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Author: NAGAmerah

Projek Serbuan Subuh (The Great Dawn Raid Sept 1981)

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Post time 10-8-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Tan Sri Khalid ada terlibat......

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Post time 10-8-2010 01:36 PM | Show all posts
terima kasih penyampai maklumat.

semepena bulan kemerdekaan, terharu saya dengan perjuangan pejuang bangsa dalam Peristiwa Subuh ini.

Terima kasih Tun.
Britain juga kalah di tangan kita.

Generasi muda akan mencontohi anda dan akan melakukan yang lebih baik

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Post time 10-8-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
ini mmg salah satu kebijaksanaan tun M, mmg amat membanggakan.

macam crite mission impossible pun ...
waksir Post at 20-11-2007 14:48

Bagus gak kalau difilemkan peristiwa nie...bole jadi cam citer ala2 Wall Street!

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Post time 10-8-2010 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 63# rurouni_khairul

sapa pengarahnya?? razak mahaideen ker??

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Post time 11-8-2010 08:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply  rurouni_khairul

sapa pengarahnya?? razak mahaideen ker??
kawaq83 Post at 10-8-2010 17:44

Oooo..takleh...rosak filem tuh nanti!

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Post time 12-8-2010 02:12 AM | Show all posts
wah ternganga jap bila baca...hebatnya org melayu....bangga aku

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Post time 30-8-2010 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Hebat sungguh kerajaan kita...

Kita merdeka dengan aman...kalau kita merdeka secara kasar macam Indon..lepastu rampas semua aset British...sudah tentu nasib kita macam Indon yg terpaksa bayar 600 juta Gulden kepada Belanda...

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Post time 30-8-2010 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Indon bayar ganti rugi ?

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Post time 30-8-2010 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nobito at 30-8-2010 18:43

Reply 68# HangPC2

    Genot ada tulih dlm thread Konfrontasi Indonesia-Malaysia

Aku paste balik kat sini k...
600 juta gulden sogok kemerdekaan indoenesich

DEN HAAG - Tanpa banyak diketahui oleh orang awam, pemerasan Belanda terhadap Indonesia ternyata terus berlangsung. Secara diam-diam, Indonesia membayar beban ganti rugi kepada Belanda sejak negeri itu hengkang dari republik. Beban itu baru tamat dilunaskan tahun 2003 ini.

Konstruksi pihak terjajah wajib membayar ganti-rugi kepada pihak penjajah, itu terkuak setelah sertifikat dana Claimindo dan Belindo ditutup di bursa efek AEX Amsterdam per tanggal 17 Mac 2003, dalam erti kata lain Indonesia wajib membayar ganti rugi telah pun tamat pada tarikh tersebut.

Rupanya melalui pendanaan Claimindo dan Belindo itulah arus uang pembayaran dari Indonesia dikelola dan disalurkan kepada para pihak di Belanda dalam bentuk sertifikat danareksa atau efek.

Seorang diplomat senior mengungkapkan kepada detikcom bahwa beban ganti-rugi yang harus ditanggung Indonesia itu tepatnya dikaitkan dengan keputusan Presiden Soekarno menasionalisasi perusahaan-perusahaan Belanda di seluruh wilayah Indonesia pada 1956. Ketika itu semua jenis perusahaan Belanda, dari manufaktur sampai perkebunan tanpa kecuali, diambil alih menjadi milik Indonesia. Sebuah langkah politik Soekarno yang berani dan dalam sekejap memberi modal awal bagi republik yang baru lahir.

Namun masa manis mengalirnya pundi-pundi uang ke kas republik yang dihasilkan perusahaan-perusahaan Belanda yang dinasionalisasi itu hanya bertahan 13 tahun. Setelah Sukarno dijatuhkan dan rejim Order Baru Suharto naik, keadaan jadi berbalik. Pemerintah Soeharto tidak berdaya menghadapi Belanda dan bertekuk lutut memenuhi klaim negeri bekas penjajah itu agar membayar ganti-rugi.

Besarnya klaim ganti rugi yang harus dibayar Indonesia mencapai 600 juta gulden, suatu jumlah yang luar biasa besar untuk kurs masa itu. Perjanjian sanggup membayar ganti rugi atas perusahaan-perusahaan Belanda yang dinasionalisasi itu diteken pada 1969. Pihak pemerintah Indonesia diwakili Wakil Presiden Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Karena jumlah ganti-rugi untuk ukuran saat itu sangat besar, Indonesia hanya menyanggupi membayar dalam jangka waktu 35 tahun.

Sejarawan pun tak tahu adanya perjanjian pelunasan ganti rugi tersebut. Maka itu pemerintah diminta memberikan penjelasan. Maka itu kerajaan diminta memberikan penjelasan.

Seorang diplomat senior mengungkapkan kepada detikcom bahwa beban ganti-rugi yang harus ditanggung Indonesia itu tepatnya dikaitkan dengan keputusan Presiden Sukarno menasionalisasi syarikat-syarikat Belanda di seluruh wilayah Indonesia pada tahun 1956. Ketika itu semua jenis perusahaan Belanda, dari manufaktur sampai perkebunan tanpa kecuali, diambil alih menjadi milik Indonesia. Sebuah langkah politik Soekarno yang berani dan dalam sekejap memberi modal awal bagi republik yang baru lahir.

Nasib baik Pemerintah kita x nasionalisme membabi buta macam si Sukarngok...

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Post time 4-9-2010 09:50 AM | Show all posts
best best...

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Post time 4-9-2010 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Bagi aku Tun M masih lagi tiada tandingannnya dari aspek idea dan kebijaksnaannya memimpin negara.
NAGAmerah Post at 18-11-2007 21:18

I beg to differ n u can just stick to your opinion
Bukan Tun M yg terror tapi ipar dia Tun Ismail Ali, bekas gabenor BNM yg no nonsense dan lebih british dari british
economist lagi better dari doktor pasal the workings and secrets of global finance
by the way Bank Negara masa tu independent macam yg sepatut nya
FYI peristiwa 1998 kes DSAI tak kan terjadi kalau Tun Ismail hidup masa tu
Tun Ismail mmg berani kasi Tun M dressing down
tak sampai setahun Tun Ismail pergi Tun M dah sembrono  

Perangai Tun Ismail ni...
cerut jarang tanggal, like plumb women .....siap kiss tgn sharifah aini masa SA keluar kereta
then tahun berikut nya PNB jemput ogy ahmad daud for annual dinner
Ogy dia menari rancak lagu conga, org tua tu merajuk keluar dewan hisap cerut dia

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Post time 4-9-2010 03:24 PM | Show all posts
ini bukan keje tun m jer..tun ismail pon berperanan masa tu,dia ni aku cakapla..sampai benda2
bend ...
finjan Post at 8-4-2009 19:35

betul ko cakap ni....mmg TSK terlibat masa tu
dia arkitek utama
apa2 nak tanya pasal PNB bole tanya aku
nak detail pun aku bole cerita tapi aku takmo la sampai too personal ye?

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Post time 4-9-2010 03:41 PM | Show all posts
July 1981 Tun M baru naik jadi PM
3 bulan lepas tu in Sept Dawn raid
grand masterminds TA & TSK
tu pun jadi PM rampas kuasa dari Tun Hussein
Zaman2 BCA tapi masa tu lar....dan ekonomi pun slow lagi
Takde nya Tun M tu directly involve or dia lah catalyst kalau takde dia benda ni tak jadi
Sesiapa PM masa tu pun, dawn raid ni mmg akan terjadi

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Post time 5-9-2010 01:23 PM | Show all posts
cerita ni patut dibuat dokumentari dlm history channel
tapi nak ke dibuat considering the main figure dah jadi MB selangor skang
ataupun nama khalid akan digelapkan, ceo pnb time dawn raid tu sendiri (desa pachi) kata bukan khalid yg bawak balik guthrie, sebab time tu khalid investment manager je (impliedly nak kata desa pachi la yg bawak balik guthrie)...tapi dari segi dia cerita, dia sendiri pun tak tau rancangan dawn raid ni sampai tun ismail bagitau dia..
pendek kata, ini usaha bersama rakyat malaysia...takyahla nak nafi2 pulak peranan mereka yg dah terlibat, semata2 sebab politikla kot

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Post time 5-9-2010 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Bagus gak kalau difilemkan peristiwa nie...bole jadi cam citer ala2 Wall Street!
rurouni_khairul Post at 10-8-2010 16:54

    best2. Byk lagi cerita yg best pasal malaysia yg kita x tahu. Kenapa RTM/TV3 tak buat filem dokumentari pasal benda2 ni?

Lagi satu diorang deal ambil alih guthrie ni dgn Rothchilds?? Bukan ke Rothchilds tu antara penyokong zionist. hmmmmm

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Post time 22-8-2011 02:26 AM | Show all posts

the great dawn raid sept 1981

By Leela Barrock

There is something about Kumpulan Guthrie Bhd that strikes a cord with the underdog — though it is not quite clear why. Guthrie was, after all, never an underdog, it was instead, once upon a time, a market favourite. Neither was Guthrie ever a small player, it was always big. And Guthrie was always within the sights of the powers-that-be as a favoured son with great things intended for it.
But on the eve of its erasure from listed territory into the annals of history, it feels like Guthrie has played a valiant Daniel, but lost to a Lion with sharper teeth and a bigger balance sheet. Strangely, it now also feels like Guthrie was the little engine that could — but then again nobody could call it little and, Guthrie has proved many times that it couldn't. And it seems to have the wounded feel of a Grand Olde Dame replaced by a buxom starlet — but though Guthrie was once a stockmarket darling, there are very good reasons why the market fell out of love with it and sought others.
So what is it about Guthrie that makes us feel like we are saying goodbye to an era, an epoch maybe, more than a company incorporated for profit?
The Guthrie story started almost 200 years ago, in 1821, when a Scotsman called Alexander Guthrie founded and lent his name to the company, Guthrie & Co.
Alexander Guthrie landed in Singapore from the Cape of Good Hope and established the Guthrie agency house, the first British trading company in Southeast Asia, granted a licence by the British East India Company. Guthrie was among the first to extend two-way trade between Europe and Southeast Asia. Imports then included cloth, brandy and sherry while exports included spices, minerals and raw rubber. And there was set the foundations for Guthrie to become one of the largest import/export and rubber-producing businesses.
In 1896, Guthrie took root in Malaya with rubber cultivation, as one of the pioneers who brought the Amazonian native here. Even as rubber cultivation took off in a big way, another foreigner, this time the oil palm, was brought over to the British colonies. Guthrie introduced oil palm to Malaya in 1924.
The company grew from strength to strength and, in 1965, was listed on the London Stock Exchange as Guthrie Corp Ltd.
In post-1969 Malaysia, the government embarked on a massive affirmative action policy aimed at eradicating poverty and reducing social inequity. This wave of post-independence pro-Malay paternalism also saw an increasing awareness of what were essentially Malaysian assets but owned and run by westerners.
In 1978, national unit trust agency Permodalan Nasional Bhd was set up. A year later, another government agency, Pernas, undertook the first dawn raid to bring home Sime Darby Bhd.
Two years later, it was Guthrie's turn. This time it was a move from PNB, then headed by Tun Ismail Ali, aided rather ably by a young analyst called Khalid Ibrahim (now Tan Sri).

The Dawn Raid story as Khalid told The Edge:

"The toughest thing you have to do when you decide to raid is to pick the right stockbroker. We chose Rowe & Pitman. They had to have at least 30 or 40 of their staff at the time we were going to market, call all the prospective sellers of Guthrie shares to secure their acceptance."
The worry at the time was that if the news leaked, Guthrie's share price would have gone up. It had been decided that the offer price would be £2. "So, our challenge was not to tell these people anything."
It took Khalid and his team four months to get everything in place.
On Sept 7 1981, 4pm Malaysian time or 9am London time, the raid began.
Under London's rules, a raider was given 30 minutes to acquire 5% of its target's shares and then make the relevant announcement. The faster the 5% is secured, the better.
"While we were acquiring the 5% in London, Tun and I were here. On Sept 7, Tun flew to Singapore to secure a block held by OCBC," Khalid says.
There was no tacit agreement with the Singaporeans unlike with other friendly shareholders.
"In order for Tun to broach the subject with the OCBC owners, he had to wait till 3.30pm. We timed it. By 3.45pm, he had to get their acceptance, then make the call (to Rowe & Pittman). By 3.45, we had to tell the brokers that these are the people, these are the prices, so execute. So, Tun had a late lunch!"
Meanwhile, Khalid stayed behind in Kuala Lumpur to secure the stakes from other identified "friendly" shareholders. "I got confirmation from Bank Simpanan Nasional, Genting group… And also I had to get confirmation from Kuwait."
Kuwait came in readily, so did the other Malaysian parties. But there was a hiccup.
"I was stationed at the MIDF building. Bank Simpanan was at Jalan Ampang. They were supposed to bring the acceptance (notice) to me at MIDF but… you know what happened? There was a traffic jam!"
Khalid needed the acceptance from Bank Simpanan by 3pm but could not leave MIDF because he was needed by the phone. "You know what Tun did? He told Aziz Taha (then governor of BNM), you get out of Bank Negara and you get it and go to Khalid! And Aziz Taha did!"
Once the acceptance was in, Khalid had about 30% acceptance in his hand.
Meanwhile, Rothschild had secured the support of other British shareholders.
"Then we said, GO! The market came in and we announced that we had 45%. And we said, we are proceeding."
Tun Ismail was unable to secure OCBC's support.
"Tun called me and asked, 'Khalid, how have you done?'. I said, 'I have already executed. There is no turning back'."
By the end of the trading day, PNB had secured 47% of Guthrie. In less than a week, they had 51%, and within three months had taken over the whole company.
Once Guthrie was brought back, the other foreign-owned plantations fell in line. Harrisons & Crossfields negotiated to sell the Malaysian assets to PNB two years after the raid on Guthrie and Golden Hope Plantations Bhd was born (see next story).
For Khalid however, there was another coup waiting. "When we got Guthrie back, we did the housekeeping and sold the British business back. And we got more than what we invested. This was two years later. So, we literally got Guthrie for free."


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Post time 22-8-2011 02:27 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by 5229 at 22-8-2011 02:28

After the Raid

After the raid, Guthrie went through a reorganisation and expansion exercise that saw it increasing its land bank. Guthrie was listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (now renamed Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad) on Aug 25, 1989, following an offer for sale by PNB of 100 million ordinary shares of RM1 each, representing 10% of the issued and paid-up share capital of the company. The offer price was RM2.10 per share.
The reorganising continued and in 1994, Guthrie was neatly divided into plantations and property businesses. That was the year Guthrie started selling bungalow lots in Bukit Jelutong. And that was the year Khalid left PNB to helm Guthrie.
Khalid was offered an option to take up 5% of Guthrie, or 50 million shares, at RM2.50 per share. The market price for Guthrie shares was then RM2.96. He was given a further option to take up another 15% in Guthrie within three years. He was appointed Guthrie's group chief executive, after stepping down as PNB CEO, a position he took for "sentimental and professional reasons", as he told pressmen then.
It was openly discussed then that Khalid would eventually lead an MBO of Guthrie and nobody doubted for a moment that he would. He never did though. Perhaps Khalid was distracted by his expansion strategy — into Indonesia just as the crisis ended and the country was shedding its military dictator-past.
In 1999, Guthrie announced that it was buying 234,000ha of plantation land in Indonesia for RM1.38 billion. While crude palm oil prices were riding high in 1999, the market knew that the good times had rolled long enough and that a decline in the CPO cycle was imminent. The deal was signed in 2000, but by Feb 16, 2001, CPO prices fell to a low of RM662.50 per tonne. That year, Guthrie issued RM1.5 billion worth of US dollar-denominated sukuk bonds to finance the deal.
(This all transpired before the advent of biodiesel when non-traditional uses for palm oil had not yet been conceived.) Worse, at the time, Indonesia was tottering under the weight of political and economic strife.
It appears that it was not just Khalid's timing that was suspect. Lore from the ground says that Khalid was not given an honest picture of just what he was buying and thus Guthrie paid too much for the estates.
Guthrie then put a brave face on things and the official stand was, it hoped to concentrate its plantations activities in Indonesia, where cost is lower, and sell off some of its Malaysian operations.
Saddled with the Indonesian debts and far from sterling operations in Malaysia, Guthrie fell from grace fast and hard. Analysts ceased coverage of the stock, fund managers removed it from their radar.
Khalid worked hard behind the scenes, along with a group of staff who remain loyal to him to this day. By 2001, word had spread that the government was looking at removing Khalid.
He hung on and came up with plans on how to turn the operations around. But in late 2003, Khalid learnt that his board had decided not to renew his contract. And there ended an era.
Khalid was replaced by Datuk Abdul Wahab Maskan in January 2004, an old PNB stalwart who had headed another PNB company, Golden Hope Plantations Bhd. Wahab was tasked with turning the company around operationally, dealing with the debt burden and renewing Guthrie's relationship with the investment community.
It did not look like he was getting very far when, after a briefing last year, analysts and fund managers came away unimpressed.
But it was fairly obvious that something was brewing within the PNB stable as Guthrie's share price became surprisingly buoyant and remained so for months. There was talk of reorganising the PNB stable and Guthrie was definitely fingered for a possible seismic shift of some sort. By then Indonesia was doing a whole lot better than it had right after the acquisition — but it was still performing short of expectations.
In November 2006, Synergy Drive Sdn Bhd made its offer to acquire all the assets and liabilities of Guthrie and its subsidiaries. Synergy Drive was also going to buy up Sime Darby group's and Golden Hope's assets and liabilities as well.
For those who had followed the Guthrie saga over the years, the news was not unexpected. It, however, took time before realisation seeped in that this old planter would soon be relinquished to the history books.
Guthrie had become, for a time, the symbol of Malaysian determination to own its own assets even if it required raiding a foreign stock exchange. It represented the hopes and aspirations of a young nation. It stood for something more than what it was — as did the man who helmed Guthrie for nine years. For 186 years, Guthrie was part of the Malaysia story, and for nine of them, Khalid was its face.
Last Wednesday, Guthrie was traded for the last time on Bursa Malaysia. It closed at RM7.10.


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Post time 22-8-2011 11:35 AM | Show all posts
summary.....nak summary........

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Post time 22-8-2011 12:23 PM | Show all posts
aku teringat cite ;

- Wall Street
- Company Man
- Devil Advocates
- dan sewaktu dgnnye..

Sangat best klu dibuat cite Movie

Use magic Report

Post time 22-8-2011 01:42 PM | Show all posts
dah pernah dibincangkan kat sini. anyway kudos tu hero2 kita zaman dulu ... ght=serbuan%2Bsubuh

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