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Author: genot

Dewa dewi China (Chinese god pantheon)

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Post time 20-4-2010 01:03 AM | Show all posts
Nuwa Makes Men

Nuwa is the goddess who separated the heaven from the Earth, creating the Divine Land (China). She is the original ancestor of the Chinese nation. According to legend, Nuwa was also the younger sister of Emperor Fuxi (said to have lived during the third millennium BC) and she herself was an empress.

The historical records say:

Nuwa had the surname Feng; she had the body of a snake, a human head and the virtue of a divine being. She is also known as Mixi.

The name Nuwa first appears in one of the Elegies of Chu entitled Tian Wen:

Nuwa loved peace and delighted in making things. She moulded figures from the yellow earth and gave them life and the ability to bear children: this is how humanity was created. When demons fought a terrible war, they broke the pillars which held the heavens up. The firmament cracked open and the human world was put in mortal peril.

To save the lives of those she had created, Nuwa worked unceasingly, melting down the five-coloured stones to mend the breach. When the firmament was whole again, Nuwa, exhausted by her toil, lay down on the earth and was transformed into a vast mountain range. In this way, she nurtured the growth of the Chinese nation by providing a rich and fertile land. This well-known tale is known as 'Nuwa Mends The Firmament.'

Amongst China's ethnic minorities, another story has survived concerning how Emperor Fuxi came to take his sister Nuwa as his bride. This tale is known as A Brother And Sister Marry.

The ferocious God of Thunder was captured by Fuxi's father and imprisoned deep within a mountain cave. No one was allowed to visit him. Fuxi and Nüwa could no longer bear to hear the Thunder God's pitiable entreaties for water, but they dared not bring him any water. Eventually, the two of them shed tears which the god drank out of their cupped hands. The Thunder God was so strengthened by the tears that he burst out of his mountain prison. To repay Fuxi and Nuwa for their part in the rescue, the Thunder God pulled a long canine tooth from his mouth and gave it to them saying:

"In three days, mankind will suffer a terrible calamity. You may use this tooth to keep yourselves safe from harm."

Having said this, the Thunder God leaped into the sky and disappeared.

Three days later, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning. A tremendous storm broke out. Rain fell incessantly and the flood waters rose; huge waves swept across the earth and the entire human race was destroyed. As the flood began, the Thunder God's tooth transformed itself into a boat. Safe aboard this vessel, Fuxi and his sister rode the waves and drifted with the tides. Only when the waters had subsided did Fuxi and Nuwa realise that they alone had survived the desolation. When they had grown into adults, Fuxi and Nuwa became husband and wife in order to bear descendants and establish a new human race.

This second story reflects the custom of intermarriage between blood relations in ancient China. It also shows why Nuwa is known as the mother of the Chinese nation.

It is said that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated. It was Nuwa who made men by moulding yellow clay. The work was so taxing that her strength was not equal to it. So she dipped a rope into the mud and then lifted it. The mud that dripped from the rope also became men. Those made by moulding yellow clay were rich and noble, while those made by lifting the rope were poor and low. - from Tai ping yu lan

(Taiping Anthologies for the Emperor)

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Post time 20-4-2010 01:06 AM | Show all posts
Nuwa Mends the Sky

In ancient times, the four corners of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions split open. The sky could not cover all the things under it, nor could the Earth carry all the things on it.

A great fire raged and would not die out; a fierce flood raced about and could not be checked. Savage beasts devoured innocent people; vicious birds preyed on the weak and old.

Then Nuwa melted rocks of five colours and used them to mend the cracks in the sky. She supported the four corners of the sky with the legs she had cut off from a giant turtle. She killed the black dragon to save the people of Jizhou, and blocked the flood with the ashes of reeds.

Thus the sky was mended, its four corners lifted, the flood tamed, Jizhou pacified, and harmful birds and beasts killed, and the innocent people were able to live on the square Earth under the dome of the sky. It was a time when birds, beasts, insects and snakes no longer used their claws or teeth or poisonous stings, for they did not want to catch or eat weaker things.

Nuwa's deeds benefited the heavens above and the Earth below. Her name was remembered by later generations and her light shone on every creation.

Now she was traveling on a thunder-chariot drawn by a two-winged dragon and two green hornless dragons, with auspicious objects in her hands and a special mattress underneath, surrounded by golden clouds, a white dragon leading the way and a flying snake following behind.

Floating freely over the clouds, she took ghosts and gods to the ninth heaven and had an audience with the Heavenly Emperor at Lin Men, where she rested in peace and dignity under the emperor. She never boasted of her achievements, nor did she try to win any renown; she wanted to conceal her virtues, in line with the ways of the universe.

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Post time 20-4-2010 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Jiang Taigong Meets King Wen

When King Wen decided to go hunting, Bian, his official historian, burnt a tortoise shell to forecast the result. After reading the cracks he said, "Hunting on the north side of the Wei River is bound to bring a great gain. It will not be a dragon or a Chi, nor will it be a tiger or a bear. It will be a wise man sent by Heaven to be your minister and mentor." King Wen got on his carriage, started the horses, and set out for the place. There he saw Jiang taigong sitting on the grass and fishing. - From Liu tao (Six Tactics)

Zhou Xibo went hunting and on the north bank of the wei River he met Jiang Taigong. After talking with him, Xibo was very pleased, saying, "Before he died, my father had anticipated that Zhou would become prosperous when a sage came to us. Are you the sage? My father had long expected your arrival!" So he called him Taigong Wang (Father's Expectation). He returned with Taigong, sharing his carriage with him, and was to treat him as his mentor. - From Shi ji (Records of the Grand Historian)

King wen made Taigong the magistrate of Guantan. During the year Taigong was there, there was never a wind that was strong enough to disturb the leaves of the trees. Once in his dream, King Wen saw a beautiful woman weeping before his carriage.

When asked the reason, she replied, "I am the daughter of the god of Mount Taishan and married to the god of the East sea. Now I want to go home, but the virtuous magistrate of Guantan makes the trip difficult. For my movements are always accompanied by a violent storm, which damage his good name." After waking up, the king summoned Taigong to ask what had happened. He was told that a violent storm with pouring rain had swept areas outside Guantan that day. King Wen then promoted Taigong to the position of Chief General. - From Sou shen ji (Stories of Immortals)

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Post time 20-4-2010 05:09 PM | Show all posts
fuxi tu nama emperor rupanya
-yg aku tau fuxi tu watak dlm dewata raya

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Post time 8-5-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
benang ni penuh dengan informasi.

baguss...teruskan usaha anda.

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Post time 9-5-2010 12:27 AM | Show all posts

SUN wukong vesi org china..

SUN wukong versi org sindu

p/s (SUN  - or grandchild)

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2010 02:30 AM | Show all posts
Dewa Tanah (Di Tu Kong)

Dewa ni kadang2 orang panggil Tok Pe Kong. Taraf dia x tinggi sangat, tp orang2 Cina seluruh dunia banyak gak bg hormat kat dewa ni. Ada banyak sanggar2 yang didirikan orang2 Cina untuk hormat dewa ni, x silap korang leh nampak kat umah2 orang Cina sini jugak, atau kat tapak2 binaan ada sanggar. Sanggar tu tokong kecik.

Pemujaan kat dewa ni berakarkan pemujaan kat tanah masa zaman dolu2. Dalam masarakat yang mengamalkan pertanian, tanah dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang dihormati sb menghasilkan makanan n pakaian dr tumbuhan2 yang dihasilkan dr tanah. Masa zaman2 kuno, orang Cina akan lunggokkan tanah n bg hormat kat lunggokan tanah, pastu bg sembahan2 n hormat.

Karakter tulisan Cina '土' atau sebutan dia 'Tu' maksud dia 'Tanah' dibuat jadi macam satu lunggok, ni ms zaman dolu2 la. Dewa tanah di China masa dolu2 dipanggil sbg '世紀' sebutan dia 'She Ji' maksud dia zaman moden ni lebih kurang, adalah 'abad dunia.' Perkataan merujuk dewa Tanah ni direkodkan dalam Puisi Klasik Cina.

Dewa tanah dolu2 dilambangkan dgn longgokan tanah je xde tokong2 kecik untok dia pon. Kemudian bila kehidupan masyarakat tamadun China dh mula meningkat, dewa Tanah mula dapat tempat dalam masyarakat dgn mcm2 fungsi. Dewa Tanah pertama yang diberikan rupa manusia adalah Jiang Ziwen, dr dinasti Han. Beliau dipuja sbg dewa Tanah dr gunong Zhongshan ms zaman Tiga Kerajaan (San Guo Zhi).

Umumnya ada rupa dewa Tanah yang selaras ditokongkan orang ramai. Rupa dia digambarkan sbg org tua dengan rambut basah, ada janggut, dah tentu lar laki2, pakai baju panjang mcm jubah tu, n ada topi warna hitam. Dalam budaya orang2 kampung China, dewa ni ada pasangannya, iaitu "Nenek Tanah."  

Cina Malaysia rasanya ada dewa Tanah dorang sniri jugak, dorang panggil sbg Na Tu Kong atau Dato' Kong. alah korang g kat pekan2 macam Suntex ke atau kat mana2 tempat ada orang2 Cina dudok ada ler berhala dewa ni. Kalau umah dok tepi jalan letakkan berhala ni dipercayai mengelakkan rumah dihentam lori, sebab umah2 kat tepi jalan katanya selalu jadi mangsa hentaman lori yang dipandu tukang bawak lori yang payau ngantuk malam2 atau mabuk todi ke, kat dalam surat kabar dolu kan ada kejadian lori2 hentam umah org.

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2010 02:41 AM | Show all posts
Tokong Dewa Tanah

Tokong atau Sanggar dewa Tanah ni adalah tempat dewa ni dipuja atau diberhalakan. Stengah tokong2 kecik ni didirikan dgn empat bijik batu yang ada tangkup kat atas dia, stengah tokong kecik dewa ni sbenarnya x de berhala dewa pun tp akan ada papan kecik dalamnya dengan gelaran tertentu bg dewa2 tanah.

Stengah2 kawasan yg x cukop bajet nak wat tokong utk dewa ni, dorang akan letakkan bekas tanah liat bg terbalik atas tanah, pastu buat lubang atas bekas tanah liat tu, letakkan papan peringatan yang ada gelaran dewa tanah kat dalam tu.

Tokong paling mewah bg dewa Tanah ni ada satu kat luar gerbang Xuanwu kat Beijing sana. Tokong ni dibina dalam dinasti Yuan.

Kalau kat M'sia, pon ada banyak jenis jugak tokong untuk dewa Tanah ni, tp dalam bentuk orang tua Melayu. Misalnya macam ini:

Natu Ali atau Dato' Ali

ok yang ni yang kat Pekan Suntex kat Batu.9, Cheras, tokong Dato' Samsuri

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Post time 9-5-2010 06:16 PM | Show all posts
apasal cina buat bentuk org melayu, apakah nak hormat semangat2 yg berjiwa melayu?

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2010 11:19 PM | Show all posts
dh dok kat tanah Melayu, keramat2 tu smua pon Qeramat Melayu ler kowt... kalo dok kat tanah India, bentuk dewa Tanah mungkin jadi bentuk datuk Murugan ke, atau datuk SRK

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Post time 10-5-2010 12:55 AM | Show all posts
tu la dia ketuanan melayu, semangat pun semangat melayu
-ni salah satu bukti kenapa org melayu asal sini, semua jin dan hantu pun dah berbentuk emlayu, jadi nak duk sini kena la hormat sama jin dan hantu melayu tu

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2010 02:12 AM | Show all posts
rasanya mumkin ada pengaruh tempatan dalam pemujaan dewa Tanah orang China kat M'sia ni. budaya puja dewa Tanah memang ada kat China cuma kat sini dewa Tanah tu kemungkinannya ada kaitan dgn tempat dorang tinggal.

semangat2 tanah ni mongkin dok kat tanah, pokok2 besar, busut2, gua, tepi2 sungai, atau kat tempat2 yang pelik. ada orang akan dapat lihat rupa datuk Kong ni di tempat2 dorang dudok misalnya dalam bentuk rimau puteh atau orang tua yang pakai baju jubah puteh. dolu ms aku kat PLKN, ada kawan Cina dalam khemah yang nampak bayangan warna puteh kat belakang khemah kitorang, dalam utan kat Kuala Berang.

Seram gak aku dengar sb aku ingat budak2 tu mabuk ke melantak arak atau lalok, budak2 Melayu pon cakap nampak jugak. dorang tgh2 sembang lebih kurang jam 3 pagi nampak bayang warna puteh kat belakang khemah. besok pagi2 budak2 Cina g beli colok ramai2 n semayang letak limau la kuih apom kat belakang khemah

dorang pon boleh jemput datuk2 ni dudok kat luar umah dorang jadik penunggu, yg korang nampak ada bentuk tokong kecik kat luar umah orang2 Cina kat M'sia ni.

kalo Datok yang jadi penunggu kampong2, dia dipanggil Datok Panglima Itam. Kalo penunggu pokok, dipanggil datuk Ijau. stengah2 tuk mo di tokong akan panggil Datuk2 ni rasuk badan dia menurun n mengubat orang sakit, ala2 orang main puteri gitu tp ni style Cina lar.

makanan2 nak sembah kat Datuk2 yang Islam ni x leh bg sesuka ati. dorang akan soh orang Islam sembelih ayam, ni kalo di Perlis. daging2 mcm daging kambing pon beli dr orang Islam nak sembah kat Datuk Penunggu Tanah.  dorang akan sediakan beras kunyit sekalik masak pulut kuning kalo nak mintak no ekor sport TOTO, aku tau ada Melayu dok wat jugak kerja2 macam ini, hehehehehehehee

babi n arak x leh hidang kat datuk penunggu tanah yang Islam mcm Datuk Aji Keramat atau Datuk Kong. dorang x suka.

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Post time 10-5-2010 10:15 AM | Show all posts
aku selalu nampak colok dinyalakan di simpang - simpang trafik light. tu nak sembah dewa apa pulak?

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2010 04:12 PM | Show all posts
yang colok kat simpang2 jalan atau lilin2 ke kemungkinan ada orang mati... nak bg roh orang mati mudah balik lawat umah...

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Post time 10-5-2010 04:58 PM | Show all posts
datuk kong nih betoi ka org kata nama tu sempena nama worg alim melayu kt kampong tuh?atau tuh namo bunian atau jin isele?siap ado nama haji keramat la...lawak pom adow, pi sembah tok aji melayu yg tak makan babi...
syok la bnd tuh worg cina dok sembah dia.pasaipa tak jd saka pulok bnd2 nih mcm jd kt worg melayu?elok jah cucu cicit cina kampong yg dh jd urban tuh tak kena kacau ngn saka datok aji nih?

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Post time 11-5-2010 03:15 AM | Show all posts
yang colok kat simpang2 jalan atau lilin2 ke kemungkinan ada orang mati... nak bg roh orang mati mud ...
genot Post at 10-5-2010 16:12

tu nak buang sial sbb kena tegur laa.......

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2010 09:39 AM | Show all posts
maksod kena tegur tu, kena sampuk ngan antu? ingatkan dorang wat mcm lampu2 kat landasan kapal terbang tu ala2 kapal terbang nak landing gitu...

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Post time 11-5-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts
maksod kena tegur tu, kena sampuk ngan antu? ingatkan dorang wat mcm lampu2 kat landasan kapal terba ...
genot Post at 11-5-2010 09:39
tu UFO nak landing laa.........

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2010 12:58 PM | Show all posts
zaman2 90-an dolu best gak tgk movie2 hantu merapu dr HK... aku dh lupe dh sape yg berlakon... tp mmg best walopon mrapu gak kadang2...

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Post time 12-5-2010 12:44 AM | Show all posts
zaman2 90-an dolu best gak tgk movie2 hantu merapu dr HK... aku dh lupe dh sape yg berlakon... tp mm ...
genot Post at 11-5-2010 12:58
hantu yg lompat2 atau hantu betina tu?

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