Reply #60 find7707's post
kami tau dah pasai apa..hehehhe
sebabnya hampa guna Internet Explorer, kami guna Mozilla Firefox.
Tadi kami try bukak forum cari guna IE, mmg tak leh nak copy gambaq yg bergerak² tu..hehehe |
find7707 This user has been deleted
Reply #61 kubus's post
oooo.... padan la. Tak dak cara lain lagi
ke kubus... teringin gak nak buat gambaq gerak2 |
Reply #62 find7707's post
gamabr ti kalo guna "save picture as" pn buleh gak..
gube find sav pastu open gune windows viewer ....
rasenyer buleh tu... |
a'a...rsnya boleh..sbb blue pon guna mozilla ...ok ja..
try find buat sekali lagik... |
find7707 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by ctmufizano at 31-10-2006 12:35 PM
gamabr ti kalo guna "save picture as" pn buleh gak..
gube find sav pastu open gune windows viewer ....
rasenyer buleh tu...
mcm mana tu? tak paham ler |
find7707 This user has been deleted
dah save as... boleh view... nak try letak balik kat sini, tak boleh pun |
Reply #65 find7707's post
slalu kalo find bukak gambar guna aper?
rasenyer dlm windows ader windows viewer ..
kalo find just tgk dr folder je mmg x npk animation dier...
x pn..
save gambar tu..
right clik pastu tgk kat open with tu..
der x windows viewer<--- x igt sgt nama dier... tp bunyi lebih kurang r... |
Reply #66 find7707's post
upload la dlm photo bucket... |
find7707 This user has been deleted
Reply #68 ctmufizano's post
ooo nak kena masuk photobucket ke? mcm yg lain2 buat tu, copy je terus, tak leh ke? |
boh dlm photobucket..dak pon boh dlm image shack..\\tp selalu guna photobucket |
Reply #69 find7707's post
sumer upload la kak find...
tp kalo kak find amik dh siap der link dier pn leh gak..
tp kalo amik dr folder mmg x buleh... |
rasanya memang xleh savelah kalo IE..lupe hari tuh wat cemane |
find7707 This user has been deleted
find7707 This user has been deleted
susah2 sgt find guna musang berapi... kan boleh copy.. |
Originally posted by find7707 at 31-10-2006 02:15 PM
:pompom:tu dah boleh..bravoo.....!! |
find7707 This user has been deleted
Reply #75 bLuEsKy's post
IE memang tak leh copy terus... musang berapi je boleh |
okeh find bingo...tau dah cam ne
find boleh save image tuh cam biasa..tapi bile view the save filememang xdak animation...tapi bile upload dalam photbucket ke image shack ka...baru ade animation..
Reply #58 find7707's post
semua broswer leh nampak gif. nih... hang guna IE ka.... skang ni hang buat camni..
1. right click kat gambaq yg gerak2 tu..
2. tekan properties yg kat bawah sekali..
3. nanti keluaq popup pastuh ada tulih addrees gambaq tu(link dia)..
4. right klik kat address tu, tekan select all nanti semua perkataan kat link tu dia hitamkan..
5. right klik lagi kat tempat yg dihitamkan tu pastu tekan copy..
6. pastu paste la link tu kat replay porem ni... nanti ade la gambar tu.. |
Originally posted by find7707 at 31-10-2006 02:16 PM
IE memang tak leh copy terus... musang berapi je boleh
hehehe..."musang berapi"....pas ni nak guna gaklah..ayat musang berapi... |
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