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Author: paulmossfanclub

King Cobra around Goddess AMMAN Statue in Puchong Temple

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2005 01:51 PM | Show all posts
Way to go Seph!!!!! :D

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Post time 19-10-2005 07:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paulmossfanclub at 19-10-2005 12:16 PM
Again... like i said.. i challenge do this in the other categories.. prove me u r worth the read!!!!

i hve done many time. i did it in C &C. I only expose the truth not false according what the Bible quote.

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Post time 19-10-2005 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Perhaps Prophet Noah should realize that Satan was trying to make him lose sleep so he will not have energy to built the Ark, no?  

It was God who told him built that ark but beginning Noah taught it might be other cunning spirit.

So do Mary afraid when heard the voice of angel thinking it might be cunning spirit but the angel comfort her saying I am Gabriel.


You do even worse than worship living organism. You create your own god and worship him in form of Jesus. You say God has son which needs to sacrifice in vain to save Man. Christians make God look like an old fool who cannot plan properly ... no wonder Atheism is result of rejecting Christianity. One fool believes God is a fool and another fool believe there's no God and refuse to accept that someone could have fooled him with Christianity.


We did not create but it was in Beginning as what the Bible wrote. I hve created the topic One God but Two in my C&C according to Bible verses. The real fairy tales created by the corrupt hindus priest is making god with multi wives, plus urging  to worshipped animals. As I mentioned earlier the true Sage in India worshipped God as spirit, offering aroma smell in forms oils and etc. Came the corrupt hindu priest to mix with pagans rituals. That抯 why ur hindu God says in Gita that 揑ndia he cannot bear

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Post time 20-10-2005 07:53 AM | Show all posts
by Truth.8

It was God who told him built that ark but beginning Noah taught it might be other cunning spirit.

He was being cautiousness ... SO?

So do Mary afraid when heard the voice of angel thinking it might be cunning spirit but the angel comfort her saying I am Gabriel.

And how does Mary know it is Gabriel for real? Do I have to remind you that NO HUMAN records were found of how this "fellows" look like? For all we know, even Satan can come and say "I'm Gabriel".

We did not create but it was in Beginning as what the Bible wrote. I hve created the topic One God but Two in my C&C according to Bible verses. The real fairy tales created by the corrupt hindus priest is making god with multi wives, plus urging  to worshipped animals.

Wrong ... Old Testament doesn't say anything about Jesus. Matter a fact, God never mentioned to Adam and Eve that they and their children are damned unless Jesus came and commit suicide. I find it odd that God can leave such important information out. Only logical explaination - Original Sin never existed and Jesus never meant to come.

As I mentioned earlier the true Sage in India worshipped God as spirit, offering aroma smell in forms oils and etc. Came the corrupt hindu priest to mix with pagans rituals. That抯 why ur hindu God says in Gita that 揑ndia he cannot bear

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5th_gear This user has been deleted
Post time 20-10-2005 12:49 PM | Show all posts
umm....bout the snake n milk thing...there's is a tiny bit of prblem..

U see, snake has an aversion to milk...that means it doesnt like milk n its by-products at all.

There is alot of animals that is lactose-intolerant including adult cats..but people still give them anyway..

So Truth8..please get ur info rite b4 u act all clever n glad this is a malaysian forum..not an international forum...
u can cheat people here...but globally..u will be F*&$d for ur info!  nf:

But then again.i dun beleive  thats a  miracle  either...its just a snake at the what? there even been snakes in peoples hse..that doesnt make the hse holy or evil or anything. ;)

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 Author| Post time 20-10-2005 05:34 PM | Show all posts
LOL!!!!! padan muka si Turtle8... heheheh!!!!

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Post time 20-10-2005 09:45 PM | Show all posts
by 5th_gear
But then again.i dun beleive  thats a  miracle  either...its just a snake at the what? there even been snakes in peoples hse..that doesnt make the hse holy or evil or anything.

Well...its all about beliefs and how you see it,my friend......some believe its a good omen to see a snake in a temple especially if it's around god statue....

for example check this word out...GODISNOWHERE....wat do u see?....some might see GOD IS NO WHERE......but some see it as GOD IS NOW HERE.......its all bout which angle u see a matter from.......thats all...

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Post time 13-11-2010 05:32 AM | Show all posts
The Goddess proving her exictence in the form of a snake..but some says its fake...whatever it is...Goddess always there for those who need her kindness and her love as mother. JAI KARUMAARI!

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