Originally posted by HOTlips at 1-11-2008 06:30 PM 
Dgn erti kata lain.... persepi lah kan?
Apa yg org percaya or pandang terhadap sesuatu. Betul?
Tapi tu lah emmbi, persepsi seseorg kdg2 tak mencerminkan education level.
Kdg2 education lev ...
buku edward de bono...beautiful mind
cerita dgn terperinci org2 yg berpersepsi nie
persepsi mak/ayah pun terlalu rigid pasal anak2...bukan sebab dia tak berpelajaran
tapi bykkkk faktor yg mempengaruhi.... |
Perception, judgemnt, when can we drop it?
I wonder how it feels to go for a few hours, maybe one whole without single judging to thought, to anyone and anything.
Or the alternative would be controlled positive judgement, which is still a judgement. |
you are what you eat
you are what you judge
you are what you think
you are what you dream of |
Balas #62 my-alja\ catat
Setuju banget. Setinggi mana pun ilmu yg ada, tapi kalu EQ kurang mantap, nak settlekan perkara yg senang pun mungkin boleh jadik susah.
Moga2 Allah permudahkan semua urusan kita walaupun ilmu hanya seciput, EQ pun masih lemah. |
Reply #46 ajinomotonosuga's post
Wollah ......it sure is lovely to sleep when it rains.....no need for the aircon anyway!
Had an experience when baru balik dari UK....dah lama tak dengar hujan lebat. Malam tu hujan punyalah lebat that the drops on the banana leaves outside my bedroom window were so loud that I just couldn't sleep!
Sorry for the jest.
Aji is surely suggesting an awareness of the things around us, of nature which I am sure was a wonderment to the early people. Hence the development of divine attributes to them................
[ Last edited by hamizao at 2-11-2008 01:26 AM ] |
Reply #70 hamizao's post
but then Hami just to add on you have written , an editor of discovery magazine once wrote, "...and did u wonder why did the early civilization tend to always look up to the heaven above?" . He had written on the development of the so called monuments like the stone henge ...and etc and the contribution these monuments have to the civilisation ? he was so amazed that astronomy is one of the most ancient disciplines to evolve since the dawn of time..."...the need to look up ..."
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 2-11-2008 01:21 AM ] |
Reply #71 mbhcsf's post
Yes indeed especially those above , the constellation, sun, moon, thunder, lightening, rain, wind.........As they have no real knowledge of them yet they "look up" to them as they seemed to affect their lives. |
Originally posted by aizverus at 31-10-2008 03:00 AM 
for me...
educated and not...same jerk
anugerah ALLAH jugak
sebab yang tak educated tetap jugak berjaya
kadang2 taraf prof pun...pemikiran cam kanak2 juga..just for title...
so.sebab t ...
Hami ada menyebut,
"Seharusnya ia berkaitan dengan kebolehan minda berfikir........................."
Kefahaman tentang apa itu education dan educated harus betul. Kebanyakan berkefahaman
hanya setakan education yang formal. Ini terpulang juga kpd falsafah/sistem education yang dilaksanakan
oleh sesebuah negara. Ada banyak perbezaan. Ada juga tempat2 dimana sarjana boleh di beli atau mudah
didapati. Kan ada perbezaan diantara Stanford, Oxford dan........ Mantin. But my ideal of an education is what
I have mentioned above..............kebolehan minda berfikir. This is all encompassing.
Hello everyone i'm a first timer. Can I give my humble opinion.
For me everything is based on upbringing kalau betul didikan eloklah perangai begitulah sebaliknye. I rarely jumpe orang yang educated perangai x semenggah usually they are very humble and polite. Yang suke berlagak ni orang x educated(even though not everyone) especially part suke mengaku pandai tapi sebenarnye x orang camne memang bodoh sombong. Educated x boleh di ukur dari segi wang ringgit tapi dari segi ketinggian ilmu dan kerendahan akhlak dan akal budi serta didikan agama macam IQ dan EQ everything must be in complete package barulah boleh di panggil educated. This is just my 2 cent opinion. |
Reply #75 lizz_7777's post
thanks lizz....
u tak pernah jumpa professionals yg mengaku dia pro tapi tak tahu nak bawak diri dlm majlis?.....huhuhuhu....ramai...ramai...dan ramai
dlm nie pun ramai....i mean dlm cari but not in this board
btw....nak carik ketenangan sambil borak2...masuklah sini |
Reply #73 hamizao's post
kebolehan berfikir ....terlalu mentah isinya kot hami, boleh bagi details..plzz
sebab kalo konteks "kebolehan berfikir" ala malaya nie....u baca, u hafal, u muntah.....well educated already |
but then Alja...talking about bawak diri kat majlis ni
Originally posted by my-alja at 4-11-2008 08:39 AM 
thanks lizz....
u tak pernah jumpa professionals yg mengaku dia pro tapi tak tahu nak bawak diri dlm majlis?.....huhuhuhu....ramai...ramai...dan ramai
dlm nie pun ramai....i mean dlm cari b ...
but then Alja ada jugak majlis yg bercorak spiritual yg mana duduk bersimpuh lebih baik untuk baca yassin dari duduk kat sofa tapi yg i think sesetengan golongan yg berpakaian cantik, berkasut amboi berjenama mahalnya and so on [ u get my idea] yg dok kat sofa nak baca yassin sedangkan yg muslimin [ lelaki] dok kat carpet yg cantik dan gebu [ i mean dok kat bawah] so i tak mau nak label educated ker tak tapi my prof rasa pelik awat yg dok kat sofa.... so bawa diri kat majlis ni bukan shj org yg educatd pun canggung tapi macam mana pulak golongan yg dok kat sofa dan tak mau dok kat carpet surau? so u know sapa yg tak tau bawa majlis? kot kot baju 'rosak' may be
it comes both ways i guess.... |
selagi majlis tu yg ok konsepnya or alaaa..should be engaging enough lah kalau u bawa i ke majlis busana wanita cthnya well i might ended reading Julia Quinn novel hahhahhaaha bosan ler |
Reply #77 my-alja's post
U bace.... hafal.... then muntah already label well educated???? Pity!!!! Well its beyond that.... u kene betul betul faham and digest the knowledge first....couple with few years experience baru leh panggil so called ''well educated''. Lagi lame experience lagi bagus. Just my 2 cent opinion. |
Balas #67 Agul\ catat
May be we can add respect to balance our perception or judgment.  |
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Category: Belia & Informasi