Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-2-2006 12:50 PM
kalo aku aku tangkap n70 nokia
ngan Walkman 800i kaler oren tu
Kalo nak dengar music ambik sony ericcson, kawan aku a few cakap, bleh dengar perbezaan kualiti dan loudness
dep, ko pung minat N70...sama mcm asben aries... |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 22-2-2006 10:28 AM
brapa megapixel eh?
tapi kalo n90 dia pakai branded nye lens |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-2-2006 12:44 PM
nokia loyal customer la ko eh
Ya,aku loyal terhdp Nokia & Starhub..hehe
Bapa & adik aku je yg pakai Singtel... |
Originally posted by puteri81 at 22-2-2006 10:54 AM
wah byk jugak dah tukar eh..:cak: me baru 3 kali..hehe
my 1st hp

[img]http://www.nokia-asia.c ...
hehehe....tetiap thn nak tukar....tu lah hp2 yg i gunakan frm thn 2000 till now.. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-2-2006 12:51 PM
lagi satu nokia fan pung
yupz...hehe..between me n my dad...kita byk gunakan Nokia....user friendly ah....my dad da cuba mcm2 hp - Siemens,Motorola,Samsung...wahh...very difficult to get use....esp Siemens... |
my 1st henpon... motorola... pastu terbakar... then beli motorola lagik ( i dunno wat hapen to this phone.. hehe) then 3rd phone nokia 8250 then samsung.. then balik semula guna nokia till now ah... 6110i |
Originally posted by tig_cun at 22-2-2006 05:42 PM
my 1st henpon... motorola... pastu terbakar... then beli motorola lagik ( i dunno wat hapen to this phone.. hehe) then 3rd phone nokia 8250 then samsung.. then balik semula guna nokia till now ah.. ...
aik kak tig.....ganasnye gunakan henpon...smp terbakar.... |
Originally posted by myra81 at 22-2-2006 08:12 PM
aik kak tig.....ganasnye gunakan henpon...smp terbakar....
dia memang suka bakar.. |
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 22-2-2006 02:01 PM
Ya,aku loyal terhdp Nokia & Starhub..hehe
Bapa & adik aku je yg pakai Singtel...
dah pakai dari late 90s la...same number, nak tukar company sayang lak...
tapi starhub cam not bad la eh? ada maxonline , ada cable, ada henpon, dapat diskaun kot |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 22-2-2006 01:09 PM
kecik tapi harga dia terantuk dep....:cak:
takde line takde contract, $500 kot..
tapi kamera dia tak tahu bagus ke tak |
Originally posted by myra81 at 22-2-2006 02:43 PM
hehehe....tetiap thn nak tukar....tu lah hp2 yg i gunakan frm thn 2000 till now..
tetiap tahun nak tukar?
myra, ko bukak kedai henpon la senang.... |
Originally posted by myra81 at 22-2-2006 02:45 PM
yupz...hehe..between me n my dad...kita byk gunakan Nokia....user friendly ah....my dad da cuba mcm2 hp - Siemens,Motorola,Samsung...wahh...very difficult to get use....esp Siemens...
ha ah
Motorola cekik darah, dia opposite nokia buttons dia...
dah tu nak belajar set alarm, took me one month baru tau, tu pung orang ajar |
Originally posted by tig_cun at 22-2-2006 05:42 PM
my 1st henpon... motorola... pastu terbakar... then beli motorola lagik ( i dunno wat hapen to this phone.. hehe) then 3rd phone nokia 8250 then samsung.. then balik semula guna nokia till now ah.. ...
bagus nokia ko tu??
takde problem?? |
masuk new paper latest henpons
They're newer, faster, better The usual suspects unveil new hotties at the 3GSM World Congress
By Wang Meng Meng In Barcelona
February 21, 2006

(From left) Nokia's 6131, 6136, 6070.
THE world's handphone leader is banking their chips on the new-fangled UMA (Unlicensed Media Access) technology that could find its way to hot and humid Singapore.
But what is UMA, besides the fact that she's the actress who killed Bill?
Armed with such UMA handsets, one could sit at a Wi-fi hotspot, such as a gourmet coffee joint, and take a call from the Net and it will switch seamlessly to a GSM network once that signal is lost without any loss in voice quality.
Cyberspace to cellular. As they say in Spain - bonito. Which means - Beauuuuuuuuutiful.
The UMA-enabled 6136 is a flip phone which is basically a 6101, minus the stubby antennae, on steroids.
Its specifications have taken a quantum leap with a 263,000-colour internal display, a 1.3-megapixel camera (8x zoom), expandable memory via a micro-SD card and quad-band GSM coverage on top of its Internet capability.
Those in search of a wow factor in their handphones might want to consider the 6131, a 6136-lookalike with a button that activates the clam and an even greater display that bleeds 16.7 million colours to complement its 1.3 megapixel camera.
This device is also a music player with Visual Radio and a memory slot that can support cards up to 2GB or about 32 hours of tunes.
Last, but certainly not least, the 6070 is a simple and practical candybar with a VGA camera, FM radio and battery life of 12 days, standby time.
Expect to buy them in the second quarter of the year.

AYE carumba! Things are really hotting up in the wireless industry and Samsung has rolled out some breakthrough technology that will probably satisfy handphone users' need for speed.
Singapore has yet to truly catch the 3G fever, but the Korean giant has rolled out HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access), a godsend for those who are into streaming and downloading online content.
If you think 3G and its 384 kbps stats are impressive, Samsung will blow you away as it successfully demonstrated in Barcelona the new Z560, which clocked 1.8 Mbps.
The company also showed how they can even crank it up to 3.6 Mbps, which in theory will allow you to download Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody in less than a minute.
At a chance meeting with The New Paper in Barcelona, M1 CEO Neil Montefiore revealed that HSDPA is undergoing trials with his company and we may expect some news in the next six months.

INSTEAD of announcing any major technological breakthroughs, Sony-Ericsson is playing the Pied Piper card and will attempt to seduce you with its music phones.
Hot off the press in Barcelona is the W950, which has beefed up its Walkman stable to five models (including the W900i, W550i, W800i and the new W810).
Weighing in at 112g, its real mass comes in its memory size.
The W950 has 4GB of space for tunes in MP3 and AAC formats plus video playback and streaming in 3GPP, MPEG-4 and RealAudio guises.
To give extra mileage after forking out your moolah, this handsome piece of equipment features a 262,144 colour touch-screen.
Yes, touch-screen, with handwriting recognition!
But, hey senor, where's the camera?
Elsewhere, the other major offering from Sony-Ericsson comes in the shape of its business phones - the M600 and the mighty P990 smartphones, both aimed at power users. |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 21-2-2006 08:07 PM
harga bill hp aku mostly $27.. sesiapa pernah kena bill sampai $150?.. aku nak tahu aje...
my basic plan is $20+ .. selalu sms yang exceed .. dis month reach $70+ .. kena pot pet la..  |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 23-2-2006 08:49 AM
They're newer, faster, better The usual suspects unveil new hotties at the 3GSM World Congress
By Wang Meng Meng In Barcelona
February 21, 2006
canggih ~~~ |
macam ambik pakai camera betol eh.. |
Originally posted by dilah21 at 23-2-2006 08:57 AM
macam ambik pakai camera betol eh..
digital camera kalo gelap pun maybe gambar lagi worse, pasal goyang la apa la... |
Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 23-2-2006 08:39 AM
dah pakai dari late 90s la...same number, nak tukar company sayang lak...
tapi starhub cam not bad la eh? ada maxonline , ada cable, ada henpon, dapat diskaun kot
Aku suka dgn rewards point dia..dpt offset my ID dislpay caller worth $5...tgk brapa byk points yg kita ada ah..then can offset the next coming bill.. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara