Reply #71 mallanhead's post
No worries. I memang selalu ke city. Lenkali kita boleh jumpa.
My anak2 nanti tidur rumah Kak Siti. Bolehlah I shopping dengan aman............... |
I nak tunjuk gambar rumah sewa I kat Jurien la. Tapi gambar lama. Jap I upload dulu........... |
Reply #72 platinum8's post
Aman damai lah you. I tgh menunggu2 sekolah bukak balik. Boleh lak my turn nak aman damai bershopping balik.  |
Reply #74 bitterchoc's post
silent resident tak pe gak. 'REsident' yg suka berparty tu haru pulak dibuat nye nanti. |
Edit to 'close unproper mouthssssssssss' 
[ Last edited by hirokuyumi at 12-1-2008 09:00 AM ] |
Jap jap jap .. ni ke rumah yang dipanggil craftsman house? |
Reply #81 joejambulpires7's post
Dar...soalan you tu for me ke? Apa dia craftsman house? I ni slow ler jugak...hahaha |
Reply #79 hirokuyumi's post
comelnyer rumah hiro |
Reply #83 long's post
Bole ler Long....rumah sewa. Nak hias lebih2 membazir, kalau rumah sendiri boleh bersakan sebab tak risau nak pindah randah lagi. Thanks for calling me the other day. |
Originally posted by hirokuyumi at 1/3/08 08:57 
Dar...soalan you tu for me ke? Apa dia craftsman house? I ni slow ler jugak...hahaha
Ha'ah for you ...nanti ku tunjuk gambar craftsman house.
Rumah you ckp dkt me ~ sunyilah tak dok suara kanak kanak  |
Edited....have to be extra careful now.
[ Last edited by hirokuyumi at 12-1-2008 09:02 AM ] |
Reply #85 joejambulpires7's post
Ye la Dar...tengah dok trying nih...memang sunyi, hopefully this year ada rezeki, korang doa2kan lah  |
Originally posted by hirokuyumi at 1/3/08 18:18 
Wreath to I buat sendiri, tapi that one not for autumn, it is for the holidays. I banyak beli barang kat Big Lots (some states ada, some tak de). I suka beli seasons items from ...
Cantik decor your house --very neat and tak serabut! Ku nampak pedang samurai ~ hang pernah keluarkan tak pedang tu dari sarung dia? |
Reply #90 joejambulpires7's post
Thanks Dar ...oh pedang tu hubby I selalu asah, naik seriau. Hobby dia collect swords...kita orang memang have a very different hobby...dia suka renaissance, swords, ninja, anime and lagu Jepun (favourite dia Ayumi Hamasaki)...I kalau dengar macam kucing menjerit jek..hehhe. Tapi I selalu gak sokong hobby dia macam teman dia pi ren faire and so on.
Lagi satu pedang tu dia pernah guna potong kepala Turkey (kalau order turkey halal still ada kepala intact lagi, masa tu kat MD)....kelakar ler sangat. I ada gambar dia masa tu, this time kita orang dok kat Bethesda, MD (very close to DC).
Hubby I terpegun, tak pernah tengok turkey sebelum masak ada kepala seumur idup. But this was the best turkey ever I pernah beli from halal market in DC.
Ready, set, hiyaaaaaaaaaaa
[ Last edited by hirokuyumi at 12-1-2008 08:58 AM ] |
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kita nak tampal gabo umah sewa kita pon rasa segan sesangat
dah ler umah sewa, kocik jer plak tuh, tak lawa, takdok decorasi.... sepah lak tuh
almaklum ler kita somi isteri malas berkemas
ps: tapi sejak akhir2 nie somi kita suka benor soh kita kemaskan umah... padahal yg buat semak tuh dia.... tak aci betul
pastu ari2 bising soh kita kuar jenjalan kt town... padahal bukan dia tak tau kita nie homelytype. dah le sejok... tido kt umah lagi besh |
Hiro n Cali
I pun seriau tgk gambar tu. Lebih2 lagi my bapak punya eldest abang kena pancung kepala dek Jepun dulu.  |
Reply #94 mallanhead's post
Mallan sorry about your uncle. I understand, my grandfather on the chinese side also died the same way, doesn't mean to make anyone feel sad about the pictures. You guys rasa kalau any of my pictures offended please let me know okay.
hehehe....hubby I nak testing sword dia tajam mana. Actually tu sword tu birthday present dari best friend dia. He got a bunch of friends yang crazy about collecting swords. Every year tak yah tanya apa present nak, mesti sword punya. Tapi Lord of The Ring punya swords dia tak berapa minat, its more into Ninja. I tell you men nih still like boys...suka expensive toys.
[ Last edited by hirokuyumi at 4-1-2008 09:24 PM ] |
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