kok jawapan korang bertentangan dengan komen psl FPDA di thread sebelah? kata korang FPDA leh di ...
advark Post at 23-5-2011 17:30
cuk...FPDA masih bisa diteruskan kerna tujuannya adalah untuk melindungi Malaysia dan Singapur...
dan yang pasti indon yang serem banget dengar nama FPDA...
Singapore has sufficient water supply, will not need to renew water contract with Malaysia in 2011
Minister for Enviroment and Water Resources Yaacob Ibrahim has reiterated that Singapore will not renew its water contract with Malaysia when it expires in 2011.
This is one of the two water contracts the Republic has with Malaysia.
The second agreement expires in 2061.
Dr Yaacob reassured Parliament that Singapore would have an adequate water supply.
" We have augmented our local catchments with the Marina, Punggol and Serangoon reservoirs. Singapore's water catchement area will increase from half to two thirds of our land area, when these 3 reservoirs are completed by 2011. New water supply is also being ramped up concurrently. With the completion of the new water plant in Changi in 2010, new water will be able to meet 30 percent of Singapore's water needs. In addition the desalination plants completed in 2005 can further meet about 10 percent of Singapore's water needs. "
Singapore will also not renew the 2nd water agreement due to end in 2061
Newater meets 30% demand
SENIOR Minister Goh Chok Tong officially opened Singapore's fifth and biggest NEWater plant on Monday.
Together with the existing four NEWater plants, the Sembcorp NEWater Plant will be able to meet 30 per cent of Singapore's total water demand, up from 15 per cent previously. There are plans to expand capacity to meet 40 per cent of Singapore's total water needs by 2020, said SM Goh.
A winner of the Global Water Awards 2010 Water Reuse Project of the Year, the new facility is the only large-scale water recycling plant in the world to be housed on top of a water reclamation plant. It purifies treated used water from the Changi Water Reclamation Plant, which collects and treats used water from the eastern half of Singapore.
Introduced in 2003, NEWater plays an important role in Singapore's drive towards eventual self-sufficiency. Industrial demand for the recycled water has grown 15-fold, from 4 million gallons per day (or mgd) in 2003 to some 60 mgd today, said SM Goh.
He added: 'Because of our sustained efforts we have come a long way in water self-sufficiency. When the first of our two Water Agreements with Malaysia expires next year, we will not be renewing it.
'By 2061 when the second Water Agreement expires, we can also be totally self-sufficient if there is no new water agreement with Malaysia.'
cuk...FPDA masih bisa diteruskan kerna tujuannya adalah untuk melindungi Malaysia dan Singapur...
dan yang pasti indon yang serem banget dengar nama FPDA...
gede-bab Post at 23-5-2011 17:44
ehehe indong iri ati tengok FPDA...punyalah indong nak bodek singaporn sampai depa sanggup bagi RSAF training kat indong...
dah minum pun. best. lagipun tahap qualiti air itu lebih tinggi daripada air minuman biasa. lagi satu, air itu dicampurkan dengan air reservoir biasa dan diproseskan lagi seperti mana air daripada sungai dan reservoir diproses sebelum boleh diminum. kau ingat air sungai di sana bersih sangat kah?
dah minum pun. best. lagipun tahap qualiti air itu lebih tinggi daripada air minuman biasa. lagi sat ...
belacan79 Post at 26-5-2011 19:11
aku tau la belacan...Majlis agama Islam Singapur dah keluar fatwa...air taik dan kencing tu boleh diminum oleh umat islam asal dicampur dengan air mutlak yang lebih banyak...tapi bila terbayang air taik dan cirit...
tu sebabnya aku nak pi Singapur pun berbelah bagi...wal hal famili aku ramai kat sana...
kalu pi juga kena minum air mineral dari Malaysia...
aku ada la join konvesyen dagang Mesia-Spore dianjur oleh MITI hujung tahun lepas. ramai la pelabur Spork cari peluang kat sini (selain tanah kubur di Nilai dan Semenyih =RM30K satu lot).
Ini fakta;
-pelaburan Spore di Malaysia tempoh Jan-Sep 2010 sahaja=USD33 bilion (USD bukan RM!)
-di Iskandar Dis 2010 akan masuk USD1.03 bilion.
-perbelanjaan warga Spore di JB=RM3 juta SEHARI
kalau Spore bom satu kilang di Mesia;
-samada ia milik orang Spork
-ada saham warga Spork
-ada staf orang Spork
satu fakta menarik ialah pertambahan orang Spore mohon PR Malaysia. Slogannya ialah; "You can die in Spore,but you cannot fall sick in Spore". sebab /kosharganya mahal.
fakta lain ialah; Sporean dah jadi adat hantar ibubapa ke rumah warga tua. Tak mampu nak jaga sebab sibuk kerja. Tapi mereka tak hantar nursing home Spore sebab mahal. Majjoriti di JB. Kalau JB dibom maka semua ibubapa Sporean akan mati.
too much generalizations. not every aged end in a nursing home jus like not every pre schooler end in a pre school childcare. one of the drawbacks of modernization is that the family nuclei gets smaller. the converse is true abt investments. sgreans could park their investments elsewhere and malaysia will be none the wiser or better. conflicts dont happen overnight.also, given the investments malaysia gets yearly vis a vis indonesia, vietnam and other countries in the region, it is all the more reason for relationship between the two countries to be good. btw, 33 billion usd might seem a lot but has to be seen in the context of the amt of funds that is managed from singapore - more than 900 billion.
dulu aku pernah singgah newater plant di singapura. saat itu, pegawai pub buat perbandingan di antara air daripada sungai tebrau di johor yang telah diproses dan air new water. the water quality of new water is much better. but what is more surprising is the composition of untreated water from sungai tebrau-taik dan air kencing together with industrial sewage. why do u think we are renewing the water agreement? at the end of the dAy, new water and desalination is more expensive
sorry to spoil ur patriotisme..but newater is not sustainable in the long run..uses energy and produce waste too and bloody expensive and the LKY mayoral dynasty will pass the cost to u guys with median income US$3000 with 20% of your population earning US$2k below....demand for ur newater from industry and factories which will be given priority will push price even further ...good luck...i am very happy for the uber elite of singapore and their profit from newater thanks to patriotic singaporeans like u who PAY n PAY.
singapore cannot secure water resoures on its own....msia and indonesia..if becoming the evil Malay/Javanese bogeymen LKY keep seeing in his imagination can cut energy/oil supplies to you and u have no way to make shit water potable....invade johor for water..yeah..go ahead and try...hehehe
very funny.Yet another uninformed post. it is perfectly sustainable. Our GDP per cap is around usd 43000-45000 per year (malaysia is usd 8000 per year?), one of the highest in the world. the average singapore family of 4 pays about 100+ usd for both water and electrical charges per month.
do you think pap govt doesnt know what it is doing? they plan decades in advance. sg water plans are made with post 2061 in mind. you should ask your govt about its water sustainability plans.
boo hooh...hooh..seems your knowledge is like belacan?
GDP per capita does not reflect real income..that is why i quote median income of US$3000 for the PAPy supporters.and severalstatistics show that 20% of singaporean households earn less than US$2k..that is a fact.
If not, Singaporeans would be spending holidays in Europe twice a years with that GDP per capita. of what..SG$50k per year??,,,BUT NOOOOO..we see singaporeans strutting like idiots in JB pretending to be stupid rich....like this...
The fact is Msian have more purchasing power than Singaporean median income earners as freported y UBS.I wonder why?Mabe we we have a shadown economy that should have prop our GDP three folds? Who knows?
And I recall your politican 'forcing' singaporeans to use Medisave in Malaysian hospitals...haha..very laughable..so all those 1st class wards in Singapore for who> the ang moh?
And you think we dun think long term? We have massive infrastructure projects that benefit the country for many years to come and and they are sustainable too.....we are now one of the biggest producer of solar modules in the world that will become a lucrative industry in malaysia....so there are many things malaysia can do that is suatainable besides turning shit water into bottled water or sepdning billions to prepare for an imaginary invasion from indonesia/malaysia.....
I have heard a great so massive many projects from Malaysia since i was a little kid. And yet, here we are in Singapore and there you are in Malaysia with the progress you have made. And here we all are in South East Asia and the global economy with the progress we have all made. Im sorry. I dont believe you at all. I dont believe in your great projects.
Achieve first world development status first then talk. As it is, Indonesia and Vietnam are growing faster than you and they will bypass you unless you do something.
In a capatilistic society, not everyone will achieve the same level of material wealth. I have been referring to the average lot of Singaporeans minus foreigners. You see a Malaysian cleaner working in Singapore really earn less than USD 2000 per month. We have lots of them here. I also see that you have resorted to using posts from blogsphere where criticism is always high. By that same token, I should also posts material from MAlaysiakini or any other malaysian website negative about the government. You know as well as we do that figures can be bandied around to suit specific arguments.
If you want to take into account real money or purchasing power, you need to use purchasing power parity which takes into account the costs of living. Lets see the rough figures:
I really wonder who is afraid of who at the end of the day - just by looking at the key stat figures We hardly talk about Malaysia. Just look at your poiticians over the years. We are very practical. We keep doing our stuffs quietly. We dont boast about our massive projects because we know they will make you eat your words. Do you know we are like it when your politicians complain abt us jealously. We know we that have been successful. hehe. And so do the world. It is the best response for thinking individuals.
like to rubbish malaysia by dragging vietnam and indonesia out of the blue.
Malaysia is big, we need projects just like your silly HDB flats and MRTs which mind you your politicians like to brag about ALOT. Our projects have benefitted us greatly in many ways. The North South highway have accelarted growth along North South corridors along the West Coast, opening new industrial towns like Kulim, proton City and even put add on growth on Penang (high end industry)and revitalise cities like Ipoh(now an education hub).Not only that, PLUS, the operator of the NSE is one of the biggest highway concessionaires in the world, operating highways in mind you....INDIA AND INDONESIA
...that is something to bragged about..now that PLUS is now owned by EPF..so the profits go to our retirement fund.s and they promise to incerase interest rate by 1% to 6.5%...NOW THAT IS PRACTICAL..and your CPF rob your retirement funds and give u back what..measly 2.5%/annum in the ordinary account http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2009/03/malaysian-epf-is-such-flunky.html
while Ho Ching lost Sg$50 billion investing in the likes merryll lycng and BoA..hahahha..something that is not reported in your MSM and your AMerican pals...
... big projects haveits multiplier effects..not to forget to our Borneo states..thanks to the biggest gas complex in Miri..Miri is becoming the fastest growing city in the malaysia...and the bakun dam is helping to bring in high end industry into Kuching thanks to excess energy..the MNC I work for just opened a photovoltaic plant there that will be among the biggest in the world... http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/7/15/business/6666012&sec=business
.this is contrary to Singky beliefs that no one is investing in malaysia all this years..:@ and many MNC continue to retain their facilities in Malaysia despite opeming new facilities in vietnam and indonesia..
Many of the big tickret projects have indeed accelerated growth in malaysia...to deny that is pure SOUR GRAPE on your part.....
to hell with vietnam and indonesia..malaysian GLCs and companies have enough funds to intenal investments,Malaysia owned companies like Scomi,Proton,Silterra are Malaysian owned entreprises that have ownership of critical tech like auromotive,chip manufaturing and transport...Scomi already building a monorail networkd fir Mumbai and was shortlisted for many transit projects... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mumbai_Monorail
.meanwhile there is RM250 billion of excess funds on top of total malaysian debt in our banking system
..our country have lots of money on the conbtrary..and lots of projects..
and that does not include developments in tourism and islamic finance of which we are doing very well in...
example, our citrawarna parade which is watched by millions in china and SEA and personally attanded by Martha Steward who sang praises for it...puts you YOG Olympics to shame..and citrawarna uses full volunteers for the choreograph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0D7qKK87Lo
Singa[poreans like to BS that arabs prefer their financial system but still...Malaysia is well ahead in Islamic Finance that Singapore had to ask Khazanah to set up Suku market in Singapore...we will still lead the pack for years and decades to come http://www.pwc.com/my/en/issues/islamic-finance-malaysia.jhtml
soo mr belacan....any more bad news for malaysia..I recall sour grape singaporeans like you have been predicting malaysia collapse since kingdome come and we are already seeing the European Union disintegrating under financial crap and 50 year old dictators being killed off in the middle east
I dun understand why Singaporeans like to think that just because Indonesia and Vietnam attract the likes of INTEL and TOYOTA means death for Malaysia industry and that Malaysia is inefficient..that is pure child thinking ..DAIHATSU will open plants in Jakarta soon but at the same time, Toyota is expanding its Perodua plants to supply electronic automatic transmission modules for the Indonesian plants and many parts will also be sourced from Malaysian vendors who are nurtured under the Proton/Perodua vendor development program.... http://news.mylaunchpad.com.my/Local/Article?Key=b01ab657-b4b5-4080-bd27-a424df61f778
.the same for the INTEL facilities in Vietnam because theu send their products for testing at the Kulim plants for testing before being shipped to europe...not the end of intel in malaysia...not to mention malaysian companies are involved in high end development projects like Desa Citypark project in Hanoi.
yes belacan..go ehaed..be not impressed by malaysia..hahha
BTW..we are not jeaous of having politicians of PAP mentality..thank you
And despite our US$7000 per capita almost all malaysian can afford to own cars which mind u we use to go for weekend trips and holidays in our beautiful states....MRT..we are getting that...
BTW..my family have two landed homes and a nice apartment in KL..two of them freehold..not that all malaysians are multiple property owners but almist all malaysians have a permannet place to call home in their kampung and hometowns...unlike Singapore..our property bubble are confined to KL ,Penang and JB..so we have lots of choice in terms of cheap and affordable housing that is not ridiculous like singapore $400k for a stupid flat which I have been in and not at all impressed...
and u get what..99 year lease measly flats..with your current high GDP growth and stagnant wages,.ur citizens will be mere renters and can;t afford to have children...hahaha...now you are begging to be treated at our hospitals and sending your old folks to die in Malaysia..of all places to Singaporean.....we should charge you like hell because of your US$50k per capita when you drag your feet to our hospital wards and put your grandmas in our nursing homes...hahaha