Post at 19-7-2010 13:57

I know plenty of Sikhism history, thank you. It is a religion which was founded to "fight" Islam in India - whether in term of teaching against Islam or as combatants (as it have been done in 18th century onwards). This fact, does not change.

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Post time 19-7-2010 05:48 PM | Show all posts
nope you don't, you are writing purely based on what you feel is correct. That is ego.

Read here  and tell me where does it say that it is a religion which was founded to "fight" Islam in India ?

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Post time 20-7-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
nope you don't, you are writing purely based on what you feel is correct. That is ego.

Read here  ...
fireblade Post at 19-7-2010 17:48

Quote from the wikipedia mentioned about :

Tegh Bahadur became guru in 1665 and led the Sikhs until 1675. Teg Bahadur was executed by Aurangzeb for helping to protect Hindus, after a delegation of Kashmiri Pandits came to him for help when the Emperor condemned them to death for failing to convert to Islam.[30] He was succeeded by his son, Gobind Rai who was just nine years old at the time of his father's death. Gobind Rai further militarised his followers, and was baptised by the Pañj Piārē when he formed the Khalsa on 13 April 1699. From here on in he was known as Gobind Singh.

Conflict with Mughal authorities escalated during the lifetime of Teg Bahadur and Gobind Singh. The latter founded the Khalsa in 1699. The Khalsa is a disciplined community that combines its religious purpose and goals with political and military duties.[31]

Shortly before his death, Gobind Singh ordered that the Gurū Granth Sāhib (the Sikh Holy Scripture), would be the ultimate spiritual authority for the Sikhs and temporal authority would be vested in the Khalsa Panth—the Sikh Nation/Community.[17]

Sikhism started everything peacefully, but Mughal (Muslims) did not allow them or Hindus to live in peace. Constant military campaign between them have cause a deep resentment between them till Sikh Gurus have started to militarize their men, in order to fight the Muslims. They even envisioned a Sikh Nation - where they can rule (over others). That notions continued today where Sikhs still separate themselves from other races.

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Post time 20-7-2010 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by fireblade at 20-7-2010 17:17

Good that you can read.

Sikhism started during Guru Nanak's time to correct the wrong doings of people. Many beliefs and way of life which is inappropriate with the actual concept of religion. Yes, there was oppression by the Mughals but that was much later after Guru Nanak's time. The Tenth Guru have started the army known as Khalsa to fight against these oppression.

So back to the original question, did Sikhism started to fight the oppression of Muslim ? the answer is no.

They envisioned a nation because the oppression still exists today. Hindus have got their own nation and ruled others does that mean they have separated themselves from other races ?

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Post time 21-7-2010 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Good that you can read.

Sikhism started during Guru Nanak's time to correct the wrong doings of  ...
fireblade Post at 20-7-2010 17:15

Don't try to weasel your way out. I have clearly shown that Sikhism started as a peaceful movements against Islamic teaching, and later become militarized. I have also shown how this militarized men went and envisioned their own "nation". Hindus do not envision their own nation, and choose to live in co-existence with others.

Sikhs' Nation vision continues to this day, where they continue to separate themselves from the main stream Hindus and take Muslims as enemies (especially in India).

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Post time 21-7-2010 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by fireblade at 21-7-2010 15:53
Sikhism wujud kerana desakan agama Islam ke atas orang2 India Utara. Orang2 Moghul Islam, utk lebih kurang 500 tahun menyerang orang2 India utara dgn peperangan physical dan mental. Utk mengatasi serangan ini, orang2 India Utara yg tidak mahu menerima agama Islam, merekacipta agama mereka sendiri,

This was what you had told earlier and now you said Sikhism started as a peaceful movement. Two complete contradicting statement. Who is weaseling the way out ?

Conflict with Mughal authorities escalated during the lifetime of Teg Bahadur and Gobind Singh

There is about a hundred years difference between Guru Nanak's time and Guru Tegh Bahadur's time. How could people 'merekacipta agama' Sikhism to fight against oppression when the oppression happened much much later ? Incase you didn't know already Guru Nanak is the founder of Sikhism.

Sikhs' Nation vision continues to this day, where they continue to separate themselves from the main stream Hindus and take Muslims as enemies (especially in India).

this shows how much you do not know about the religion and making mere accusations. We have a country where the PM is a Sikh and yet someone could claim the above.

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