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Author: beefcurry

Tahukah org asing di tempatmu mengenai Msia?

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Post time 19-6-2007 10:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by _mzzm_ at 18-6-2007 08:05 PM
haa.. redsinner dan kengkawan lain yg duk obersee dan pakai tudung..

nak tanya if u all bley tolong pikirkan jawapan kpd soklan2 di bwh nih :

mat saleh nih tanya kat mak ( pak ...

Hi Mzzm,

I got that question a lot especially with my students. I would normally say,

it's your own choice. you wear it when you are ready and feel comfortable with it. if you don't wear it it is still your choice, noone else. wearing scarf / hijab is not about good or bad. as i understand my religion,  it symbolises modesty and i feel very safe and it is a part of my identity.

the question about four wives??? I would say,

it's not only about physical needs and it is NOT as  easy as they make it to marry the second, third and fourth. it is all about women's legal rights, needs and men's responsibilities. In islam, you can only marry if your wife agrees to it and you are to marry a woman in need like, poor widows, etc and also you are capable of providing the wives with financial, emotional and physical supports, equally.  however, if a man choose to hurt their wife by marrying behind her back or not providing equal rights and needs, it's HIS doing. not islam. it's just like a husband or wife choose to have an affair! as simple as that!

hope that helps! i know that some people might disagree to what i have written above, but that's what I WOULD say...and it does the trick all the time!

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Post time 19-6-2007 12:10 PM | Show all posts
kat sini rata2 orang kenal malaysia.

sbb japanese suke sgt melancong kat negara2 asia tenggara ni.

mostly diorang tau mahathir la.n ramai yg suke mahathir tu.

ade gak yg tak tau,tau nama tapi banyak tak tau psl mesia.

diorang tnye ade train in town ke,teksi bnyk ke..

rase nak ku hempuk jer,name je negara maju,tapi bodoh tak mau belajar!!!:@

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2007 12:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 damiqula's post

dami..ada tak org tanya pasal pak lah?ku dgr,asyik2 mahathir ajes

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Post time 19-6-2007 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #61 nmc2004's post

thanx nmc.. dat might help..

coz nowadays.. most of us do things out of routine or love or order frm the spouse w/out knowing y they r doing it.. it's kinda embarassing to be sitting around other races with them giggling at these poor women wearing hijab at the same time attracting the publics with their boobs n figure and it is even embarassing when i failed to xplain the situation myself ..

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Post time 19-6-2007 05:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #60 spidernfly's post

Dak ler kalau marah sama ajer tak kira ler bahasa apa pun ... yg membezakan kalau orang yg jenis mmg lembut jek marah pun takde ler obvious sgt ... dan keturunan yg cakap mcm biasa pun jerit, so kalau memarah mmg sah sah ler teruk lagi bunyinya

Tapi paling tak suka dgr kalau pak arab dan pak itam bercakap ... dah bercakap mmg suara punyalah kuat mcm bergaduh ditambah plak ngan slang diorang tuh ... so bila marah lagi teruk ler bunyinya

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2007 06:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #65 NadiaMurad75's post

eh my neighbour dulu pak arab. cakap mmg jerit2 i tell you.... man, they are sooo loud. hari tu gaduh... ku yg takut. honest!!!! ku nak je talipong police....

tp i did eventually called in the police coz the rammed into my babysitters car then tak moh settle. so we called in the police la.... tp now dah pindah dah

and they are soooo pengotor!!!!!

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Post time 19-6-2007 06:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #66 spidernfly's post

Kalau ada yg polite tuh polite sgt ... contohnya yg jual daging halal tu ler, ku suka sgt ... kalau tak tu hmmmm

Sib baik diorang dah pindah ek

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Post time 19-6-2007 07:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #64 beefcurry's post

nope,i once asked them.

skrg dah tukar pak lah.

pastu diorang kate,

badawi san?i think he's not good as mahathir.

memandai je jepun nih

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Post time 19-6-2007 07:55 PM | Show all posts
kat sini, orang orang arab, iran,iraq etc.. & pakis mostly kenal malaysia especially Tun Mahathir. Some of mat salleh, kawans my hubby pun siap berdiskusi about mahathir. Mat Salleh yang i jumpa kat sini, (sekolah, hospital, uni) ramaiii yang tahu malaysiia. even kat nursery or schools ada perkataan 'Selamat Datang' - malay. tapi kalau u tanya omputih yang duk suka melepak dan tak ambik tahu pasal other countries, of course la depa tak tahu.

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2007 08:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #68 damiqula's post

badawi san?i think he's not good as mahathir.

aduss...berbisa gak org jepung nih

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Post time 19-6-2007 09:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #48 _mzzm_'s post

adus....soklan pertama red x layak jawab tapi selalu gak jadi spokesperson kat my hostel nih....yelah, sekor jer muslim so red jelah jadi kaunter pertanyaan.

but anyhow, i jawab soklan petama tu sbb ada my fren kat sini pakai tudung so jwpn standard:
"tudung tu symbolism islam utk memelihara our dignity. sbb dlm quran ada tulis wajib utk sume muslim tutup keseluruhan badan kecuali muka n kedua belah tapak tangan n however, hak utk menutup tu terpulang sepenuhnye kpd individu tersebut. x tutup, dah ditulis melanggar undang2"  -----> bab last ni depa duk kata sungguh2 kat red, so u'll be burn in fire of hell eh? eeeshhh, nasib baik bab tu ko tau! :@  kalo kena explain gak takreti aku

utk soklan 2nd tuh...based on history, so jawapan standard red:
"kawin 4 tu bukan wajib tapi boleh, sbb zaman dulu2 kan zaman assabiyah so tentera islam lawan kafirun, adalah wanita yg jadi janda. zaman dulu x mcm zaman skrg ada WAO, women's right etc..etc... so lelaki kena amek tanggungjawab utk jaga wanita tersebut. lagipun zaman dulu slaves masih valid, so wanita2 yg kematian suami would be saved. kalo x nasib golongan yg kematian suami tak terbela"

NOTE: my answers are based on theological understanding, red bukan pendakwah yer, jauh sekali ustazah but i was brought up to understand and scrutanize every little detail of this world. kalo salah tolong tunjukkan!

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Post time 19-6-2007 09:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #65 NadiaMurad75's post

kat sini pun...derang kata kalo nak cari housemate jgn cari ala2 geng yg disebutkan tuh.
derang ada quirks tersendiri...
hihi derang kata pak itam ada B.O.
pastu pak arab kat sini gila pompuan....takut!

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2007 09:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #72 redsinner's post

hish...takut plak dgn statement red.
red,bo tuh bad odour ke?ke aku salah eja

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Post time 19-6-2007 09:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #73 beefcurry's post

iyer....tepat skali tekaan anda

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Post time 19-6-2007 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Bila sebut pasal Malaysia, most omputih yang I jumpa will say...oooo I've been to Penang or Kuala Lumpur...Some will talk about Tun M. Pak Lah so far very very very few yang kenal.

Tapi ada jugak yang very well aware of my Tanahair. Mostly business people. Kalau local kat sini yang tak pernah gi oversea tu samalah dengan local kat Malaysia yang couldn't be bothered untuk ambil tahu pasal negara/dunia luar.

Macam most of the forumers kat sini which foreigners will never guess I ni asal dari Malaysia. Biasanya akan kata I ni Filipino or Thai. Ramai jugak yang rabun agaknya bila kata I chinese....

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Post time 19-6-2007 11:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #73 beefcurry's post

ye la beef.. BO=BOdy ODour. Mcm kes Maya Karin yg depa dok kata ade masalah tiak musyuk.......

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2007 09:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #75 platinum8's post

mg plat,beef pun nmpk plat cam cina..ala dato MY gitu..

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2007 10:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #76 _mzzm_'s post

wakakakakakakakakakaka........ loh ye ke?

kesian dia.... tp i read somewhere, mmg some people body diorang mmg keluarkan terlebih BO hormones.

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Post time 20-6-2007 10:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #78 spidernfly's post

YUP mOD... kan kecoh hal ketiak Maya Karin tuh... tatau lah kat OZ.. tapi kat Mesia mmg kecoh.......

i used to bump into her in Bangsar.. and there was one time she ICQ with my cousin.. pilih bulu jugak minah tuh.. memula dia layan sgt2 bila my cousin ckp dia doctor.. but bile my cousin ckp dia student U je.. terus cabut kawan tu.... tapi tatau lah kan.. maybe gak dia bengang sebab kena tipu..

tapi my cousin tak kisah kot kalau tiak dia musyuk.. bak kata my cousin.. kalau tiak musyuk bley pakai perfume... tapi  kalau muka tak cunnn.. takleh ubah dah...

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2007 11:33 PM | Show all posts

Reply #79 _mzzm_'s post

hihs..hish...kazen u pun...napelah tipu smpi ke doktor..jauh tu..dr student ke doktor.... manalah MK tak

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