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Author: SweetCandy


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Post time 24-3-2009 12:55 PM | Show all posts
ian sokong 100% dengan Danny & Adam

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Post time 25-3-2009 02:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iansuryani at 24-3-2009 12:55
ian sokong 100% dengan Danny & Adam

Hai ian

hom pong... definitely for these two guys...

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Post time 26-3-2009 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Huh! smlm... cecepat hom balik rumah smlm... ingat nak duk dpn tv.. layan AI...

ropenya takde ekk...

kena tunggu mlm ni lak...dah tukar siaran setiap Khamis ngan Friday (result).

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Post time 26-3-2009 01:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #63 holmes's post

same with me... hampehhh

terus layan AFC.. tv channel yg membuatkan diri merasa lapo

i hope to hear (someday) danny bawak lagu Micheal Bolton.. sure memukau

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Post time 26-3-2009 01:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #64 Hane's post


Owh yes... afc is hom nya other pebret channel... pastu 707 gak...

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:25 AM | Show all posts

he reminds me of Peter Andre.... pepe pon, vote for Adam! hehehe

[ Last edited by  Hane at 27-3-2009 10:26 ]

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #63 holmes's post

samalam kita.. confident sey duk dpn tv...
8pm plak tu.. . sah V memang tak ikut sangat perkembangan AI

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #67 virgomal's post

smlm adam lambert mcm hero filem 50s..
brapa botol minyak rambut dia tenyeh..!!
niway... he's the best..!!!

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Post time 27-3-2009 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hane at 27-3-2009 10:25

he reminds me of Peter Andre.... pepe pon, vote for Adam! hehehe

Adam smart giler kan smlm.. tngk gambar tu.. takde nail polish lagik... cuma ada earring jerkk..

rambut dia woooooooo...

hom all go for Adam and Danny...

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Post time 27-3-2009 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Last nite, meliat ulangan yg midnite saja..tapi nda sampat meliat Danny Gokey menunggui lg star world..kul 1 ptg ani ada kali lagi ulangannya...

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Post time 28-3-2009 07:25 AM | Show all posts
...and we say good bye to Michael Sarver....


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Post time 28-3-2009 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Mcm terasa yg final 2


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Post time 3-4-2009 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KRUfan at 28-3-2009 08:47
Mcm terasa yg final 2



Megan yg terkuar daaaaaaa...

next mungkeng anoop or Matt...

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Post time 3-4-2009 06:44 PM | Show all posts

Balas #73 holmes\ catat

the sexy one dah terkeluar..

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Post time 4-4-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #74 KRUfan's post

skrg dah tinggal 2 peserta pompuan jerkkk...

peserta lelaki monopoly le hom rasa pasal depa tu semua best...

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Post time 9-4-2009 12:41 AM | Show all posts
bestnya Adam nya performance...

ni review hom cilok dari bod sebelah

Review: Songs From the Year They Were Born

Most every season on American Idol, a point will come where a singer delivers a performance that lifts the contestant to a level that practically transcends the competition...a moment like David Cook's version of "Billie Jean" or Fantasia's "Summertime."  And since Adam Lambert was unquestionably the strongest, his "moment" will be what I'm discussing first as I review the "Songs From The Year They Were Born", from best to worst:

ADAM LAMBERT Mad World - Tears For Fears originally recorded this back in 1985, but Adam brilliantly decided to model his performance on the 2001 Gary Jules version that was used in the film Donnie Darko.  The song's sad lyrics of alienation of not fitting in seemed particularly poignant after seeing the pre-taped interview that revealed how a very young Adam was terrible at sports and was only interested in music and "playing dress-up."  I happened to catch Bill O'Reilly on his show Monday night wondering if someone as open and flamboyant as Adam could actually win American Idol....well, if Bill tuned in last night, I think even he would have been tempted to vote for Adam.  I mean, come on...when, if ever, do you remember Simon Cowell giving any contestant a standing ovation?  Grade:  A

ALLISON IRAHETA I Can't Make You Love Me - Sad songs ruled the night as 16 year-old Allison turned in one of her strongest vocals this season with her interpretation of the heartbreaking Bonnie Raitt classic.  And although I doubt she has yet to experience the very adult emotions she was singing about, Allison's stage presence and showmanship hid the fact well.  Bonus points for improved styling, which evoked memories of the glory days of Stevie Nicks or Heart.  Grade: A-

ANOOP DESAI True Colors - Anoop hit all the emotionally-charged notes with great, controlled passion and somehow made this slightly corny Cyndi Lauper hit sound somewhat relevant again.  But what to make of Anoop's uncool preppy outfit?  And was his bid for a more humble image sincere or simply calculated?  Either way, it was a good move.  Grade:  B

DANNY GOKEY Stand By Me - Yes, this tune is almost 50 years old, but Mickey Gilley covered it in Danny's birth year of 1980 and gave him technical license to perform it last night, although I question his decision to go even older in his song selection.  The first half of his performance was so Lite FM sleepy that I almost expected the Lunesta butterfly to come through my window, but thankfully Danny eventually increased the tempo and amped up his vocal delivery.  This was nowhere near his best, but I can now see that no matter where he ends up placing in this competition, Danny could easily have a career as an inspirational or Contemporary Christian singer.  Grade:  B-

MATT GIRAUD Part-Time Lover - Matt somehow managed to take one of my least favorite songs of all time and make it infinitely more listenable, although his performance was nowhere near as good as the judges seemed to think.  His jazzy-R&B arrangement totally worked, but his hit-n-miss vocals and Justin Timberlake copycat wardrobe were drawbacks.  Still, as Simon noted, this was worlds better for Matt.  Grade:  B-

KRIS ALLEN All She Wants To Do Is Dance - After turning in what I thought was last week's very best performance, Kris will likely find himself in the Bottom 3 tonight after this experiment-gone-wrong.  When a contestant attempts a radically different arrangement of a familiar song it's always a gamble, but Kris's roll of the dice came up snake eyes when he transformed the Don Henley hit into a smarmy mess.  Randy Jackson summed it up best (!) when he noted "I feel like we lost you in that song."  Let's hope we didn't lose him for good.  Grade:  C-

LIL ROUNDS What's Love Got To Do With It - Season 7 contestant Syesha Mercada made the same tragic mistake of not only covering a Tina Turner song but imitating the music icon's dancing and gestures as well.  We've already got one Tina Turner...we don't need another.  Kara DioGuardi gave us what was possibly the sharpest observation to come from any judge this year: Lil is struggling to make the leap from singer to artist.  And clearly she still doesn't understand the basic concept of taking a song and making it her own.  However, she looked better than ever and decided to fight by pleading with America to give her another chance to improve.  We've heard this from her before, but somehow I have a feeling the tactic will work for her again.  Grade: C-

SCOTT MacINTYRE The Search Is Over - I honestly doubt that Scott could have chosen a worse song.....people may have loved Survivor's Eye of the Tiger, but the group had definitely hit their Air Supply phase by the time they released this schlocky track.  It didn't help that Scott's vocals were weaker than ever and his image as a guitar-player was an extreme miscalculation.  If anyone is still voting for Scott at this point, it's for reasons other than talent.  Grade:  D

Based solely on last night's performances, the Bottom 3 would be comprised of the last three contestants reviewed above, although I'd rather see Matt there than Kris.

What did you think?  Was Adam Lambert's Mad World the "moment" of Season 8?  Is sympathy the only thing that can keep Scott MacIntyre going?  And what kind of compliment is it when Randy Jackson proclaims that Allison Iraheta, like Kelly Clarkson before her, can "sing her face off" ??   Sound off below!

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Post time 10-4-2009 01:14 PM | Show all posts
kesian Scott.. dah terkuar

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Post time 15-5-2009 01:19 PM | Show all posts
diam tak diam dah nak final dah
V tak tgk smlm pasal tido lepas magrib till 5am tadi :kant:

ni my sis punya status kat FB...
Sarah cried when she found out that Danny got voted out. Awww...Oh well - Danny Go Go Gone

Sarah is my 8yr old niece... emo minah ni... hahahaha

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Post time 16-5-2009 08:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #78 virgomal's post

Sarah emo??

hom pong quite shocked gak pasal Danny tak terpilih..

Adam ngan Kris yg got thru...

hom rasa Adam akan menjadi juara le tahun ni...


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Post time 16-5-2009 08:39 AM | Show all posts

saat2 mendebarkan...

Adam terpilih ke finale..

kris yg lega terpilih ke finale..

bye Danny...

Adam tak caye...Danny yg Tak terpilih..

Danny singing his last song...

Now... between these two... sape korang pilih??


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